Skin care in winter

Many ladies think that skin care in winter is not much different from summer. This is wrong. In winter, the skin becomes drier - both the frosty wind outside and the drier air indoors contribute to this.

As a result, the skin begins to peel, the number of wrinkles increases, and the face becomes rougher. Therefore, you should take care of nourishing and moisturizing your skin in advance. Replace light creams with thicker ones, salon care with home care, and ice cube massage with contrast wash.

What affects facial skin during the cold season?

The skin is affected by several factors at once that should be neutralized or at least mitigated. Among them:

Frost and wind. Their influence injures the skin and dries it out. And if the snow flies into your face like prickly fragments, then you should carry out some kind of restorative procedure at home, for example, apply a nourishing mask. Don’t forget that 30-40 minutes before going outside, it would be a good idea to apply a cream that will turn into a protective barrier for the skin. A substitute can be cosmetic oil or goose fat;

Dry indoor air. Winter facial care includes moisturizing, but creams alone are not enough. Heaters dry out the air, which causes wrinkles and upper respiratory tract diseases. The ideal solution is to buy a humidifier. If for some reason this is not possible, you should at least place vessels with water in the corners of the room or next to the heater;

Sudden temperature change. You can soften its impact if you do not run to warm up directly to the heat source by entering the room;

Vitamin deficiency D. Pale and dry skin is precisely the result of lack of sun. You should not use creams with a high level of protection against it too intensively - this is only justified at ski resorts. On the contrary, you can go to the solarium to make up for this deficiency;

Nutrient deficiencies. Alas, blood vessels narrow under the influence of cold and the skin does not receive enough nutrition to be beautiful. Therefore, facial skin care in winter should include compensation for this deficiency.

Cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition and protection - these are the basics on which winter care is based. Makeup should be done in layers - this will create an additional barrier to frost. And it is better to replace light fluids with a denser foundation.

Important! You should take care of your skin not only externally, but also internally. Staying hydrated and eating foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3s will help make your skin beautiful and healthy.

Winter facial care from the inside

Water, vitamins and antioxidants are what your skin needs most in winter. The lack of all of the above will instantly affect her condition. High-quality facial skin care in winter is a prerequisite for not being upset in the spring when looking at its condition.

Pure water cannot be replaced with tea, juices and other drinks. In addition, sufficient water balance has a great effect on metabolism, which means it contributes to the appearance of a beautiful and slender figure. Therefore, 30 ml of clean water per kilogram of weight is a mandatory norm in winter.

Especially relevant are Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and C, as well as antioxidants that prevent the skin from aging. Therefore, facial skin care in cold weather means frequent consumption of fatty fish, liver, nuts, vegetable oil, as well as pumpkin, persimmon, citrus fruits and black currants. Sometimes you can drink rosehip decoction or take vitamins from the pharmacy, but in a course and as prescribed by a doctor.

Winter sports - skiing and skating - are great for training the immune system, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin. You can simply play outdoor games; despite the cold season, walks in the fresh air are still necessary.

Skin care in winter using cosmetics

Cosmetics support and protect your facial skin well in winter, you just need to choose them correctly. It is better to leave light moisturizing creams until spring; even those with oily skin should use creams with a thicker texture. Facial care in winter with proper cleansing of the skin should be thorough and delicate - it is already at risk of injury. A snowstorm and strong wind, frost and bright sun are not the friendliest factors for her. Masks will provide additional nutrition, but it is better to make them at home rather than in a salon. After using them, it is not advisable to go outside for 4-5 hours. Therefore, it is best to make masks at home, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Moderate cold also has a positive effect on the skin - it tones it. But this does not mean that there is no need to choose the right cosmetics - a winter face care cream requires a nourishing one with natural oils. And it’s better to remove makeup without washing your face (that’s later), but with the help of cosmetic milk or cream. Herbal decoctions are considered the best tonic - horsetail, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort will become reliable allies in the fight for youth and beauty.

The morning should begin with high-quality cleansing, even if a full range of skin care procedures was carried out the night before. After washing with a mild product, you should finish cleansing with a vitamin lotion or tonic. You should not use the option with alcohol - it will dry out the skin, and this is absolutely not necessary now. It is better to take a tonic without it or cosmetic milk. Then face cream is applied. It will serve as a base for makeup.

In the evening, after removing your makeup, you should wash your face with gel or foam, wipe your face with tonic and it would be a good idea to apply a mask. It is recommended to do this 1-2 times a week. It is better to wash off the mask with a warm decoction of herbs - birch buds, chamomile, and calendula are suitable. Homemade masks have proven themselves to be excellent - mashed potatoes with milk (mash potatoes and dilute with milk to the desired consistency), banana (mash half a banana, add 1 tablespoon of kefir), citrus.

Tip: keep the mask on your face for 20-25 minutes. Then wash it off and apply nourishing cream. Be sure to remove any remaining cream. And we must not forget about the neck and décolleté - the mask, and then the cream, should be applied there too.

It is important to create a protective barrier on the skin. If you apply makeup, do so with a fairly thick foundation and in layers. That is, a basic nourishing cream, then, when it is absorbed, a foundation or with a tinting effect, after complete absorption, powder, and so on.

If you don’t have makeup, you should apply a cream with a thick texture, but no less than an hour before going outside. It can be replaced with cosmetic oil or goose fat, but the latter is only relevant in severe frosts. Excess cream, oil or fat must be removed. Due to the winter time, a cream without additions may not be enough to provide good protection in severe frosts. You can add oil (not water-soluble!) vitamins A and E to it.

Facial skin care in winter - advice from a cosmetologist

Each age needs its own advice - unfortunately, there are no universal ones. Therefore, winter skin care for a teenager’s face will differ from ways to protect youth and beauty in a mature person.

For young skin, thorough cleansing, getting rid of acne, high-quality hydration and protection are important. But since the skin of teenagers itself quickly regenerates, all products should be light enough not to clog it, provide complete care, but not overdo it. You can use scrubs 1-2 times a week, but make sure there is no inflammation. You should wash your face with a mild product twice a day – morning and evening. An hour before going outside, use age-appropriate cream, but makeup will only harm.

Young women (under 40 years old) need supportive care. Maintaining a water regime, mandatory masks twice a week, the right choice of cosmetics. For now, tightening clay masks should be replaced with others, as they dry out the skin. Banana, fermented milk products, egg white and yolk, essential and cosmetic oils will help regenerate the skin, nourish it and moisturize it. For outdoor use, it is better to choose special winter creams. You can go to the salon for peeling and get additional advice from cosmetologists.

Mature skin needs even more careful care. After 45 years, it is better to leave salon peeling for the spring, and use a milder one at home. The easiest option is to add scrubbing substances to the cleanser - finely ground oatmeal or rice, coffee grounds, sea salt. Cosmetic milk is more suitable than tonic, but you can alternate them. The cream should be nourishing and based on natural oils. In general, at this age the amount of chemicals applied to the face should be kept to a minimum.

The most thorough and careful skin care is needed after 60 years. Scrubs should become a thing of the past, and peelings should be as delicate as possible. If makeup has been applied, it should be removed exclusively with micellar water or cosmetic cream; a cream with maximum nutritional qualities should be used both in the morning and at night. Masks are also required. Sour cream, cream, applesauce, mashed potatoes, grated carrots, egg yolk - these ingredients should be present there. Mature age is not a reason to give up on yourself; you need to lead an active lifestyle, apply the advice of a cosmetologist, look at life as optimistically as possible and pamper your skin.

We advise you to watch a video about winter skin care, which a cosmetologist will tell you about:


Hello! How to take care of your face in winter? It is worth knowing that winter care is different from summer, and you need to start preparing your face for the cold in the fall.

The effect of cold weather on facial skin


Why does skin require special care in winter? Wind, frost, snow, dry air in the office and at home dry out the epidermis so much that it begins to peel off and tighten, causing discomfort.

If you don’t take care of the skin of your face at all, you will soon get additional wrinkles, redness, and even more peeling.

In the fall, you need to start taking special care of your face, and in winter, make even more efforts to protect and care.

It is during the winter period that many notice a change in the type of epidermis: in those with oily dermis, the sebaceous glands begin to produce less sebum, and the combined dermis becomes of a normal type. Please pay attention to this in order to choose care products according to the type of epidermis.

Cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition


The main stages of care remain the same as at other times of the year. Cleanse using steam baths.

It is best to brew chamomile, linden flowers, rose petals, and calendula. Hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes to open the pores well.

After this, scrub with oatmeal soaked in milk, kefir or yogurt. This procedure must be carried out once every 7 days.

The next procedure is moisturizing. Apply moisturizing cream, cosmetic milk or moisturizing masks to your face, which I will discuss below.

To nourish the epidermis, take a rich cream with the addition of vitamins and herbal ingredients.
Just use it 30-40 minutes before going out into the cold, remove the excess with a paper napkin. Before applying cosmetics, lubricating your face with a rich cream will protect the dermis from the negative effects of winter weather.

How to humidify the air in a room

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Make a decoction of the herbs that I indicated above in the text, or of green tea, pour them into ice cube trays and wipe your face every morning.

A simple infusion for rubbing can be prepared from flax seeds: brew 1 teaspoon of seeds, let it brew for 25 minutes, strain, wipe your face.

Home care rules

You can also take good care of your facial skin at home; it is important to correctly determine its type. After determining the type, you can start making masks.

  1. For oily skin, a mask made of lemon and egg white is suitable: take 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, beat 2 eggs with the whites, cover your face with the egg mixture in several layers, hold for 25 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. For dry skin, make a mixture of honey and cottage cheese. Mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, apply to the skin, wash after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Sensitive dermis will be happy with a mask consisting of milk, cottage cheese and cucumber. Take 1 tbsp of everything. spoon, mix well. Keep the mixture on your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
  4. A normal epidermis will not refuse a mask consisting of rolled oats scalded with hot milk. Take all ingredients 2 tbsp. spoons. Keep the mixture on your face for 25 minutes, then rinse with water.
  5. For combination skins, a mixture of onion and honey is suitable. You need 2 tbsp. l. combine onion juice with 2 tbsp. honey, mix well, apply to skin.
  6. Fading skin will look better after applying this composition: 2 tbsp. dilute tablespoons of blue clay with water, add olive oil and sour cream. Keep the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

7 recommendations from an experienced specialist


On the eve of cold weather, the advice of a cosmetologist will be very useful. Many women are interested in why thoroughly cleanse their skin in the morning if they have already undergone this procedure in the evening?

It turns out that our slagged body removes a lot of unnecessary substances through the skin overnight. If you don’t cleanse your face well in the morning, but immediately apply cream, then all the harmful substances will go inside again. Therefore, morning cleansing is a very important procedure.

  1. In the morning, apply a cleanser along the massage lines, leave for 1 minute, then rinse with micellar water.
  2. If the skin is too dry, it should be cleaned with milk.
  3. After cleansing, toning occurs according to the type of epidermis.
  4. In addition to this daily procedure, deep cleansing should be performed 1 or 2 times a week.
  5. Do not neglect nutrition and hydration of the epidermis to avoid the appearance of deep wrinkles.
  6. Apply all products only along massage lines. Why? Because along the massage lines there is a lymphatic system, as well as collagen fibers. If we apply it chaotically, we ourselves will destroy the collagen responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
  7. You can’t apply the cream after 10:30 p.m., as there will be swelling in the morning.

Recommendations for the younger generation


What is it about appearance that upsets teenagers the most? Of course, the appearance of acne. A teenager needs to carefully care for his face, going through all stages of care:

  1. Scrub twice a week.
  2. Before going outside, apply a nourishing cream that contains natural oils and animal fats.
  3. In the morning and before bed, wash your face with a light foam.
  4. During the day, wipe the skin with a light tonic.
  5. Constantly moisturize your skin.
  6. Get rid of acne and blackheads.

To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin and 100 ml milk.

  1. Heat the milk, pour gelatin into it, wait 20 minutes until it swells.
  2. Then place in a water bath until a gel is formed and the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Take a cotton swab and apply the gel to your face until a firm matte mask is formed.
  4. This one will take 30 minutes. Hook it near your chin and remove it. Complete the procedure with moisturizing cream.

Recommendations for young women

Skin care after 35 also involves all stages, but it also has its own characteristics. At this age, a woman works actively, so she spends a lot of time indoors.

For this reason, moisturize your skin more often, take special wipes with you, apply moisturizing masks twice a week, and drink more water.

Before applying makeup, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to protect your skin from winter weather. To fill the skin with nutrients, make nourishing masks 2 times a week.

Here are simple recipes: apply sauerkraut to your face, leave for 20 minutes. The good thing about this mask is that it is suitable for any type of epidermis, especially oily skin.
For dry epidermis, a banana mixture is suitable. Mash a banana, add a little nourishing cream, 5-6 drops of lemon juice, and leave on your face for 20 minutes.

Recommendations for a mature woman


How to take care of your face after 45? Of course, follow the general recommendations, but there are also some peculiarities.

Don't forget about home peeling: just add coffee or oatmeal to your cleanser. Mix well, using circular movements, apply very gently to your face, then wash with a decoction of herbs.

If your face is chapped, then boiled potatoes will improve its condition. Add a little milk and egg yolk to the mashed potatoes. Apply a fairly thick layer to your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, and wash with warm water. You will see amazing results!

If you are 50


The age of 50 is the best time to pay more attention to yourself. Why? Because a woman knows what she needs to take care of herself, which cosmetic products are suitable specifically for her skin. But still, you need to listen to the advice of experts.

Cosmetologists advise using in winter:

  1. Anti-aging cream containing vitamins C, E, retinol, hyaluronic acid.
  2. Take a fatty night cream that contains oils, herbal ingredients, and biostimulants.
  3. Make masks twice a week.
  4. Use cosmetic milk to wash your face.
  5. Scrub weekly.
  6. Constantly moisturize your skin.

The following mask is suitable for moisturizing: finely grate the carrots, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

The woman is young and at 60


This is true. Look at women at 60! No one will say how old she is! Therefore, continue to take care of your appearance, especially in winter. Follow all the main steps, but do not forget about the features of care, in particular, moisturizing.

After 60 years, severe dehydration of the skin occurs, rapid loss of collagen, firmness, and elasticity. It's sad, but irreversible aging occurs. Just don't despair, the aging process can be slowed down.

In winter, conduct moisturizing courses not in the morning, but in the evening. Pamper your skin with moisturizing masks, choose care products that contain hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, and vitamin E.

Day creams should contain various oils, and night creams should contain vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. To cleanse the dermis, choose washing gels or foams that do not contain soap. For peeling, choose products based on fruit acids or delicate gommages.

Dear women! Every age is good in its own way and at every age you need to look fresh and young. I am sure that our advice will help you with this.

What your skin needs and doesn't need in the cold

Neglecting special skin care in winter is the same as taking the risk of taking a walk without a coat and hat. The idea is bold, but fraught with harmful consequences for health. ELLE learned from experts how to help your skin survive until spring.

Regina Khabibullina, junior training manager at Clarins

Is it really necessary to change facial care in winter or should it be based on the type, condition and needs of the skin?

With the change of season, not only your wardrobe and mood changes, but also your skin condition, regardless of its type. Winter means frost and wind. In such weather, the sebaceous glands produce less subcutaneous fat, and in the dry air of heated rooms, a sharp disruption of the hydrolipid balance of the skin occurs, the protective barrier is disrupted, and sensitivity worsens. As a result, the skin begins to peel, turn red and cause a feeling of discomfort - all these are signs of critical dehydration. In addition to external factors, internal restructuring of the body occurs, associated with seasonal hormonal fluctuations, which affects the metabolism in the skin. Such changes are difficult to ignore, so you should review your care program.

1. Smashbox It’s a Wrap! Waterproof MakeUp Remover; 2. 3LAB Healthy Lip Baim; 3. Erborian Doudoune for Hands; 4. Atelier Cologne Bergamote Soleil Hand Cream; 5. La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains; 6. Chanel Body Excellence; 7. The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter; 8. Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Moisturizes and Quenches Cooling Gel; 9. Caudalie Resveratrol Lift Cream Cachemire; 10. Giorgio Armani Him/Her Lip Balm; 11. Clinique Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm; 12. Chanel Hydra Beauty Nutrition Lip Balm

What skin care is optimal in winter in a metropolis?

Now the skin needs gentler cleansing and care, as well as additional cosmetics that will help restore and maintain its natural balance. What should care be like in winter? The basic stages of daily care are the same: cleansing, toning, day/night cream. The products themselves should be changed based on the changing needs of the skin.

To cleanse any skin type in winter, it is recommended to use only “mild” products without alcohol. During this period, if you have oily skin, it is better to switch to creams for normal or combination skin, and for normal skin types, use products for dry skin. You can also enrich your care program with additional products: moisturizing serum, mask, oil. It is important not to forget about hand cream and lip balm in cold weather.

How should your care change if you fly on vacation to warm countries in winter?

Flights and climate change are stressful for the body in general and for the skin in particular. This means that there are much more reasons for dehydration. There is also a risk of signs of fatigue appearing on the face. Additional products, such as concentrates, will help avoid troubles and provide a fresh, healthy look to your skin.

What beauty products should you avoid in cold weather?

You should put aside aggressive cleansers, products with a high content of ethyl alcohol, as well as anything that provokes dry skin, including highly mattifying cosmetic products. However, in winter you cannot refuse sunscreen: frost is often accompanied by the sun, whose ultraviolet rays do not lose their activity. Also, when reading recommendations and advice, do not forget about individual characteristics, closely monitor the “mood” of your skin and adjust your care program according to its needs.

1. Intensive bi-phase Clarins Hydra-Essentiel; 2. Chanel Hydra Beauty Nutrition; 3. Valmont Prime 24 hour; 4. L’Oreal Paris Luxury nutrition; 5. Armani Prima Oil-In-Gel; 6. Lancôme Nutrix Royal; 7. Thalgo Cold Cream Marine; 8. Retinol Day Cream; 9. La Bruket Facial Cream Carrot Bergamott; 10. Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Deep Moisture Balm; 11. Lancôme Genifique

How do changes in temperature and humidity affect the condition of the skin and how to help it?

In the harsh Russian climate, central heating and other troubles, almost everyone experiences the problem of dry skin during the cold season. Temperature changes affect not only our well-being, but also our skin. Dehydration and flaking can occur due to frosty air outside, as well as dry air in homes where there is heating and air conditioning.

Elena Alekseeva, Kiehl’s expert

Which ingredients in the composition should you prefer?

Itching may occur due to snow or gusts of wind. Creams containing film-forming substances and antioxidants will come to the rescue. To help your skin cope with dryness, it needs to be moisturized. It is ideal to do this in the evening, after taking a bath or shower, when there is still a lot of moisture in the skin. Any moisturizer with a comfortable texture will do. It is good if it contains natural oils, hyaluronic acid, silicones, a small amount of glycerin or sorbitol. Be careful: increasing skin moisture increases the likelihood of frostbite. Therefore, before going out into the cold, it is not recommended to use intensively moisturizing creams that “lock” water in the skin. I would also like to remind you that if the chosen product has a gel base, then it must be applied at least an hour before going outside.

Does it make sense to switch to cleansing in winter, removing dirt and makeup only with a micellar solution?

Personally, I don't really like the idea of ​​cleansing my skin without water. In this case, fat and dirt are not removed well enough, which can sooner or later lead to inflammation. Cleansing with micellar water on a daily basis can lead to damage to the protective barrier and irritation, since, in fact, these are surfactants that we leave on the face. Most experts advise washing it off with water.

A skin cleansing system without water (for example, using milk) may only be suitable for very dry and sensitive skin, which does not tolerate the washing process comfortably and reacts to contact with water with severe redness and irritation.

1. Garnier micellar cleansing gel; 2. Clarins Booster Energy; 3. Chanel Hydra Beauty Radiance Mask; 4.Dr. Pierre Ricaud Eau Miccelaire; 5. Anne Semonin Cream Mask; 6. Erborian Bamboo Waterlock Mask; 7. Erborian Yusa Sorbet Night; 8. Vichy mineral mask; 9. SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Masque; 10. Erborian Bamboo Shot Mask; 11. Dr.Jart+ Vital Hydra Solution Mask; 12. Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Fresh & Fast Masks; 13. Lancôme Energie De Vie Sleeping Mask; 14. SkinCeuticals Ce Ferulic

What does a simple and effective winter home care system look like?

Ideally, a skincare ritual should consist of at least three products. Firstly, this is a cleanser that does not damage the protective barrier (preferably without alcohol and sulfates). Secondly, a moisturizer with film-forming substances, natural oils and antioxidants. Thirdly, a night restorative concentrate type. Also in winter it is necessary to apply additional care. It is recommended to do moisturizing masks at least 2-3 times a week, since now the skin is losing a lot of water.

Does your skin need special care in winter?

In winter, the skin of the body is under constant cover. On the one hand, she is warm, on the other, clothes can become a source of irritation. The skin loses moisture faster, and with it a healthy color. The algorithm for caring for body skin is the same as for the face. But if you shower in the morning and evening, then do not use shower gel every time - the skin does not need such intensive cleansing.

It would be great if you pay attention to the composition of your body care products. Let there be oils, vitamins and minerals. Use soft scrubs 1-2 times a week. Don’t forget about the 3-minute rule: immediately after water procedures, you need to apply a moisturizer, because when the skin is steamed and the pores are enlarged, the conductivity of beneficial components improves.

1. CND Scentsations Tangerine & Lemongrass Lotion; 2. mi&ko body cream Ginger and body milk Sandalwood; 3. Orly Rich Renewal Pretty; 4. Neutrogena Deep Moisture Body Lotion; 5. Mary Kay timewise body; 6. Herbalife Herbal Aloe; 7. Lush Dream Cream Hand and Body Lotion; 8. Organic Shop Body Desserts Strawberry & Chocolate; 9. Caudalie Crushed Cabernet Scrub; 10. Thermes Marins de Saint Malo Body; 11. Holika Holika Peach Body Lotion; 12. The Body Shop Hawaiian Kukui

Alexey Mironenko, national expert of Biotherm

There is an opinion that the cream should be applied half an hour before going outside. Is it so?

When applying the cream, its temperature increases due to rubbing between the fingers and the temperature of the facial skin. As a result, the temperatures of the cream and skin are compared, amounting to 36 degrees. This is an additional mechanism for absorption and activation of the cream. Obviously, at this temperature the cream cannot freeze. There is little water in it, but there are a lot of moisturizing components (lipids, sugars) that do not freeze. Moreover, special moisturizers have now been created for facial care in winter. The formula with natural oils protects the skin from unpleasant redness in cold windy weather. Nevertheless, moisturizer in winter should be applied at least half an hour before going out so that it has time to be absorbed, act and protect the skin in the cold.

Which care option is more effective: one rich, dense cream or multiple layers of light textures?

In winter, you should give preference to richer, nutritious textures, but this does not negate layering. Take a look at your makeup remover: You might want to use an oil in the winter, even if you don't have dry skin. Also in winter, you will most likely feel more comfortable with a toner for dry skin. It's great if you use serum. Have you tried serums with oil texture? They can also be used for combination skin. Of course, your cream in winter should be more nourishing than in summer. Which one should be based on the needs of the skin.

Or maybe just oil is enough?

Oil in winter is what the skin needs, but it is not enough. In the vast majority of cases, the skin is dehydrated in winter. This happens for several reasons: indoor heating, changes in water quality, different nutrition, cold, wind, snow. Don't forget about moisturizer, even if you think your skin is flawless.

How else can you help your skin in the cold?

Of course, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Green and herbal teas can be excellent sources of moisture and warmth, as well as skin-beneficial antioxidants. The drying effect of heating can be reduced by using a humidifier and regular ventilation. In your diet, you should not forget about seasonal fruits, vegetables, first courses and foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids (fish). Any non-exhausting sports exercises have a positive effect on the condition of the skin in winter. Contrast showers and washing with water of different temperatures are also useful, but the water temperature should not be extreme, but comfortable.

1. Vichy Neovadiol; 2. L’Occitane Amande Supple Skin Oil; 3. Dior Prestige L’Huile Souveraine; 4. Jane Iredal Face Cleanser; 5. Biotherm Total Renew Oil; 6. Givenchy Smile’n’Repair Wrinkle Expert; 7. Elemis Sweet Orchid Monoi Body Oil; 8. Anne Semonin Nourishing Body Oil; 9. L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Laser Double Care; 10. Vichy Idealia Peeling; 11. Dior Prestige La Creme; 12. Biotherm Aquesource Cocoon; 13. Givenchy L’Intemporel Global Youth Silky Sheer Cream

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