How to get rid of acne marks

Hyperpigmentation (post-acne) is expressed in changes in skin color, the appearance of red and brown spots after acne. They usually form in the absence of proper treatment and disinfection of acne at the very beginning of their occurrence, as well as due to the neglect of the process. In addition, acne spots can remain on the skin of the face as a result of squeezing them out on your own.

The formation of spots on the skin occurs due to increased synthesis of the melanin pigment during skin inflammation. Changes in skin color after acne are temporary and disappear over time. However, the intensity of the color of the spot and the timing of its disappearance depend on the depth of penetration of the inflammation. Typically, moderate to severe acne leaves behind congested spots and red marks from pimples and blackheads. As a rule, they disappear on their own within a year.

To prevent the appearance of scars, scars and blemishes on the face after acne, you should not start treatment or squeeze them out yourself, and consult a dermatocosmetologist.

Acne marks. Red spots after acne.
During the consultation, the specialist will determine the causes of acne, prescribe the optimal course of treatment for post-acne, prescribing the necessary procedures. In cosmetology centers and clinics there is a whole range of procedures that effectively combat the effects of acne. These include microcurrent therapy and fractional photothermolysis (or Fraxel). These procedures heal the skin, help enhance metabolic processes, regeneration and renewal processes, enhance blood microcirculation and the skin's production of its own collagen and elastin, which smoothes and renews the surface of the skin, making it smoother, more vibrant, and even out the tone. In addition, when treating acne spots in cosmetology, a mesotherapy procedure is often used, which not only copes with the task perfectly, but also nourishes the skin and also restores regeneration processes.

Acne scars and acne scars.
The consequence of deep inflammation on the facial skin is crater-like acne scars. In this case, the damaged skin is not always completely restored. Over time, atrophied acne scars become flatter, but the scars never completely disappear.

Treatment of acne spots (post-acne), acne scars is a whole range of procedures developed individually for each individual patient, taking into account the duration and form of acne, severity, skin characteristics, as well as the ability to recover and the type of scar tissue.

An effective way to smooth out acne scars is a chemical peeling procedure with a 10-35% solution of trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid. Carrying out chemical peels in combination with retinoids (retinol) gives the best results in the treatment of acne spots (post-acne): the skin becomes smooth, beautiful, even, acquiring a well-groomed appearance. This is due to the fact that with this combination, healing and tissue regeneration proceeds much faster.

It is also possible to get rid of acne scars by using collagen injections into the subcutaneous tissue. In the treatment of the consequences of acne, acne scars and acne scars, the possibilities of cryotherapy are well used.

Microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing can be used as other procedures to eliminate the effects of acne and skin inflammation.

Cosmetic creams and medications.
Frankly speaking, store-bought creams may help get rid of acne spots, but the course of treatment will last indefinitely.

The main medications used are drugs whose action is aimed at inhibiting the process of melanin synthesis: azelaic acid (in particular Skinoren cream), which can be combined with substances such as hydroquinone, glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, arbutin, magnesium ascorbyl -2-phosphate. In addition, a two percent solution of salicylic acid is used for these purposes.

Therapeutic creams, gels and ointments.
Products in this category can only be purchased in pharmacies. These can be medicinal drugs and pharmaceutical cosmetics. When it comes to medications, a pharmacist or pharmacist usually offers several options to choose from. After reading the annotation, you choose the product that is most suitable for you. As a rule, there are not very many funds in this category.

In the process of treating acne spots, you should remember that it is necessary to protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which stimulates the process of melanin synthesis.

How long will the spots last?
They can last from several days to a year and a half, depending on the type of skin, regenerating properties, lifestyle, the nature of the mark and the depth of the pigmentation lesion, as well as the means by which this spot is eliminated. For example, when squeezing out pimples on your own or mechanically cleansing your face, the spots are characterized by damage to the skin, so they usually go away in a few days to a few weeks. It's impossible to say for sure. For deep and persistent spots, if peeling or laser skin resurfacing is performed, they can be cured within several months or six months.

You can try to eliminate less complex stains yourself using folk remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes.
A green clay mask will help get rid of acne and acne stains. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of green clay with a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous paste-like mass, into which then add three to four drops of rosemary oil (you can use tea tree oil). The composition should be applied to areas with stains and left for ten minutes. Rosemary oil can be used as a stand-alone treatment daily to lubricate acne spots and scars.

This remedy will also help lighten stains: beat the egg white and add two teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Apply the composition to problem areas for fifteen minutes.

