Exercises for the lower face and neck

Perhaps the most important thing to know about yoga for faces and neck is that it is considered a non-invasive alternative to Botox and surgery. However, how exactly do exercises work and how do they help get rid of fine lines and sagging skin?

As a rule, such exercises are aimed at working some layer of the skin (dermis (bottom layer), epidermis (middle layer) or top layer). By working properly with all layers of the skin, you can increase blood circulation, allowing more oxygen to penetrate the skin cells.

The result is a healthy complexion, glowing skin, fewer toxins, and better moisture absorption. Facial yoga is also designed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the middle layer of the skin, resulting in smoother, more elastic and more radiant skin.

The set of exercises is recommended to be performed 6 days a week, 20 minutes a day. This may seem like a lot, but you will see results very quickly. In two weeks you will already see the first changes, after 2-4 months you will notice that you have fewer fine wrinkles, and those around you will note that you look healthier and more energetic.

And after 6-9 months, all practitioners of face and neck yoga claim that they feel better and look much younger, and also feel more psychologically relaxed.

Facial exercises

Ideal for lifting eyelids, reducing crow's feet, reducing bags under the eyes and puffiness.

Alternative to Botox and eye surgery.

Make a V shape with the index and middle fingers of both hands. Touch your eyebrows as shown in the picture. Look at the ceiling, cross-eyed, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 6 times and finish by closing your eyes for 10 seconds.

Ideal for tightening the cheek line and rescuing sagging skin.

An alternative to lower face lifts and filler injections.

Cover your teeth with your lips and make an "O" shape with your mouth. Smile widely while maintaining your position. Repeat 6 times. Then, keeping your face smiling, place your index finger on your chin. Move your jaw up and down, gently tilting your head back. Relax and repeat again.

Ideal for smoothing horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

Place your fingers on your forehead as shown in the picture. They should fit on your entire forehead. Gently stroke your forehead with your fingers, moving the fingers of one hand away from the fingers of the other. Apply light pressure to spread the skin. Relax your arms and repeat 10 times.

Ideal for getting rid of bags and drooping eyebrows.

An alternative to a brow lift.

Place your index fingers under each eye, positioning them horizontally and pointing toward your nose. Hide your teeth with your lips, and try to hide your lips as deep as possible in your mouth. Look at the ceiling and lift your upper eyelids for 30 seconds.

Ideal for a beautiful neck

An alternative to a neck lift.

Look ahead of you. Place your fingertips as shown in the figure. Lightly stroke the skin while tilting your head back. Return your head to the starting position, repeat again. Then extend your lower lip as far as possible, and pull the corners of your mouth down. The chin should be raised and the fingertips should be on the collarbone.

For those who are limited in time, there are also several facial yoga exercises that do not require the use of a mirror or hands. They can be done anywhere, even while driving.

These exercises are aimed at working the lower part of the face: the double chin area, the general contour and the neck. Perform the exercise for 4-6 sets of 5 repetitions per set, or do each exercise 20-30 times.

With this exercise you can work on the front of the neck, where wrinkles and folds form around the neck.

Stretch your entire face forward, returning to the starting position. While performing the exercise, make sure that the front of your neck is tense.

Exercise to get rid of a double chin

This exercise helps to strengthen the sublingual muscle group.

With the tip of your tongue, press either on the lower palate, without touching the teeth, or on the upper palate. When performing the exercise, the area of ​​the double chin should be tense. The up and down movement counts as one move. If you're not used to it, your tongue will quickly get tired, but don't try to do it 30 times the first time.

A lot of saliva will also form, but over time this will pass. This is one of those exercises that you can do at any time convenient for you, since others will not see what you are doing.

No. 2 for getting rid of a double chin

Make every effort to press your tongue against the upper palate. At the same time, the neck tenses, and the second chin reaches for the tongue. Do the exercise slowly the first few times to get a good feel for the tension that arises. Then you can increase the pace.

To understand the technique of performing the exercise, swallow your saliva. During this process, the tongue seems to be glued entirely to the upper palate. This is exactly how it should be pressed during the exercise.

Exercise for facial contour

This exercise will help in correcting the oval of the face. To perform this, you need to slightly lift your chin and move your jaw forward. Return to the starting position for 5 seconds, extend your jaw again and hold the static position for another 5 seconds. Relax.

