How to use hydrogen peroxide on your face

Peroxide can lighten hair, disinfect a wound, and even stop minor bleeding. It is also used for cosmetic purposes. Hydrogen peroxide for the face is used to eliminate various skin problems as an independent remedy or as an ingredient for masks.

Properties of peroxide

How does hydrogen peroxide affect facial skin? Its main property is the ability to cause microburns. Due to this, the upper layer of the dermis is exfoliated, the complexion is evened out, rashes are eliminated in adolescence, and superficial wrinkles are smoothed in adulthood. The product helps eliminate freckles and age spots and is effective in cleansing the skin of impurities.

But using hydrogen peroxide may not be safe for your face. This aggressive substance can dry out thin, delicate skin and cause burns. Therefore, peroxide requires careful use.

Rules of application

The use of hydrogen peroxide for the face in cosmetology is possible subject to the following rules:

  1. In order not to burn the skin, in its pure form you need to apply it pointwise. on inflamed areas without affecting healthy areas.
  2. For medicinal purposes, only a 3% solution is allowed to be used. A substance with a stronger concentration can cause serious burns, after which the skin has difficulty recovering.
  3. The solution should not be used for a long time. If a short-term course does not bring the expected result, you need to choose an alternative method of treatment.
  4. If the skin is oily or problematic, the substance can be used in its pure form. When caring for dry, thin or sensitive skin, the use of hydrogen peroxide for the face is possible only as an ingredient in a mask, which includes moisturizing and nourishing components (yolk, olive oil).
  5. Before use, a sensitivity test must be performed. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and wait an hour. If there is no reaction, it can be used.
  6. All masks, including those for oily skin, containing peroxide, must be applied in a thin layer and keep on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

In what cases is peroxide used?

Hydrogen peroxide for the face is recommended for use if you have the following problems:

  1. acne on the face, comedones, pustules;
  2. increased pigmentation, including freckles;
  3. excess facial hair - the solution effectively lightens, thins and slows down hair growth;
  4. shallow wrinkles.

The product can be used to stop capillary bleeding on the skin in case of shallow injuries.

Contraindications for peroxide

Can everyone apply hydrogen peroxide to their face? Does this remedy have any contraindications?

Hydrogen peroxide for facial skin has become widespread in cosmetology due to the fact that the restrictions on its use are minimal. But still they exist.

The product is not recommended for use by people with:

  1. hypersensitivity to the substance;
  2. very dry skin prone to flaking;
  3. chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  4. injuries and damage of various types.

Methods of application

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide are ideal for oily facial skin, as well as for those with increased pigmentation. About the use of the product in these and other cases - below.

For oily skin

First of all, due to its antiseptic effect, the product is used to eliminate acne. To do this, they lubricate the inflamed areas. Processing is carried out pointwise. The most convenient way to do this is with a cotton swab. In this case, the likelihood of irritation, dryness, and burns of the skin is minimized.

Before treatment, the face is thoroughly cleansed of makeup and impurities with a special product and tonic or lotion. After applying peroxide, there is no need to rinse it off. When the reaction is complete, the peroxide is transformed into neutral water.

A mask made from live yeast and 3% peroxide is effective on oily skin. To prepare it you will need 50 grams of yeast dissolved in a small amount of warm water, 5 grams of peroxide and 10 grams of lemon juice. It is recommended to apply the mixture to problem areas for a few minutes.

Facial cleansing

Facial cleansing with hydrogen peroxide is also effective. To do this, you can prepare a mask with blue clay.

Clay and water are mixed in equal proportions, after which 5-6 drops of peroxide are added. The mask is applied in a thin layer. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be thoroughly rinsed with warm running water, and a nourishing cream should be applied to the face.

Pore ​​contamination is best removed by home peeling prepared from a mixture of baby soap foam and glycerin soap with 5 drops of peroxide. The resulting medicinal mixture is gently rubbed into the skin with your fingers. At the same time, dead cells and fat deposits in the pores roll off, and blackheads lighten.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are an excellent way to deep cleanse your face. . There are many options for cleanser recipes, but its essential components are soda and peroxide. Additives may include salt, chalk and other components.

Soda is taken in a 2:1 ratio to peroxide. The resulting mixture is applied to the face. Then the face is gently massaged in circular movements for several minutes. Baking soda perfectly cleanses the skin. But you need to keep in mind that you should not use this recipe more than once a week. The components of the product are aggressive on the skin and can cause irritation and dryness.

For pigmentation

Hydrogen peroxide is effective against age spots on the face. To lighten overly pigmented areas, you can prepare a mask of 5 drops of this product with the addition of a few tablespoons of warm milk and the same amount of steamed oatmeal. The resulting mixture is kept on the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water and a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied, depending on the skin type.

Peroxide has a whitening effect when combined with lemon juice. Mix 6 drops of the product with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply the resulting mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water. This product is not suitable for people with individual intolerance to the components of the mixture. It is recommended to apply it only to problem areas.

The combination of peroxide with cottage cheese and parsley juice is no less effective. This mixture will brighten the complexion, tighten the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of solution, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a chopped bunch of parsley. The resulting product is applied to the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Mature skin

Is it possible to use peroxide for cosmetic purposes not only for oily and problem skin? Yes, aging skin can be nourished and refreshed with a potato mask. To prepare it, you need to mix a paste of finely mashed potatoes, oatmeal and a spoonful of peroxide. The resulting product is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

Hair lightening

Excess facial hair can be lubricated with peroxide every other day. In this case, it is advisable to apply the product only to the hair, avoiding contact with the skin. Gradually, hair depigmentation is achieved, it becomes thinner and grows much more slowly.

The most effective mixture for combating unwanted hairs is a mixture of 6% peroxide solution (1 spoon) and ammonia (6 drops). The solution has a very pungent odor. Therefore, you can add a little liquid soap or shower gel to the composition, and then apply it to problem areas of the face for 30 minutes. But you won’t be able to completely get rid of unnecessary vegetation this way.

A mask made from natural honey and peroxide in a 2:1 ratio has a milder brightening effect.

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in cosmetology. The product will help eliminate inflammation, remove unwanted hairs, improve complexion, even out skin texture, and smooth out enlarged pores.

The use of hydrogen peroxide on the face has received multiple positive reviews. But you need to use it carefully, strictly following the accepted rules. It is necessary to remember about the aggressiveness of the product and its ability to harm the skin if used ineptly and carelessly.

Most antibacterial pharmaceutical drugs can be used to treat problem skin. Hydrogen peroxide for the face is used for wrinkles, acne and age spots.

Operating principle

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic that can kill a huge number of pathogens in a matter of seconds. It is these bacteria that are one of the causes of acne. When this solution comes into contact with the skin, active oxygen is released. It provides mechanical cleaning of pores, removing solid particles (dust, grease) and microorganisms from them.

There are different opinions on whether it is possible to wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent antiseptic that copes with inflammation, but at the same time, it is a drug that has a strong effect. By releasing oxygen, the solution slows down the metabolism in the epidermis for some time, which can negatively affect it with constant use of the product. In other words, hydrogen peroxide on the face produces emergency cleansing. With long-term regular use of the drug, the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking may occur.

Hydrogen peroxide for face


  1. Inflammatory processes of varying degrees of severity. These are purulent wounds, pimples, blackheads, comedones;
  2. Capillary bleeding, which often results from squeezing out pimples at home;
  3. Dark spots. Due to the fact that the drug has lightening properties, it is often used to whiten the skin;
  4. Increased vegetation. Hydrogen peroxide also removes facial hair, thins its structure and lightens it.

There are no contraindications to peroxide as such, but there is a possibility of burns when using compresses. People with hypersensitive skin need to be careful.

Recipes for the face

It is safest to treat problem areas point by point, as the likelihood of side effects (burns, redness, etc.) is minimal. To do this, the face is thoroughly cleansed of makeup; we additionally recommend degreasing it with tonic or lotion. The most convenient way to apply hydrogen is with cotton swabs. Do not rinse off; when the release reaction is complete, the solution will become harmless water. This will take up to 20 minutes.