You can also use this remedy: mix half a tablespoon of white clay with two teaspoons of freshly prepared lemon juice and add water to obtain a creamy mass. Apply the composition to problem areas and leave for fifteen minutes.

Carefully combine a tablespoon of ripe tomato pulp with a teaspoon of starch. Apply the mixture directly to the stains and leave for fifteen minutes.

Tea tree oil, either in its pure form or in combination with lemon juice or lavender oil (the components are taken in a 1:1 ratio), can help get rid of acne spots. Wipe stains with oil daily.

Medical paraffin is an excellent way to eliminate any traces of acne: you need to melt a small piece of paraffin in a small bowl and apply it directly to problem areas with a cotton swab. Once the paraffin has hardened, it can be removed. Before applying paraffin, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream with vitamins A and E. The same should be done after the procedure. This remedy is contraindicated for people with spider veins on the face.

Castor oil helps well in treatment. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, preferably at night. No need to rinse off. It perfectly heals wounds and promotes skin restoration. The use of lavender oil gives good results.

Currant or strawberry juice has excellent whitening properties. After cutting the berry, wipe the damaged areas of the skin.

Mix a teaspoon of olive oil (if you don’t have it, you can use any vegetable oil) with two drops of rosemary oil and add a drop of essential oils of clove, mint and lavender. Apply the resulting oil composition directly to spots and acne scars several times during the day. Or you can try this mixture of oils: combine three or four drops of frankincense, lavender and neroli oils.

To get rid of acne spots, you can use regular apple cider vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar with three tablespoons of water. Wipe problem areas of the skin with the resulting solution every morning.

St. John's wort tincture can also help solve this problem. To prepare it, you need to pour two tablespoons of dry St. John's wort herb into 200 ml of pure medical alcohol, place in a dark place and leave for ten days. Then strain the tincture and use it daily as a rub on the affected areas of the skin.

Soak a cotton pad in low-fat kefir and wipe your face. This procedure should be carried out daily several times a day. Kefir contains lactic acid, which is famous for its whitening properties.

Mix a tablespoon of white clay with the same amount of cosmetic bodyagi (can be purchased at a pharmacy) and add hydrogen peroxide until a paste-like mass is formed. Apply the composition directly to the stains and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. After rinsing, it is recommended to treat the skin with a mixture of calendula and aloe tincture, taken in equal proportions, and then apply a moisturizer or castor oil. For sensitive skin, this product may not be suitable, since during exposure to the composition, slight tingling of the skin and redness may occur.

Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in three teaspoons of water. Then add two teaspoons of any cosmetic clay (white, orange, blue, green). The result will be a slightly thick mass. Apply the composition to the affected areas of the skin, wait twenty minutes and rinse with water. After this, lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Combine a teaspoon of white or green clay with a small amount of water to form a creamy mass, then add a small teaspoon of cinnamon to it. Apply dotted strokes to damaged areas of the skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse and lubricate your face with a moisturizing cream.

Pour boiling water over a bunch of fresh parsley and leave for ten minutes. Pour the cooled infusion into an ice tray and freeze. Every morning and evening, wipe your skin with ice cubes from parsley decoction. In addition, this method perfectly tones the skin.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease caused by changes in the sebaceous gland of our skin. Sometimes, acne can spread over the entire surface of the facial skin and cause not only cosmetic discomfort, but also pain. If acne develops and hides, then it should be treated by a professional cosmetologist who will prescribe the correct medical(!) treatment.

It's no secret that acne is not only a big cosmetic problem, which not only spoils our appearance, but is also quite painful, both during the disease and during treatment. In addition, after successful acne treatment, scars and scars often remain on the skin, which are very difficult to get rid of and almost impossible to hide. And this becomes a problem.

Many people live with acne scars for a long time: they either do not try to get rid of the scars or do not know how.

Types of acne scars

Interestingly, cosmetologists classify acne scars into separate groups. This greatly simplifies the treatment process, because the approach to each type of scar is different. What types of scars and acne scars are there?

1. Normotrophic scars. They are located flush with the skin. Such scars can only occur due to the normal reaction of connective tissues to injury. They have a flat appearance and light color. The elasticity is close to normal skin tissue.

2. Keloid scars. These scars are made up of a special type of scar tissue.

3. Atrophic scars. They are always located below skin level. The appearance of atrophic scars is provoked by a reduced response of connective tissue to injury, which in turn causes insufficient production of collagen.