Exercise for the center of the face

This exercise will help relieve spasms in the orbicularis oris muscle, and it also trains the central muscles of the face. The exercise works well when performed as part of a set of exercises to correct nasolabial folds.

Take turns puffing out your lower and upper lips, as if rolling air. Then the left and right cheeks, while not moving your lips to the side, keep them straight, and try to direct the air under the nostril. Then fill your entire mouth with air and roll it first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Perform each type of exercise 20-30 times or do 4-6 sets of 5 times.

Important! If you have rosacea on your face, then this exercise cannot be done. It should also not be given to people with high blood pressure.

Make the largest possible "O" shape with your mouth, hold in this position for 5 seconds and relax.

This exercise is also suitable for tightening the oval of the face.

Learn to strongly strain your ear muscles, that is, learn to move your ears. This exercise is extremely useful. Practice it throughout the day.

The human neck deserves a separate discussion, because its training is the largest and most important section in facial yoga. But in order not to be unfounded, we will tell you about several reasons why you should definitely include neck exercises in your training program.

The importance of a trained neck

1) A well-trained neck is the base of your face

Those who regularly train their neck have an ideal facial contour, they completely lack a double chin and wrinkles on the neck. A strong neck is the foundation for the upper and middle parts of the face.

2) Well-being noticeably improves

During neck training, blood circulation increases, thereby more actively supplying the brain with nutrients and oxygen. A strong neck also helps improve your posture. If a person is in a stationary or sedentary position for a long time, a spasm of the muscles of the neck and back often occurs, which causes headaches, fatigue and decreased performance.

3) Increases endurance and strength

Strong neck muscles are the stability of the spine, which, in turn, gives us the opportunity to increase the load while performing any other exercises for the body.

4) The cervical spine is protected from diseases

Today, every second person has osteochondrosis, and the disease is getting younger by leaps and bounds. Neck exercises are a means of preventing periods of exacerbation of the disease, as well as the most important part of the complex treatment of this problem, as they help increase the mobility of the vertebrae and make the neck muscles more flexible.

The human neck is very complex. This is due to the different origins of muscles and fascia, their different functions, as well as relationships with blood vessels, nerves and organs located in the neck. The neck muscles are divided into groups according to origin and cervical regions. Next, we will tell you about exercises that will develop neck flexibility.

Important! Exercises 2,4, 5 are recommended to be performed primarily by people with chronic diseases of the cervical spine, but they can also be done during the acute stage after pain has eased. This group of exercises not only makes the cervical spine more flexible, but also “revives” stiff muscles in the back of the neck.

Neck exercises

Each exercise is performed 10 times with a delay of three seconds.

Move your shoulders up and down, forward and back. Repeat 10 times.

Gently tilt your head forward. Return to the starting position.

Tilt your head back and return to the starting position.

Gently turn your head to the left, look at your left shoulder. Do the same with the right side.

Move your head back, level with your eyes and lower jaw, while leaving it in place.

Nod while gently bending and straightening your neck.

Tilt your head back with one hand and place the other behind your back. This will stretch the trapezius muscle.

Lower one hand down diagonally, with the other hand grab the first wrist. Turn and tilt your head towards the hand that is holding.

Place your hands at the back of your head. Gently move your head back, providing resistance with your hands.

Support your head to the side with your hand. Tilt your head while resisting with your hand.

“Place” your forehead on your fingertips. Tilt your head forward, creating resistance with your hand.

“Put” your fingertips on your temples, turn your head to see your shoulder. Hands should offer resistance.

Be very careful when performing exercises for the neck muscles. When doing exercises, be attentive to your feelings.

Rejuvenating points on the face

It remains to talk about the anti-aging points that are located on the neck and face. These are biologically active points that know how to prolong your youth. Regular massage of these points restores skin elasticity and starts the renewal process.

Before you start activating the points, be sure to cleanse your skin, apply a nourishing cream and do a light massage to warm up the skin. Acupressure should be done with your index fingers, without stretching the skin, but pressing on the corresponding points.

When exposed to nerve endings, the muscles receive a load, which forces them to work. These points are located in small dimples on the bones; when pressed, you will feel warmth or slight pain, the main thing is that you do not experience discomfort. Press the point for 5 seconds. Paired points must be affected simultaneously, for example, points on the outer and inner corners of the eyes, points in the center of the eyebrows or under and above the center of the eye.

If you pay enough attention to the effects on these points, then over time the bags and bruises under the eyes will disappear, the sagging skin around the eyes and mouth will go away, and the oval of the face will become clearer.

So, here they are, the points of youth.

- two in the inner and outer corners of each eye;

- two under the center of the eyes;

- one in the center of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows;

- two at the temples, where hair begins to grow;

- two in the recesses of the wings of the nose;

- one in the center of the chin;

- one right in the center under the lower lip;

- one under the cheekbone on the left;

- one in the dimple on the back of the head.

However, there are also contraindications to massage of these points.

- presence of rosacea on the face;

- abnormal intracranial pressure;

- allergies, acne, dermatitis;

— viral skin diseases;

- an inflammatory process that occurs in any part of the body.

If there are no contraindications, then you can start doing this wonderful massage as soon as possible. It will not only help rejuvenate your face, but also improve your entire body.

Face lift exercises help maintain muscle tone, rejuvenate and preserve beauty. With regular practice, the skin begins to actively breathe and work, and the muscles regain their elasticity. This is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery.

The content of the article:

Famous facelift exercises are included in the arsenal of daily self-improvement of stars and other famous people. Thanks to such activities, metabolic processes are restored, lymph and blood circulate better in the facial muscles.

The body stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the lower layer of skin, which smooths out wrinkles, tightens the skin, and makes the complexion healthier. When choosing the right approach, if you devote enough time to it, such exercises will help correct the oval of the face, outline the jawline and restore elasticity to the cheeks.

Exercises can be done not only at home, but also during 10-minute breaks at work. The effectiveness of gymnastics is achieved through regular daily exercises and is much higher than various massagers.

Basic rules and conditions for performing exercises:

  1. The face should be cleansed of dirt and makeup with a special tonic or water. You can apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream before gymnastics.
  2. Gymnastics should be done sitting or standing near a mirror to see if you are doing everything correctly.
  3. Each exercise must be performed thoughtfully, slowly, trying to strain the muscles as much as possible.
  4. You should move on to the next exercise only after you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

Facelift exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

You can start these exercises at the age of 35. The entire complex will take no more than 15 minutes. Each exercise must be repeated 30 times.

This exercise tightens the oval of the face and removes wrinkles around the lips. Take turns pronouncing the vowel sounds I-A-O-U-E-Y with a short pause. At the same time, pull your upper lip down and press it against your upper teeth to smooth out the folds around your lips.

When pronouncing each sound, you need to ensure that the neck and facial muscles are actively working.

The following exercise simulates rinsing your mouth with water. Alternately inflate one cheek first, then transfer the air to the other. Perform the movements slowly, strain your muscles strongly, trying not to twist your mouth from side to side.

Such gymnastics for a facelift effectively eliminate facial folds, and due to the rush of blood, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks, regardless of the woman’s age.

Open your mouth slightly without moving your tongue. Move your chin back and forth lightly, without overdoing it, at about one motion per second. A ticking alarm clock will help you; for each tick you need to make a movement with your jaw.

The movement is similar to that used to spread lipstick on the lips, only it needs to be done more intensely. To ensure your lips always remain juicy and beautiful, do the exercise more often: draw your lips into your mouth, then sharply open your mouth with a sound like a click.

The exercise is performed as follows: alternately strongly inflate your upper and lower lips, taking in more air. 15 movements are performed with each lip.

With the help of this pouting of the lips, wrinkles on and around them are smoothed out, spasms and tightness are relaxed. On relaxed facial muscles, the skin lies smoothly, and when the muscle is contracted, an unsightly skin fold and wrinkles result.

The movements imitate bulging eyes. It is important not to raise your eyebrows; you need to open your eyes very wide, as if in fear. Then relax. You can hold your eyebrows with your fingers so that they do not rise up on their own.

As a result of the exercise, the upper eyelids are tightened and do not hang over the eyes, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is rejuvenated.

This fun exercise uses a whole range of muscles and is very important in facelift gymnastics. With his help:

  1. the muscles under the eyes are strengthened,
  2. so-called bags are eliminated,
  3. smoothes and removes perioral folds, which give the face a dull appearance.

