Hilyun - wild asparagus

According to Galen - balanced. Galen says: “In asparagus, except that which grows on rocks, there is no apparent power of warming or cooling.” And I will say: asparagus is not far from warmth, and every time it begins to harden, its warmth increases, and a very hot milky juice appears on it.

Actions and properties.
Its power is cleansing; it opens blockages in all the viscera, especially in the liver and kidneys. It also has absorbent properties, mainly rock asparagus.

Tools with joints.
Asparagus decoction is drunk for back pain and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Organs of the head.
A decoction of its root, if boiled with vinegar, as well as the root and seeds itself, are good for pain in molars.

Nutritional organs.
Asparagus opens blockages in the liver and helps with jaundice; it causes mild nausea.

Eruption organs.
Rufus states that asparagus strengthens, and this may be due to its diuretic properties; others say that its decoction softens the stomach, but, according to most, asparagus helps against mucous and wind chills, and a decoction of its roots drives away urine. Asparagus helps with urine retention, increases semen production and lust. It is useful during difficult pregnancies, and its seeds, if introduced, promote menstruation. Asparagus opens blockages in the kidneys.

If you boil asparagus in wine, it helps against the bite of karakurt, and asparagus decoction is said to kill dogs.