Kafr al-Yahud - “Jewish bitumen”, asphalt

It is said that one kind of Kafr al-Yahud oozes from some mountains, and another kind floats to the surface of some swamps. Black kaffir al-Yahud is bad and looks like zift. These are black, light pieces; if you chew them, they taste like punishment; however, they rub easily.

The best kaf al-Yahud is purple, shiny, strong, heavy, and as for black and dirty, it is bad.

Hot to the third degree, dry to the same degree.

Its strength is close to that of zift. It strengthens the organs and, if drunk, dissolves the blood clotted in the stomach.

In the form of an ointment, it helps against white spots on the nails.

Tumors and acne.
It promotes the maturation of pigs.

Wounds and ulcers.
It is used to lubricate ringworms and swollen wounds; this delays swelling.

Tools with joints.
Kafr al-Yahud is used to make medicinal dressings for gout; They drink it and lubricate it with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Respiratory system.
Kafr al-Yahud is useful for coughs and ulcers in the lungs and promotes expectoration, and also removes pus from the chest. It is beneficial for tonsil tumors and tonsillitis.

Eruption organs.
It is useful for hardening of the uterus, and if soot from it is introduced into the vagina, it is beneficial for prolapse of the uterus and pain in it. If you make an enema of it with barley water, it helps against dysentery.