Household facial soap

Recently, trends in the modern beauty industry have gravitated towards naturalness and the revival of good old traditions. In particular, you can increasingly hear the opinion that laundry soap for the face is a real salvation from such serious problems as acne, wrinkles and oiliness. They are usually the most difficult to deal with, and judging by the reviews, this unique product can, if used correctly, get rid of these scourges. How dangerous is this and is it worth listening to such advice?

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Chemical composition


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Why does regularly washing your face with laundry soap eliminate acne, oily shine, and clean pores? The answer to this question must be sought in its chemical composition.

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  1. Animal fats

Animal fats are used in the production of this soap. They ensure normal functioning of skin cells. They form a durable film on the surface of the face that has protective properties (reflects attacks in the form of ultraviolet radiation). They are a real salvation for dry, damaged, thin skin.

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But for oily skin types, they are not very useful, as they can further clog the pores with sebaceous plugs and provoke the appearance of an unhealthy shine on the face.

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  1. Sodium

Granular sodium is a caustic and alkaline chemical element. It causes undoubted harm to the skin, destroying the structure of cells. It may become dull, gray, or thin. But don’t panic and immediately stop using soap: this effect is observed only with its constant use in large quantities.

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  1. Water

Water is a required ingredient. It effectively moisturizes and neutralizes harmful components (the same as alkalis) in the composition of this product. Minimizes their aggressive action.

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  1. Kaolin

Unlike old, Soviet soap, modern household soap manufacturers add kaolin, which softens the effect of alkalis. This is white (porcelain) clay, which restores damage, promotes rapid tissue regeneration, moisturizes, and controls the amount of secretions from the sebaceous glands. Its beneficial cosmetic properties can be listed endlessly. Please remember that this substance is not present in all varieties of the product.

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  1. Fatty acid

Fatty acids are excellent antioxidants with pronounced regenerating properties. They contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. They are also responsible for cell renewal, which ultimately leads to rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles.

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  1. Alkalis

But alkaline compounds destroy the structure of cells, and it is because of them that an avalanche of criticism falls on laundry soap as a cosmetic product. But in order to dry out and ruin your facial skin, you need a lot of alkali. And here their share is minimal. It is much better to see the benefits in them: they expand the pores, opening the way for nutrients (fatty acids, kaolin, etc.), performing a transport function.

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The harmful effects of alkalis can be neutralized if, after using household soap, you rinse with an infusion of herbs, which acts in the opposite direction - to close pores and restore damaged cell structures.

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  1. pH

A very important point, which often becomes a significant disadvantage of laundry soap. Because of this, facial skin can become very dry after washing and masks, peeling may appear and even microcracks may form - this is a high pH level. This indicator should be within 7 (this is the maximum). The best numbers: pH = 5 or 6. And in household soap it sometimes reaches critical levels of 11 and even 12.

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Each ingredient performs a number of different functions. Together they all have a comprehensive antibacterial and disinfectant effect. This leads to the results that many admire when regularly using this product for washing.

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Through the pages of history. It turns out that laundry soap is French in its true origin. It was first produced in the Middle Ages in Marseille. True, its main ingredient at that time was olive oil: Louis XIV prohibited the use of animal fats in its composition.

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Beneficial features


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Due to its chemical composition, the benefits of laundry soap are undeniable with regular and correct use:

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  1. gets rid of acne on the face, because it disinfects, stopping the spread of inflammation;
  2. helps against wrinkles, provided they are not too deep;
  3. lightens stretch marks, scars and scars;
  4. is an effective peeling agent for facial cleansing, because it opens the pores and removes all organic dirt from them;
  5. heals any damage to the skin;
  6. used for oily skin to eliminate greasy shine;
  7. moisturizes;
  8. used to whiten the face from age spots.

Do not doubt the effectiveness of this soap - see for yourself by learning how to use it as a cosmetic product.

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Medicinal properties. In folk medicine, it is used as a medicine for external use for swelling, wounds, cuts, ulcers, dandruff, runny nose, fungal infections, bruises, contusions, corns, burns and even... gynecological diseases (for example, thrush).

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Possible harm

When deciding to use laundry soap for facial care, evaluate the possible harm it can have on the skin. It manifests itself in two cases: if contraindications are not taken into account and if you get too carried away with it.

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Do not use this product if you have the following problems:

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  1. dry, dehydrated, dehydrated skin;
  2. very sensitive, thin skin;
  3. tendency to allergies;
  4. rosacea;
  5. serious dermatological diseases (consultation with a specialist is required).

Using it without taking these contraindications into account can worsen the condition of already painful skin.

