What is the name of peeling after which the skin peels off?

Having read information about chemical exfoliation and its consequences, many clients are perplexed if there is no peeling after peeling. The first thing that comes to mind is that the procedure was done poorly, the means were chosen incorrectly, the technician is unprofessional. The reaction is quite understandable, because the skin simply MUST peel off - after all, that’s what they wrote in the reviews.

“Calm, just calm!” Now we will look at the reasons why the skin does not peel off after a chemical peel.

You have chosen a gentle peeling

Or rather, a gentle peeling has been chosen for you if you are carrying out the procedure in a salon. Let us explain why this happens.

Aesthetic medicine, which tries to make a woman young and beautiful regardless of age, does not have standard solutions or universal recipes. The specialist (if he is a professional) will definitely take into account all the individual characteristics of the client.

The first visit to the salon for chemical facial cleansing always involves a gentle procedure. This is why there is no peeling after peeling.

The second position - products based on glycolic and fruit acids were used. Such procedures are classified as superficial; they do not affect the deep layers of the epidermis (and even more so do not affect the dermal tissues). The peeling of dead cells can be so slight that it is simply not visible to the naked eye.

The third position is a modern modified exfoliant. The products are designed in such a way that they do not have an aggressive effect on the skin, but remain no less effective. Therefore, there will be no peeling.

Peeling has already passed

The absence of unpleasant dry flakes, which scare women the most, is possible not only when performing facial peeling with a gentle composition for the first time.

Women who regularly take care of their appearance and carry out cosmetic procedures in a salon or at home achieve amazing results. That is, the keratinized skin particles are so small, and the epidermis itself is pliable and susceptible to influence, that the upper dead layer is removed when the working composition is removed. Consequently, during the post-peeling period, skin peeling is not observed at all, or is very mild.

The time for peeling has not yet come

The skin after peeling does not begin to peel off “this very second and now.” A certain amount of time must pass before this process begins. As a rule – 2-3 days.

At first, the face becomes a darker shade, then the upper ball begins to crack slightly and the keratinized particles begin to separate with varying degrees of intensity. This depends on several factors:

  1. depth of influence. Superficial peeling will not cause a particularly strong reaction and only slight peeling will be noticeable. The middle version of the impact involves the detachment of significant flaps of skin. The pieces look like dry, thin parchment. Under no circumstances should they be forcibly removed or scrubs used for these purposes.. Deep peeling is a procedure performed only in a hospital setting and the rehabilitation period is characterized by very severe peeling, reminiscent of “molting”;
  2. exfoliant used. We have already mentioned this factor. The more aggressive the agent, the more pronounced the process will be;
  3. pronounced hyperkeratosis or the first procedure in many years. In this case, peeling will not happen, since your skin needs more extensive intervention to remove a sufficiently large number of dead scales that have accumulated over previous years or due to the individual characteristics of the epidermis.

Let us especially dwell on the fourth factor.

You have a special skin type

There is such a thing as “resistant epidermis”. People with this skin type are naturally resistant to damage. The face does not blush, and during the procedure of chemical cleansing and rejuvenation there are no uncomfortable sensations in the form of burning or tingling. These lucky ones are not prone to allergic manifestations.

In this case, it is very difficult to “exfoliate your face” with peeling. Unless it's deep. However, we cannot talk about the uselessness of cosmetic procedures. It’s just that the reaction to exposure by workers is somewhat different from the usual.

What will cosmetologists say?

Experts say that those with oily skin types most often report a lack of peeling after chemical peeling. The reason is simple - the sebaceous secretion binds the keratinized particles and they either “fly off” during the removal of the composition, or a more thorough cleansing is required with a repeat procedure at least two weeks later.

After yellow peeling, there is no peeling in people with special skin types (we have already talked about them). Also, a similar reaction can be observed if the treatment is not retinoic (using retinoic acid), but retinol (using vitamin A and its natural derivatives). The second option is softer, more gentle, providing only a superficial effect on the epidermis. But it is less effective.

Salicylic peels may also not cause peeling in people with oily skin or low acid concentrations. Although this type of procedure is considered a very good preparation before more aggressive influences. Salicylic acid in the composition of the product very well loosens the upper stratum corneum. However, the manipulation needs to be done a week and a half before the “heavy artillery”.

