Myofibril (Myofibrite)

Myofibril is a contractile organelle present in the cytoplasm of striated muscle fibers. Myofibrils are distinguished by transverse striations; alternating areas with different refractive indexes can be found in them (dark anisotropic A disks alternate with light isotropic J disks), which gives the striated muscles their characteristic appearance.

Myofibril is a contractile organelle present in the cytoplasm of striated muscle fibers.

A distinctive feature of myofibrils is their transverse striation. In myofibrils, areas with different refractive indexes of light alternate: dark anisotropic disks A alternate with light isotropic disks I.

This structure gives striated muscles their characteristic appearance. Myofibrils play a key role in the process of muscle contraction.

Myofibrils are structural elements of muscle tissue that determine its properties and functional features. They are a specific complex of thin filaments formed from certain proteins and capable of contracting. These are contractile organelles present in the cytoplasm of muscle fibers (striated muscle fibers).

Myofibrils are the main structural components of muscle, which give it strength and elasticity. Their structure consists of two types of threads - A-type and J-type. Type A filaments, consisting of thickened protein fibers, are large in size and located along the myofibrils towards the middle. J-type filaments are thinner and consist of finer protein fibers. They