Effective cream for nasolabial folds

Nature works in such a way that over time, the skin of any person loses its elasticity and begins to wrinkle.

With age, in both men and women, one of the most common and unpleasant problems is the appearance of nasolabial folds.

They can also occur at a young age, since the nature of their development is due to facial muscle contractions. Read below about how to properly deal with this problem.

Pharmaceutical products against wrinkles around the mouth

Modern pharmacology offers a number of effective means to remove wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. They vary in price, method of use and degree of effectiveness. There is the best option for every consumer. All anti-wrinkle products are divided into groups:

For the nasolabial area, creams intended for the entire surface of the face are used. At a younger age, products containing hyaluronic acid will be the most suitable option. For pronounced wrinkles, you should give preference to creams with a lifting effect. Among the most popular products are Shark Oil and anti-wrinkle cream with collagen from the Librederm brand.

“Shark oil” is a 50 ml tube. The active components of the composition include substances beneficial to the skin:

  1. water;
  2. almond oil;
  3. aloe vera gel;
  4. shark oil;
  5. neroli oil;
  6. Coenzyme Q10.

The positive aspects of the cream include its cost. It varies from 100 to 110 rubles. According to reviews, the cream is quickly absorbed and has an excellent tightening effect. Another positive property is the ability to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Librederm brand cream must be applied at night. Thanks to the presence of collagen, it gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. The skin becomes more elastic and radiant in appearance. The course of using the cream is designed for two weeks. After this time, a tangible result will be noticeable.

When fighting wrinkles, it is important to regularly use a product directed against them.

Ointments have a denser texture. For this reason, they take longer to absorb. It is recommended to apply the ointment immediately before going to bed, since not all of them can be a good base for makeup. The most effective products in ointment format include:

Hydrocortisone ointment is intended to combat allergic reactions on the surface of the skin. The active components of the composition have the effect of retaining moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Due to this, slight swelling is formed. Expression wrinkles begin to smooth out. They began to use ointment in cosmetology recently.

Initially, Radevit ointment was used to restore the skin in diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and erosion. Later, the product began to be actively used in cosmetology. This is due to its rich composition, which includes vitamins A, E and D2. These components not only have a soothing effect on the skin, but also actively nourish it. Vitamin A is one of the most effective components that eliminate wrinkles.

The direct purpose of Panthenol is the regeneration of skin cells. Very often the product is prescribed to heal burns or other skin damage. Panthenol improves the process of cellular metabolism, due to which collagen fibers gain strength. The advantages of the ointment include the ability to be quickly absorbed without leaving marks on the skin. This allows you to use the ointment at any time of the day.

Masks designed to remove wrinkles are available in different formats. Fabric masks are easy to use. They are impregnated with a special solution. To achieve the desired effect, you need to place the mask on your face for a certain time. But this type of mask is somewhat inferior to those that can be prepared at home using pharmaceutical products. The most popular masks are those based on clay and natural essential oils.

Clay-based masks are suitable for any skin type. They perfectly mattify and tone the skin. With regular use, wrinkles become less pronounced. In the pharmacy, clay is sold in dry form. Before applying to the skin, it must be diluted with water. If desired, you can enrich the composition with herbal decoctions, oils, lemon juice or milk.

Masks containing natural essential oils are wildly popular. The following oil options can serve as the main component:

  1. almond;
  2. grape seed oil;
  3. peach;
  4. jojoba oil;
  5. wheat germ oil.

Oil masks are applied for 10 – 15 minutes, after which you should blot the skin with a paper napkin. Smoothing of wrinkles will be noticeable with regular use of masks. Preference should be given to high-quality oils. Low-quality samples can clog pores.

In the presence of pronounced nasolabial folds, injections are most often used. The procedure for introducing a special solution under the skin is absolutely safe, provided that all established standards are observed. The injection must be performed by a qualified specialist. During the procedure, tingling may be felt. In some cases, small bruises may remain at the site of the skin puncture. Botox or preparations containing hyaluronic acid are most often injected into the nasolabial folds.

Botox is used to a greater extent outside the Russian Federation, since the procedure is not available to everyone due to pricing. The cost of one injection varies from 900 to 2000 rubles. It depends on the prestige of the clinic and the professional qualities of the cosmetologist.

Botox locally paralyzes muscle function. The result will last on average 6 months. After this period, the procedure must be repeated. The outcome of the procedure will include the following:

  1. absence of creases, even with active facial expressions;
  2. increasing skin elasticity;
  3. filling existing wrinkles.

Overuse of Botox can lead to drooping of the corners of the mouth or eyelid.