Detachment of epithelial cells occurs imperceptibly when using the “correct” cosmetic products in the post-peeling period and following post-care rules.

Even if the skin does not peel off, cosmetologists advise:

  1. wash your face after chemical exfoliation with any composition the next morning. For these purposes, it is recommended to use cleansers with a neutral pH (not soap! – it dries). Thermal water or regular mineral water without gas will do;
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days. The effect of peeling will be more pronounced;
  3. during the entire rehabilitation period (the full recovery cycle ranges from 7 to 14 days) do not use scrubs, other peelings, alcohol tonics, cleansing wipes and similar products;
  4. also during this time do not visit places with high temperature and humidity - saunas, baths, swimming pools, beaches;
  5. do not sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium for at least a month;
  6. even in winter, before going outside, apply a protective cream with a UV factor of at least 30 to your face;
  7. For the first three days, lubricate your face with panthenol-based creams at night. Next, regularly use moisturizers in the morning and nourishing products at night. Select caring cosmetics according to skin type and age.

Note. Cosmetologists recommend doing chemical peels during the season of least solar activity - from October to April. The sun can provoke the appearance of even greater pigmentation if you do not use sunscreen, or the protection index is insufficient.


And so – chemical exfoliation. This is a cleansing, healing and rejuvenating procedure that is indicated for women of all ages. Even young girls can choose a composition that has a targeted effect and solves appearance problems.

Cosmetologists advise clients over the age of 35 to perform manipulations with more aggressive formulations (30 according to individual indicators). Fruit, glycolic, salicylic peels are quite suitable even for teenage girls, as they can solve the problem of age-related acne, acne, and oily skin associated with hormonal development.

Many women call the most unpleasant side effect the inevitable peeling of the skin, which forces them to limit themselves for a while - to become a recluse, so as not to frighten others with their appearance.

However, as we have already found out, the skin may not peel off after peeling. There is no need to panic about this or consider the procedure a pointless waste of time and money. We have already found out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Therefore, you need to take care of yourself regularly, including chemical peels in the salon or at home. But before carrying out the procedures yourself, it is better to consult with a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, redness, excessive peeling or allergic reactions.

Please note that the absence of peeling is both an indicator of the ineffectiveness of the procedure and evidence of the norm.

Peeling is rightfully considered an integral element of complete skin care.

After all, this procedure helps to get rid of small wrinkles in a short time.

Let's figure out what this procedure is, how and how many times retinoic peeling can be done, and whether it is possible to use yellow cleansing when planning a pregnancy.

general information

Retinoic peeling can be called one of the most popular chemical peels due to its high efficiency and low trauma; the results of the procedure are comparable to the effects of expensive injection techniques. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to use retinol at home?

Let's look at the pros and cons of peeling, and what results can be achieved with it.

Retinol cleansing - what is it?

Retinoic peels are sometimes called yellow peels due to their ability to stain the skin. The procedure is aimed at exfoliating dead skin cells.

After peeling, the skin takes on a “renewed” appearance, as young cells appear on the surface, undamaged by the negative effects of the environment.

Retinoic peeling can be classified as superficial-medium peeling; exfoliation affects not only the stratum corneum, but also part of the epidermis and the capillaries that supply it with blood.

The active substance used during the procedure stimulates cells to divide, helping to restore skin density. In addition, retinol counteracts the influence of enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen molecules.


The very name of the procedure suggests that it is based on the use of retinoic acid, that is, an artificial analogue of vitamin A.

In addition, auxiliary acids are used in peeling:

In the complex, the acids have a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  1. exfoliate the skin, stimulating the launch of regenerative processes;
  2. protect cells from the adverse effects of free radicals;
  3. restore the density and elasticity of the epidermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is the numerous benefits that make yellow peeling with retinoic acid such a popular procedure:

  1. high efficiency, superior to the achievements of softer peelings;
  2. painlessness;
  3. fast recovery period;
  4. absence of unpleasant complications;
  5. the ability to perform the procedure in the summer without the risk of skin damage.

The disadvantage is that after exposure to retinol, the skin acquires a yellow tint, which, coupled with severe peeling, does not allow one to lead a normal lifestyle.