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Side effects

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Regular use of laundry soap does not mean that you need to wash your face with it 3-4 times daily. Each skin type has its own recommendations regarding the frequency of its use.

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Abuse of this product can lead to dire consequences, among which the most common are:

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  1. dehydration;
  2. numerous peelings;
  3. cracks;
  4. suppuration of inflammation and rashes;
  5. irritation;
  6. facial hyperemia;
  7. allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching;
  8. rosacea mesh;
  9. exacerbation of dermatological diseases.

To avoid such unpleasant surprises, listen to the advice of experts and do not ignore contraindications.

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This is interesting! Military doctors and emergency workers know that in emergency situations, laundry soap can replace surgical gloves. They just wash their hands with it and leave it to dry.

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Features of application


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The benefits of a product are largely determined by how well it is used. Using it like a regular cosmetic soap is incorrect and leads to unpleasant side effects. Therefore, try to adhere to the following simple rules.

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  1. It is better to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime, during evening makeup removal.
  2. Moisturize your previously cleansed face.
  3. Lather your palms generously so that foam forms on them.
  4. Gently rub over face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  5. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  6. There is no need to wipe off so that the water softens the aggressive effect of alkalis and sodium.
  7. After 20 minutes, apply nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  8. If the problem is local (a couple of pimples or a pigment spot), the foam is applied to this area in a targeted manner for 5-7 minutes, and then removed with a damp cotton pad.
  9. It is recommended to wash your face a couple of times a week, as more frequent use will become addictive and the sebaceous glands will begin to produce twice as much secretion.
  10. After a couple of months you need to take a break for 3-4 weeks.
  11. If irritation begins after the procedure, repeating it is not recommended.

The effectiveness of laundry soap will be partially determined by the manufacturer and type, so you still need to know how to choose it.

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When you go to the store in search of a product, you will find the most extensive assortment. You can give preference to foreign brands, which are not cheap and are responsible for the quality of the goods. Don't be intimidated by children's brands designed for washing clothes. They will be the most beneficial for the skin, because they contain a minimum of alkalis and sodium, and the pH is normal.

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Some brands that can be found on sale today:

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  1. Haci Sakir Hamam keyfi from Turkey (costs about $8).
  2. Spivak "Coconut".
  3. "Maxima" with whitening effect.
  4. "Friend" for washing children's clothes.
  5. Duru "Children's". Türkiye.
  6. "Meridian".
  7. "Master Shine" with glycerin.
  8. "Eared nanny."
  9. "Stork".
  10. Pardo from Spain (cost does not exceed $1.7).

In addition to brands, pay attention to what% fatty acid content in the soap is indicated on the packaging.

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GOST divides this product into 3 categories:

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  1. Category I - 70.5%: recommended for the care of mature skin against age-related wrinkles;
  2. Category II - 69%: a product that is best chosen for treating acne and whitening age spots;
  3. Category III - 64%: can be used to dry out oily skin and tighten enlarged pores.

If you take all these points into account, you will purchase a quality product that will save you from many cosmetic problems.

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On a note. If you want to try laundry soap for the first time, first purchase a product with fragrances and fragrances in beautiful packaging, with the addition of various softening ingredients. Its use will allow the skin to get used to it. Yes, and you can see how she reacts to him. After 2 weeks you can buy a natural block.

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In fact, you can not only wash your face with soap, but also use it as the main ingredient for homemade scrubs and masks. Find the best recipes here.

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  1. With salt

If you mix laundry soap and salt, you will get an excellent mask against acne that has not yet become inflamed. Grate the product, add a little water, beat until a thick foam is obtained. Gradually add salt (proportions - 1 to 1). After this, apply the mixture to your face and leave for at least 15 minutes. You can make spot applications exclusively on problem areas.

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  1. With soda

Be careful with masks that contain laundry soap and soda - they are very aggressive on the skin and can cause severe irritation. But at the same time, such a tandem has excellent cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Grate the block, add water, beat until thick foam is obtained. Pour baking soda with warm water and pour the solution into the soap mixture. Apply to face or individual pimples for 5 minutes. This product is ideal for caring for oily skin.

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  1. With glycerin

If your skin is very sensitive and reacts sharply to any aggressive products, try laundry soap with glycerin, which has moisturizing properties and softens the irritating effects of alkalis.

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Grate the bar, add a small amount of water, beat until foamy. Pour in 10 ml of pharmaceutical glycerin. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes.

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  1. Scrub

Using this unique product, you can organize high-quality and deep facial peeling at home. This cleansing, done once a week, will get rid of blackheads and pimples.