The result will last on average 6 months. After this period, the procedure must be repeated.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural element found in the skin. It retains moisture, affecting the tone and elasticity of the skin surface. The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds ensures smoothing of wrinkles for up to six months. The most popular drugs containing it include:

The cost of drugs varies from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. Their composition is close to the structure of skin cells, so they are absolutely safe. The procedure is repeated after six months. The removal of hyaluronic acid occurs naturally.

Reviews of salon procedures and pharmaceutical products are, in most cases, positive. Side effects are extremely rare. Getting rid of wrinkles when using injections occurs in a much shorter time. Pharmacy products have a cumulative effect.

Tell me a good cream, the situation is not bad, but folds are appearing. Do not offer injections. Thanks in advance

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I wouldn’t like to upset you, but not one cream will save you from what is inherent in nature and the advancing years :)

Do exercises for this part.
For example. Lift a plastic bottle of water with your lips / as much as you can /
Or exercises like gargling water in your mouth

buy a good anti-aging cream and apply it to your heart's content. only without lifting and any other problems. how old are you? about 30? if yes, then it’s time to start. I’m 29, last year I noticed that my nasolabial lips were developing. Probably no one except me noticed them. I bought myself an anti-aging skin serum - and that’s it, my face is like a feather.

Vacuum massage, only very gentle, but regular. You can also do electromyostimulation in courses. Cream without mechanical procedures will not help.

| 10.01.2013, 09:31:57 [726032281]

A good cream, very Olay Age Defying (I like it anyway). I used it at night and in a couple of weeks all the small wrinkles disappeared - on the forehead, in the nasolabial folds.
I was very surprised myself, now I recommend it to everyone.

buy a good anti-aging cream and apply it to your heart's content. only without lifting and any other problems. how old are you? about 30? if yes, then it’s time to start. I’m 29, last year I noticed that my nasolabial lips were developing. Probably no one except me noticed them. I bought myself an anti-aging skin serum - and that’s it, my face is like a feather.

Related topics

buy a good anti-aging cream and apply it to your heart's content. only without lifting and any other problems. how old are you? about 30? if yes, then it’s time to start. I’m 29, last year I noticed that my nasolabial lips were developing. Probably no one except me noticed them. I bought myself an anti-aging skin serum - and that’s it, my face is like a feather.

Tell me a good cream, the situation is not bad, but folds are appearing. Do not offer injections. Thanks in advance

What kind of serum?

Good afternoon Try TRAITEMENT CONTOUR from La Biosthetique. In general, the manufacturer claims that it is for the area around the eyes, BUT! Not only does it work amazingly there, but it also smoothes out the nasolabial and forehead very well. I'm 29 years old, also not neglected. I apply it directly to the wrinkle at night, it tightens slightly, you can, in principle, apply regular cream on top of it, then you won’t feel any tightness. With regular use, the result is noticeable within a week.

Tell me a good cream, the situation is not bad, but folds are appearing. Do not offer injections. Thanks in advance

Girls, I found a proven method on how to lose weight, tested on myself and my friends! Ginger bath soda has recently appeared on our market. Everyone knows that in water people lose weight on their own, but here there is a special soda that increases this effect, and even ginger. Besides the fact that I lost weight, my skin also became tighter)
We bought everything here:

I wouldn’t like to upset you, but not one cream will save you from what is inherent in nature and the advancing years :)

The cream with ***** helped smooth out all the sagging >

The cream with ***** helped smooth out all the sagging >

Do exercises for this part. For example. Lift a plastic bottle of water with your lips / as much as you can / Or exercises like gargling water in your mouth

You need to cleanse your face with soft and delicate products that do not dry out the skin. I use the Vichy brand, I settled on it because the cosmetics are medicinal, sold only in pharmacies and they really work! I advise you to buy Purte Thermal refreshing cleansing gel for washing, it foams very well and is washed off with water, no tightness after it. Then apply the Vichy Liftactive Supreme cream - just an excellent product for instant lifting, the complexion is fresh and radiant, the cream lasts until the evening. And at night - after cleansing, apply the Vichy Liftactive night care cream, which smoothes the microrelief, provides intense nutrition and restores the skin in overnight. The cream is light, with a velvety texture and a pleasant aroma. After a month, the wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, the face is tightened and youthful. Good luck!

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Many women want to remove nasolabial folds. There are many effective methods. Which of them are the most successful and how you can deal with this problem at home, what procedures for their reconstruction are offered by cosmetology clinics are described in the article.

Causes of nasolabial folds

With age, skin elasticity decreases significantly. First, small mimic wrinkles appear, then pronounced deep wrinkles. The folds that connect the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips are called nasolabial.

