Hot boils

Boils are one of the ulcers formed from hot tumors due to the accumulation of pus. Actually, any tumor is called an abscess if a cavity forms inside it and the matter, whatever it is, pours into this cavity and remains there, and a boil is a tumor that is hot and collects pus. Sometimes a hot tumor, as such, begins with the accumulation of pus and internal disruption of continuity, and sometimes it begins differently and develops at first in the same way as benign hot tumors, but later, in the limit period, it comes to the accumulation of pus. We will temporarily put aside discussions about ulcers containing substances similar to nasal mucus, gypsum-like, stone-like, sandy and hairy,

although some people call ulcers exactly tumors containing substances of this kind, and now let's talk about boils that accumulate pus. They begin with the release of matter, which nature drives, but cannot drive through the skin or distribute in the meat; on the contrary, matter, due to its density, causes a clear disruption of continuity and establishes itself in the gap between the separated tissues. In most cases, such boils have a pointed head, especially if the material is sharp.

Such boils begin and accumulate pus, then the matter matures and they burst, and sometimes it is necessary to help them mature and burst, and sometimes this is not required. The higher the boil rises, the redder it is and the sharper its head, the hotter the juice that forms it and the sooner it ripens and dissolves or bursts, especially if the boil protrudes, protrudes and has the shape of a pine cone. And if, in contrast, it is flat, deep-seated and not very red, then know that it is a boil with thick matter, malignant, turned inward, slightly painful, difficult to move.

The worst of these boils are those that open inward and spoil the tissues through which matter passes, but there are also boils that open in both directions. It is best if the boil opens into the cavity inherent in this organ, from which there is an exit to the outside. Such, for example, is a boil in the stomach, and if it opens inside, into the cavity of the stomach itself, it is much better than opening outward, into a cavity surrounded by the soft walls of the abdomen.

It is also safer to open a brain boil in the anterior cavity of the brain, because there is an exit from them, for example, through the nose or through the ear, or through a funnel into the mouth. If it opens into the space surrounding the brain or into the posterior ventricle, it will not find a way out and will cause great harm.

Not every organ is suitable for a boil to arise in it. So, for example, boils rarely pop up in the joints, because juices similar to nasal mucus accumulate there, and the space in them is vast, so that the matter does not suffocate or lock up, turning to decay, and if a boil pops up there, it will only be for a very significant reason. The worst and nastiest boils are those that pop up at the ends of muscles rich in nerves. Boils are not the same in terms of the speed of maturation of their matter, and this depends on the quality of the juice in terms of thinness or thickness, on the hotness, coldness or balance of nature, as well as on the time of year, the age of the patient and the substance of the organ.

The abscess does not ripen and its contents do not turn into pus only due to the scarcity of innate heat in the organ or the density of the composition of the matter; all this sometimes reaches such a degree that the boil festeres inside and remains invisible to vision due to the depth of the pus and the thickness of the skin. The maturation of matter is sometimes noticed quickly, but sometimes it is not noticed; if its composition is thick, the matter does not soften quickly, even if it ripens, but if it is liquid, the matter softens quickly; It also depends on the meat covering the boil - whether it is a little or a lot.

The causes of a boil and its transformation into pus are overflow and abundance and depravity of matter, and the causes of these causes are indigestion, harmful exercise, diseases that do not give rise to a crisis through obvious evacuation, as well as emotional unrest, sorrows and worries that spoil the blood.

There is a type of boil called turumisus. Such a boil is opened and something similar to healthy meat is found underneath, but then pus appears from it again. Another type of boil is called birr; This is an ulcerative boil, round, red, and the one who gets it will in most cases have a fever. Most often it forms on the head, but sometimes appears in other places.

If you observe a strong beating, prolonged hardening and heat, then consider that the tumor is on its way to becoming a boil.

If you observe some softness and the pain stops, then know that the tumor is on its way to maturation