How to get rid of papillomas under the breasts?

Papilloma under a woman's breasts

The content of the article:
  1. Why do papillomas appear under the breasts?
  2. External signs
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papillomas
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention of papillomas

Papillomas under the breasts are an external manifestation of the human papillomavirus, which is not as dangerous in itself as because of its complications. The appearance of formations is caused by genotypes with a low risk of oncological transformation, however, due to their specific location, there is a high probability of injury to such structures and their subsequent malignancy. Women are more susceptible to this pathology due to their physiology. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to treat papillomas under the breast, and, if necessary, undergo destruction surgery. Promptly taken measures will preserve the health and beauty of the skin.

Why do papillomas appear under the breasts?

HPV 3d model

Before asking yourself how to get rid of papillomas under the breasts, let's figure out what provokes the development of the disease, because about 46% of cases of papillomatosis are associated with the location of growths on this delicate area of ​​​​the skin.

Most often, the reason for the appearance of formations is the exit from the incubation period of the human papillomavirus, which enters the body through household, sexual or vertical means. After infection, the incubation period lasts from 2 weeks to a year.

Activation of the virus and the appearance of papillomas under the breasts in women are promoted by:

  1. incorrectly selected bra (we are talking about both too tight and loose underwear);
  2. constant stress and overwork;
  3. decreased immunity due to seasonal vitamin deficiency or after prolonged use of antibiotics;
  4. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  6. insufficient hygiene of the skin folds under the breasts.

Due to less mechanical impact on the skin areas under the mammary gland in men, they are much less likely to suffer from this type of disease. In the strong half of humanity, activation of the virus can occur due to a significant weakening of the immune system, inflammatory processes in the body, and mechanical injuries to existing skin formations.

Note! The cause of formations can be not only a viral infection, but also age-related changes in the body. Thus, in women over 40, under the influence of hormonal changes, the normal division of epidermal cells may be disrupted. Formations of different etiologies are similar, and the methods of treating papilloma under the breast are similar in many stages. At the same time, age-related growths do not require the use of antiviral drugs.

External signs of papillomas under the breast

Papillomas under the breasts

Photo of papillomas under the breasts

The delicate skin under the breasts does not always remain that way. A person notices single or multiple lumps, which, if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, develop into growths.

The following types of papillomas grow under the breasts:

  1. Flat. Small-diameter, rounded growths of a yellow or pinkish hue rise above the skin level by several millimeters. Such formations more often appear in young people prone to hormonal imbalances and can be reduced on their own as the body’s functioning normalizes.
  2. Filiform. The length of the formation can reach 4 cm and occurs against the background of hormonal disorders in people of puberty. How to remove papillomas under the breast is a pressing question in this case, since thread-like growths are easily injured and, accordingly, have a high probability of malignancy.
  3. Age. As a result of age-related changes, the skin loses its smoothness, flat, round, flesh-colored lumps form under the breasts; age-related papillomas can be malignant.

At the initial stage of its development, none of the formations represented by the species causes discomfort. The beginnings of pathology can be detected only by external signs or laboratory tests. But large papillomas interfere, they can cause injury and pain. A similar picture is clearly expressed in women with large figures.

Important! Considering the significant variety of papillomas under the breasts in women, an examination should be done by an experienced doctor, and treatment should be selected individually, based on tests in each specific case.

How to get rid of papilloma under the breast should be determined exclusively by a doctor based on the results of a thorough diagnosis. At the initial stage of diagnosis, the patient is examined, during which an experienced dermatologist can easily identify papilloma under the breast, but additional tests will be required to determine the treatment method.

To determine the strain of the virus and its concentration in the body, a PCR analysis of tissues is taken or a Digen test is performed. Additionally, the patient is examined for the presence of infectious diseases or inflammatory processes.

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Methods for treating papillomas under the breasts

Based on the results of a thorough assessment of the patient’s health, drug treatment for the disease is prescribed. Hardware removal of formations may also be recommended. The effectiveness of folk recipes is not recognized by official medicine, but a number of experts note the high effectiveness of individual formulations. When choosing how to remove papillomas under the breast using alternative medicine methods, it is better to consult a doctor.

Medicines for papillomas under the breasts

Preparations for papillomas under the breasts

In the photo there are medications for papillomas under the breasts

Before getting rid of papilloma under the breast, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the immune system and establish a fight against the virus from the inside. To do this, a person must take immunostimulants, immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.

Most often prescribed:

  1. Viferon, Introbion - external immunomodulators;
  2. Cycloferon or its analogs Lavomax, Amiksin to stimulate the immune system;
  3. Groprim or Groprinosin to protect the body from the virus.