The Hydrogen Peroxide Blue Clay Pore Refining Mask for Face has great reviews. You need to combine clay and water in 1:1 proportions, then add up to 6 drops of a 3 percent solution to the composition. Mix everything well and apply to your face. Keep for 20 minutes, rinse with warm running water, and then be sure to apply a tonic or nourishing cream.

A kind of soft peeling will help get rid of blackheads. You need to foam baby or glycerin soap. After that, remove the foam and add 5 drops of peroxide to it. The mixture is carefully mixed with a wooden stick and rubbed into the epidermis with your fingers. When the solution is intensively rubbed into the face, rolls of dead cells and fatty deposits form from the pores; the lightening properties of the drug, in turn, will help lighten acne. After 10 minutes of rubbing, you need to wash your face.

Whitening and facial cleansing with hydrogen peroxide is done with lemon and solution. Lemon is a natural antioxidant that significantly brightens the epidermis and saturates it with vitamins. You need to squeeze a teaspoon of fresh juice out of the fruit, combine it with 6 drops of peroxide and spread it on your face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off. It must be remembered that this recipe cannot be used by dark-skinned girls and people with allergies.

Photo - Rubbing with a sponge

Badyaga and hydrogen will help you quickly cleanse and tone your skin at home. The mixture with bodyaga causes active metabolic processes, due to which the epidermis is intensively restored and saturated with useful substances. At the same time, it has excellent antibacterial properties. Combine badyagi gel (about 2 spoons) with 6 drops of the drug. Apply with a thin film, rinse after 15 minutes.

To restore balance to oily skin, a mask containing yeast and a 3% solution is often used. You need live yeast; for this, dissolve 50 grams in the same amount of warm water and stir. You will get foamy water, pour 5 grams of peroxide and 10 grams of lemon juice into it. Mix everything well and spread on problem areas, rinse after 2 minutes. If desired, you can add chicken protein here, which will help cleanse and tighten pores.

Deep cleaning recipes may include ingredients such as peroxide, salt or baking soda. Powder or abrasive components are excellent cleansers because they provide treatment for pimples, blackheads and deep enlarged pores. Baking soda (fine sea salt, calcium powder) and peroxide for facial cleansing are mixed in proportions of 2:1. You need to wipe your face with the mixture in a circular motion. The action takes place within 5 minutes. If used frequently, such a mixture can be harmful (microcracks form on the skin due to sharp particles). Therefore, you can use this scrub no more than once a week.

H2O2 - This is a common ingredient in anti-aging masks. It is very useful for aging skin. To use this, you need to grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, combine them with oatmeal and a spoonful of peroxide. Apply to face, neck and décolleté and leave for at least 20 minutes.

For girls with overly dark eyebrows, there is a great way to lighten them. Every other day, wipe only the hairs with a moistened cotton pad, without touching the skin. The color will become lighter even after several days of use.

Video: peroxide for acne


Excess vegetation is quickly removed with this solution. The following recipe is suitable for the face:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  2. Ammonia.

You need to take a spoonful of peroxide and combine it with 6 drops of ammonia. The result is a solution with a very strong characteristic odor. So that it can be easily spread on certain areas of the face and body, you can add shower gel or liquid soap to it. After application, leave for half an hour and rinse.

Photo - Peroxide reaction

You can also use the product in its pure form to remove unwanted hair (but not on the face). It should be noted that complete removal is not guaranteed; when using this method, the strands become discolored and thinned.

A combination of honey and peroxide provides gentler facial hair removal. These components gently lighten the strands, doing so without harm to the epidermis. You will need half the solution for a bed of honey.

Hydrogen peroxide (or hydrogen peroxide) is a well-known remedy for inflammation, pigmentation, and removal of unwanted hair. In cosmetology, the product is known for cleansing pores of impurities, ensuring uniform smoothing of age and facial wrinkles, and filling cells with oxygen. An aggressive but effective product should be used with extreme caution. As part of masks, the product works more gently, but no less effectively.