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Just as before, chop the block. Mix a tablespoon of the resulting shavings with 20 ml of baby liquid soap and 10 grams of ground coffee. Beat everything until foamy. Add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply to face and rub skin with gentle movements for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off, make a soothing mask and use moisturizer.

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If you feel that ordinary cosmetic products do not help with acne and oiliness, you should definitely try laundry soap. The effectiveness of its use is justified from a scientific point of view and its chemical composition, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. The only thing you need to remember when picking up this fragrant bar is about moderation and literacy in its use. Without abusing the positive properties of this product, you can extract a lot of benefits from it for the purity and beauty of your skin.

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Laundry soap for the face is prescribed as an effective cleaning and healing agent. Its benefit mainly lies in the fact that it perfectly cleanses the face.

Next we will tell you whether anyone can wash their face with such soap and how to use it as a cosmetic preparation to improve the condition of the skin.

Beneficial features

This product contains fatty acids and alkalis. Moreover, there are much more of the latter here than in other detergents. The composition also includes a number of other components, such as sulfuric acid salts, parabens and surfactants. Often it is labeled: 65 or 72. This indicates the fatty acid content.

You can wash your face with soap because it is completely natural and has no preservatives. Moreover, all fatty acids are of natural origin.

The beneficial properties of this product when washing are due to the fact that it effectively rids the epidermis of dust and germs. The alkali contained in the soap dries the face and eliminates oily shine. In this case, dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin.

Soap also helps against acne. Regularly washing your face with it can reduce the intensity of rashes or prevent their occurrence. It is also useful in that it reduces redness.

It would seem, why use this nondescript soap if there are a large number of all kinds of skin care products on the shelves?

Why it is useful is described above. Plus, it contains no dyes or fragrances. But by reading the composition of creams and masks, a person can be convinced that they are far from useful. Allergic reactions can negate the positive properties of the products.

Recent clinical studies indicate that as a result of using antibacterial soap, the likelihood of developing allergic reactions is much greater: it contains surfactants that can penetrate deep into the skin and disrupt its structure.

Laundry soap does not affect the skin if used in moderation. It has a lot of alkali, and if you use it often, it can dry out the epidermis. The protective fat layer is damaged and the face becomes dry.

The harm and benefits of the product should be especially taken into account by people who have oily skin. The more often you dry it out, the more fat and acne there will be.

The product is not used against wrinkles if they form due to aging. To avoid them, you need to try to moisturize your face.

Tar for facial beauty

As an option, tar soap can be used; it looks like laundry soap. The positive effect of birch tar on the skin has been proven by clinical studies. Natural tar has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Regular use of this soap can:

  1. get rid of acne on the face;
  2. destroy psoriatic plaques;
  3. soothe the skin;
  4. reduce itching;
  5. even out the color.

It should be used in moderation; frequent washing will only cause harm.

How to use soap

You can wash it up to three times a week. With more frequent use, it dries out the skin very much, and the effect will be exactly the opposite. Some experts advise using only foam to minimize the possible negative effects of cosmetic procedures. If a person has dry skin, then you should wash your face even less often.

It is recommended to rinse off the foam first with warm water and then with cold water. This will close the pores, which will prevent blackheads on the face. It is recommended to apply foam to the face only where there is inflammation, this will help to quickly remove it.

How to make masks

At home, it is allowed to use masks that contain the product in question. They are easy to prepare: they add ingredients that are always available in any home.

How to make a face mask from laundry soap:

  1. A little of the product is ground on a regular grater and heated in a water bath. It is then whipped to form foam. Then soda (a teaspoon) is added to it. Having achieved a homogeneous mixture, apply it to the face (the procedure lasts half an hour). Next, the mask is removed with regular warm water.
  2. In the same way, it is advised to make a mask, to which instead of soda you need to add a little sea salt. It provides the mixture with antibacterial properties.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of soap in 50 ml of water. Add a tablespoon of onion juice to this solution. Cover the face with the mixture for 10 minutes (if you keep the mask longer, irritation may occur). Then the composition is washed off. It is also advised to wipe your face with an ice cube: it will relieve irritation and even out your complexion.
  4. Mix 30 grams of finely grated laundry soap with hydrogen peroxide (only a few drops of this substance are needed). You need to apply foam to the skin and wash it off after 3 minutes. The healing properties of the mask will be enhanced if you additionally add a few drops of aloe juice to the composition.

It must be remembered that only regular brown soap is suitable for preparing masks and washing. The use of white soap (such as “Duru”) is prohibited because it contains a large number of fragrances and synthetic components.

The best remedy for acne is a bar of classic soap.