4. Hypertrophic scars. They are located above the skin level due to excess collagen production, since its excess is not completely absorbed.

The most common acne scars are atrophic scars. They appear due to an insufficient amount of collagen in the skin, which is responsible for proper and “even” healing.

Keloid and hypertrophic scars appear after acne, in the form of a raised scar. Here, on the contrary, at the time of wound healing, too much connective tissue is formed, which subsequently rises above the surrounding skin in the form of a scar. Such scars and scars can remain for life if nothing is done. However, with proper treatment, it is possible to significantly smooth out unsightly marks on the skin.

How to remove acne scars

It is difficult to find a universal remedy for spots, scars and acne scars, therefore, it requires complex and complex treatment, often with surgery.

So, You can get rid of keloid scars (which always appear after acne) exclusively surgically with the additional help of a cosmetologist. Interestingly, after removing such a scar surgically, special clips are added to the place where the scar was located, which help to avoid the re-growth of collagen in excess, and hence the appearance of new scars. If there are scars on the lips or ears, they are treated with pressure.

Also, corticosteroids work great for scars, with which you can treat yourself. This will require different doses of medications such as triamycin or dexamethasone. Procedures are carried out 4 times a week until results appear.

In addition, there are proven techniques that will help you get rid of acne scars and pimples.

Such procedures may be the following (it is important to remember that such procedures are prescribed by a surgeon or cosmetologist; we do not prescribe them ourselves):

1. Laser resurfacing. The laser allows you to compact the structure of the scar or burn scar tissue to a sufficient depth. The effect is similar to peeling and is only suitable for shallow scars. It is carried out under anesthesia.

2. Z-plasty. Surgical excision of the scar. Suitable for the largest scars.

3. Microdermabrasion. This is an abrasive peeling. The skin is not treated deeply, the procedure is quite painless.

4. Dermabrasion. This is a mechanical peeling. Allows you to get rid of all types of scars and scars. It is carried out under anesthesia.

Traditional recipes for acne scars

In addition to serious surgical intervention, in the early stages, a mask or ointment for acne scars can help in the early stages of scar formation. In this case, a lot of patience and strength will be required since the treatment will be quite long. It will be better if a face mask for acne scars is prescribed by a cosmetologist or purchased at a pharmacy - these are serious medications.

However, whether it is possible to get rid of acne scars was thought about even before the advent of cosmetologists, therefore, we have a large number of folk recipes in our arsenal. And many of them really have a right to exist and can be an addition to the main treatment.

1. Lemon juice. Lemon juice should be used to wipe the damaged areas of the skin.

2. Tomato juice. You need to prepare fresh tomato juice and apply it to the affected areas where the scars are located.

3. Almond oil. If you do a light facial massage with almond oil, this will quickly remove all traces.

4. Banana. Make banana puree and apply the mixture to the damaged areas. Leave it on your face for about 7-10 minutes. Then rinse your skin with cold water.

5. Sandalwood. Sandalwood paste is considered one of the most effective remedies for getting rid of acne scars. It is necessary to soak the sandalwood powder in water overnight. Then apply this paste to the damaged areas of the skin and leave it on your face for 10 minutes as it dries. Then rinse it off well with cold water. The exact same paste can be made with milk or rose water.

6. Fenugreek seeds. Apart from treating various diseases, fenugreek seeds also help in removing acne marks. Add about 750 ml of water to the fenugreek seeds. Boil for 5 minutes. Then wait until the broth cools down. Rinse your face and other damaged areas with the resulting liquid. After a short time, you can notice improvements. To enhance the effect, repeat this procedure at least 1-2 times a day.

Acne scars can occur on any skin type and at any age. They are unlikely to be hidden under foundation, but cosmetologists can offer several ways to solve this problem.

You can use home remedies, the effectiveness of which is in question, you can turn to professionals in beauty salons, but in any case you will need a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Read in this article

Why do acne scars appear?

In simple terms, a certain space forms at the site of the pimple, which is gradually filled with connective tissue. In this way, the body takes care of its own integrity, completely disregarding the aesthetic side of the issue. Dermatologists and cosmetologists identify several possible causes of acne scars:

  1. Mechanical squeezing of pimples and/or blackheads. With such exposure, the skin will certainly be damaged, its healing may take an indefinite period of time, which provokes the formation of scars.
  2. Prolonged acne without proper treatment. It is accompanied by disruption of the sebaceous glands, clogging of pores with their secretions, and the spread of the inflammatory process. As a result, numerous pustules form on the skin, which are a traumatic factor.

It is not at all necessary that scars will be formed only with prolonged acne or squeezing out pimples. Scars often appear even with single rashes - it all depends on the type of skin, the general state of human health, and the level of functionality of internal organs and systems.

In medicine, there are three types of acne scars, which will “dictate” the solution to the problem.


This is the most common type of scar that forms after acne. They look like pits and tubercles, formed by connective tissue, which grows to a small extent at the site of deformation of the skin.

A distinctive feature of atrophic acne scars is that they do not grow and do not change over the years (they do not become deeper).


The connective tissue at the site of pimples and blackheads grows excessively, which leads to the formation of rather voluminous, convex scars. They are often irregular in shape and red or purple in color.

Keloid scars can grow not only in specific locations of pimples/acne, but also involve healthy skin tissue close to the site of pathology.


This is the “safest” type of scar, as it consists of fairly elastic, thin connective tissue. The appearance of such scars does not deteriorate much, since the lesions are pale in color and practically merge with the main background.

Normotrophic scars are a normal reaction of the skin to injury.


Scars of this type are located above the level of the skin and are a consequence of excess collagen production. These excesses do not have time to dissolve, which leads to the formation of a scar.

The doctor will be able to accurately determine the type of scar after acne; based on the results of the examination, he will prescribe treatment.

Effective ointments for the face against the effects of acne

For many, the solution to scars after acne and acne involves turning to plastic surgeons or hardware cosmetology. But doctors say that with regular use, pharmaceutical ointments will get rid of scars or make them less noticeable. There are several effective drugs:

  1. Contratubeks. The ointment contains several components, which together provide accelerated exfoliation of epidermal particles and stop the growth of connective tissue cells. The drug is especially effective for normotrophic scars; it can be used as a prophylactic agent at the risk of keloid and hypertrophic scars.

Contratubeks is applied locally, rubbed directly into the scar twice a day. The duration of therapy is 30 days, further treatment is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of previous procedures.

  1. Fermenkol. The product contains animal enzymes that are responsible for the normal functioning of their digestive system. These substances have the ability to break down collagen fibers, which makes the formation of connective tissue impossible. Most often, this ointment is used for physiotherapy. In particular, it demonstrates particular effectiveness when performing electrophoresis.

Fermenkol set for scars and Elfor electrophoresis device

It is strictly not recommended to use Fermenkol on your own! The appointment must be made by a dermatologist/cosmetologist, who will also determine the number of procedures and the total duration of the course of treatment.

  1. Zinc, synthomycin and salicylic ointments. These three drugs are especially popular because they combine two positive aspects - high efficiency and low cost. Regular use of the drugs ensures exfoliation of epidermal particles, normalization of metabolic processes in the skin and lightening them. Ointments have a comprehensive effect on the lesion and can eliminate all traces of post-acne.

Zinc, salicylic and synthomycin ointments are used in the same way: they are applied in a fairly thick layer to the scars, and after 50 - 60 minutes they are washed off with warm water. The course of therapy is unlimited, usually procedures are performed twice a day until the desired result is obtained.

  1. Dermatix. This ointment does not belong to the medicinal category; doctors recommend it to those patients who already have scars with a high risk of turning into hypertrophic and keloid scars. When applied to the problem area, the drug forms a film on the surface, which is designed to protect the scar from external factors.

Dermatix should be applied every day in a thin layer, preferably in the morning. Whether acne scars will disappear is a controversial issue, but the formation of other, more durable and “gnarly” scars will be stopped.

To learn how the drug Collost is administered for the treatment of post-acne scars, watch this video:

How to remove scars and scars using mesotherapy

This type of cosmetic procedure involves injections of vitamins, amino acids and other substances. The essence of the method: the mesotherapy drug fills any “gaps/pits/cracks” in the epidermis, which causes visual smoothing of the surface of the skin. At the same time as this “hiding”, the active substances of the drug have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - they saturate it with vitamins, make it firmer and more elastic, and correct the color.

The advantage of mesotherapy in the fight against scars is obtaining a quick, almost instant result. But the effect will not last long - after a maximum of six months you will have to repeat the injections, which can be attributed to the disadvantages of the method.

Mesotherapy has a large number of contraindications, so before starting treatment for post-acne conditions, you need to consult a doctor. For example, if there are keloid scars, then the administration of corticosteroid drugs will be required, and they are prohibited for some diseases.

