Laundry soap for face against acne reviews

To wash my face I use only water, plain WATER, I talk to it and see the result on my face. At 51 years old, I look 35 at most. Down with any chemicals.
Yes, I didn’t write that I put a cambric handkerchief or other soft tissue on my hands, which perfectly removes everything from my face, cleansing the pores of grease and dirt.

Yes, it helps! It dries out pimples and skin, so pimples disappear and don’t appear again!

Application 6 Apply soap to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse!

I need to drink “Beer Shivers” for a month, 2 tablets a day!!

I’ve been a cosmetologist-dermatologist for 6 years. I’ve been working in this field since I was 20. I’m 26, and I don’t regret choosing this job. Up to 15 guys come to see me a day. It's horrible. And many ruined their skin with expensive products. They alternated creams and tonics, in a couple of years they tried up to 20 different products on themselves. This is what makes the skin TERRIBLY dry, the balance is upset.. EVERY person needs a SPECIAL product. The whole city cannot use the same thing same.
I came here only because I feel sorry for teenagers. You are ineptly ruining your skin. And then guys come to me in droves, complaining about rashes. I want you to get down to business from an early age. What can I say about SOAP - I recommend it to many. Just don’t just smear it, but make special masks for your skin type. Guys, if anyone needs advice, please contact me. If I help the guys who come to our center, then I will help you too)

Laundry soap helps one hundred percent. I used to have “horror” how many small pimples there were on my face and body. I’m generally silent about the face. I tried all the remedies and did not achieve the desired result (a perfectly clean face). Then my dad advised me how to use household soap. He said that this is the best remedy for acne, etc.
I’ve been washing my face with laundry soap for 2 months now and the results have knocked me off my feet. My face is perfectly clean. Even I myself was shocked by this. I give you a 1-2 month guarantee and the results are obvious. Soap costs from 8 to 18 rubles. I washed my face for 8 and for 18 - this is household. soap with glycerin.

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However, they became painfully smart.

Does it help? Has anyone tried washing their face with it?

I repeat that there is no better or cheaper solution

Personally, Retasol was recommended to me and I was satisfied. You apply it 1-2 times a day for 10 weeks and everything goes away. I guarantee

I also like laundry soap. The strangest thing is that at first I used tar soap, it was also praised, but somehow tar soap did not suit me. But from the owner. I'm delighted with the soap.

Does it help? Has anyone tried washing their face with it?

I also have a problem with acne (there are not many of them, but they still exist). There were acne on my back and face. And then one day I read an article about that same household soap... I didn’t dare wash my face with it, I was afraid. I just started washing my body with it. And what do you think? Your back is as clean as a baby's bottom! Perfect! I couldn't believe my eyes! I washed myself exactly 4 times with this soap and my acne was gone!) Now I’ll probably decide to wash my face with it!) But I’m afraid that my face will tighten or my skin will dry out. BUT I'll take a risk) If anything happens, I'll post)

really, household soap helps a lot! I wash my face myself 2 times a day and my face has become noticeably cleaner! Household soap is good for oily skin and will relieve you of oily skin! so take advantage!

Damn, I have oily skin. and I didn’t use any means!! All these Oriflame, Klerasil, Faberlic. I even ordered a series of products from Mary Kay - no effect (well, maybe just a little).
Your face is covered in pimples - it’s a nightmare((((only in the summer, more or less... and so on.
I'm 17 and have been living with this problem for 5 years.
I was advised to go to the bathhouse once a week. It cleanses pores and is also good for the body.
I also read about salicylic-zinc paste. Tell me, is it effective?
They write a lot, but I’m interested in the effect FOR OILY SKIN!
There is some truth about dermatologists. It’s just that now is the time when all the “doctors” are cutting money and the result is zero (sorry for the expression, there’s just not enough evil for such behavior of “doctors”).
I’ve heard about laundry soap more than once. and my mother advised me, but I didn’t dare.
but it also helps with allergies (when a rash appears) - this is also mom’s advice.
hmm.. regarding cleansing the body - the most effective remedy I have tried is a saline solution, as well as a concoction of senna and holosas leaves. helps 100%.
Yes, and there’s no escape from chemistry. the main principles of healthy nutrition:
1. do not eat after 18.00 (NOT a diet!)
2. follow a meal schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
3. less fatty, salty, sweet.
4. it doesn’t hurt to have a “fasting day” at least once every 2 weeks (light food at least)
5. drink as much water as possible (minimum 2 liters per day)
and finally, LOVE YOURSELF! smile more often. Believe me, if you look sadly at yourself and constantly pay attention to the so-called “shortcomings”, then. It's all down the drain. good luck to YOU ​​ALL)))***
P.S. I'll post if the soap has any effect