Based on laundry soap, you can prepare nourishing compositions that perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. Let's look at the preparation of some of them:

  1. Mix the protein obtained from a chicken egg, 5 drops of lemon (lime) juice, half a teaspoon of brown soap, which is melted a little before this. The mixture should be applied evenly to the face and then washed off. It is not recommended to use the mask more than once a week. Suitable for normal skin.
  2. To prevent wrinkles with dry skin, you need to make a more nourishing mask. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, fresh zucchini and add the same amount of soap. You need to apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes and then rinse gently with cool water.
  3. For oily skin type, you need to take 2 teaspoons of blue clay, 3 teaspoons of aloe juice, half a teaspoon of warmed soap. All this is mixed, brought to the consistency of sour cream, and left on the skin for 20 minutes. You can use the mask up to 2 times a week, but it gives noticeable results only after 2 months.
  4. Finally, a person may have combination skin. It is possible to improve her condition with the help of a mask, which includes soap, a spoonful of corn flakes, and egg white. This mask is used once a week, the mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

To correct wrinkles, early prevention is necessary. In some girls, they can appear as early as 25 years of age. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and physical exercise help improve the condition of the skin.

How to deal with acne

Since soap has antiseptic properties, it can be safely used to fight acne. They appear because the follicle is clogged with fat. The product in question comes to the rescue because it flushes clogged areas. There is no need to steam and then squeeze out the pimple.

The negative effect of soap on the skin is that it can dry out certain areas of the face. Therefore, you should wash your face properly and avoid getting significant amounts of foam on it. The best method of treatment is to apply foam to points, that is, to those areas of the face that are affected by inflammation.

To remove acne, you can wash off the soap with a swab soaked in calcium chloride. There is another way to fight acne: apply a mixture of laundry soap onto the pimple and leave it overnight.

The following recommendations must also be followed:

  1. wash with cool water;
  2. treat hormonal disorders;
  3. follow a diet, excluding fatty, sweet and fried foods from the diet;
  4. do not drink alcohol;
  5. quit smoking;
  6. apply moisturizer to the skin.

In these cases, the fight against skin inflammation will be more effective. If you do not eliminate the cause of acne, the condition of your facial skin will not improve even after using soap.

Is soap harmful?

Cleansing your face with this product is harmful. It is associated with a large amount of alkali. This substance has a negative effect on the skin if used in large quantities. Alkali is especially harmful to hair: it causes increased fragility.

Acid helps neutralize alkali. After washing, you can rinse your face and hair with a weak solution of citric acid. This will make your facial skin soft and your hair manageable and silky.

Using alkaline soap too often is very harmful. And if you wash your face with it several times a day, then due to excessive dryness, the skin will begin to produce an increased amount of oil. This will make her have even more acne.

When using this hygiene product, you must remember that it is not able to eliminate the cause of acne and redness of the skin. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to contact a cosmetologist. He will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for acne. It should include the use of special cosmetics and diet.

Laundry soap is a highly effective hygienic product. It is beneficial when used correctly. Washing with alkalis too often leads to the exact opposite effect; the skin will become dry and wrinkled. If after washing your face turns red or becomes covered in a rash, you should consult a doctor.

Hello, dear ladies! Today we are again on the front line. The front line is our beautiful faces. The main enemy is wrinkles. Who doesn’t want to push back their insidious appearance as far as possible? So I also try, I try, but sometimes in search of a wonderful miracle you just come across outright nonsense. Has this ever happened to you?

I accidentally discovered here a magical potion that our grandmothers knew. Which? If you don’t believe me, I didn’t believe it either: I could have guessed anything except that you can use laundry soap on your face for wrinkles.

What they write about him

I am a restless person, so I immediately went online to make sure that such a remedy really existed. And - what a miracle! - indeed, hundreds of sites are exploding with recommendations for the use of laundry soap - and not some “Duru” with the aroma of geranium, but a powerful ancient Soviet brown soap made “from dead dogs” with a killer smell.

Reviews about this soap are very different, and there are quite a lot of positive ones. They treat acne and papillomas, blackheads and age spots, use it for both the body and the hair - in general, there are a lot of recipes, you can open a whole clinic, just stock up on a box of soap - and that's it. Well, let's try to figure out how this miracle potion acts on the “life line” on our charming faces.

How it's made

The first question that inevitably arises in every sane person who has even sniffed this miracle of Soviet and post-Soviet creative thought is: is it even possible to wash anything with it? Even if not the face - at least the hands? Therefore, I decided to learn more about the composition of washing soap. And I found out.

To obtain “grandmother’s” soap, “dead dogs” are actually used - or rather, technical (that is, unsuitable for food) fats of animal origin. And also - as with any soap - alkali is used. Moreover, when making household goods, there’s a lot of it.

This is the basis for the claims that this soap has incredible antiseptic properties, which is why it is useful. That’s why it was used in the last century to treat wounds and burns, as an antifungal agent. But at that time, soap was prepared according to GOST and it was unlikely that they would have allowed the introduction of oil production waste into it, as is done now.

First results

So, laundry soap has its pros and cons, but, in my opinion, there are immeasurably more cons. Alkali irritates and dries out the skin and spoils the hair; fats that have not reacted during production clog the pores. The only advantage is that it has antiseptic properties, but, sorry, there are enough antiseptics in the 21st century.

Important! The pH of laundry soap is 9, and as you know, the skin requires a pH of 5.5, so by using laundry soap, you upset the acid-base balance of the skin.

Supporters of the use of laundry soap as a cosmetic product emphasize its hypoallergenicity. Oh well. Of course, it does not contain flavorings or other pleasant additives, but:

  1. I don’t see a connection between hypoallergenicity and wrinkle treatment.
  2. Personally, I have a normal attitude towards the smell of laundry soap, but I know a lady who gets a runny nose and watery eyes at the same time. Isn't this an allergy?

Any more questions?

Still, in the household (not in cosmetology!) it can be useful, so here is a video on how to choose high-quality soap:

Soap and wrinkles

Well, regarding wrinkles... if you approach the issue from a scientific point of view, then wrinkles from this miracle remedy are more likely to appear. Why? Yes, because “grandmother’s” soap harms us, destroying not only microbes, but also the protective layer of our skin.

In my opinion, washing your face with any soap at all is quite harmful, but household soap in this regard will give a hundred points ahead to anyone else. A huge amount of alkali will dry out the skin, but what does this mean? Right! Dry skin is one of the main causes of wrinkles and folds.

Advice: An acidic mask will help restore the pH of the skin after using soap: with lemon juice, for example, or from fermented milk products.

But what about those people who fill websites with cries that their grandmother washed her face with this soap all her life and didn’t have a single wrinkle? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Most likely, they confuse cause and effect, innately good skin, not prone to wrinkles, and soap, which is very harmful to the skin.
  2. Now soap is made using a completely different technology. The costs of chemical progress, so to speak.
  3. My grandmother grew up in a different ecological environment, but if she had been born in the 21st century, no amount of soap would have helped.

Maybe it will help...

In general, soap will not work as a remedy for wrinkles, rather, on the contrary. So what should we do with him?

  1. So, the first type of application: a product FOR wrinkles, promoting their rapid appearance and strengthening existing ones. Okay, okay, jokes aside.
  2. Second: antiseptic. If you decide to get rid of small pimples, acne, blackheads by eliminating them along with the skin, you won’t find anything better than laundry soap. The cleaning will be serious. However, washing with soap once a week (with the obligatory subsequent application of cream) will not hurt much.
  3. Third: bleaching. Yes, this soap does lighten the skin a little. Like any aggressive agent (alkali). If you want to get rid of age spots, soap will help. But don’t forget: the approach should be comprehensive; you shouldn’t use soap as the only remedy.
  4. Fourth: from papillomas. This is a really proven method: if you smear this terrible mole with soap for several days so that it becomes covered with a film and dries, the mole will disappear. But I still advise you, dear ladies, to address such questions to a surgeon: after all, the worst thing about papillomas is that they can degenerate into oncological tumors, and this is not something to joke about.
  5. Fifth: where I use our super product all the time, and it does it perfectly - I whiten my white panties and socks. This, in my opinion, is the most suitable area of ​​its application.

Conclusion: The new weapon against wrinkles turned out to be a toy; unfortunately, it is dangerous only for the owner of these very wrinkles. So if you have to use brown laundry soap, dear ladies, you better put white latex gloves on your hands, and you will be happy.

Lovely wrinkles

“Every stage of life is beautiful. And I find a certain charm in facial wrinkles. These “correct” wrinkles from smiles, from emotions give our faces life,” Zhanna Friske once said - may she rest in peace!

I, too, am probably ready to find beauty in wrinkles - at least if the only remedy for them is laundry soap.

Fortunately, there are many other ways to both cleanse the skin and fight wrinkles, and you can read many articles about them on my blog, in the general article about homemade masks. And the most useful soap (like, by the way, cosmetics) is home-made. Take a look at your leisure, it’s not at all difficult to do:

And I say goodbye to you, my dears, and wish you not to rashly trust all sorts of Internet sensations, but first to clarify whether there is real ground behind them. Just not from my own experience.

Subscribe to updates, and I will continue to carefully check all information that is interesting to you before publishing it on the blog.