Exercises for wrinkles puppets

What are marionette wrinkles and how to get rid of them

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Marionette lines are furrows that extend from the corners of the lips to the chin. These folds not only spoil the appearance, but also show age. In this article, we have collected the most useful information on how to remove marionette wrinkles.

  1. Why do “puppets” appear on the face?
  2. Removing furrows at home
  3. Eliminating wrinkles with gymnastics
  4. Cosmetology procedures
  5. Finally

According to cosmetologists, folds in the mouth area are formed due to the fact that the tissues of the chin sag due to a decrease in the layer of fat under the skin. However, there are a number of factors that contribute to their appearance:

  1. Losing weight. Marionette wrinkles are most often familiar to those who are constantly on diets. As a result of sudden weight loss, loose, inelastic skin appears on the face.
  2. Weak muscles on the face. Due to low muscle tone, they gradually sink to the bottom, and arches form on the chin.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This leads to excessive dryness of the skin, as well as the death of collagen fibers, resulting in wrinkles.
  4. Use of tobacco products. Smoking causes the skin of the entire face to age prematurely, but the negative effects of toxins are especially noticeable on the lips and chin.
  5. Changes in hormonal balance. During menopause, for example, women's estrogen levels drop significantly, causing the condition of their skin to deteriorate.
  6. Heredity. Women, due to a genetic predisposition, have excessively dry skin in the mouth area.
  7. Changing the jaw. The appearance of marionette lines can be associated with tooth extraction.
  8. Occupational conditions in which the lips become too tense. Premature wrinkles often appear in those who play wind instruments.

Prevention of the formation of such folds includes holistic skin care, nutritional correction and constant protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation. If you already have grooves around your mouth, then you need to take measures to eliminate the defect or visually reduce it.

If the elimination of marionette wrinkles is timely, then you can get rid of the blemish on your face without turning to professional cosmetologists. At home you can do the following yourself:

  1. Moisturize dry skin. The surface of the epidermis around the mouth is particularly sensitive and thin, as a result of which this area requires careful care, like the eyelid area. Cosmetologists say that if small folds form near the lips, you need to regularly use special creams. Cosmetics should include vitamins, healthy oils and peptides. For dry and even parched skin, oils such as almond, grape seed oil, cocoa, and avocado are suitable.
  2. Toning the skin with cosmetic ice. You can prepare this ice at home with herbal infusion, green tea or mineral water. Every morning you need to wipe your skin with ice cubes to improve its tone. In addition, in this way you can not only eliminate wrinkles, but also remove puffiness in the eye area, and also give freshness to the skin surface. However, this remedy should be used with caution, especially for people with blood vessels close to the skin.
  3. Cleansing and peeling. Elimination of dead cells promotes skin rejuvenation. So, to eliminate marionette wrinkles at home, you can make cosmetic masks with the addition of fruits and berries. The acids they contain remove the layer of dead cells for a smooth skin surface. You can cleanse the skin using a solution of apple cider vinegar. This product contains beneficial acids that remove the dead top layer and also nourish the skin with beneficial components. Be careful, it is better not to use apple cider vinegar in its pure form if you do not want to end up with irritation. It is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar per glass of water.

Facial muscle training is a popular means of rejuvenation today. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of “folds of grief” on your face, use a set of gymnastic exercises:

  1. Press the index fingers of both hands to the corners of your lips. Fix them in one place, then lift the corners of your mouth, as if trying to resist your hands.
  2. You need to put your fingers on your chin and pull the skin down, while resisting with your muscles.
  3. Hold the corners of your mouth with your fingers and try to smile at the same time.
  4. It is necessary to puff out your cheeks and hold air in your mouth for a long time.
  5. Imagine that you have an imaginary ball in your mouth. After this, try to roll it around without opening your mouth.
  6. Shape your lips into a tube and then return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated at least 20 times.
  7. Press your hands firmly to your cheeks, using the pads of your middle fingers to secure the corners of your lips. At the same time, they need to be pulled forward, as if trying to blow a kiss. Make sure that there are no folds above the upper lip. Next, you need to relax your muscles and repeat the exercise.

“Puppets” can really be eliminated by using a set of gymnastic exercises for the facial muscles. However, remember that the defect will not be removed in a short time, so in advanced cases you may need the help of cosmetologists.

For more information on how to eliminate marionette wrinkles using gymnastics, watch the video:

Modern experts can offer a number of recommendations on how to remove marionette wrinkles. So, pay attention to the following procedures:

  1. “Beauty injections” (Dysport, Botox). This is a method that gives quick results due to the fixation of the muscles that hold the corners of the lips in a stable state.
  2. Plastic contour. This method helps to make the contour voluminous and restore atrophied muscles. Most often, this method is combined with “beauty injections”.
  3. Mesotherapy method. After introducing nutrients under the skin, the skin becomes elastic, and folds in the form of furrows on the chin become less noticeable.