and I fucked on laundry soap
Well, the cat tore her leg and there were terrible wounds and bruises, the pain was hellish. I soaped the wounds at night and in the morning there was no more pain - everything was healed. I am pleased


I am an Ecologist by profession and know first-hand about food, household chemicals and the environment, so HM in comparison with them is just a gift from the past!
And girls don’t need to get smart and glorify modern cosmetics for acne; as a rule, they don’t help. Good Cosmetologists are a rarity now - tested on myself!
With skin problems, I went to the “dermatovenerological dispensary” clinic, where doctors take tests, because everyone has different reasons and there is no single remedy for all diseases, they will prescribe their own for everyone. (I was prescribed inexpensive and simple products, not newfangled ones. They advised me to use only children’s cosmetics for bathing:)
And those who write: “eww brown soap. beeee,” DO NOT use it. No one is forcing you!
Moreover, initially the girl asked: “Who has used and helps LI?”, and not: “Who can be smart and express their fee.”
I sincerely wish everyone health and a good head on their shoulders.
How many people, so many opinions


Laundry soap is a long-known remedy for removing various types of contaminants. It has always been used for washing clothes and washing dishes. And also, when literally half a century ago, there were no products on store shelves to get rid of problem skin, you had to use laundry soap for acne.

Useful properties of laundry soap

Modern youth often do not take the risk of using this remedy for acne on the face, choosing expensive advertised drugs, or simply do not know how to use this particular soap.


If we consider the reviews of many people, we can say that the main preference is not for laundry soap, but for using tar or glycerin soap for acne. Each type has a strong effect on human skin, and also has its own side effects if used incorrectly. What soap helps with acne? You should study the beneficial properties of laundry soap to ensure its effectiveness.

This product has more advantages than disadvantages:

  1. No smell. If the product is of good quality and made from natural ingredients, it should not have a strong unpleasant odor.
  2. Low cost. Of all the means to combat problematic dermis, laundry soap is one of the cheapest. Especially when compared with expensive gels and scrubs.
  3. No chemistry. A high-quality product does not contain a large amount of harmful substances in its composition.
  4. Antiseptic effect.
  5. Healing effect.
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Copes with swelling.
  8. Antibacterial property.
  9. Cleansing action.
  10. Calming effect.

Due to these beneficial properties, laundry soap has several different applications.

Areas of use

Cosmetology In this area it is used as a cleanser for the dermis of the face and head. Eliminates dandruff, restores hair structure. Soothes the protective covering after removing unwanted hair - shaving or epilation. Also, with the help of the product, they get rid of skin problems such as pimples, acne and other inflammations.
ethnoscience In this application, laundry soap comes in handy for healing minor skin injuries such as small cuts, scrapes, cracked dry skin and stretch marks. Providing anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects, the drug copes well with insect and small animal bites. It is also used to treat more serious diseases. Household It has long been used by housewives to remove stains and remove heavy dirt from a variety of work surfaces, furniture and clothing. Additionally, it is used to cleanse the entire apartment or house of germs. The product copes well with gardening problems such as aphids and spider mites.