In addition, a high concentration of retinol has an ambiguous effect on the human body, so the procedure has many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for retinoic resurfacing

Yellow peeling is most often used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The procedure is recommended for mature ladies, but it is not contraindicated at a young age – with excessive formation of freckles or keratosis.

Good results can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. facial wrinkles;
  2. excessive pigmentation;
  3. photoaging;
  4. keratosis;
  5. acne marks or scars;
  6. blackheads

The procedure is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those planning a pregnancy in the next year - this is due to the teratogenic effect of retinol on the fetus.

Those who are prone to allergies should also be careful.

Preparation and stages of the procedure

To achieve a noticeable result, a fairly long preparatory period is required - from two to four weeks. First of all, it depends on the skin type you have. For example, the Asian type has increased sensitivity to the drug, and in this case long-term preparation is simply necessary.

A doctor will help you assess the condition of your skin and determine whether it belongs to one type or another during a preliminary examination.

The specialist prescribes home use of creams and masks with low concentrations of vitamin A to soften the skin and prepare it for peeling.

In addition, the doctor must ask what medications you are taking and whether you are planning to conceive a child in the near future.

If it turns out that the patient suffers from herpes, then to prevent rashes it will be necessary to take an antiviral drug even before the procedure itself.

During peeling, the specialist carefully removes makeup from the face and applies a mixture of salicylic and glycolic acid, which help quickly exfoliate dead skin cells. Then retinoic acid is applied - even such a sensitive area as the area around the eyes is covered with the composition.

Further, depending on the concentration of the mixture, the active substance is either washed off after twenty minutes or remains on the face for several hours. After removing the acid, the skin must be moisturized with a product prescribed by a specialist.

Darsonvalization of the face: how to do it and how many procedures are needed for a good result, you can read here.

How many myostimulation procedures are needed and how this technique works for weight loss and eliminating the “orange peel”, read here.

Restoration and care of facial skin after

Before the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor how to care for your face after yellow peeling. For several days after peeling, the epidermis intensively peels off, disappearing into transparent films. At this time, slight itching and discomfort are possible.

The skin may have a different shade in those places where the old layer has not yet come off. You should not speed up the process on your own; let the keratinized scales come off gradually. In the post-peeling period after yellow peeling, it is extremely important to use care products recommended by a specialist.

Therefore, the first weeks after the procedure, the use of sunscreen is simply necessary. It is also advisable to change your regular foundation to one that can withstand ultraviolet radiation.

It is not recommended to use other abrasive procedures until the end of the course; washing is allowed only with products for sensitive skin. During the procedure, it is not advisable to resort to hair coloring or perm, and you should not use cosmetics containing vitamin A or its analogues.

Look at the photo to see how the skin peeling stage goes after yellow peeling:


Even at the stage of peeling, the difference between aging and young skin is clearly noticeable:

  1. healthy color is restored;
  2. wrinkles are smoothed out;
  3. deep folds become less pronounced;
  4. Freckles and age spots disappear;
  5. acne spots or scars become less noticeable;
  6. dryness and flaking are eliminated.

To better understand what results chemical yellow facial peeling gives, you should read the reviews of those who have tried the method (they are presented at the end of the article) and look at the before and after photos:

Possible complications and consequences

After peeling, many people experience a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin; cosmetic products prescribed by a doctor will help cope with these problems.

There may be slight swelling or redness - these phenomena are temporary and will go away in a few days. Most often, complications arise when yellow peeling is performed at home. Incorrectly calculated concentration of the active substance, lack of a proper preparatory period - all this can lead to burns, inflammation and severe itching.

It is possible that the body may have a negative reaction to the combination of retinol and the medication you are taking. To minimize the risk of possible complications, entrust the delicate procedure to a qualified specialist.

Duration of the course and prices in salons

Many people are interested in the question: how often can retinoic peeling be done and how expensive will yellow peeling be? Let's figure it out together.

The required course usually includes from 3 to 5 procedures, with an average interval of two weeks. If peeling is intended more for the prevention of aging, then you can get by with one procedure.

The results last for at least five months; the course can be repeated only after six months. The average price for one retinoic peeling procedure ranges from 3 to 5 thousand.

But when calculating the full cost of the yellow cleansing course, do not forget to take into account the cost of care products during the recovery period - they usually cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

In pursuit of beauty, women sometimes decide to make the most unimaginable sacrifices. If you are not afraid of the prospect of peeling skin and the inability to leave the house for several days, yellow peeling is suitable for you. And the reward for temporary inconvenience will be youthful, ruddy skin and a feeling of irresistibility.

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Customers' opinions

“I took a retinol peeling course about a year ago. My face, of course, itched a lot, but moisturizing creams helped. The result is excellent - the freckles are gone, the complexion is perfectly even. The wrinkles around the eyes and above the upper lip have become almost invisible! It’s good that I was on maternity leave at the time; I could calmly take care of myself and not frighten those around me (except my husband) with the peeling yellow film.”

“My friend had a procedure done at the salon. She herself is happy, but if I evaluate the result from the outside, I didn’t notice any special changes.

The complexion, of course, became smoother, but the wrinkles remained. “In my opinion, it’s better to spend that kind of money for more effective procedures.”
Ella, 29 years old:

“I used to often visit solariums. As a result, many pigment spots appeared on the cheeks and nose. Homemade scrubs did little to help solve the problem. I decided to resort to peeling, especially since my favorite salon was just holding a promotion. The process is, of course, long, but the result is simply excellent! My complexion is perfectly even, I’ve practically stopped using foundation.”
Marina, 31 years old:

“My husband gave me a certificate for the services of a cosmetologist for my birthday. I thought about it and decided to try retinol peeling. I made my household laugh a lot with my yellow face, but I liked the result. It feels like I’ve lost five years.”

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video of how the retinoic (yellow) peeling procedure goes:

Cosmetology surprises women with professional techniques in the beauty industry. Yellow peeling is a relatively new procedure that has already received a lot of reviews and has helped many improve the condition of their facial skin without the help of plastic surgery.

The essence of retinoic and retinol cleansing

Yellow peeling is otherwise called retinoic or retinol. The first is the name of the procedure with synthetic retinoic acid. In the second case, natural retinol is used. The active substances in the composition give the peeling a yellow color, hence the “popular” name. A yellowish tint is present on the skin, but not for long. Some compare it to a light tan on the face.

This type of cleansing is suitable for all skin types. You can use it from 25 years old and even earlierif there is a need for treatment or prevention of acne. In other cases, it is a means of returning youth to women from 35 to 50 years old.

Retinoic acid in the composition has an effect on the skin stimulating and rejuvenating effect. She:

  1. Improves barrier properties skin, strengthening local immunity, enhancing the ability to protect against pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Restores epithelium, injured during skin diseases. Acne heals, pigmentation goes away. Helps treat psoriasis, dermatitis.
  3. Brightens skin. Retinoic acid blocks the activity of the enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of melanin.
  4. Is prevention of neoplasms. According to research results, vitamin A derivatives are able to distinguish and damage cells, which leads to the appearance and development of tumors.

The essence of the method is to apply a special mask. Its active composition affects the cellular structure of the epidermis.


The results of the procedure are noticeable after just a few days. Among themselves, women call it a weekend peel. It’s better to sign up for it on Friday so that you can come to work on Monday with a “new” face. The effect lasts for six months. But these are not all the benefits that the procedure offers.

Yellow peeling has a mild effect and is performed even on sensitive skin. An important plus - minimal number of complications, comfort and safety.


Although the procedure is recommended to be carried out at any time of the year, it is still it is better to do this in the autumn-winter season. In summer, during periods of solar activity, there is a high probability of pigmentation occurring.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure, which is well tolerated by most patients, is indicated:

  1. for the treatment of dermatitis;
  2. for acne, enlarged pores;
  3. before facial correction surgery;
  4. as a rejuvenating agent for the initial symptoms of aging and serious age-related changes;
  5. to maintain skin tone;
  6. as a prevention of defects.

Yellow peeling is applied not only to the face. susceptible to its influence neckline, back, arms. It all depends on the complexity of the skin health problems.

In severe cases of acne, cleansing combined with oral vitamin A. But such treatment can only be prescribed by a dermatologist. The procedure requires strict monitoring and biochemical blood analysis.


  1. pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  2. liver health problems;
  3. hypervitaminosis A;
  4. taking antibiotics;
  5. violation of the integrity of the skin;
  6. fresh tan;
  7. viral, fungal diseases;
  8. individual intolerance to components.

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Preparation for the procedure

A preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist and preparation of the skin for the procedure is required. Each case is individual. Based on the condition of the skin, the cosmetologist prescribes various preparatory measures, which need to be repeated from several days to three weeks:

  1. Using special cosmetics with a concentration of fruit acids in their composition.
  2. Peels with fruit acids.
  3. Application of creams that soften the epithelial layer.

The preparatory stage is necessary to achieve the effect. Additional procedures are needed to remove the top dead layer of cells or soften it, make the work of the chemical composition easier. No preliminary preparation is required if the skin is very sensitive and thin.

The day before is better avoid visiting a solarium, using laser procedures, or exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise it may affect the results.

How is it carried out?

There are three types of yellow peeling: superficial, middle and deep. Depending on them, the procedure takes from half an hour to several days. Only the doctor decides whether a one-time application of the active composition is enough or whether a whole course is necessary. More often the median is used, which has a gentle effect and does not require long-term recovery. Results are noticeable within two days.

First, the skin is treated with a solution of glycolic acid, then retinoic acid is applied. After some time, the mask is removed. Within 2-3 days the face will peel off. Photo of peeling after chemical yellow peeling with retinoic acid:

This video shows the process of yellow peeling with retinoic acid:

Recommendations for skin care after treatment

The death of cells leads to a feeling of skin tightness, which smoothly turns into peeling and redness. There is no need to help it peel off during post-peeling care after the yellow peeling.

This should happen naturally. Everything you can do during the regeneration period is use moisturizing creams and enzyme masks. If the procedure was carried out in the summer, it is not recommended to leave the house without sunscreen.

In the first week after the procedure you cannot:

  1. visit a sauna or bathhouse so as not to increase skin redness;
  2. swim in the pool to avoid infections;
  3. exercise, which causes sweating and can cause a pustular rash;
  4. go to the solarium, sunbathe on the beach.

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Description of results

The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin. The good thing about the procedure is that the cosmetologist can choose an individual course for each client. It is carried out no more than once every six months. Retinol with a natural component can be repeated every month.

These photos show faces before and after yellow chemical peeling, but when deciding to do it, you should not blindly rely on the results you see: study the possible complications, reviews of those who have experienced it themselves.

Possible complications, consequences

Vitamin A and its derivatives take a long time to be eliminated from the body. Their ability to accumulate sometimes leads to undesirable consequences. The development of an overdose of vitamin A manifests itself in the form of:

  1. rash, itching;
  2. sudden increase in body temperature;
  3. dry skin;
  4. redness, which can develop into dermatitis;
  5. dry lips or intolerance to contact lenses if the drug gets on the mucous membranes;
  6. hyperpigmentation.

To avoid complications and overdose of vitamin A, it is better the day before, refrain from using creams and masks without prior consultation with a cosmetologist.

Average prices, doctors' opinions

Retinol or retinoic peeling is not a cheap procedure. Depending on the number of layers applied and the product used by the cosmetologist, the price will be from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Among radical methods of rejuvenation and elimination of pigmentation, this method is the safest. Its effect is seen increasing during the first few weeks after the procedure. After four months, the condition of the skin before cleansing begins to gradually return.

How often can you do yellow retinoic peeling? The procedure requires repetition every 6-12 months. It is especially recommended for those whose cells do not produce collagen on their own.

What clients say

Dasha: “I did two procedures. Everything went smoothly. The skin began to peel off on the third day. No pain or redness. The face is smooth and looks fresh. But the number of acne has not decreased.”

Julia: “I wanted to reduce pores and remove scars. They recommended yellow peeling. I did it in the fall so as not to risk it. My complexion has improved and my pores have shrunk. It didn’t affect the scarring, but I had diamond dermabrasion done and it became less noticeable.”

Natasha: “Girls, I thought I would die from pain! The third day after peeling, everything is peeling and burning, especially on the eyelids and at the sides of the nose. It is impossible to apply the cream! I hope the results are worth it."

A simple procedure requires careful attention to your health, mandatory preparation, and strict adherence to all recommendations.