First, you need to understand the reasons why this cosmetic defect occurs. The appearance of deep nasolabial folds is possible not only in older women, but also in young girls.


Reasons for appearance:

  1. Rapid weight loss. With rapid weight loss, the fat layer under the skin becomes thinner, causing the skin to sag.
  2. Improper skin care. Rough massage, use of inappropriate cosmetics.
  3. Dehydration. By drinking little fluid and not moisturizing the skin, such wrinkles may appear on the face much earlier.
  4. Impact of negative environmental factors. UV rays, temperature changes, and unfavorable ecology affect the health of the skin.
  5. Inappropriate posture while sleeping. If a woman is used to sleeping on her stomach (with her face in the pillow), the relief of wrinkles may increase.
  6. Bad habits. Nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, alcohol - accelerate the aging process of cells. The skin becomes sluggish, dry, lifeless.

Sometimes the cause of the appearance of nasolabial folds is heredity, individual characteristics of the structure of the skull or malocclusion.

Facial gymnastics in the fight against nasolabial folds

There are a number of exercises that help remove nasolabial folds.

The best method is facial charging:

  1. Need to stretch your lips in a wide smile, then sharply pull it out into a tube.
  2. On a long exhale withYou should completely relax your lips.
  3. You have to try touch your chin with your upper lip.
  4. Pull out lips tube for a few seconds as you inhale, then relax as you exhale.
  5. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks, then move air from one cheek to the other through the upper and lower gums.
  6. Puff out your cheeks for a few seconds, then take a deep breath.


Remove nasolabial folds. The best methods are cosmetic procedures, gymnastics or massage

Such gymnastics will strengthen the facial muscles and improve blood circulation. To achieve the best effect before exercise, it is advisable to apply nourishing creams to the skin.

Important to remember! It is necessary to apply creams only along the massage lines of the face: from the center to the temples.

Massage for nasolabial folds

Massage is considered one of the most effective ways to combat nasolabial folds. This is the best method of not only preventing the occurrence of such wrinkles, but also eliminating them.


Thanks to simple and simple manipulations, the skin will quickly become toned and tightened:

  1. You should attach your index and ring fingers to the wings of the nose, then move down along the nasolabial folds to the corners of the lips. Without lifting your fingers, you need to move them again to the wings of the nose and, with a sliding movement, direct your fingers along the cheekbones to the temples, from the center to the edge of the face.
  2. Make smoothing movements with your fingertips along the nasolabial folds from the center to the cheekbones, as if smoothing out wrinkles. At the same time, you should not press hard, so as not to injure the facial muscles; movements should be light.
  3. You need to open your mouth so that the lips are elongated into an oval, and wrinkles are not noticeable. Using the pads of your fingers (index and middle), lightly tap up and down along the wrinkle line.
  4. Light finger movements move up and down the nasolabial folds.

It is best to combine massage with the use of various oils, nourishing creams or vitamins in liquid form (A, E).

Massage should be carried out in the morning and evening, 3-6 approaches each.

Effective creams that smooth nasolabial folds

Currently, there is a wide selection of cosmetics for the care of aging skin. If you regularly use the miracle cream, the manufacturer promises that age-related changes will become less pronounced, the skin will tighten, and wrinkles will disappear.

Consider popular cosmetics:

Firm Name of cosmetic product

How it works Price, rub.) Quickly, visually remove nasolabial folds - the best method of wrinkle filler (filler) 1. L’Oreal Paris Dermo-Expertise filler Revitalift Serum is intended for women over 40 years old. Reduces the severity of wrinkles by filling them with hyaluronic acid. Improves skin structure. Evens out the contour of the face. The manufacturer recommends using the entire series of products in this line for the care of aging skin to achieve the best result.

950-1100 each 2. Skin Doctors Antarctyline plump

An anti-aging cream that stimulates collagen production in the skin and prevents dehydration. Wrinkle filler. With regular use, it tightens the oval of the face, deeply moisturizes the skin, and reduces the appearance of fine and deep wrinkles. 4200-4400 3. Avene Gel-concentrate for deep wrinkles Avene Eluage

Designed specifically to eliminate fine and deep expression and age wrinkles. The composition includes hyaluronic acid enzymes, improves metabolic processes in the skin. 2000-2100 4. Mary Kay Deep wrinkle filler Volu-Fill

Contains retinol and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to a special substance in the composition - elastomer, instant results are ensured, wrinkles are filled externally. 2600 5. Librederm Hyaluronic filler 3d (night) Recommended for women over 25 years of age. The anti-aging effect occurs due to hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, oil extracts and wheat germ in the cosmetic product. Fills the skin with moisture. 850-1100


You should know!
Filler is an injectable drug that is used to fill deep wrinkles through injections into the problem area. If there is a similar inscription on the cream, this means that the product fills wrinkles externally.