Harm and contraindications

Like any other product, laundry soap has harmful properties in addition to beneficial ones:

  1. It should not be used to cleanse the dermis every day, as this will lead to dryness.
  2. Possessing high antibacterial properties, when used daily, this folk remedy removes the natural barrier from human skin that protects it from bacteria. As a result, local immunity decreases.
  3. Carefully read the ingredients indicated on the packaging. The more modern manufacturers add chemicals to a product, the less benefit and more harm it will cause.
  4. Not recommended for use on dry and sensitive epidermis. Due to its strong drying effect, the use of the product may worsen the situation.
  5. When washing your face, use only soap foam. After this procedure, use a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.

Composition of laundry soap

In order to prevent an allergic reaction, you should study the chemical composition of the product before use:

  1. Natural fats.
  2. Kaolin or white clay.
  3. Water.
  4. Sodium.
  5. Lauric or palmitic acid.
  6. Alkali.
  7. Rosin or vegetable lard (rarely included in soap).

Types and differences

Also, in addition to the chemical composition, it is worth knowing the variety of types of products in order to determine exactly what you need. Modern manufacturers produce it in the following forms:


Laundry soap contains fatty acids. It also differs in their content in the product. The bar product usually has a pressed inscription indicating the percentage of acids in the soap: 65%, 70% and 72%.


The simplest and easiest way to use laundry soap for acne, which has a fairly strong effect, is to wash your face.

Users are often concerned about whether it is possible to wash their face with soap. Washing with this drug creates an unfavorable environment for the development and life of bacteria, so the answer is yes. This procedure should not be performed only by people with dry and combination skin types. Those with oily dermis should also use anti-acne soap carefully.


You should wash your face with soap foam no more than once or twice a week, in order to avoid consequences such as itching and severe dry skin. Also, after use, you should apply a moisturizer to the treated skin.

For those skin types for which it is not advisable to wash your face with this product, you can use it spot-on, applying it to problem areas. This method of application will help dry out pimples and prevent the possibility of new acne and blackheads.

An equally effective remedy that you can make with your own hands is a variety of masks containing laundry soap for acne on the face. There are several recipes for how to get rid of acne using a mask.

Salt mask

Rub the laundry soap on a coarse grater. Beat until foamy. Add salt in a one to one ratio. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin. After half an hour, wash it off with warm water. Use this mask no more than once every two days. The course of application lasts a month.

Mask for oily skin

In addition to soap and water, this recipe requires onions, or rather onion juice. Just like in the first recipe, rub the bar and stir it in warm water. Leave the resulting mixture to sit for a few minutes. Then add one tablespoon of onion juice and beat until foamy. Apply a thick layer to skin. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. This mask has the effect of unclogging pores.

This procedure will help get rid of blackheads:


  1. Before peeling, steam your skin.
  2. Prepare a cotton pad. You need to soap it and pour baking soda on top of the soap.
  3. Walk lightly over problem areas. You should not make any effort, as this may result in damage to the skin.
  4. Wash your face with warm water.
  1. People with dry skin types should not use the above methods more than once a week.
  2. People with other types of dermis besides dry skin should use laundry soap against acne no more than 3 times a week.
  3. After you have finished washing your face with laundry soap for acne, it is recommended to use moisturizing nourishing creams.
  4. If you use any of the products to combat acne on your body, you should not do this more than 3-4 times a week.
  5. Masks are quite effective, but their use has such a disadvantage as dehydration of the skin. It is not recommended to use them more than once a week.

Does laundry soap help with acne?

Acne is only an external manifestation of a problem, be it a hormonal imbalance, eating junk food, or more serious health problems. In order to finally solve the problem of acne, it is not enough to use only this product. You should definitely contact a medical specialist who will determine the cause and give advice on how to eliminate it.

Laundry soap helps against acne with all its properties: it reduces inflammation and redness of the skin, and has an antibacterial effect. Like any other product, acne soap should be used following the instructions for its use.

Most often, a medical professional can prescribe some medications for you. If these are medications for oral administration, then using this type of folk remedy for acne is acceptable. If these are some kind of external preparations, then you should wait a while with cleansing the skin using this method. It is also worth consulting a dermatologist on this issue.


Arina, 16 years old

For a long time I didn’t want to believe my grandmother and mother that laundry soap really helps against acne. After a lot of persuasion, I decided to try it, and after the first uses I saw the result - there was significantly less redness, small pimples disappeared.

Oksana, 24 years old

Having lived for a long time with such a nuisance as clogged pores, I accidentally came across advice on the Internet to try laundry soap for blackheads. Having tried a procedure called peeling, I quickly became convinced of the effectiveness of the advice.

Svetlana, 21 years old
I liked the results from using the masks. However, you should be more careful with their use, because they dry out the skin very much. But regular baby cream helps to cope with this.

try dectar soap.

I already know that polysorb helps with acne; today there are a lot of different products, using laundry soap is, of course, a very budget option.

A cosmetologist will only help you get rid of money. Verified


yeah nothing helps. It’s easier to wrap yourself in a bag and not show yourself

If you sign up for hardware procedures, prepare a big wallet, and when the course ends, everything will be all over again, it’s better to use the same soap or polysorb, there is hope to get rid of it forever.

Yeah really. There was a time when I washed myself with dectar soap... I thought my boyfriend would run away from me - what a smell this soap had)))) It didn’t have a strong effect ((And to wash my face with it - I actually still want to look young. From then the skin will probably deteriorate altogether..

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The one who wrote that to each his own is right. It was household soap that helped me. Skin is oily and problematic. I had terrible complexes in my youth. Pimples, pimples, pimples. It seemed like I was getting older, but the acne remained in place. HM was recommended by a friend. The problem has gone away. To everyone who decides to use XM: remove eye makeup with a proven and good product for caring for the skin around the eyes. The skin is delicate and there is no need to influence it with chemicals. Try it and evaluate the effect. I got it within two or three weeks. I also use XM instead of shower gel. The results are excellent. NO HM smell remains!!

Why are you all quarreling? Laundry soap is only suitable for those with oily skin. It clears up acne and dries out the skin. For those with a different skin type, use other products such as lotions, tonics, milks, creams. The main thing is that it helps get rid of acne :)

Soap really helps! I have a terrible allergy to tonics, and even if there is a result, my skin gets used to it very quickly and only gets worse! I've been using it for a week, the results are amazing! There are much (!!) less acne (and I had them.. quiet horror!). I also leave it overnight, but because the case is severe)
I’m still doing lotions. chamomile decoction. and in the morning I wash my face with ice. alternately with calendula and chamomile.
I am for household soap with my hands and feet! and in general I am against chemistry

Believe it or not. I am a physician by training. When we, students, came to see our gynecologist, she always told us that intimate hygiene should be carried out only with laundry soap, there should be no gels. Sometimes she swore even if her recommendations were not followed, she said, why are you hurting yourself, you’re still girls, you still have to give birth. I had to perform...the girls even had sh.m. erosion. passed...

Under no circumstances should you even try to use soap to fight acne. ruin your skin. I myself have suffered from acne since I was 15 years old, on the advice of a friend I washed my face with tar soap for 2 months, at first it helped, but in the spring it became even worse, the number of acne only increased. Now I’m 17 years old, I’m still suffering, I’m trying to overcome this nasty thing on my face, but it’s all in vain. It’s just that I have almost no pimples, sometimes 3-4 pimples pop up, but my face is inflamed, everything is greasy, red, it’s terrible to look at me. So, all those who are worried about acne, do not self-medicate, make an appointment with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and get tested. Don’t sit idly by and don’t think that God’s mercy will descend and everything will pass. Yes, pray that everything will go away, but you won’t be satisfied with prayers alone.

I don’t have a lot of acne, and my skin is oily only on my forehead! But it’s still somehow not pleasant! Now I read all the comments and decided to try washing my face with this soap! There doesn’t seem to be any tightness or dryness! I’ve been washing my face for a week, next Thursday I’ll write about it effect!

