Effective removal of blackheads

A clean, fresh face is a woman’s calling card. Skin with black dots indicates insufficient care or disruption of the body (if there are many of them). Anyone who has experienced the effects of increased sebum production should know how to get rid of blackheads on the face at home. And not just get rid of them, but prevent them from occurring in the future.

Comedones (blackheads on the face and body) appear as a result of the accumulation of dead cells, dust, sebum and clogged pores. Then only one thought worries you: how to get rid of it quickly and, preferably, once and for all.

Causes of comedones

  1. Insufficient skin cleansing

If you forget or are lazy to wash off your makeup thoroughly, dust and dirt accumulate in your pores. This is the result of the appearance of small blackheads and pimples.

  1. Excessive cleansing

Excessively thorough washing and disinfection are detrimental to the protective layer of the epidermis. Why? Overly cleansed skin is defenseless against new bacteria. This is a problem, a sign of alarm for the skin. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum with a vengeance. The result is clogged pores and blackheads.


  1. Hormonal imbalance

Menstruation, pregnancy, and problems with the endocrine system provoke increased production of sebum, which leads to clogged pores.

  1. Poor nutrition

Fatty foods, excessive consumption of sweets, smoked foods, and alcohol negatively affect the metabolic processes of the skin.

  1. Bad habits

Smoking primarily affects the face. The skin reacts most quickly to the tars and carcinogenic substances contained in cigarettes. They can cause inflammation.

  1. Poor quality cosmetics

Let's not discover in America that cosmetics must be of high quality and dermatologically tested. Questionable products tend to accumulate in the pores and are not completely washed off with tonics and lotions.

  1. Oily shampoo or conditioner

If comedones bother you, pay attention to what you wash your hair with. Residues from oily shampoo or conditioner can get on the skin (forehead, neck) and cause inflammation of the epidermis.

  1. Products that are not suitable for the skin

It happens. It is important to follow this pattern and change the foundation or cream that is too oily or not moisturizing enough. It is recommended to use specially selected products that suit your skin type.


What helps remove blackheads: popular methods

  1. Mechanical removal. Practiced in salons. If you decide to undergo such a procedure, trust your skin to a trusted specialist. After all, the method involves manual cleaning.
  2. Professional salon cleaning. Vacuum, laser removal, acid peels are effective against blackheads. However, there are also contraindications.
  3. Masks and scrubs. The essence of these procedures is to exfoliate dead epidermal cells, “stretch” and lighten comedones.
  4. Steam. An affordable and effective home cleansing method that works by opening the pores and removing dirt from the skin.

Home remedies and recipes for blackheads

Before applying the mixture to your face, check whether you are allergic to its components. Leave the product behind your wrist. If no allergic reaction occurs, feel free to apply to your face.


  1. First, wash your hands and disinfect them with alcohol to prevent bacteria from entering your open pores.
  2. Steam your face over a decoction of herbs or regular boiling water. Remember, the water should be comfortable. The essence of the procedure is that the pores open and begin to “breathe”.
  3. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for 20 minutes.
  4. When finished, wipe your skin with lemon - it will help tighten the pores.
  1. The quickest tip on how to get rid of blackheads is manual removal. At home, they steam the skin and wipe it with hydrogen peroxide or a slice of lemon.
  2. Using your fingers (not your nails, where foreign bacteria settle!), carefully squeeze out the blackheads.
  3. After completing the procedure, treat the skin with peroxide and lemon.
  4. They don’t wear makeup for days.

Gifts of nature cleanse the skin of comedones, taking care of its beauty and elasticity. To know how to get rid of blackheads at home, use natural products: soda, salt, kefir, eggs, clay, lemon, oatmeal, honey, sugar, cinnamon, cocoa, gelatin, green tea, olive oil, activated carbon. They are used to make miraculous masks and scrubs. The ingredients can be used either individually or in combination with other components.


Soda and salt

For dry skin, use carefully. Baking soda relieves inflammation, and salt removes toxins.

  1. Steam your face.
  2. Mix salt and baking soda in equal parts.
  3. Using a cotton sponge, rub the mixture into problem areas using gentle circular movements.
  4. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
  5. Apply a light soothing cream.

Soda and water

  1. Take soda and salt and mix.
  2. Apply for half an hour to the blackhead area.
  3. Wash your face with cool water.

Soda and oatmeal

  1. Hold your face above the steam.
  2. Mix the cereal with soda (1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon).
  3. Add kefir to the scrub.
  4. Rub in circular motions onto blackheads for 2 minutes, then wash.

Anti-inflammatory product with healing properties. Natural antiseptic.

  1. Heat a small amount of honey in the microwave.
  2. Leave the honey mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Honey and lemon

  1. Finely chop a piece of lemon.
  2. Add 1 spoon of honey.
  3. Leave to act for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.

Honey and cinnamon

  1. Take 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and mix with 2 spoons of honey.
  2. To open pores, hold your face over steam.
  3. Massage your face a little and rinse.


Honey and green tea

  1. 1 tbsp. l. mix honey and green tea with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 2 liters. Sahara.
  2. Apply to facial skin for half an hour.
  3. Wash yourself.

Salt and lemon

Lemon is a natural bleach.

  1. Combine salt and lemon juice in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to the problem area.
  3. Keep until completely dry. Wash your face with cool water.


Oatmeal contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals, a “brush” that sweeps away deep impurities from the skin.

  1. Grind a couple of tablespoons of rolled oats and add water.
  2. Rub the applied mixture into the comedones in a circular motion.
  3. Keep the mask on for half an hour. Rinse it off.


Egg, sugar and lemon

  1. Beat the white of one egg with sugar and 1 tbsp. l. spoon of lemon.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash yourself.


Lactic acid fights skin impurities, deeply cleansing the skin.

  1. Apply kefir to the blackhead area. Leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse off with cool water.

Gelatin and milk

You can also add activated carbon to the mask.

  1. Mix gelatin and milk in equal parts. Heat in a water bath until paste.
  2. Apply two layers to face. The second - after the first has dried.
  3. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.


Activated carbon

Coal is a natural absorbent that removes harmful substances, toxins and waste accumulated in the layers of the epidermis. For dry and combination skin, add a fermented milk product instead of water.

  1. Grind four tablets of activated carbon into powder.
  2. Add boiled water at room temperature, stir.
  3. Apply to the comedonal area. Let the mixture dry.
  4. Thoroughly rinse off any remaining charcoal.

Clay and activated carbon

  1. Grind a few charcoal tablets into powder.
  2. Bring the mixture to a paste by adding a spoonful of clay and water.
  3. Apply to problem areas for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.

Cocoa and olive oil

  1. Mix cocoa powder (2 tablespoons) with brown sugar.
  2. Add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil.
  3. Apply the mixture to your steamed face. Rub lightly into problem areas.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.

Toothpaste and salt

  1. Mix 4 parts toothpaste with 1 part salt.
  2. Apply the mixture to wet face.
  3. Hold for 5 minutes. Rinse with water.

How to make and apply masks, watch the video.

Prevention and advice

  1. Always remove makeup before going to bed.
  2. Give your skin a break - go without makeup.
  3. Use high-quality cosmetics.
  4. Cleanse your skin 2 times a week.
  5. Wipe your face and neck with herbal infusions and ice cubes.
  6. Make a lemon-cucumber toner and wipe your face with it after washing your face.
  7. Do not use soaps and lotions containing alcohol - they dry out the skin, causing increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  8. Wash your face with cold water in the morning and evening.
  9. Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
  10. Drink 2 liters of water per day.
  11. Get enough sleep. The face accumulates fatigue.
  12. Eat natural foods rich in vitamins.

Only systematic skin care procedures coupled with a balanced diet can bring the desired results in the long term. It is difficult to get rid of blackheads instantly using folk remedies. However, reviews say that it is real. Shall we check it for ourselves?

It is very easy to develop skin problems. It is enough to systematically ignore basic facial skin care: do not take off your make-up at night, use low-quality cosmetics (or inappropriate for your age), etc., as well as have a bunch of bad habits (this is not only about alcohol and smoking, but also about your eating style ). But fixing the problem is more difficult, to the point where regular facial cleansing is required. A cosmetologist will help you get rid of blackheads, but there are also home options for eliminating them.

Causes of blackheads

In order for the fight against unwanted points to be truly effective, it is worth looking at the “root” of the problem and acting in appropriate ways to solve it. Pores are clogged by various pollutants: sebum + dust + cosmetic residues = blackhead. Dirt sits deep in the pore and does not allow it to narrow, thereby provoking its constant expanded state. Because of this, the problem of blackheads can last forever: you just got rid of it, but the enlarged pores accept new impurities and the comedones appear again.


Example of blackheads on the nose

Some of the main causes of blackheads may be:

  1. work of the sebaceous glands in “extreme” mode. This often occurs in adolescence during the hormonal formation of the body, as well as when this feature is inherited. Don’t forget about hormonal surges in women “once a month” during pregnancy
  2. “harmful” nutrition regarding the skin. Such delicacies include all types of sweets, smoked meats, preserves, buns and fried edibles
  3. constant stressful situations
  4. inappropriate facial care (improper washing, after which impurities remain on the skin, ignoring makeup removal before a night's rest, etc. also has a negative impact)
  5. preference for cosmetics with dense textures, as well as its excessive use.

The presence of at least one of the presented factors in a woman’s life can appear on the skin of the face as small black dots, which definitely need to be gotten rid of.

Treatment methods for blackheads

Going to a cosmetologist or dealing with clogged enlarged pores on your own is every woman’s business. Fortunately, there are now enough methods for getting rid of blocked sebaceous glands, so you can use any suitable one.

In parallel to changing the style of caring for your skin, it is worth changing your diet, eliminating unhealthy foods (excessively sweet, fatty, smoked, etc.) from the foods you consume.

Simple tools for squeezing out comedones can be purchased at any cosmetics store in extreme cases, they can be squeezed out manually. But before you do this, you need to prepare the skin:

  1. remove makeup with your usual product
  2. wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile to cleanse the skin of remaining traces of cosmetics and disinfect the surface (or use a decoction of calendula or sage)
  3. let the broth dry on its own on the skin
  4. carry out the procedure of squeezing out comedones with a tool or manually.

You can complete this cosmetic procedure for mechanical removal of sebaceous plugs with a soothing mask based on aloe or cucumber. But it is worth remembering that frequent mechanical procedures cause injury to the pores and stretch them, aggravating the situation.


Mechanical removal of comedones

You can steam the skin over steam (a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, etc.), warm compresses, or simply in a bathhouse (sauna). But the steaming procedure is essentially useless without subsequent cleaning, because simply opening the pore with steam is not enough, the comedone will not go away on its own. Therefore, it is further better to use special adhesive patches for blackheads, which, after removal, will simply linger on them and leave the pores clean.

A prepared, steamed face is an excellent base for using any adhesive device, be it a small patch or a mask. But if it is not possible to steam your face, then feel free to choose a product with a warming effect (traditionally camphor is included in the adhesive side of a special patch).

Film masks for problem skin fit perfectly, filling all the dimples of the skin surface, so they are great for “pulling out” unfortunate comedones from the pores. Before using the mask, your face should be cleaned of excess dirt, and you should keep it on for as long as the manufacturer indicated in the instructions.


Blackhead patch

If you don’t want to buy special masks, then there are home alternative ways to get rid of blackheads. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. The easiest way to make a film mask is to mix 5 crushed charcoal tablets (pharmaceutical activated) with PVA office glue (1 tablespoon). Before the mask, it is better to cleanse the skin of dead cells using scrubbing. Next, you should apply the mixture to the “T” zone - forehead, nose and wings, chin. After complete drying, you can remove the resulting film, and along with it the comedones will be removed
  2. Another interesting mask is made from a chicken egg and essential oils of tea tree and ylang-ylang (3 drops each). You can do it every day, especially since it doesn’t last long – only 15 minutes
  3. if there is no inflammation on the face, then you can use this mask: mix a spoonful of baking soda with a spoonful of lemon juice and a pinch of cosmetic clay. Apply the mask to the nose and other problem areas, and after 20 minutes cleanse the skin with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion. You can also simply wash off the mask.

Half an hour after using the mask, you can wipe problem areas of the skin with hydrosol of rose, chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.

Scrubs and peelings can help in the complex of measures to treat acne. You can make the product yourself or purchase it at a cosmetic store.

Among the effective recipes for scrubs, we can highlight the following: for abrasives, you can take ground coffee or “Extra” salt, ground apricot kernels, chopped nuts, etc. Take a spoonful of the selected abrasive (take a tablespoon or a teaspoon, depending on the required amount of scrub), add this a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lavender ether.

You can combine the following components to make your own homemade scrub:

  1. cinnamon powder + honey + tea tree ether
  2. white clay + cucumber juice
  3. sea ​​salt + avocado juice
  4. baking soda + liquid baby soap.

For peeling, it is effective to use honey, namely the patting method (pour a little honey onto your palms, rub them and use patting movements to work on the face, namely problem areas with pores). Such actions “pull out” comedones from the pores using the natural stickiness of honey. It is also effective to use strawberry pulp, which will serve as a scrub, and its acids as an “acid” peeling. To enhance the effect, you can use a special cosmetic glove.

If you can go to a salon, you can use various cosmetic procedures to get rid of sebum accumulations and blackheads that have appeared. A specialist, after examining the skin, can suggest the following methods for removing comedones:

  1. mechanical cleaning (although not a particularly useful procedure for the skin, it is effective. It takes place in several stages. After the session, a recovery period is required)
  2. phototherapy (a safe procedure without pain, which is carried out with a special device and requires a course of 8-10 sessions. Reduces the appearance of new blackheads and acne, blackheads disappear for a while, and the skin looks much healthier)
  3. chemical peeling (non-intense peeling brings the skin “to life”, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby eliminates blackheads)
  4. mesotherapy (“the right” medications will not only improve the skin’s overall health, but also relieve it of many problems, including blackheads. A course of such therapy is required to see the effect)
  5. biodermabrasion (one of the peeling options, which is carried out using a complex of mechanical and chemical effects, with the help of the procedure you can significantly reduce the number and appearance of blackheads)
  6. fractional laser (an expensive procedure with a long recovery period, but it completely gets rid of blackheads. At the same time, you can reduce wrinkles and skin irregularities)
  7. ultrasonic cleaning (a gentle procedure that requires a course. But it significantly reduces pores and normalizes sebum production).


Ultrasound facial cleansing

In order for the salon procedure to give the expected effect, you should follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for skin care after the session.

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about the use of this or that cosmetics for blackheads. Some express their “wow” from the effect, but there are also those who were completely dissatisfied with the result. In any case, there are plenty of such products on the cosmetic market.

Be that as it may, the use of cosmetics has its place. Manufacturers claim that only products from one line can be a salvation from blackheads and other similar skin problems. One line, as a rule, includes all the necessary “jars and bottles” for cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. By the way, it often happens that inexpensive complexes have a much greater effect than their famous expensive analogues.


Line of anti-blackhead products

There are opinions that experts in the pharmaceutical craft know some unique recipes for drugs that allow them to look young for many years and at the same time quickly eliminate skin problems.

When contacting a dermatologist with the problem of comedones, he can select individual proportions of talkers, creams, and ointments. Among these popular remedies, pharmacists-magicians can make:

  1. zinc-based chatter (+chloramphenicol, aspirin, dimexide, etc.)
  2. ointment based on sulfur (+zinc, streptocide, etc.).

If you look at the pharmacy counter, you can find ready-made creams for blackheads: Differin, Propeller, Baziron. Ointments: Zinc, Ichthyol, Retinoic.

Prevention of acne and blackheads

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of comedones than to try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. Cosmetologists note the following basic preventive measures that prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands:

  1. if inflammation appears on the skin, you should not try to get rid of it using mechanical cleansing or other aggressive procedures (for example, squeezing out the comedone yourself)
  2. It is not recommended to remove oily shine on the skin with alcohol-containing products, or to remove makeup with them
  3. Do not wash your face frequently with soap or use scrubs every day, as this can cause excessively dry skin
  4. you need to use cosmetics specifically designed for a specific skin type
  5. Do not use oily cream for oily (or combination) skin.

Treatment of acne and comedones is quite lengthy and unpleasant, and can also require considerable expenses. Timely cleansing of the skin will prevent the development of infection, and suitable cosmetics will eliminate the problem of intense work of the sebaceous glands.

Blackheads on the face are a form of acne (open comedones). Most often they can be found on the nose, chin or forehead. They do not pose a serious danger to the body, but they significantly spoil the condition of the skin and its appearance, which cannot but worry people who are faced with such a problem. Especially when it comes to women. To remove blackheads on the nose, you can use a variety of methods, including both professional facial cleansing in beauty salons and home remedies.


  1. Reasons for the formation of blackheads
  2. Methods to combat blackheads
  3. How to remove blackheads on the nose at home
  1. Steaming
  2. Steam baths
  3. Hot compresses
  4. Cleansing masks
  5. Cleansing scrubs
  6. Products for tightening enlarged pores and moisturizing the face
Precautions when removing blackheads


Reasons for the formation of blackheads

Black dots on the nose are sebaceous plugs that arise due to blockage of the mouths of the hair follicles with excess sebum, impurities of dirt, dust, cosmetics and particles of the epidermis. In most cases, they occur in people with oily skin, enlarged pores on the face and increased sebum secretion. In addition, the causes of blackheads may be:

  1. hormonal imbalance
  2. unhealthy diet (abuse of sweets, fried and fatty foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol)
  3. inappropriate skin care products
  4. improper and irregular skin cleansing
  5. constant contact of facial skin with contaminated fingers and hair
  6. excessive use of decorative cosmetics
  7. diseases of internal organs
  8. disorders of the functions of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Methods to combat blackheads

There are various ways to get rid of blackheads on the nose, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. The most effective is an integrated approach, including not only the removal of comedones, but also further proper skin care.

The main method of combating comedones is facial cleansing. To carry it out, the following procedures are used:

  1. steam baths
  2. cleansing scrubs and masks
  3. using a special cosmetic spatula or patches to remove comedones
  4. facial cleansing in beauty salons (manual, mechanical, vacuum, laser, ultrasound and others).

How to remove blackheads on the nose at home

In most cases, you can get rid of blackheads on the nose at home using proven recipes. The low cost of ingredients for preparing masks and scrubs, as well as the ease of performing procedures and a good final result, are the main advantages of this type of facial cleansing.

Following the correct procedure is of great importance. First, you need to cleanse your face with milk or another cleanser. Then steam the skin, after which you can begin cleaning with special masks or scrubs. At the very end, apply toners to tighten pores, moisturizer or mask.

To effectively clean the skin of the nose from blackheads, the pores on the face must be enlarged. Preliminary steaming of the problem area will soften hardened sebaceous plugs and make it easier to get rid of them.

For a steam bath, use herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort, etc.). When choosing herbs, you should take into account the characteristics of the skin: for dry and problematic skin, you can include wormwood, yarrow, rosemary, and for oily skin - chamomile, horsetail.

To prepare a steam bath, place 60 g of herb or herbal mixture in a saucepan, fill it halfway with water and bring to a boil. The resulting broth is infused for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. If desired, you can add a drop of lemon or eucalyptus essential oil to it. Then you need to remove the lid from the pan and bend over it at an angle of 45° at a distance of at least 30 cm, covering your head with a towel. For dry, thin or sensitive skin, the duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, and for oily and combination skin – 10–15 minutes.

You can also use hot compresses to steam the skin on your nose. To do this, place a piece of gauze folded several times into a hot herbal decoction, then squeeze it lightly and apply it to problem areas. After the compress has cooled, the gauze is re-wetted, wrung out and applied.

If you have blackheads on your nose, it is recommended to use special cleansing masks twice a week.

Egg white film mask

Take an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites into a stiff foam and apply to the nose area. Place a layer of a suitable size paper napkin on top of the protein and apply another layer of protein. After about half an hour, when the mask on your face has dried well, you need to remove it with a sharp movement from the bottom up.

Film mask based on gelatin

Milk – 1 tbsp. l.
Activated carbon – 1 tablet
Gelatin – 1 tsp.

Pour warm milk into a small cup, add gelatin and powdered activated carbon. To stir thoroughly. Place in a water bath or microwave until all the gelatin dissolves.

While warm, apply the mask on your nose in several layers using cotton pads or a clean brush. Leave the product for about half an hour to harden. Remove by hooking your fingernail over the edge. After you have managed to get rid of blackheads on your nose using this mask, you need to wash your face with warm water to remove any remaining gelatin.

Clay mask

Clay powder is mixed with warm water or herbal infusion until the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mass is applied to the nose. After a while, when the mask dries, massage it off with warm water or remove it with a damp sponge. The duration of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the skin: for dry – 5-7 minutes, for oily – 15–20 minutes, for normal – 10 minutes. At the same time, it is recommended to use yellow, pink or red clay for dry skin, and white, blue and green for oily and combination skin. Black clay is suitable for any type.

Mask of salt, soda and soap

Soda – 1 tsp.
Fine salt – 1 tsp.

Mix salt and soda. Lather your face with soap, preferably baby soap. Apply a mixture of soda and salt on top of the skin with blackheads in a circular massage motion. After 5 minutes, rinse with water.

Honey and cinnamon mask

Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon – ⅓ tsp.

Mix honey and cinnamon, before going to bed, massage onto problem areas and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask with water.

Fresh vegetable masks

To get rid of blackheads on the nose, fresh vegetables are often used: potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. You can simply wipe problem areas with slices of these vegetables or prepare masks from them. To do this, potatoes and cucumber are grated on a medium grater, and the skin is removed from the tomato and the pulp is mashed. Apply to problem areas for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

Mask with aloe juice, lemon and egg white

Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
Young aloe juice – 2 tsp.
White of one egg

Mix aloe juice, lemon and egg white with a blender. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas in two stages. First, the first layer, and after it dries, the second is applied on top. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Scrubs are used to cleanse the skin of dead cells, dirt and blackheads. Sugar, salt, soda, ground coffee beans, dried orange or lemon peel and others can be used as an exfoliating component.

Olive oil and sugar scrub

Sugar – 2 tsp.
Olive oil – 12 ml

Mix sugar and olive oil into a homogeneous mass. Apply the product onto blackheads using massaging movements. Rinse off with water after 5 minutes.

Yogurt and salt scrub

Yogurt – 2 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – ½ tsp.
Fine salt – ½ tsp.
Honey - ½ tbsp. l.

Mix yogurt with salt, add lemon juice and honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to areas with comedones. Massage the skin with light movements for 5 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Rice and milk scrub

Rice – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – ⅓ glass

Soak rice in warm milk for 4 hours. Then grind the rice and rub the resulting mass in a circular motion for about 3 minutes on the problem areas of the skin. Wash with water.

Salt and sour cream scrub

Salt – 5 g
Full-fat sour cream – 30 ml

Mix salt and sour cream. Massage the mixture onto the areas of the nose with blackheads. After 5 minutes, rinse with water.

After completing the procedures to get rid of comedones, you need to narrow the enlarged pores and then apply a moisturizer. To tighten pores, you can wipe your skin with the following products:

  1. cucumber juice and vodka in a ratio of 2:1
  2. calendula tincture and mineral water 1:8
  3. ice cubes (you can use frozen herbal decoction)
  4. white from 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Precautions when removing blackheads

Before you try to get rid of blackheads on your nose, you need to take all precautions into account so as not to further harm or spoil the skin on your face. These include the following:

  1. It is not recommended to squeeze out comedones yourself, as there is a risk of infection it is better to entrust such manipulations to cosmetologists
  2. steam baths are contraindicated for people suffering from rosacea or having inflammatory processes on the face (rash, wounds, pimples, redness, etc.)
  3. before applying a cleansing mask or scrub to your face, you must do an allergy test on the inside of your arm
  4. Do not apply makeup immediately after removing blackheads.

If you cannot cope with blackheads on your own, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is caused by hormonal changes or some diseases.