
Dihydroergotamine, also known by the trade name Dihydergot, is a derivative of ergotamine used to treat and prevent migraine attacks. This drug can be given orally or by injection and is generally well tolerated by patients.

Migraine is a serious neurological disease that is characterized by intense pain symptoms in one side of the head. These pains are usually accompanied by sensory disturbances such as photophobia, nausea and vomiting. Migraine is often a chronic condition that can significantly impair the quality of life of patients.

Dihydroergotamine is one of the most effective medications for treating migraines, especially when other treatments do not work. It works by constricting dilated blood vessels in the head, which reduces the intensity of pain symptoms.

As mentioned, dihydroergotamine is well tolerated by patients and side effects are rare. However, in some cases, patients may experience nausea. In such cases, it is recommended to take the drug with food to reduce the likelihood of side effects.

In conclusion, Dihydroergotamine is an effective drug for the treatment of migraines that can be given orally or by injection. It is generally well tolerated by patients and side effects are rare. If you suffer from migraines, be sure to discuss with your doctor the possibility of using dihydroergotamine to treat your condition.

Dihydroergotamine is a drug that is used to treat migraines. It belongs to a group of drugs called ergotamines, which are derived from the ergot plant. Dihydroergotamine works by dilating blood vessels in the brain, which reduces blood flow and reduces pain.

The drug can be taken orally or administered intravenously. When taken orally, it is rapidly absorbed and reaches maximum effectiveness after a few hours. However, some people may experience side effects such as nausea or dizziness.

It is important to note that dihydroergotamine should not be taken without consulting a doctor. It is not intended for long-term use and should only be used under professional supervision.

Dihydroergotamine is an effective remedy in the fight against migraines

Dihydroergotoamine (DIHYDROERGOTAMINE) is a drug prescribed to treat and prevent migraine attacks. It belongs to the group of ergotamon derivatives (IA receptor agonists). DIHYDROERTOMANINE's mechanism of action is to constrict blood vessels in the brain, which leads to a reduction in migraine symptoms. **Indications:** Dihydroertomanine proprogram is used in the medical field for painful migraine attacks and for the prevention of migraine relapses, vascular origin of headaches, also in the presence of Tourette's syndrome. **Mechanism of action:**Dihydroertomanine, compared to other ertotamine derivatives, has a lower adrenergic effect. This glycoside is intended to eliminate the manifestations of chronic pain syndrome. The therapeutic effect of Digerorhomanin is achieved by blocking the sympathetic response to nerve signals arising in the epigastric and umbilical zones.

**Form:** Tablets 0.05 mg. 2% solution, 2 ml in ampoules.

Dosage and use: The drug is used in both tablet and injection forms. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor during an exacerbation of migraine with a frequency of administration three times a day. The maximum dosage of the drug is 8 mg per day. The duration of the course, depending on the severity of the condition, is 4-7 days. For prophylactic purposes, Digerorgonacin is administered once a day. The optimal course duration is a month (up to two months). Before use, it is strictly recommended to read the instructions for use.

Side effects: Injections contain lactose