Laundry soap really helps with acne, I tried it on myself, everything I did to get rid of acne on my chin, I even bought quartz - all to no avail, until I started washing my face with 72% laundry soap.
And my neighbor cured a fistula after surgery with household soap, she simply lathered the wound - and everything healed over time!

normal soap. ages their skin. but how to drink and smoke does not age you means .. wash your household. you can use soap... this has long been known

They've gone completely crazy. What the heck is laundry soap! Kill your skin!

Oh no, are you crazy? Dries the skin terribly. Buy natural tar; it has a neutral pH, and tar for acne is good!

Oh no, are you crazy? Dries the skin terribly. Buy natural tar; it has a neutral pH, and tar for acne is good!

Please tell me, how can I make masks from household soap when I suffer from oily skin and acne for many years? Thank you.

How many times a day should you wash your face with household soap?

I have been washing my face with this soap for a week now, there is no improvement or deterioration! The matter has not moved forward!

Well, almost everyone says that from the household. soap tightens and dries the skin. but there are those who say that this is nonsense and that they do not have such a thing. But! it depends on your skin type. If you have oily skin, it is precisely this skin that does not dry out after using soap. If you have dry skin, you shouldn’t wash it with soap. If you have normal skin, you can wash it with soap once a week. and a maximum of 2 times. also apply lotions.. anti-redness creams and the skin will not deteriorate.

how many times a day should you wash your face?

A little. in the morning and in the evening

Nowadays you can't find a real HM. I once bought it in a store - it’s terrible. it crumbles and it’s unclear why they were molded together. only if you do it yourself.

Well, almost everyone says that from the household. soap tightens and dries the skin. but there are those who say that this is nonsense and that they do not have such a thing. But! it depends on your skin type. If you have oily skin, it is precisely this skin that does not dry out after using soap. If you have dry skin, you shouldn’t wash it with soap. If you have normal skin, you can wash it with soap once a week. and a maximum of 2 times. also apply lotions.. anti-redness creams and the skin will not deteriorate.

I) but kerasin is better)

I’ve been a cosmetologist-dermatologist for 6 years. I’ve been working in this field since I was 20. I’m 26, and I don’t regret choosing this job. Up to 15 guys come to see me a day. It's horrible. And many ruined their skin with expensive products. They alternated creams and tonics, in a couple of years they tried up to 20 different products on themselves. This is what makes the skin TERRIBLY dry, the balance is upset.. EVERY person needs a SPECIAL product. The whole city cannot use the same thing same.
I came here only because I feel sorry for teenagers. You are ineptly ruining your skin. And then guys come to me in droves, complaining about rashes. I want you to get down to business from an early age. What can I say about SOAP - I recommend it to many. Just don’t just smear it, but make special masks for your skin type. Guys, if anyone needs advice, please contact me. If I help the guys who come to our center, then I will help you too)

Valeria I have been a cosmetologist-dermatologist for 6 years. I have been working in this field since I was 20. I am 26, and I do not regret choosing this job. Up to 15 guys come to see me per day. It's horrible. And many ruined their skin with expensive products. They alternated creams and tonics, in a couple of years they tried up to 20 different products on themselves. This is what makes the skin TERRIBLY dry, the balance is upset.. EVERY person needs a SPECIAL product. The whole city cannot use the same thing same.
I came here only because I feel sorry for teenagers. You are ineptly ruining your skin. And then guys come to me in droves, complaining about rashes. I want you to get down to business from an early age. What can I say about SOAP - I recommend it to many. Just don’t just smear it, but make special masks for your skin type. Guys, if anyone needs advice, please contact me. If I help the guys who come to our center, then I will help you too)

Does it help? Has anyone tried washing their face with it?

17, yeah, the brick is such a shitty color))))))))

Laundry soap generally helps. I've been using it for three days now, and the pimples have almost disappeared. And the skin is very smooth. but although it may be due to the fact that I smear myself with cream. Household I recommend soap, but just don’t use it very often, it seems to me that it wakes up very harmfully, because it can dry out the skin. You can also try Garnier. Which is being advertised right now. In general, the first time helped a lot, but subsequent procedures did not produce the desired effect.

Hello. I read all the comments about soap. I became interested and want to try it. Because I have a wedding in three weeks, I just haven’t tried. My pimples don't go away because they always break out due to stress. And a wedding is always stressful. So I think I might try it with soap. Many people write that it smells terrible, nothing like that. There are products that have a worse smell.

Girls, I’ve been using Clinique cosmetics for 3-4 years, it’s a fairly expensive company and therefore the cost of facial skin was huge, literally 2 weeks ago, right before going on vacation, I ran out of the set, and there was a period of stress, so I was covered in acne, all that They were able to offer me housekeeping at the "resort". soap, at first I resisted for a long time, then I finally decided to try it and OH A MIRACLE! The skin is almost clean within a week, not dry, fresh. Returning home, I decided not to spend the next 3,500 rubles. for the Clinique set and I don’t regret it one bit.

At first I also didn’t want to wash my face with it, but I had no choice, I tried everything, my only hope was in HM and lo and behold. I washed my face with it 2 times and once I left it overnight, it doesn’t smell very good but it’s tolerable, the pimples became smaller and not so red, I was shocked, I should have treated it right away and not wasted my money and money on other things =)) so what? no matter if the soap dries out the skin, after it you need to smear the skin with a moisturizing lotion or cream)) everyone who decides to try the soap, you will not regret it. =)

I’ll tell you my case, I didn’t know what to do, I wrote to everyone on VKontakte on how to remove acne, my sister advised me to use simple soap, she said, wash your face, I wouldn’t say that straight away everything on your face got better, then (a bad head doesn’t give rest to my legs) I went to a dermatologist, she advised buy the aven line, well, I was a fool, I bought it and have been washing my face for 2 weeks now, my skin has become terrible and oily, now I’ll switch to soap

Those who talk about modern acne remedies and “report” on maintaining good hygiene simply apparently have not encountered this problem (or you are lucky). Those who have never suffered from this believe that acne occurs exclusively in those who do not wash their faces and eat cakes and sausage. This is wrong. I have been suffering from acne for about two years now. Suddenly, at the age of 22, some kind of horror began to appear in my face (no other words can describe it). Cystic acne all over the face and back. They started to treat. Baziron (benzene peroxide - also the main active ingredient in the ProActive series) - burns and aggravations. There is no effect from a three-month course. Skinoren (azelaic acid) - after six months of use, temporary improvement with constant exacerbations, no remission. Differin (adapalene retinoid) - 7 months of treatment, temporary improvements, no remission. The regimen was prescribed by the doctor. Cleansing and massage with liquid nitrogen (7 thousand course) - temporary improvement (it looked like a cure), then everything started again, no remission. I don’t smoke, I drink alcohol about 5 times a year. I eat right, I exercise regularly, I wash my pillowcases, I don’t use face towels - everything is as it should be, you understand. Cosmetics are a whole different story. I did the math and I spent about 100 thousand on it in two years. Pharmacy series with acids (Exfoliac, Bioderma, Avene, Ducret), professional lines (Anna Lotan, Christina, Gigi, Dermalogica, Is Clinical, Skin Ceutical, Obagi), luxury lines (Estee Lauder, Dior, Lancome), organic things from Iherb . The only thing is that I’ve never used mass market ones like all sorts of Garniers, Propellers, etc. - I don’t trust them. In short, the list is endless! I used products with acids all the time. I went through four different cosmetologists. Either there is no effect, or there is a temporary improvement, and then everything starts all over again. It’s gotten to the point where doctors say it’s genetics, get over it. Go for treatments regularly and get used to the fact that you will always have 5 to 10 inflammations on your face. I mentally prepared myself to take Roaccutane.