What is hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic. When the solution gets on the damaged part of the skin, oxygen is released and organic substances are neutralized, due to which the surface is mechanically cleaned. In pharmacies the product is sold in various concentrations. For safe use, you should choose a three percent or one percent solution. Another important property is whitening.

The healing properties of peroxide for the face

Hydrogen peroxide for facial skin is often used for cosmetic purposes. The product is effective in the following cases:

  1. for cleansing problem types with acne, rashes, oily skin;
  2. to combat blackheads;
  3. to eliminate foci of inflammation - acne, comedones, purulent wounds;
  4. as a peeling;
  5. for tissue restoration;
  6. to improve blood circulation;
  7. how to combat pathogenic microorganisms;
  8. to eliminate excess vegetation;
  9. for whitening, lightening age spots, freckles, spots after squeezing out pimples.

It must be borne in mind that using even a small amount of the substance on the skin is harmful. The solution affects not only problem areas, but the entire surface. It follows that healthy cells, which need a lot of time to recover, are also exposed to harmful effects. So, during the bleaching procedure, you essentially get a minor chemical burn.

How to use

Perhydrol for the face can be used for cosmetic purposes with caution. The most common method of use, but not the safest, is to use the product as a tonic, which is used to periodically treat and disinfect the skin. Another use option is as part of masks. Both of these options are applicable for different problems.

The solution is often used to make shaving easier, remove hair and lighten hair (for example, in the area above the lip) or on the head. A mixture of the product with ammonia is used to quickly remove hair from the body. Work order:

  1. To prepare the composition, you need to take 40 milliliters of peroxide and half a teaspoon of alcohol.
  2. To facilitate distribution, add shaving gel or foam.
  3. The product should be left on the skin for fifteen minutes.
  4. Then the composition is washed off with water and a thick cream butter or body oil is applied.

Is it possible to wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide?

To maintain a beautiful and healthy appearance of their skin, women use a huge number of both expensive and more affordable cosmetics, herbal products, foods, and pharmaceuticals. Many people prefer rubbing their face with hydrogen peroxide for these purposes. The method must be used very carefully. Rules:

  1. Before use, it is better to be examined at a consultation with a dermatologist or in a cosmetology office, and undergo an allergy risk test.
  2. The product should not be used frequently - once a week for one month, then take a break.
  3. For dry skin or normal skin prone to dryness, the substance in its pure form is not recommended, as it can dry out. As part of masks, the solution is better tolerated by the dry type.
  4. Under no circumstances should the solution be allowed to come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

The treatment process using the solution is extremely simple. Apply the solution along massage lines, from the center to the periphery, onto pre-cleaned and steamed skin with light massage movements using a cotton pad or sponge. Possible targeted application to combat specific problems. For a dry type, you need to combine the product with ingredients that soften its effect and have a weaker effect on the dermis.

Mask for the face

The use of face masks based on hydrogen peroxide allows you to cope with pigmentation, deeply cleanses the pores and epidermis, successfully whitens the skin, and smoothes wrinkles. After using the masks, the face becomes fresher and smoother. Some recipes give an obvious lifting effect, which prevents age-related fading, especially noticeable on not very deep expression wrinkles.

The use of perhydrol for dry skin is possible only as part of masks. To prepare you will need:

Mask recipes

Methods for preparing masks based on hydrogen peroxide are very simple: in most cases, they are limited to two ingredients with or without the addition of water. Some are aimed at cleansing, others at whitening (the method is contraindicated for those with dry and sensitive skin). Pay attention to the application time - it is unsafe to increase it.

Face mask with yeast and peroxide

A mask with yeast and hydrogen peroxide works great for cleansing pores and reducing inflammation. This option is only suitable for those with an oily skin type. It is better to take yeast in granulated, dry form. Recipe:

  1. One spoon of the product is mixed with a teaspoon of water, lemon juice and a coffee spoon of three percent peroxide.
  2. The mask should foam.
  3. After the formation of a homogeneous mass, the product is applied in a thin layer and left for fifteen minutes.
  4. Then the composition should be washed off with cool water.