Skin masks to combat nasolabial folds

Before using any mask, it is necessary to do a sensitivity test in order to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. The main principle of cosmetic procedures, which guarantees a good result, is the regularity of sessions.

Remove nasolabial folds Natural masks will help - this is the most effective method that can be used at home with minimal material investment.


  1. vitamins A and E;
  2. yolk;
  3. ascorutin, 2 tablets.

Beat the yolk, add 3 drops of vitamin E, 2 drops of vitamin A, ascorutin (pre-crush into powder). Before application, the face should be steamed, the mask should be applied along the massage lines of the face (from the center to the temples), left for 15 minutes, and rinsed off. Repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a week.


  1. vitamin A;
  2. gelatin 4 tsp;
  3. 5 ml. lemon juice;
  4. 8 tablets of spirulina (seaweed extract).


Add 0.5 tbsp gelatin. warm water, then you need to allow the gelatin to cool and swell. Spirulina tablets are poured with water so that they infuse and are saturated with liquid. Add 3 drops of prepared lemon juice and vitamin A to spirulina.

Then mix the resulting cocktail with heated gelatin. The jelly-like mask is applied for a quarter of an hour and washed off. Repeat the procedure 2 or 3 times a week.


  1. bay leaf 14 pcs.;
  2. 3 chicken eggs;
  3. water 200 g;
  4. olive oil 20 g.

It is necessary to prepare a decoction of bay leaves, strain and cool. Then beat the eggs well. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting egg foam. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. decoction


Next, cotton pads or small strips of gauze are soaked in the prepared mixture, applied to the problem area, secured with a band-aid, left for 40 minutes, and washed off. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for 3 days in a row, then take a break for 3 days.

Cosmetological methods in the fight against nasolabial folds

Salon procedures are considered effective in the fight against deep, pronounced wrinkles.. Cosmetology clinics offer a range of services. As a rule, these are injections of drugs that smooth out or fill wrinkles. The action of fillers (duration and effect) is determined by their composition.

The mesotherapy method is deservedly popular among women. With its help you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also cope with various skin problems. These are injections of several drugs at once (the composition of the “cocktail” is determined by a cosmetologist, depending on the problem).


To eliminate nasolabial folds, mix simultaneously:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. nucleic acids;
  3. minerals;
  4. herbal extracts;
  5. vitamins;
  6. amino acids.

The main goal of the procedure is to improve blood microcirculation in problem areas and increase skin elasticity. As a result of injections, metabolic processes inside cells are accelerated and blood circulation improves.

Mesatherapy is also suitable for young girls and has few contraindications.

Hyaluronic acid is found in the skin, but its production decreases with age, the skin loses its elasticity, folds and wrinkles form. Injections using hyaluronic acid filler are popular due to the minimal list of side effects and contraindications.

Moreover, the drug promotes the production of your own collagen. The procedure takes from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. The effect lasts from 6 months to a year.

Injections with botulinum toxin (Botox) are known among women. The drug is injected into the problem area. Botox blocks nerve impulses, causing muscles to relax, wrinkles become invisible. After a few days, the effect of the procedure is visible and lasts up to 4-6 months.

This is a salon procedure performed by a qualified doctor. Injections are injected into problem areas to fill in wrinkles. As a rule, 2 types of drugs are used: based on potassium hydroxypatite and hyaluronic acid. The procedure is carried out under local anesthetics.


The visible effect lasts from six months to 1 year, depending on the drug used for correction and the individual characteristics of the body.

This cosmetic procedure is performed directly in the clinic, under local anesthesia. The patient's own fat cells are used. Using tubes, fatty tissue is pumped out, then it is cleaned in a special way and problem areas are filled. (fill the area of ​​nasolabial folds).

The procedure takes on average 30-60 minutes. The positive effect is visible after a couple of months, when the fat cells “take root.”


Important to remember! All cosmetic procedures to eliminate nasolabial folds have some contraindications. The best method suitable for a particular patient is determined by the doctor.

In order to eliminate facial skin imperfections, there are many different methods that can be carried out not only in specialized clinics, but also at home. Regular procedures: massage, masks and exercises will help get rid of nasolabial folds, the skin will become toned, take on a well-groomed appearance, and wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Watch a useful video on how to remove nasolabial folds. Best method:

How to remove nasolabial folds. Exercises and massage in this video: