Garikun - agaric

Ibn Masawayh says: “It can be male or female. One of the agarics is similar to the root of Ferula stinking, but is not as strong as the outer part of the root of Ferula stinking.” Some say it originates in rotten trees, like rot. Its taste is warm, pungent and astringent; its substance is watery, airy, earthy and rarefied.

The best agaric is smooth, white, easily crumbles, very light, with smooth edges, in the bitterness of which you can feel the sweetness and which, when rubbed, falls into pieces. This is a female agaric, but the male one is not good. Black agaric and hard agaric are both very bad.

Hot in the first degree, dry in the second.

Actions and properties.
Agarik dissolves, removes thick juices, opens all blockages, thins out; some say it has an astringent power. It tastes sweet at first, then bitter.

Tumors and acne.
It is useful for all kinds of tumors.

Tools with joints.
It is given with sikanjubin for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This is one of the medicines that cleanses the nerves of excess due to its special properties. It helps against muscle weakness and bruises from a fall. Three qirats drink it at a time, and in case of fever it is given in water sweetened with honey or in julab.

Organs of the head.
It is useful for epilepsy sufferers and cleanses the brain of excess due to its inherent property.

Breast organs.
It is beneficial for asthma and lung ulcers if taken with boiled wine. At one time it is given to drink up to one darachmi for pain in the liver.

Nutritional organs.
It opens blockages in the liver and viscera and is therefore useful in jaundice arising from blockages in the liver.

Eruption organs.
It drives various thick juices: black bile and mucus; at one time it is given from one darakhmi to two dirhams, mainly in water sweetened with honey. It promotes the action of laxative drugs and brings them to the most remote places of the body.

Agarik drives urine and menstruation and soothes pain in the kidneys. To do this, they give you one darachmi to drink. It helps against “suffocation of the uterus.”

It is useful for chills during fevers and for old bad fevers, if given one misqal in wine before an attack, it stops the chill.

It is applied as a medicinal bandage for reptile bites; if given to drink in wine up to one darachmi, it brings very great benefits. It is applied as a medicinal bandage for bites of cold reptiles.

It is replaced by a double amount of turbo.