The advantage of this treatment is the effectiveness of the drugs at a reasonable cost. Thus, immunomodulators in Russia cost from 300 rubles (for Ukraine the price will be 100 hryvnia), the price of immunostimulants starts at the same level, and antiviral drugs will cost a little cheaper - up to 350 Russian rubles and up to 150 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Papillomas under the breasts can be removed without surgery using external medications:

  1. Papillectomy or other keratolics, for example, Wartner, Cryopharma, Verrukatsid. These drugs can cause exfoliation of dead cells. The price of drugs starts from 140 hryvnia in Ukraine and from 800 rubles in Russia and depends on the active substance, country of origin and other indicators.
  2. Keravort or analogues of the drug Aldara cream, Zaklara. The active ingredient of the drug is imiquimod, which has pronounced antiviral activity. The price of the drug and its analogues is quite high - in Russia, 12 sachets of 0.25 g each cost 2,179 rubles, in Ukraine - 1,604 hryvnia.
Note! Medicines in this group should be used with caution during lactation and pregnancy. Some products are completely prohibited from being used during this period. During pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to coordinate with your doctor every step on how to remove papilloma under the breast.

Removal of papillomas under the breast

Laser removal of papillomas under the breast

Indications for surgery for papillomas under the breast are:

  1. formations of large sizes;
  2. risk of injury to the growth or its damage;
  3. a sharp increase in size, change in color and shape.

The main methods of hardware destruction are:

  1. Laser. The person feels virtually no pain, and the site of destruction is immediately cauterized with a high-temperature ray. This reduces blood loss and minimizes the risk of infection at the surgical site. The price for the procedure in Russia is 2900 rubles, and in Ukraine - 1300 hryvnia. Read about skin care after laser papilloma removal.
  2. Cryodestruction. It is used to remove all types of papillomas and allows you to remove the growth from the roots. It can take place in several stages, the cost of each procedure is from 300 hryvnia in Ukraine and from 900 rubles in Russia. For surgery for papilloma under the breast, you should choose an experienced specialist, because there is a risk of affecting adjacent healthy tissue.
  3. Radiosurgery. It is considered an advanced method today - high-frequency waves excise the formation without leaving marks on the skin, almost painlessly. The use of the most modern equipment has made the procedure expensive: for one session in Ukraine you will have to pay 350 hryvnia, and in Russia - from 1000 rubles, and for complete removal you need to conduct several sessions. At the same time, the high efficiency of the radio wave method makes this price very justified.
  4. Electric current. The method is considered obsolete due to a number of shortcomings. The main disadvantage is that after the operation, scars may appear, and the procedure is very painful. However, due to its low cost, electrocoagulation is still used. The price for the procedure fluctuates around 300 hryvnia in Ukraine and 700 rubles in Russia.
In rare cases, a papilloma grows under the breast, requiring exclusively surgical excision. Such operations, in turn, require the experience of a surgeon and a long recovery period, and scars may remain afterward. Fortunately, more modern destruction procedures have virtually no contraindications.
  1. Read more about the intricacies of papilloma removal using electrocoagulation

Folk remedies against papilloma under the breasts

Celandine juice for papillomas under the breasts

Folk remedies for papillomas under the breasts are chosen by those who for some reason do not want to use medications. Fortunately, the necessary ingredients are always at hand. So, popular recipes are Garlic or onion compresses, soaked in vinegar. Such compositions should be left overnight, changing the compress in the morning.

It is deservedly considered the most effective in the fight against papillomas. celandine. In folk medicine, its fresh juice or infusions of the plant are used, and in the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made formulations based on it. However, when using celandine, you must be extremely careful, since the toxic plant affects not only destructive cells, but also healthy tissue.

Important! If a woman has papillomas under her breasts during pregnancy, and she does not want to use medications for treatment, fearing for the condition of the fetus, this is not a reason to thoughtlessly trust the methods of alternative medicine. Despite the fact that most “grandmother’s” recipes rely on natural ingredients, not all of the substances are useful for a pregnant woman. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  1. Read also about folk remedies for papillomas on the body

Prevention of papillomas under the breasts

Breast examination by a doctor

The main preventive measure for papillomatosis remains taking care of your own health. If a person has a predisposition to pathology (HPV is present in the body), it is necessary to maintain the immune system in good condition and treat the disease in a timely manner. So, if a patient is diagnosed with anemia, you need to take iron, and in case of systematic stress, follow a normal diet and get more rest.

Also, to avoid the appearance of growths under the breasts, you need to keep the skin in these places clean, thoroughly rinse and dry the folds. Women should choose the right underwear and regularly examine their breasts to identify any skin lesions.

  1. Read more about the modes of transmission of papillomavirus

How to get rid of papillomas under the breasts - watch the video:

Papillomas under the breasts are not dangerous as an independent phenomenon, but can cause significant harm to health after injury, secondary inflammation or oncological transformation. To prevent this from happening, when the first signs of pathology are detected, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the disease. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the skin in this area is especially delicate.

  1. Related article: Which doctor should I contact for papillomas?