Perform the exercise with muscle tension. To do this, open your mouth wide, pressing your upper lip hard against your teeth. Bend your head forward, lowering your chin to your chest. Make sure your forehead doesn't wrinkle. Blink your eyes quickly 30 times. Then relax all the facial muscles - rest. Repeat the entire complex again.

Upper face exercises

Gymnastics for a facelift start from the top. First, work on the area between your eyebrows. Exercises in this area are designed to smooth out wrinkles. Press your index fingers to the bridge of your nose at the beginning of eyebrow growth. Frown for 2-3 seconds and relax your face. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Lightly move your fingers from the middle of the eyebrow to the temples. Repeat 5 times.

The exercise is performed for 1 minute.

Place 3 fingers together and make tapping movements between your eyebrows, increasing the tempo each time. But don't knock too hard.

Exercises to tighten the forehead muscles

These exercises help smooth out wrinkles and reduce skin folds over the eyelid:

  1. Take a lying position. Use your index fingers to press on your eyebrows and lift them up. Perform short upward thrusts until a burning sensation appears. Then press down with two fingers at the same time and wait 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. The next exercise also needs to be repeated 3 times. Lying down, close your eyes and press your index fingers to the base of your hair. Under closed eyelids, look down and make rotational movements in different directions.
  3. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows as much as possible. Repeat the movements 10-12 times.
  4. Pull the skin of your forehead down with your fingers, while simultaneously raising your eyebrows and preventing them from lowering. Repeat 5 times.

Exercises to work out the middle zone of the face

The effect of performing these exercises is similar to a nourishing face mask:

  1. Smile at the corners of your mouth and immediately lower them. Repeat about 30 times. For best results, imagine your cheeks moving each time.
  2. Raise the corners of your lips as hard as you can and hold in this position for 5-6 seconds, then lower them. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  3. Place two fists on top of each other, then rest your chin on them, raising your chin with your hands. Repeat 3 times.
  4. Close your mouth, clench and unclench your teeth slowly, trying not to open your mouth. Repeat the manipulation 10 times.

Gymnastics for the nose

This exercise helps lift the nose by training the weakened muscle. This effective exercise can be performed in any starting position. Lift the tip of your nose up with your finger while simultaneously pulling your upper lip down. Wait 2 seconds, then repeat the exercise, and so on 5 times.

Gymnastics for tightening the oval of the face

  1. Turn your head to the left, lift it slightly and open your mouth, tensing the muscles of your chin and neck. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Do the same on the right side, repeat 2 times for each side.
  2. Place your fist under your chin and support your lower jaw on it. Press with both your fist and your jaw, opposing them to each other and gradually increasing the pressure. At the greatest tension, stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin.
  3. Clench your teeth as hard as possible and stretch your lips into a smile. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, feeling the tension in your chin. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. All these home exercises replace facial massage.

How often people make the mistake of saying that aging is due to aging and sagging skin. This statement is not entirely true, since the main reason for aging is why the skin itself sags. The second misconception concerns the fact that you yourself cannot do anything about the irreversible processes of the body. In this article, we will dispel myths and talk about how to tighten the lower part of the face and its oval using simple facelift exercises, using facelift techniques at home.

Why does the oval face lose its shape?

It is generally accepted that over the years the facial muscles weaken and lose tone, as a result of which they no longer maintain the shape of the face. In fact, it's almost the opposite.

In the process of life, many muscles spasm, tighten, contract, and some weaken. Due to such deformations, an imbalance occurs in the muscular system and the face changes.

Blocks in the muscles impair blood circulation and lymph outflow, which in turn contributes to the skin receiving less nutrition and poisoning it with waste from stagnant lymph.

Muscle spasms lead to muscle contraction and the skin that was previously stretched over them simply begins to sag.

Also, tight muscles lead to deformation and reduction of bone structures, which already decrease over the years due to the leaching of calcium from the body.

All this causes swelling, folds and sagging on the face. Plastic surgeries and injections provide only a temporary effect, since they do not remove the root causes of facial sagging and poor skin condition.

How tightening exercises affect the skin

By regularly performing facelift exercises at home, you can relieve muscle spasm, normalizing their tone. As a result of this work, the balance of the muscular structures, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers will be restored, the lymph will begin to move, removing harmful substances from the body, the skin will smooth out, stretch over the muscles and begin to glow from the inside.

Facelifting exercises for tightening the oval face

It’s important to remember that everything in our body is interconnected. Hypertonicity of one muscle on the face leads to deformation of other muscles. Therefore, in addition to working with the lower face, it is strictly recommended to perform techniques for correcting posture and the cervical spine, lymphatic drainage techniques, as well as exercises for the upper part of the face. Only if you work with the entire body as a whole, you can not harm it, but only improve it.

Lifting gymnastics for the oval of the face is represented by techniques from various techniques that relax the muscles and return them to their original shape. In this article we will present facelifting exercises for the lower face and its center.

  1. Massage spiral movements with your fingertips from the hairline to the back of the head several times.
  2. Pull your hair on all sides of your head. This massage relaxes the head muscles well, which also affects spasms on the face.
  3. Tap the coronoid point (the highest part of the head between the crown and the back of the head) with your fingers to feel a tingling and warmth on the scalp.

With your lips closed, rotate your tongue, circling the inside of your lips 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other.

  1. With age, all facial tissues are pulled towards the center, so you need to learn to move them back, try to pull your temples to the back of your head and imagine how the skin from the bridge of the nose stretches like rays across the entire face. Try to keep the tension so that it becomes a habit. This lifting exercise can be called ear wiggle.
  2. Place your index fingers on the point where there is a depression behind the earlobes and pulse towards the coronal area 60-100 times.
  3. Place your finger in the groove in front of the top edge of your ear, with your middle and ring fingers at the hairline at your temple. Pulse.
  1. Place the heels of your palms on the edge of your lower cheekbone. Fingers closed. The little fingers are located on the outer edge of the eye, the remaining fingers are distributed from the temples to the place near the earlobe. With your hands, barely touch the skin as soft as feathers. The hand should barely touch the face. Start vibrating movements from the center to the periphery 30 times.
  2. Pull your lips forward slightly, creating resistance. Repeat the pulsations.
  3. Then move your fingers a little higher, perhaps after your face is naturally moisturized, this will happen naturally. Repeat the pulsations.

You can prevent age-related tightening of the face towards the center by stretching the muscles away from it.
It is important to stretch not the skin, but the muscles themselves, starting with the lower chewing muscles, then the cheeks and the central part of the chewing muscles, and then move to the upper part of the chewing muscles, in the infraorbital and zygomatic areas.

  1. Grasp the facial muscles with your thumb and forefinger into vertical folds so that you feel that you are getting closer to the bone.
  2. Using your hands, stretch your face the way you want to see it in the mirror. Resist by slightly pulling your lips forward. Move the folds away from the center of the face.

The fold should, without breaking, smoothly move from the center to the sides of the face, as if you were opening your face. The skin does not stretch.

This exercise reduces drooping eyelids and crow's feet, improves the shape of the eyes, giving them an almond shape, and raises the outer eyebrow area.

  1. Place the wrist part of the palms on the temples in their recess next to the outer part of the eyebrow;
  2. Spread your fingers, clasping your head;
  3. Stretch the muscle towards the back of the head and slide along it when the skin is moisturized;
  4. If something doesn’t work out, then, without removing your hands, return them all the way back to the point of initial tension;
  5. Hold for 30 seconds, maintaining the reverse tension, then bring your palms back toward the back of your head.

Lifting the center and bottom of the face occurs using the same technique, going down to the center of the face and further to its bottom.

  1. Place one hand on your forehead, the other on the back of your head, send vibration from one hand to the other for 30-60 seconds. Then begin to move your palms towards each other, bringing them together at the coronal area.
  2. Place your elbows on a hard surface. Place the heels of your palms on your forehead. The fingertips lie on the hairline. Send a vibration wave from the bottom of your palm to your fingertips and back for 4 seconds in one direction, 3 times in each direction.
    Once your palms are moistened, move them up the frontalis muscle, smoothing and lifting it.

Elbows on the table, back of the hands under the chin, rotate your head in different directions, the back of the hand rubs against the chin.

  1. Place your thumbs under your chin and your index fingers under your lower lip and try to slide off your chin, stretching the muscle. Resist by raising your head.
  2. After completion, stretch the place where you worked: lift your head, stretching the bottom. Place your index fingers under your nose and your thumbs on the arch of your jaw. Go deep with your fingers and stretch the muscles along the jaw from bottom to top.
  1. Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, your thumbs on the jaw arch where the triangular muscle attaches.
  2. Pull your fingers slightly towards each other. Do this slowly, wait until the skin is moisturized and moves freely. When the skin becomes slippery, the muscles relax.
  3. Do this technique with each corner of your mouth in turn.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

One of the reasons for the formation of jowls, sagging in the lower part of the face and the disappearance of the angle of youth is a spasm of the masticatory muscle located on the line of the lower jaw.

To relieve spasm and, accordingly, tighten tissue, perform the following technique.
Before performing the technique to lift bulldog cheeks, apply oil or rich cream.
Mentally divide the jaw arch into two parts. We massage each one separately, holding the other with our fingers.

  1. Using the fingers of one hand, fix the triangular muscle on the jaw arch, the one that lowers the corner of the mouth. With two fingers of your second hand, grab the jaw line: with your index finger on top, with your thumb under your earlobe at the corner of your jaw. Move your index finger along the jaw line along the masseter muscle to the corner of the jaw, smoothly and slowly stretching the jaw arch, smoothing out all the tubercles under the skin.
  2. Change your hand position. Do the same on the other side.
  1. We make a dissatisfied face in such a way that the corners of the mouth droop, and the muscles located between the corners of the lips and the chin tense.
  2. Place your fingers on the tense muscles and begin to lightly massage them in a circular motion for 30 seconds.
  3. Remove your fingers. Return the face to its original position. We listen to our sensations in the field of massage.

The day after the first massage, the massaged muscles may ache, do not be alarmed.

This Revitonics technique for tightening the oval face can be performed without getting out of bed in the morning.

  1. Reduces age-related upward lifting of the jaw and eliminates spasm of the masticatory muscles, ensuring uniform placement of facial tissues.
  2. Returns the “angle of youth”, helps to correctly distribute the tissue of the masticatory muscle, remove the “eyelid-cheek” boundary and smooth the cheek tissue.

Rice. 2 — Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina "The world of the face and its secrets"

Rice. 1 - Photo from the book by N.B Osminina “Fitness for the face. Revitonica system."

  1. First, let's take a look at the “Scream”, intended for those who have the First type of biomechanical aging of the face (the formation of jowls with age):
    1. Open your mouth, strongly lowering your lower jaw. The lips are drawn out like a tube, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Often people feel pain at this moment at the junction of the jaws.
    2. Place your palms in the area where the jaws connect, not paying attention to the pain, try to lower the muscle, smoothing it along its entire length. To do this, press downwards with your palms, starting from the edge at the outer corner of the eye, and move down vertically and along an oblique line as shown in the figure. Eyes wide open. Repeat several times.
  2. Exercise “Scream” for those who have the Second type of biomechanical aging of the face (lifting the chin up with age), this technique should be performed as follows:
    1. Place your palms on your cheeks. The fingers are located from the chin to the outer edge of the eye. The palms are pressed tightly against the jaw angle and the entire jaw arch.
    2. Slightly pull the lower jaw forward and slightly upward, following the existing deformity, reinforcing it. Hold the position for 30 seconds. The load force should not exceed 5-10 grams.
    Gently return the lower jaw to its original position and move it as far back as possible until it stops, fixing it for 5-10 seconds.
  3. The third version of the “Scream” exercise is suitable for all types of biomechanical aging and is performed with the mouth closed (Fig. 2): Place your hands on your cheeks in the direction from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye. covering the chewing muscle with your palms. Press the base of your palms tightly to the lower jaw, to the beginning of the masticatory muscle. The fingertips touch the eyelid-cheek border. Stay in this position for several minutes. DO NOT press with your palms; the skin of your hands should seem to stick to the muscle.

We recommend watching a video with techniques for maintaining an angle of youth:

By regularly performing facelifts for the face, as well as posture exercises for the forehead, eyes and cheekbones, you can significantly tighten the sagging skin. In addition, it is important not to forget to complement the facelifting practice with massage and lymphatic drainage procedures.