Chemical peeling for scars

The most radical way to remove old scars is surgery. However, not everyone will decide to go under the surgeon’s knife and will be right. Folk remedies will help you achieve significant results at home and carry out adequate, but less expensive scar removal. If you start the procedures in time, it is possible to completely remove cosmetic defects.


Intensive mechanical peeling, scar polishing

This method is quite effective, but unsafe and not entirely pleasant. It can be used to remove scars all over the body.

Using a washcloth, sponge or massage brush, you need to actively massage the area with the scar. The rougher the brush, the more powerful the effect on the skin.

If the scar is on the face, treatment in this way must be carried out very carefully, using a special facial massage brush. It is much softer and will not injure delicate skin as much. A regular soft nail file will also work.

For a stronger effect, you can use scrubs purchased or made at home. In addition to polishing, the skin will also receive nutrients that activate metabolic processes and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.


After the procedure, you need to remove the remaining product with warm water, disinfect and apply a soothing cream. You can use children's, "Bepanten" or panthenol.

This treatment should be carried out no more than once a week.

Chemical peeling at home

Chemical peels are classified as follows:

  1. Superficial – affecting the upper salts of the skin and promoting cell regeneration.
  2. Medium – penetrates deeper and carries out treatment at the middle level of the epidermis.
  3. Deep is the most radical, but also the most effective. However, it is not recommended to carry it out at home to avoid burns and injury to the skin.

Medium and deep peeling is used against scars. Treatment with superficial peeling is less effective, but results can be achieved if done regularly.

To remove a scar this way, you will need calcium chloride, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The concentration for the first procedures is 5%. If no problems or side effects arise, you can use a 10% solution.

On a previously cleansed and completely dry face, apply a solution of calcium chloride using a sponge. Let the first layer dry and apply the next one. There should be four or five such layers (for the first time). In subsequent procedures - up to 8.

Leave for five to ten minutes.

Then apply soap to your hands (baby soap is the best). Using light movements, roll the medicine off the skin. Flakes will form under your fingers - these are dead epidermal cells.

Removing a scar in this way is completely possible only if such a procedure is carried out regularly and for a sufficiently long time.

Grind 3 aspirin tablets into powder and mix with half a teaspoon of water, milk, kefir or yogurt - whatever you like best.

Let the mixture brew for 5 minutes and add half a teaspoon of natural honey to it.

This mass should be applied to a previously cleansed face and left for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Attention! During the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling sensation - this is normal. But before using such treatment, do a sensitivity test.

It is worth paying special attention to this point. After all, the success of the procedure and the expected result will depend on this.

Apply the active mixture to the inside of your elbow and leave for a few minutes. If you do not feel any discomfort and the skin does not become reddened beyond measure, you can use the solution to remove the scar.

Homemade cosmetics

Cosmetics made at home to treat scars are most justified for defects on the face. They can occur due to pimples, acne or acne. But most often the young ladies themselves are to blame for their appearance.

Squeezing or tearing off formations such as pustules, pimples and other temporary troubles lead to the formation of scars, sometimes very noticeable, which are not so easy to remove.

Treatment of such scars can be carried out in simple but quite effective ways at home.

A houseplant, also called yarrow, is an excellent mono-remedy for scars.

You need to take the bottom leaf of aloe, rinse it under running water and peel it. Grind the resulting pulp and apply to the scar area. Leave for half an hour. In a month you will not even see traces of your scars.

If you want to use only juice, make lotions from it.

But aloe can also be added to masks with honey, egg yolk and fermented milk products. All these components will enhance each other’s action and “force” your skin to independently produce the much-needed collagen.

Vitamin E can be purchased at every pharmacy. This is an oily product that has a very good effect on the skin and activates metabolic processes in the epidermis.

It can be used either in its pure form or mixed with base oil - rose, almond, olive. For aging skin – jojoba, macadamia.

This vitamin cocktail is applied to scars. You don’t have to remove it, but simply let it absorb into the skin.

This mask can be applied to the entire face, but after 15 minutes, remove the remnants with a soft cloth, leaving only in the area of ​​the scars.


This mask needs to be done daily. This is the easiest and safest way to remove scars, but it also takes a long time.

Take green clay and dilute it with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to scars every day and leave for 20-30 minutes.

If you don't have green on hand, blue or pink will do. But it will be less effective.

Lemon juice, cucumber and chamomile infusion are excellent whitening and antiseptic agents. With their help, you can lighten scars, smooth out edges and reduce the surface that rises above the general background of the skin.

Lemon is not a scarce citrus at any time of the year. Therefore, for lemon rubbing, it is better to use a slice of fresh lemon.

It is better to take fresh cucumber. But it is not always possible to buy high-quality vegetables without chemical additives in the store. Therefore, in the summer, use cucumber from the garden. And for the winter you can freeze the juice in ice cube trays. Use it to wipe your face. This additionally tones the skin, restores its natural color, stimulates blood circulation and activates metabolic processes.

Scars and scars are an unpleasant phenomenon that you can eliminate at home. But you need to be patient and regularly perform treatment procedures for a long time.


Acne scar peeling can get rid of these serious blemishes. Such procedures remove the upper layers of the epidermis, while destroying scar tissue.


Types of peelings for scar removal

Any peeling to a certain extent contributes to the softening or disappearance of scar tissue. It is advisable to listen to advice on choosing a peeling for acne scars, then the desired effect will be ensured. The type of exfoliation should be chosen depending on the size and age of these defects. Superficial exfoliation, for example with scrubs, eliminates small, fresh scars within the epidermis. Median exfoliation affects the papillary layer of the skin. It copes with most scar formations, while simultaneously providing a rejuvenating effect. Deep affects the reticular layer of the skin, eliminating the largest, oldest scars on the face and body. They resort to it only in the most difficult cases, when other methods are of no use.

The type of peeling also depends on the structure of the scar:

  1. hardware - suitable for all types;
  2. mechanical - processes hypertrophic formations;
  3. chemical - mainly used for atrophic scars.


Action of the procedure

Acne scar peeling is a cosmetic procedure that helps clear the skin of dead cells. Over time, they clog pores, worsen metabolism and accelerate the withering of the dermis. Using this procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleaned and smoothed evenly and carefully, along with scars, areas of increased greasiness, pigment spots, nodules, and stretch marks.

It must be borne in mind that all flaws are not removed immediately. Initially, the scars peel off along with the crusts of the upper layer of the dermis. At this time, they should not be touched or peeled off. It takes 10 days for smooth new skin to form. Modern cosmetology offers many peelings to combat unaesthetic scars and cicatrices.


Physical peeling

Superficial peelings for acne scars are based on grinding the top layer of skin with all kinds of abrasive compounds - scrubs. Tiny abrasive particles of natural and synthetic origin carefully sand and level the top layer. Many women systematically use scrubs, but peeling is a similar procedure, only it is performed professionally.


Retinoic peeling

Retinoic peeling for removing acne scars is one of the most popular, effective and gentle. It also has another name - yellow peeling, since the acid used has a similar tint. The procedure can be used for the dermis of any age category. Scar removal with retinoic acid is completely painless. You should prepare for this procedure. You cannot visit a solarium 14 days before, and a week before you must use cosmetic formulations based on fruit acids. They should be recommended by a cosmetologist. These agents help enhance the effect of retinoic acid. Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin.

Retinoic peeling begins with applying a solution based on salicylic or glycolic acid to the surface of the skin. After this, the dermis is treated with retinoic gel. Its exposure time ranges from 15 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the concentration of the gel. After rinsing, a neutralizing composition in the form of a soda solution is applied to the dermis for some time. Wash off with warm water. The rehabilitation period is 2 days.

Glycolic peeling

This type of exfoliation is based on glycolic acid, which can cleanse sebaceous ducts and rejuvenate the skin. Glycolic peeling is perfect for women over 30 who experience periodic rashes and post-acne. This procedure is superficial. It is carried out using a solution with a concentration of up to 25%. It is prescribed for problematic and oily dermis with single pimples. There is also a medium glycolic peel, which is used for serious structural changes and the presence of severe acne.

Exfoliation is carried out strictly according to a specific scheme. This takes from 20 minutes to half an hour. The procedure is performed only in winter and autumn.


Deep phenolic peeling

This procedure is painful and invasive. Phenol has an effect on the surface of the skin and also penetrates into its deeper layers. The skin is destroyed almost down to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. One procedure is enough to visually hide the presence of scars. The duration of the recovery period is 14 days. This method allows you to get rid of deep keloid scars. The downside is pain and increased skin pigmentation during the rehabilitation period.

Peeling 35-50% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

For medium or deep cleansing of the dermis using trichloroacetic acid, glycolate is added to the composition. The product obtained in this way will help soften the scar tissue. As a result, in 3-5 procedures it will completely peel off. Repeated sessions should be done infrequently, once a month is enough, since TCA peeling traumatizes the skin.


Laser peeling

Laser peeling for acne scars shows positive results after the first session. However, it should be noted that this procedure is quite painful. Before carrying out it, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications. Laser peeling is carried out using erbium or carbon dioxide lasers. This exfoliation is cold, in which cells in the upper layers are removed, while the lower ones are not affected. There is also a hot one. It belongs to the deep type because it penetrates into the lower layers of the epidermis. As a result of laser resurfacing:

  1. collagen is produced;
  2. skin turgor improves;
  3. the face acquires a healthy tone.


This procedure gently removes the top layer of the epidermis and smoothes out scars. To perform coral peeling, special preparations are used, which contain:

  1. crushed sea corals;
  2. vegetable oils;
  3. herbal extracts.

Most often, this procedure is prescribed for those who are contraindicated for chemical peeling, as well as people with sensitive dermis. It is prohibited to do it when:

Microcrystalline dermabrasion

This procedure is a modern method of mechanical peeling. It is performed using microcrystals of diamond or aluminum and under the influence of vacuum. The latter is created by a special apparatus. The dermabrasion method is very painful, so application anesthesia is required before the procedure. Microcrystals can remove:

  1. wrinkles;
  2. post-acne;
  3. various spots;
  4. very deep scars.

Microcrystalline peeling for acne scars cannot be done on thin and sensitive dermis, people with blood and heart pathologies, or herpes. After the procedure, you must ensure that the skin is not exposed to sunlight for 2-3 days; it is also forbidden to use scrubs. This cleansing method refers to deep peeling, so you need to prepare first, and then there will be a long rehabilitation.


Contraindications and side effects

In order to achieve a noticeable visual effect, it is necessary to carry out a facial peeling procedure for acne scars in 2-3 stages with an interval of 1 to 3 months, this depends on the restoration of the skin. As for the thin and sensitive dermis, peelings are dangerous for it; the action of acids negatively affects its condition. The first step is to perform a test. Be sure to check for allergic reactions before the procedure. All peels, including the most gentle one, have a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with. These procedures are complex, lengthy, stressful, and many of them are quite painful for the body. They are not recommended if the dermis is prone to forming keloid scars.


According to numerous reviews, peeling for acne scars also helps get rid of age spots. Women like its gentle appearance; under the gentle influence of glycolic acid, the skin is renewed and acquires a healthy appearance. This procedure prevents the appearance of various rashes and is an excellent preventative against acne.

Laser peeling helped some people cope with the problem. Although this procedure is not cheap, the result is amazing and very lasting. Even after a year, the skin on the face remains clean and smooth, as well as:

  1. foci of inflammation disappear;
  2. normal complexion is restored;
  3. the relief of the dermis is leveled.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Your doctor can advise you on the best peeling for acne scars. Laser and physical peeling are only effective for removing scars, not:

A more radical method, which is chemical, is used to eliminate very noticeable, deep and long-standing scars. However, experienced cosmetologists agree that it is always necessary to start with gentle treatment methods. All types of peelings, in addition to eliminating scars, improve the quality of the dermis, enhance its protective properties, remove fine wrinkles, age spots, and renew the skin. To remove acne, it is recommended to go to a beauty salon. Properly selected exfoliation will help reduce dermal imperfections in several sessions. Before choosing a specific procedure, it is recommended to look at photos of peeling for acne scars and study the reviews well.

An aesthetic problem such as a scar is a great motivation to look for possible treatment options. And peeling for scars is one of the most effective and efficient. Unfortunately, such procedures are not able to completely remove scars - they will only make them lighter and somewhat smaller, allowing you to give the skin a more even tone.

What are the benefits of the procedure

In addition to the obvious reduction of scars and their lightening, peeling from scars at home has other positive aspects - such skin care allows you to:

  1. get rid of peeling;
  2. even out facial tone;
  3. reduce the number of acne;
  4. the aging process slows down.

Therefore, such skin cleansing methods are very useful, and they are recommended for everyone, especially women after thirty!

Negative consequences

Despite the obvious advantages of this procedure, it is impossible not to note its obvious disadvantages:

  1. Peeling deeply cleanses the skin, making it more vulnerable and sensitive. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out procedures at intervals of two days to a month. It is important to give the skin time to fully recover.
  2. There are contraindications for use - pregnancy, herpes, oncology, inflammatory processes in the body.

Experts also do not recommend facial peels for scars if there are freckles, increased oiliness or dryness of the skin, and possibly flaking.

How to remove a scar at home. Memo

Facial peelings for scars – what types are there?

There are several options that have different operating principles.

  1. Chemical. This procedure is done using special acids. At a superficial level, it can be done at home. But deeper cleaning requires a special approach. Deep peeling can only be performed in beauty salons or beauty salons. It is important to know that chemical peeling at home must be done extremely carefully.
  2. Laser peeling for scars. The procedure is completely painless, is carried out quickly, and it takes about two to three days for the skin to recover.

Choosing a Type for Every Situation

Different treatments are designed for different types of scars or scars. If scars protrude above the skin level, you should use mechanical peeling, which is based on aluminum oxide, saline solution, etc. But if the scar is somewhat deeper, then only a chemical option will do. Laser treatment works well in any case.

At home, there are two options:

  1. Special scrubs and masks that contain abrasives. These are apricot kernels, nuts, products made from healing mud or sand. Wax and fruit acids are also actively used. Such cosmetics are designed for different skin types, so it is important to read the label carefully to choose the best option for yourself.
  2. You can make a mask yourself, especially since in most cases all the necessary components are at hand. Products such as salt, sugar, oatmeal will help remove scars with peeling - they have small granules that are excellent for removing dead skin.

Our video. A selection of effective recipes

Home peeling has a lot in common with a scrub. But independent use of professional acids is not recommended, as it is easy to get burned.