Photos of girls with cellulite


Thin does not equal ideal, we are all human and are susceptible to cellulite, stretch marks and other cracks, roughness and depressions. This is what distinguishes us from dolls and a banal picture in Photoshop.

Let's not create idols for ourselves and love ourselves!

Our message was not an insult, but that you need to understand how much the gloss differs from real life! And so that no one is offended, we, as promised, are making an article about non-ideal skinny people!

What we mean is that after our article “26 photos of what the bodies of plus-size models look like in reality: beauty requires Photoshop” many (in our opinion) unfairly reproached us for body shaming.

Maria Sharapova


Masha is our pride, a famous tennis player and simply a beauty, always famous for her long, athletic legs. However, she was not spared a female characteristic - cellulite. How, you will be surprised, she plays sports!!

Yes, but even this is not a guarantee of smooth skin, we discussed this in the article Cellulite does not go away when playing sports and losing weight: what to do?


We will remind everyone again and again: cellulite is normal! This is not a disease, as some magazines write, or a flaw or shortcoming, as fitness bloggers like to say. This is the structure of adipose tissue, this is nature’s confirmation of the fact that you are ready to bear and give birth to a child, such is life!

There is no need to “cope” or “fight” cellulite - if it is caused by the genetic structure of adipose tissue, then it is just your personal highlight, like eye color, for example. In 99% of celebrity photographs it was smoothed out in Photoshop, we give it a try!

Angelina Jolie


Angelina is certainly a bright woman, a beauty icon of the 2000s shows us that the absence of fat does not make a person healthy, but this is the main indicator of your beauty!

“Skin and bones, just a skeleton, painful to watch” - this is how the tabloids “greeted” the 40-year-old beauty at the American premiere of the cartoon “Kung Fu Panda 3” on January 16. The little black dress was not a winning option for her, emphasizing the frightening thinness of her limbs.

That’s why it’s so important when losing weight to follow the diet that suits you. balance of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates and of course, exercise. Losing weight through loss of muscle mass and simple starvation only leads to poor health, pallor and an emaciated appearance. Let's lose weight together with Kostya Shiroka in a healthy way!

Fitness blogger Jelly Devot


This girl inspired many to lose weight and for good reason: in 6 years she turned from an overweight, alcohol-drinking girl into a fitness guru! The secret to her transformation is simple: a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and reducing alcohol consumption to one or two glasses of wine a week helped her lose weight and look good.


However, in this article she has a different point: despite all the gloss on Instagram, Jelly is not afraid to make fun of herself, saying that no matter how good shape she is, her body does not look athletic and smooth from all angles!

This is a very valuable quality, because many people, in an attempt to become “like that lady from Instagram,” bring themselves to tears, asking us: “Well, if she could do it, then I should too, what’s wrong?!” Everything is so, our dears, it’s just that a person knows how to choose correct angles.

None of us look perfect from every angle every day. - This is impossible, we are not work. In our article What 8 famous fitness girls look like in reality We looked at similar tricks - master them too!

Halle Berry


We ourselves are surprised that we included Hallie in this article, but you can’t erase the words from the song: despite her amazing, athletic figure, the actress has “flaws” (in the generally accepted sense).

“Yes, I have noticeable stretch marks on my sides, and I’m not trying to somehow mask them or correct them using lasers and other technologies. I don’t consider stretch marks to be something terrible, just like wrinkles and other natural signs of age.”


52 years for a second!!

We considered the question of whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks in this article Ladies' troubles: cellulite, sagging skin, stretch marks and “excess” skin. We would like to add only one thing: no matter what causes stretch marks (pregnancy, weight loss/gain, height) - this is an absolutely normal reaction of your body to the changes that happen to you.

These are the memories of your life and believe me, they don’t look disgusting, having them means being a person who grows, changes, moves forward!

Lindsey Lohan


Lindsay is, unfortunately, the most striking example of what is the combined result of losing weight in an unhealthy way, bad additive habits and a complete lack of exercise. It’s not about a pumped up butt or six-pack abs, but about banal health.

And, by the way, pay attention: she does not have cellulite, despite a disordered diet and an unhealthy lifestyle without physical activity.


The actress has pronounced scoliosis, which requires therapeutic exercises and massages, obvious muscular dystrophy, which is perfectly “treated by the gym,” and a complete lack of tone. We hope that sooner or later Lindsay will get around to exercising and eating right.

Anna Vyalitsyna


This is a Russian and American supermodel who collaborated with Victoria's Secret and even performed at their shows. The recognized beauty also has her own characteristics. As we can see, this is another proof that cellulite does not correlate with the amount of fat - Anna certainly cannot “boast” of having extra pounds!


A little for those who ask why such articles. But for the sake of comments like this:

“wow, finally I can safely take all my shorts out of the closet and walk without fear. If the models have such thighs, then I certainly have no reason to feel complex))”

“thank you for showing this - no matter how I go to Instagram, everyone is perfect, I’m the only orc with cellulite and pimples. So at least it’s clear that no one is perfect. ",

"very interesting. And, really, after such photos it’s somehow easier to look at your problem areas,”

“Thank you, my self-esteem has never been higher before!”

Queen Letizia


Who doesn’t know this modern Cinderella, who, being a simple journalist in 2004, married the future king of Spain? Leticia is a beautiful, stately woman, but judging by her haggard appearance, royal duties are a heavy burden.

Fragile shoulders, twig-like arms and too thin legs make you wonder if she eats too little? Apparently, her set point should be a little higher. We hope her health is okay!

Compare: Leticia has always been slim, but so lean.



Donatella Versace


A well-known victim of plastic surgery. But as we see, this affected not only the face. Huge breast implants look artificial compared to Donatella's skinny physique, and the excessive tan is even more so.

The last one scares us the most. Heavy tanning (more than 30 minutes a day in the sun) has a very negative effect on your skin, not only in an aesthetic sense, but also in a purely medical sense.

Ultraviolet rays destroy collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, which retain moisture and maintain elasticity; accordingly, it dehydrates, dries, becomes rough and ages quickly, which is what we see in Donatella’s body.

By the way, tanning is also a contraindication for cellulite, due to its collagen-destroying properties. Tanning also increases the risk of skin cancer, which, meanwhile, ranks 1st among all cancers!

Lady Gaga


We adore the mother of all monsters not only for her talent, but also for her attitude towards herself. After the paparazzi noticed stretch marks on the singer’s chest, only the lazy did not reproach her for this, advising her to take advantage of her fees and get plastic surgery!

Gaga answered them in her unique manner, which made us very happy:

“Stretch marks on my chest appeared quite early, and for a long time I was embarrassed to wear a cleavage. And then I thought: stretch marks won’t go away, so what if I live my life without wearing a dress with a deep neckline? And I didn’t care about stretch marks. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.”

In her case, it can be assumed that the breasts grew quite quickly and sharply, which is why stretch marks remained on the skin. Yes, stretch marks on the chest happen not only after childbirth!

Kate Moss


Kate Moss is still one of the big names in the fashion world: it was this British woman with an unconventional appearance who became a style icon for a whole generation of girls. And everything would be fine if it weren’t for the supermodel’s addictions (we won’t disclose the list of Kate’s bad habits).

Today Kate has solved her problems with drugs, but has not started leading a healthy lifestyle, which is evident not only from the constant cigarette in her hands, but also from her figure. Not everyone knows, but smoking and cellulite are closely related:


Smoking negatively affects the tone of blood vessels, worsening metabolism: nicotine leads to vasospasm, disrupting the venous outflow of blood. The result of this is the accumulation of fluid in the fatty layers. After some time, it forms swelling and unevenness on the skin.

Substances found in cigarette smoke impair the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Nicotine inhibits the production of hyaluronic acid, which is found in connective tissue and is responsible for the restoration of skin tissue.

Smoking releases carbon monoxide into the body, making it difficult to saturate tissues with oxygen.

Denise Richards


The American actress and former model has attracted a lot of criticism over her appearance in recent years: fans worry about her weight loss and excessive tanning. Denise insists that she leads an extremely healthy lifestyle and has simply lost a couple of kilos.


Of course, to each his own, but on the left Denise seems healthier to us

We cannot judge from a distance, but still Richards seems emaciated to us: perhaps in contrast to her youth...


A useful article for those with a sweet tooth and those who want to learn something interesting:


The beach season has already begun! Some may have managed to lose weight by the summer, while others simply accepted themselves as they are and immediately got rid of many problems.

Let's be honest: when we go to the beach, we don't see Victoria's Secret models there, but ordinary women. With imperfect bodies, cellulite, stretch marks after childbirth and folds on the stomach, and this is perfect. Fine!

Moreover, the popular “body positive” movement is only gaining momentum every year. His goal is to fight against beauty standards imposed by the media and to encourage people to accept their own and other people's bodies as they are.

Let's take cellulite, which has always been considered almost a terrible defect. But even slender girls have it! Now, many women do not see anything wrong with these dimples and do not try to hide their hips under jeans and long skirts.

To show you what real beach bodies look like, we've collected photos and quotes from popular Instagram girls who prove that cellulite doesn't have to stop you from hitting the beach!


Reasons for the appearance and occurrence of cellulite in young girls.


Why does cellulite love girls so much? They didn’t guess: not because he is masculine. If you “dig deeper”, you can “get to the bottom” of the following reasons:


  1. Hereditary factor. We’ve lost count of how many times we’ve already been “offended” by heredity. Either some kind of ugly facial feature is passed on through the genes, or something else that you don’t want to live with. In general, genes are not always beneficial. And not only for girls, but for everyone - everyone else. The genes, for some reason, “decided” that their revenge should include the “orange peel.” And we suffer from their capriciousness (that is, decisions).
  2. Drinks containing alcohol. Beverages. Please note that apples and kefir also contain a drop of alcohol. However, these products are not strictly prohibited. Apples, on the contrary, need to be eaten. But you shouldn’t abuse kefir. That's not what's important. Have you wondered which alcoholic drinks are bad for the “cellulite queens”? I answer: everything. Wine, vodka, champagne, liqueur…. The list is quite long, but why continue it if it is already clear that you should not drink anything “alcohol-containing”. I sympathize, but drinking beer is also extremely undesirable for young girls with cellulite. Beer not only grows your belly, but also your “citrus peel.” Cellulite, like a bun, “grows” by leaps and bounds. This means that he should be put on an “anti-beer” diet.
  3. Cigarettes. They “kill horses”, not cellulite. Fatty deposits love cigarette smoke. After all, it is he who can completely destroy vitamin C, which we all need so much. And zinc, due to nicotine, is terribly absorbed. By the way, it is young girls who smoke more often than older ladies. Some of them use nicotine to show each other how “cool” they are. Some smoke, hoping that the “nicotine haze” will save them from trouble. Well, at least it will distract from them, or something. And there are girls who want to “kill” time in this way. They do not spare themselves, nor their body, nor precious seconds that can be used a little differently.


Photos of girls with cellulite. Yes, “orange peel” is not only found on citrus fruits. And, as you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of a “crust”. But there are also many means (ways) to “drive” him out of women’s lives. Read about them, remember them, don't forget about their existence. There is no need to try to “deal with” cellulite on your own. This is unrealistic. It won't go away like a runny nose or any other cold. Don't count on it: miracles of this kind won't work.

Anti-cellulite "tricks" they will not offend you, and they will not let you down. But only if you commit to working very honestly and closely with them. You are the main character in the “battle” against cellulite. Methods are just a safety net, your “weapon”. If you use it skillfully, you will get a “plus”; if you make a mistake, you will have to try for a long time to finally correct it.

Cellulite will not defeat you! I promise you this. Now, just to avoid such an unpleasant victory, you also have to not sit idly by. By the way, this is also an element of inactivity.

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