Which peeling is better

In general, the peeling procedure is considered one of the most effective in the process of eliminating scars and acne scars. Cosmetologists know several types of such procedures, but if we consider them specifically in relation to the post-acne condition, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Deep phenolic peeling. This is a rather painful and aggressive procedure; phenol acts not only on the surface of the skin, but also penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis. To visually hide the presence of scars, only 1 procedure is required. Rehabilitation will last 2 weeks, but this method can even get rid of deep keloid scars.

Disadvantages include soreness and increased pigmentation of the skin during the recovery period.

  1. Medium chemical peel. The procedure is carried out using salicylic, trichloroacetic or glycolic acids. These substances actively exfoliate the already pathologically altered epidermis, while simultaneously having a stimulating effect on the regenerative abilities of the body. As a result, the connective tissue is replaced by a healthy, normal epidermis.

To get rid of scars, you will need to undergo at least 5 procedures with an interval of 10 - 14 days.

Laser removal of acne effects

This method of dealing with scars and scars after acne and acne is considered the most effective; it can solve the problem of even hypertrophic “marks”. The laser burns scar tissue and activates the regeneration of epidermal cells.

To obtain the desired result, you will need to do 3 - 5 procedures with an interval of 60 - 90 days. A more precise amount of laser exposure will be determined by a specialist, since much depends on the “age” of the scar, the level of elasticity of the skin and the general health of the patient.

Laser removal of acne is a painful procedure and is therefore performed under local anesthesia. If the pain threshold is too low, the patient will be offered general anesthesia. The rehabilitation time after each treatment is at least 2 weeks, but it is possible to get rid of even “ancient” scars.

Other cosmetic procedures

Some clinics may offer other procedures that can get rid of the problem in question. These include:

  1. Fractional photothermolysis. This is a laser procedure that differs from the usual one in that it affects the skin not with a single beam/spot, but with scattering rays. Fractional photothermolysis allows you to solve the problem of not only scars, but also other consequences of acne and blackheads - increased pigmentation, too open pores.

Typically, a course of therapy using this method is 5 procedures, between which there should be a gap of 10 days. Rehabilitation is 3 days.

  1. Dermabrasion. This is a mechanical procedure that involves applying special brushes to the surface of the skin. By friction, the scar tissue is abraded, the scars are leveled into the same plane as the cover and become less noticeable. Dermabrasion is not one of the most effective procedures, but it helps solve the problem of “fresh” acne and blackheads.
  2. Ozone therapy. Medical ozone is injected under the skin of the face, which accelerates the healing of wounds and relieves inflammation. It will take 5 - 6 procedures, in some cases this number can increase to 10 - 15. In any case, ozone therapy requires long-term use and additional correction.

Treatment of scars with surgery

Full-fledged surgical intervention for post-acne conditions is performed extremely rarely, for example, in the absence of results after cosmetic procedures or too extensive lesions of the facial skin. Doctors can offer three options for surgical treatment of acne scars:

  1. Undercutting (subsidy). An already formed scar is separated from the skin with a scalpel. In the resulting wound, blood and lymph accumulate, they form connective tissue, which is almost invisible. Often, undercutting is combined with laser resurfacing, then the result will be excellent - the skin will become smooth and even.
  2. Excision. The doctor simply excises the scar/scar and then applies cosmetic stitches. In most cases, new, small scars form at the site of such intervention, which are removed with a laser.
  3. Skin grafting. This is a radical way to combat scars and scars after acne, which involves transplanting individual areas of the skin. Typically, this treatment is used for burns; in the case of the problem under consideration, it is inappropriate, as it can lead to serious complications.

For post-acne treatment, watch this video:

Preventing the consequences of acne

The consequences are very difficult to eliminate, most often you cannot do it with ointments alone; you will need both cosmetic procedures and hardware therapy. It is much easier to take some actions that will prevent the formation of scars, acne scars:

  1. do not squeeze out the rashes, but wait for them to mature and break out on their own;
  2. regularly use special cosmetics to treat acne;
  3. carry out therapy for extensive rashes only under the supervision of a cosmetologist or dermatologist;
  4. You will need to adjust your diet to exclude fatty foods and baked goods with sweets;
  5. Decorative and medicinal cosmetics should be selected by a specialist.

Scars after acne are an unpleasant thing, causing a lot of inconvenience in life. It is quite possible to solve the problem, but you need to contact specialists and not wait for the final formation of scars.