How long does your throat hurt after papillomas removal?

Sore throat after papillomas removal

The content of the article:
  1. Possible complications
  2. How to eat after removal of papillomas in the throat
  3. How to relieve pain
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies

How long does the throat hurt after removal of papillomas is a question that worries most patients who have undergone surgery to destroy a viral tumor. As a rule, an operation to remove tumors lasts several minutes, but the rehabilitation period takes from 7 to 21 days.

Possible complications after removal of papillomas in the throat

Pain syndrome after removal of papillomas in the throat

Depending on the size and number of tumors, the operation to remove them from the throat lasts about 10-20 minutes. As a rule, gentle, minimally invasive techniques are used to reduce bleeding and pain. However, in any case, discomfort will be felt for some time.

Before surgery, many patients are interested in how long does the throat hurt after removal of papillomas and how intense is this pain? There is no exact answer to this question, since everyone’s pain threshold is different, and the intensity of discomfort will differ depending on the area and depth of the surgical intervention. The method of removing the growth also plays a significant role. The fastest and most painless rehabilitation period after radiosurgical and laser removal of papillomas. On average, we are talking about recovery within 1-3 weeks.

Many patients experience the following symptoms after removal of papillomas from the throat:

  1. Pain syndrome. The discomfort will begin to increase as the local anesthesia wears off. The pain will become especially intense when trying to swallow saliva. If you are wondering why your throat hurts after papilloma removal, consult a doctor. You should not endure pain. The specialist will prescribe you special painkillers.
  2. Heavy bleeding. Typically, this sign appears after surgical removal of papillomas using a scalpel and with a large area of ​​damage. When using modern methods of tumor destruction, the risk of bleeding is minimized, since cauterization of blood vessels is performed during the operation.
  3. Postoperative swelling. The patient's throat will remain swollen for several hours after surgery. This will manifest itself as a foreign body sensation in the area. Upon visual examination, inflammation of the soft palate, uvula, pharyngeal walls, and tonsils is noted.
  4. Voice change. The effects of medications, swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and pain may cause some changes in the patient's voice. It may become more hoarse, nasal, deaf, and low. This usually goes away on its own some time after surgery.

If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations for taking medications and nutrition in the first postoperative days and hours, then there should not be any serious complications. The most common complications after removal of papillomas in the throat include inflammation, scarring, difficulty swallowing, and changes in the timbre of the voice.

  1. Read also about removing papillomas in the throat

How to eat after removal of papillomas in the throat?

Mashed potatoes for nutrition after removal of papillomas

For several hours after surgery, many patients do not fully recover their swallowing reflex. Therefore, for the first time after removal of papillomas in the throat, it is not recommended to drink or eat any food.

Usually you can start eating and drinking a little 4-5 hours after the intervention. Some doctors recommend starting to take liquid food during this period, as this reduces pain in the throat.

If you have had a papilloma removed from your throat and you don’t know how to relieve the pain, you can try sucking on cool ice cream and popsicles. This is a safe food that will not cause mechanical injuries to the throat, in addition, cold will eliminate pain. A certain amount of calories will help restore strength as quickly as possible.

In the first days after surgery, it is recommended to eat soft, semi-liquid foods, slightly warm or cool. Various pureed soups without seasoning, jelly, mashed potatoes, and semolina porridge are good options.

Hot foods can increase pain and swelling in the throat. Also, in the first days you should not take fruit juices, purees, or sour drinks, which, if they get on wounds, can provoke pain. Do not eat fried and spicy foods with spices.

Hot tea, coffee and alcohol are also contraindicated as they can cause bleeding.

How to relieve pain after removal of papillomas in the throat?

The postoperative period after removal of papillomas in the throat also includes taking medications. They allow you to avoid complications, speed up wound healing, and relieve pain. In addition, traditional medicine recipes can also help in the rehabilitation process.

Medicines for pain after removal of papillomas in the throat

Using the drug for pain after removing papillomas in the throat

Achieving a pronounced effect after removing papillomas in the throat and avoiding relapses is possible only with combined treatment. Therefore, it is important to worry not only about how to relieve pain after a papilloma in the throat has been removed, but also about how to prevent complications after the operation.

Most often, one or more drugs from the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. They do not allow pathogenic microflora to develop in the throat and suppress infections. Prescribed only by the attending physician and in the presence of special instructions.
  2. Immunomodulators. Strengthens weakened immunity. Can be taken before and after surgery to prevent relapse of papillomatosis.
  3. Anesthetics. They have an analgesic effect and suppress attacks of pain. They can be prescribed as injections in the first hours after removal or in tablet form in the following days.
  4. Antiseptics. The operated part of the throat is disinfected. Typically, rinse solutions are used.
  5. Coagulants. Promote blood clotting to avoid bleeding after surgery.
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs. May be steroidal or non-steroidal. Their main function is to block inflammatory processes.

All these drugs are prescribed on an individual basis if necessary and if there are special indications. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

  1. See also the description and composition of the drug Likopid for papillomas

Folk remedies for pain after removal of papillomas in the throat

Chamomile flower decoction for pain after removal of papillomas in the throat

You can use various decoctions and infusions to relieve pain and swelling after surgery to remove papillomas in the throat only 7-10 days after the procedure. Herbal medicine is quite effective against sore throat.

Take note of these recipes to alleviate the condition:

  1. Take chamomile flowers, violets, St. John's wort, pine buds, horsetail, string in equal quantities and pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for several hours. Strain and gargle several times a day.
  2. Dill seed, chamomile flowers, burdock root, string grass, knotweed, nettle, wild rosemary in equal proportions, pour boiling water over and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Strain and gargle with warm broth several times a day.
  3. Chop eucalyptus leaves and add hot water. Leave for 2-3 hours. Gargle 3-4 times a day.
  4. Take thyme, sage, lavender and juniper berries in equal parts and pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of water. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Breathe the steam of the finished broth for 3-5 minutes.

Such therapy should be started only after consulting a doctor. It should also be remembered that these recipes can act as additional treatment. They do not replace primary drug therapy.

  1. Read also about internal use of green tea for papillomas

If you are wondering why your throat hurts after papilloma removal, you should carefully study the issue and consult with your doctor. You cannot self-prescribe medications, especially antibiotics. Proper postoperative care for damaged mucous membranes will shorten the rehabilitation period and quickly restore normal throat functions.

  1. Related article: Temperature rises after removal of papilloma, what to do