
Osteochondritis is an inflammatory disease of cartilage, leading to disruption of its nutrition.

With osteochondritis, areas of developing cartilage in the area of ​​the growth zones of bones are damaged. As a result, the ossification process and normal bone growth are disrupted.

The causes of osteochondritis can be different: injuries, infections, circulatory disorders. Most often, the disease occurs in children and adolescents when the skeleton is actively growing.

Typical symptoms of osteochondritis are pain in the affected joint, lameness, and limited mobility. Diagnosis is based on medical history, clinical picture and radiographic results.

Treatment of osteochondritis consists of eliminating the causes that caused the disease, immobilizing the affected limb, physiotherapy, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In advanced forms, surgical intervention may be required.

The prognosis for osteochondritis is favorable with timely treatment. Full recovery is possible within several months. However, the disease is prone to becoming chronic and recurrent.

Greetings to everyone! Make yourself comfortable, because today I will tell you about osteochondritis - a disease that worries many and often causes serious discomfort.

What is osteochondritis?

Osteochondritis is a degenerative change in the intervertebral discs and joints of the human spine. Degeneration occurs due to various factors, for example, circulatory disorders, heredity, etc. The main symptom of the disease is back pain, which can vary from mild to pronounced. This disease interferes with normal work and life, so it is important to learn more about osteochondritis and its treatments.