Facial exercises for wrinkles above the upper lip

Causes of wrinkles

Emotions help us experience certain moments in life. Each person, depending on the situation, cries, frowns, smiles - all these are manifestations of an internal state, which inevitably affects the external.

Any facial expression, including positive laughter, leads to the appearance of wrinkles. The more you smile, the sooner you will develop creases around your mouth.

However, this is not a reason to be gloomy and afraid of having fun. It is enough to regularly do exercises for wrinkles under the lower and above the upper lip to keep your face young and fresh.

In addition to facial expressions, a number of other factors affect the condition of the skin - age, bad habits, ultraviolet radiation. Let's look at them in more detail.

“Barcode” refers to vertical wrinkles above the mouth, which indicate a decrease in skin elasticity. They are formed for various reasons, but the main ones are:

  1. According to professional dermatologists, after twenty years the body produces less collagen. As the production of this substance decreases, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. Lips that are swollen in youth become noticeably deflated by the age of 30.
  2. With age, the epidermis produces less natural sebaceous secretion, which acts as a lubricant. This can lead to chronic dryness. The situation is aggravated when the skin is exposed to external factors: wind, high and low temperatures, insufficient care. The less attention you pay to your lips, the faster wrinkles will appear around them.
  3. The sun can not only give you an attractive tan, but also significantly dry out the thin skin of your lips. Exposure to UV rays is a leading cause of premature aging.
  4. Wrinkles on the upper lip are most often caused by bad habits. Substances that enter the body along with cigarette smoke contribute to the thinning and dehydration of the epidermis in this area.

Another reason that causes wrinkles around the mouth is the habit of drinking through a straw. Constantly repeated movement can form creases in the lip area. Then you will have to fight with them for a very long time.

“Bulldog cheeks” are perhaps the most unpleasant skin change. They don’t just give out a woman’s biological age, but add at least ten years to it.

Nasolabial folds do not form just like that, but are the result of several reasons:

  1. Excessive sun exposure. Frequent exposure to the street during the hot season leads to contact of damaging ultraviolet rays with the skin. The consequence of this is the formation of free radicals, which provoke early aging.
  2. Smoking. When smoking cigarettes, a person purses their lips, which can lead to wrinkles around the mouth. Chemicals (especially resins) speed up this process.
  3. Aging. As we age, elastin and collagen, which are responsible for maintaining skin elasticity, begin to break down. Ultimately, the epidermis weakens not only on the neck and face, but throughout the body.
  4. Unstable weight. Significant weight gain or loss can also contribute to the appearance of nasolabial folds by stretching the skin and reducing its elasticity.

Have you paid attention to how you sleep? No? This is in vain, since resting on your side can lead to the formation of deep creases near the lips and nose. Experts recommend doing this on your back. This way you can avoid the appearance of early wrinkles, and the quality of sleep in this position is much higher.

The effectiveness of gymnastics

Remember your childhood - when you got out of bed, you probably started doing gymnastics and only after that did other things. However, not only the body, but also the face needs regular exercise. They help maintain his health and youth.

You are mistaken if you think that the problem of wrinkles and “bulldog cheeks” will not affect you and it is not necessary to do exercises for the upper lip. On the contrary, such gymnastics at home brings amazing results, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Here is the result of training:

  1. correction of facial contours, lifting;
  2. the oval becomes clear;
  3. the second and even third chin disappears;
  4. nasolabial folds are leveled;
  5. facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. the skin gains elasticity;
  7. cheeks rise, jowls disappear;
  8. the shape of the nose is corrected.

The duration of classes is individual. For some, it is enough to do gymnastics 3-4 times a week in the morning. Others need to devote more time to the procedure.

The duration of the session depends on the characteristics of the body and the condition of the skin. Experts recommend that at 18-20 years old do exercises for 5 minutes several times a week, after 30 - every day in the morning, at 40-60 - twice a day.

Exercises for wrinkles

Surgical procedures, Botox and collagen injections will give you attractive and sexy lips. But remember that they can cause a number of side effects.

In order not to harm your own body, abandon radical methods of rejuvenation in favor of alternative ones. Regular exercises for wrinkles around the lips will help get rid of wrinkles and maintain freshness for a long time.

Before performing, we recommend watching the video on the Internet. This way you can avoid mistakes.

Stretch the corners of your mouth in different directions as wide as possible. Do not open your teeth while doing this. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Be careful to ensure that the zygomatic muscles are engaged. After all, the plumpness of the cheeks depends on their tone.

To enhance the effect, press your upper lip against your teeth with your fingers while performing the exercise. You can also lower your lower lip, exposing your teeth. This will not only get rid of wrinkles, but also remove the double chin.

Shape your lips into a tube, as if you want to kiss someone. Pull them out as far as possible and wait in this position for 15 seconds. Then start moving from side to side. 10 times to the right and the same number to the left.

Remember that you cannot unclench your lips. Then relax, rest and repeat all over again.

The duration of the exercise depends on the degree of your fatigue - you need to stop when you feel tension in your muscles. You should end it with a wide smile without opening your mouth.


Purse your lips tightly. Place your index fingers in the corners and begin to pull them up and down. You should pause for 15 seconds at each end point. You need to do the exercise at least thirty times. Then relax, rest a little and repeat everything again.

Such gymnastics will help not only smooth out wrinkles that appear near the lips. It can also make the contour of the lower part of the face more defined. It is good to use to combat a double chin or prevent its formation.

This is a very simple exercise. Take as much air into your mouth as possible and hold your breath for five seconds. Then exhale. This must be repeated 10 times. To make the effect more pronounced, roll the air from one cheek to the other.

After this, take a deep breath again through tightly clenched teeth. You need to exhale first through the left corner of your mouth, then through the right. One by one. Do at least 5 repetitions. Aim to perform this exercise at least 10 times in a row.

Special exercises for lips allow you to maintain their volume after thirty years. One of them was developed by professional face-building instructor Carol Maggio. It is very popular among women.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Purse your lips and lift their corners up.
  2. Imagine tying them into a knot and pull as hard as possible.
  3. Don't clench your teeth.
  4. Place your index fingers on the corners and begin to lift them towards your cheekbones.
  5. Do the same, but in the opposite direction.

This exercise should be repeated until a slight burning or tingling sensation appears. It indicates that you did everything correctly and the effect will not be long in coming.


It is best to do lip gymnastics even before the first wrinkles appear. After all, preventing a problem is much easier than solving it.

  1. One way to reduce the likelihood of wrinkles in the mouth area is to avoid exposure to ultraviolet light. Use sunscreen before leaving home. Try incorporating moisturizers with SPF into your morning routine.
  2. Be sure to use balms - they contain nutrients that are necessary for the normal production of collagen and elastin.
  3. If you are a smoker with many years of experience, try to give up the bad habit. Cigarettes cause premature signs of aging on the entire face, including the lips.
  4. Include foods enriched with vitamins in your daily diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables will not only help maintain your health at the proper level, but also get rid of wrinkles.
  5. Be sure to do facial exercises - it takes a minimum of time, but has an amazing effect in the fight for youth and elasticity of the skin.

An excellent alternative to Botox and facial plastic surgery for the purpose of rejuvenation is special gymnastics for the face and its muscles.

It tones the skin, activating lymphatic movement and blood flow, which overall has an amazing effect on the appearance, restoring youth and freshness to the face.

Wrinkles around the mouth are especially annoying, where the area is very mobile due to the fact that it is subject to a large facial load when talking and eating.

Let's dispel the myth

There is a misconception that it is necessary to minimally load the facial muscles so as not to create folds on the surface of the skin, so as not to form wrinkles. They are especially afraid of overloading the area around the mouth, to the point that women even begin to smile with caution, and when they hear about such radical movements as in Facebook building, they are completely horrified.

And this is completely in vain! In fact, the passivity of the facial muscles only contributes to sagging skin, loss of elasticity, as well as excessive load on other muscle areas. Only incorrect wrinkle-forming facial expressions lead to the creation of wrinkles..

Read more about incorrect wrinkle-forming facial expressions. As a result of incorrect facial movements, one part of the muscles around the mouth experiences constant overstrain and depletion. The other part is constantly in a state of static, vital activity in the fibers fades away, which leads to flabbiness and loss of muscle tone.

This disrupts metabolic processes both in muscle fibers and in the skin. It creates stagnation in the movement of lymph and blood along the capillary network, making it difficult to deliver oxygen to tissues and free dermal cells from toxins. As a result skin that has lost its vitality becomes thinner and sags in the area of ​​creases.

Changes around the mouth

Vertical folds on the upper lip and under the lower lip, which are conventionally called a barcode, are formed when facial expressions predominate, contracting and tensely wrinkling the lip area. Also, a barcode is formed as a result of the habit of stretching your lips into a tube and moving them, doing this as a joke or from nervous tension, from excitement, which is often used when thinking about problems.

Work with vertical creases is aimed at pumping up the facial muscles that create resistance, that is, antagonist muscles, as well as harmonizing the overall muscle tone in this area. This means that the work will be focused on activating the longitudinal muscles in this area, namely the orbicularis oris muscle, and relaxing the area in the jaw area.

For example, the use of a smile exercise, when tightly compressing your lips into a “string-line”, you try to stretch them towards your earlobes, while simultaneously straining the lower part of your cheeks.

The concept of the circular muscle

The orbicularis muscle is attached directly to the skin, whereas usually the attachment goes to the bone base. Accordingly, the load on it is enormous, and any movements of this muscle lead to the creation of folds. Considering that the fat layer above the upper lip and the activity of the sebaceous glands are minimal, wrinkles begin to appear quite early.

The skin simply does not have time to recover, and the muscle fiber itself seems to break in the places of greatest contraction. It is in these creases that wrinkles form, exhausted skin that has lost its elasticity “falls” into microcracks in the muscle fiber.

The muscles that lower the corners of the lips have antagonist muscles that raise the corners of the lips. Their activation is achieved through an exercise where the entire length of this group of muscle fibers is loaded with an appropriate strength exercise - from the corners of the lips to the paranasal areas, and at the same time the muscles involved in this facial movement in the cheekbone area are loaded.

Efficiency of classes

The effectiveness of the exercises is guaranteed, but taking into account the depth of wrinkles and due to age-related changes in the skin, you should expect results of different levels. Gymnastics against wrinkles around the mouth smoothes out fine wrinkles well. It tightens the lower contour of the face, while significantly smoothing out deep nasolabial folds.

Small wrinkles disappear because the muscle becomes more toned and enlarges slightly. As a result, the areas of small creases narrow and the skin straightens and stops sagging. Deep wrinkles around the mouth cannot be removed using gymnastics, since deep wrinkles cannot be neutralized using this method.

However, due to the fact that there are exercises that relieve tension, bring the muscle to normal tone and straighten it, the depth of the groove decreases and the visual effect of partial smoothing becomes obvious.

  1. With the help of facial gymnastics, you can remove folds in the nasolabial triangle area at any age. Up to the age of 40, you can get stunning results and strengthen the muscular framework of the skin for many years to come, delaying the formation of wrinkles as much as possible.
  2. Until the age of 50-60, gymnastics can be used as a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. Significant facial rejuvenation is available, except for wrinkles that are too deep. Unlike plastic surgery, lively facial expressions will be preserved and the effect itself will not be lost if the exercises are practiced regularly, while a surgical lift ultimately still leads to sagging of the skin, and subsequently to its painful thinning.
  3. After 60 years and beyond, gymnastics is also necessary and useful. There are no age restrictions here, but the sooner you start this beauty practice.

How to achieve maximum results?

How to remove changes as quickly as possible? The nasolabial area is one of the most amenable areas of the face, where gymnastics works at full strength. Be sure to combine tension exercises with relaxation exercises..

Combine the forceful impact load with an emphasis on the static tension of the worked area. That is, we did several approaches, went into a static load and then moved for relaxation. For example, fold your lips into an O shape and narrow and widen, holding them in the form of a tense ring.

Make 15-20 movements, and hold the last one in a fixed tense position. Finally, close your lips and create a vibration, releasing a stream of air without opening your mouth. The more the entire lip area vibrates, the more effective the gymnastics will be.

Smoothing out wrinkles depends not only on muscle tone, but also on the tone of the skin. Gymnastics activates vital currents not only in the muscles, but also in the skin. To enhance these processes and achieve more, you need to help the skin recover using appropriate creams and masks.


It is optimal to perform exercises every day or three times a week. The duration of gymnastics for the muscles around the lips should be at least five minutes if you do it daily, and at least ten if done three times a day. Depending on the age and severity of the problem, it will take different times to “accelerate” and activate the muscles.

  1. At the age of 40 years, the effect will be noticeable within a week and a half, or even after a few days.
  2. After the age of 50, it will take a month or two to see clear results.
  3. At the age of 60 and older, it will take at least three months of practice and up to six months before obvious corrective changes in the nasolabial area are obtained.


  1. Draw as much air into your lungs as possible, while puffing out your cheeks, and exhale sharply, like an exhaust, maybe even with a sound.
  2. After inhaling, create counteraction with your entire palm symmetrically and simultaneously on both cheeks. This will protect the skin from excessive stretching.
  3. That is, you puff up your cheeks from the inside, and lightly press back on the outside, fixing them. Complete 20 approaches.
  4. Last time do static for 20 seconds.
  5. Finally, do a lip relaxation exercise.

Gymnastics can be made fun by purchasing balloons and inflating them with your kids. It’s fun and tones up your face.

  1. Stick out your tongue as much as possible, trying to reach the chin with the tip.
  2. Do 15-20 approaches.
  1. Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from right to left and back.
  2. Perform the exercise for about a minute.
  3. It is not recommended to overstretch the skin; it is better to create moderate tension.
  1. Take air into your lungs and blow it out first through the right corner of your tightly compressed lips, and then through the left corner.
  2. Make 15 “blows” on each side.
  1. Take a teaspoon and hold the end of its handle with your lips. Not with your teeth, but hold it with tightly closed lips.
  2. Rock the spoon up and down as wide as possible.
  3. Do 20 lifts and on 21 go into a static load.
  4. Finish with a relaxation exercise.

Video on the topic

You can also learn about gymnastics for wrinkles around the mouth in this video:


It’s not difficult to master gymnastics; the exercises won’t take much time.. The main thing is to start and make the classes systematic. The results will begin to delight you within a few days, and a little later they will become obvious to everyone around you.


Moving facial expressions and age-related skin changes are the main reasons for the appearance of a network of wrinkles on a woman’s face. Nasolabial folds age the fair sex. Striving for eternal youth, women carefully care for their delicate facial skin, go under the surgeon’s knife, and use numerous cosmetics. Salon procedures - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, peeling - help to radically solve the problem. Facial exercises and homemade recipes for masks and scrubs should also not be written off.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth at home


The collagen fibers that support the skin framework gradually become thinner. Thin, delicate facial skin is susceptible to lack of fluid, tobacco smoke, ecology, and age-related changes. Cosmetologists pay special attention to clients who have crossed the thirty-five year mark to facial care in the area around the mouth. Dry, weakened skin above the upper lip requires careful treatment. Masks and scrubs, cosmetic fillers, lifting creams are the minimum arsenal of products that help remove wrinkles.

Moving facial expressions, reflecting emotions and experiences, often cause the appearance of deep and not so deep folds above the upper lip. A homemade anti-wrinkle cream will help prevent their appearance:

Moisturizing. Thinking about how to remove facial wrinkles, women forget about the need to restore the water balance of the skin not only from the inside, drinking up to two liters of liquid, but also from the outside. Choose a moisturizer that is appropriate for your age and contains vitamins B, E, and antioxidants.

Pull-up. These products contain hyaluronic acid, which after 40 the body uses up at an accelerated rate. Daily use will help reduce the depth of nasolabial folds, but you should not expect an instant and lasting effect that can remove wrinkles from the use of lifting creams. Filler. Manufactured by pharmaceutical companies specializing in skin beauty, these special “volumizers” are applied with a thin instrument (a non-pointed needle) directly to the wrinkle area. By filling the fold, elastin and collagen, which are part of the fillers, penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis. By “pushing out” the skin from the inside, they help remove facial wrinkles around the mouth.


Before applying creams, it is not superfluous to cleanse the facial skin of dead particles of the epidermis using scrubs. For the delicate area above the upper lip, a coffee scrub with honey, brewer's yeast and vitamin B is suitable. A correction method such as a mask will also help get rid of wrinkles on the face. Ready-made fabrics with lifting impregnation, homemade, based on natural ingredients, they help restore water balance, improve skin elasticity, and even out complexion.

Special gymnastics for the face is an excellent option to strengthen the muscles of the nasolabial area, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, face building will help tighten your chin and reduce “protruding” cheeks. You can remove purse string wrinkles with a set of exercises. Strengthening the muscles of the circumlabial part of the face will take at least 3-5 months. To achieve lasting results, repeat lifting exercises twice a day with an interval of 3-4 days:

Pull your lips out as if you are going to make the sound “u”. Press your fingers tightly to your lips. Try to overcome the pressure of the hand while continuing to engage the nasolabial muscles. Remove your hand and exhale through your mouth without changing the position of your lips. Repeat the movements at least 15 times.

Stretch the corners of your mouth without opening your teeth. Lower your lower lip so as to expose a row of teeth and gums. When done correctly, the muscles of the chin are well tensed, which allows you to remove wrinkles above the upper lip and tighten the oval of the face, getting rid of the double chin. Push the upper jaw forward, leaving the lower jaw motionless. Try to tense your upper jaw muscles. Do the exercise up to 10 times with a short break.


Homemade masks and scrubs will come to the aid of women who prefer natural facial care ingredients. White and blue clay, aloe, honey, cucumber, strawberries have firming properties, perfectly moisturize the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip. Masks using:

Peas, oatmeal, honey and milk. Mix two parts of crushed oatmeal, one part of finely ground peas, half a portion of dry milk and honey. Distribute the mixture evenly over the upper lip and diagonally from the mouth to the wings of the nose. Leave until completely dry. Remove carefully with a damp sponge.

Honey and aloe. Combine the ground leaves of the plant (2 pieces) with a tablespoon of honey heated to room temperature. Apply the moisturizing mask with light finger movements in the direction from the corners of the upper lip to the nose. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. Cosmetic clay, eggs, essential oil. Mix the beaten egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of blue or white clay, add 5-6 drops of grapefruit oil to the mixture. Apply a thin layer to the nasolabial part of your face. This mask has an excellent lifting effect and helps make wrinkles less noticeable.

What procedures does cosmetology offer?

Salon/medical procedures - beauty injections, facial grinding/peeling, biorevitalization, surgical interventions by plastic surgeons - are more effective compared to home remedies. The advantages include the duration of the effect (from several months to a couple of years), rejuvenation of the skin, and a stable result.


However, we should not forget about unpredictable individual reactions and contraindications. When deciding to go to a beauty clinic or salon, undergo a preliminary examination by qualified specialists - a dermatologist, a surgeon. What methods does modern cosmetology offer to remove wrinkles above the upper lip:

Botox (injections). The introduction of this substance by injection into the subcutaneous layers causes partial atrophy of the muscles around the nose and mouth. Facial expressions become less mobile, the skin smoothes out. The “unpleasant” consequences include the “mask” effect, so you should resort to this method if you have deep purse-string wrinkles after 45 years.

Mesotherapy. A rich vitamin-stabilizing cocktail is injected into the surface layers of the epidermis. Contains collagen, B-group “youth” vitamins, and microelements. A sustainable result of reducing wrinkles is achieved after three to five procedures. Paraffin therapy. Restores the water-electrolyte balance of facial skin. By warming up the epidermis, paraffin improves metabolic functions, removes toxins, and saturates it with useful microelements. Effectively helps remove shallow wrinkles around the lips and nose: by stimulating skin turgor, paraffin therapy makes the face smooth and toned. Biorevitalization. Microscopic doses of hyaluronic acid, injected with thin needles under the skin, stimulate the body’s own “production” of this substance. The introduction of hydrocolloid triggers the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin, which are responsible for elastic skin and the absence of folds above the upper lip, helps remove nasolabial wrinkles after a single use, but the supporting effect does not last long (from 3 to 10 months). Laser and chemical peeling. Deep skin resurfacing using drugs or laser radiation is aimed at “removing” the upper layer of the epidermis around the lips and wings of the nose. By smoothing out unevenness and roughness, peeling reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Plastic surgery. This radical method of getting rid of folds above the upper lip is based on the introduction of special gels into the deep layers of the skin. In this case, contour plastic surgery is used to fill wrinkles: as a result, the skin on the face “straightens out,” helping a woman visually look 10-15 years younger.

Preventing the appearance of purse-string wrinkles


The inevitability of the appearance of purse-string wrinkles can be postponed in time. The first signs of the formation of nasolabial folds appear after 25 years, and obvious wrinkles form after 40. Preventive methods can prevent their premature appearance:

Avoid drinking alcohol, animal fats, and fast carbohydrates.

Review your diet by increasing your daily dose of plant fiber. Rub the area of ​​your face above your upper lip with ice cubes made from herbal infusions and tea roses. Use overnight masks with vitamin E, adding a few drops to your moisturizer or nourishing cream. Cucumber lotion and daily moisturizing masks with cucumber, aloe, and yeast help to effectively remove the first manifestations of nasolabial folds.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with methods on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes.

Video: how to remove wrinkles around the mouth

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