With soda

Hydrogen peroxide facial cleansing is performed using a mask of peroxide and baking soda, which works as a gentle exfoliator to exfoliate dead cells and cleanse pores:

  1. Mix baking soda and peroxide in a two to one ratio.
  2. The mixture is applied, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth, for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After fifteen minutes, the face is gently massaged in a circular motion, then washed with cool water.
  4. After use, be sure to use a moisturizer or sheet (fabric) mask.

Whitening mask with cottage cheese

Peroxide, along with other ingredients, helps cope with severe pigmentation:

  1. To prepare, you will need 50 grams of cottage cheese, the yolk of one egg and five drops of peroxide.
  2. Those with dry skin are advised to add a teaspoon of honey.
  3. The composition is thoroughly kneaded and mixed, then applied, including the décolleté area, for half an hour.
  4. After the expiration date, the mask is thoroughly washed off with water or wet wipes, and the face is well moisturized with cream or sheet mask.

Using lemon

Hydrogen peroxide for age spots on the face works effectively together with lemon juice:

  1. The mask is mixed from fifty grams of honey, a teaspoon of wheat flour, five drops of peroxide and lemon juice.
  2. After fifteen minutes, this mixture is washed off with massage movements with warm water.
  3. After the procedure, the face is lubricated with a thick layer of cream - nourishing or moisturizing.

From badyagi

A mixture with badyaga and peroxide works as a deep cleanser, eliminates acne, inflammation, and post-acne. Many cosmetologists talk about the anti-aging properties of the mask. However, you need to use this product with caution - both components included in the mask are very aggressive for the skin of the face. Recipe:

  1. Badyagi powder and peroxide are mixed in such a proportion as to end up with a not very liquid slurry.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the mixture begins to foam, at which point it should be applied, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.
  3. The mask should be left on for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

With potatoes

One glass of potato flour is diluted with boiled water, three drops of peroxide are added to the resulting composition. As a result, the mixture should resemble sour cream in appearance and consistency. This mask is applied to the face and neck, kept for no more than ten minutes, and washed off with plenty of cool water with the addition of lemon juice. The mixture has a whitening and softening effect, maintains elasticity and tone.

With yolk

To prepare the mask, the egg yolk is thoroughly beaten, a teaspoon of lemon, cognac, and three percent hydrogen peroxide are added to it. The well-mixed mixture is applied to the face with a brush and left until dry, then another layer is applied. After 15–20 minutes, wash the mixture off your face with cool water. This mask improves skin color and tones it.

For inflammation with baby powder

Hydrogen peroxide for the face against acne with baby powder is suitable for problem types, it fights inflammation, blackheads, and rashes well. Do this procedure once a week:

  1. To prepare the mask you need half a teaspoon of powder and one and a half teaspoons of three percent peroxide.
  2. Liquid white pulp is applied to the face with a cotton pad or sponge and allowed to dry.
  3. The mask can be left overnight and washed off the next morning, or the remaining residue can be removed using a dry method.
  4. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect manifests itself after a month's course.


Using masks based on a pharmaceutical preparation or the purest solution yourself can lead to consequences if basic precautions are not taken into account. A common side effect is a chemical burn, which occurs if time recommendations are not followed. Itching or flaking of the skin can often occur if a good moisturizer is not used after the masks. Allergic reactions and swelling are less common.


Hydrogen peroxide, used for medical purposes, itself has a contraindication associated with individual intolerance to the drug, allergic reactions, but this phenomenon is rare. Use for cosmetic purposes has a number of contraindications:

  1. dry and sensitive skin;
  2. tendency to peeling;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. swelling;
  5. serious foci of inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide is easy to buy at any pharmacy; the approximate price varies around 10 rubles per 100-milliliter bottle. In pencil form, the composition is more expensive - about 70 rubles. In Moscow, the product can be purchased at the following pharmacies: