How the skin on the face is renewed

As we have already seen in the previous article, in order to get new, young skin, you first need to damage and remove the old one. And in order for this process to be as painless as possible for the skin, it must be very well prepared for a future damaging procedure. In this article we will go into detail about modern cosmetic procedures that stimulate skin renewal.

So, our skin is perfectly prepared and ready for controlled damage. What procedures are there for this? In general All skin-damaging procedures are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. procedures that damage the stratum corneum of the epidermis are all types of peelings, laser dermabrasion and laser fractional thermolysis, mechanical dermabrasion, plasma resurfacing.
  2. procedures that affect the internal structures of the skin without damaging the stratum corneum are radio waves (radio frequency energy - RF)

Let's take a closer look at each procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

Chemical peeling — I already wrote a little about chemical peeling for oily skin in the article — Today, chemical peeling is the most common procedure for controlled damage to the skin in order to renew, rejuvenate and correct defects — scars and unevenness. In addition, chemical peeling is currently the most studied cosmetic procedure; all peeling effects are known, including the most distant ones.

To carry out chemical peeling, fruit or hydroxy acids are used, rarely - trichloroacetic acid and phenol, enzymes. Chemical peeling can be performed according to indications, starting from the age of 20. Up to 25 years of age, chemical peeling perfectly copes with the consequences of acne in case of oily problem skin, reduces sebum secretion and reduces the size of the sebaceous glands. At 25-30 years of age, peeling is also indicated for correcting the condition of oily skin and treating scar complications of acne, for preventing skin aging, especially caused by intense solar radiation, and for treating age spots. At the age of over 30 years, peeling is actively used for the prevention and correction of cosmetic skin defects - scars, wrinkles, age spots, in the case of thick and flaky skin, for the treatment of papillomas and as preparation for dermabrasion and plastic surgery.

Which peeling should you choose? The safest for the skin are chemical peels that “work” within the stratum corneum, that is, superficial ones. They are often enough to refresh the skin, improve complexion and give it radiance. Fruit acids - glycolic, salicylic, lactic, citric, mandelic and others - cope well with these problems. These drugs are not toxic to the skin, but sometimes cause acid burns that heal quickly. Usually a course of 4-6 procedures is used; such peeling can be carried out in courses 2 times a year with an interval of 6 months. Superficial peelings also include enzymatic peeling; it also facilitates the exfoliation of horny cells of the epidermis, is non-toxic, and skin restoration after enzymatic peeling is rapid.

But to solve more important problems, such as wrinkles, scars, age spots, it is necessary to act on the deeper layers of the skin, on its living cells. For this purpose, medium and deep peels are used - these are glycolic acid in a concentration of 50-70%, retinoic peeling, trichloroacetic acid and phenol. Healing of the skin after such peeling occurs over a longer period of time - from one to 2-3 weeks; during the healing process, swelling of the skin, its redness and subsequent peeling will be evident. Phenol is not currently used due to the high percentage of complications and toxicity.

Laser dermabrasion is a procedure for deep skin damage in which a laser beam completely evaporates soft tissue to a certain depth. Two types of laser are used: carbon dioxide (CO-2) and erbium. The carbon dioxide laser acts similarly to deep peeling, and the erbium laser acts like a medium chemical peel. But, unlike chemical peeling, the laser wavelength is selected in such a way that it affects only certain molecules of the skin. When irradiating the skin, a lot of heat is released and the water in the epidermis simply boils and evaporates. Some of the heat reaches the dermis and stimulates the work of its main cells - fibroblasts - for rapid healing of the skin.

If healing occurs normally (on well-prepared skin), then thanks to the laser not only superficial skin defects are removed, but also new collagen is synthesized, the skin becomes smooth and youthful. But if the damage is too deep or the skin is poorly restored, scarring and persistent redness of the skin may form. In addition, after laser resurfacing, it is necessary to very carefully protect the skin from the sun, since the risk of developing pigment spots is very high, especially in dark-skinned people.

Fractional thermolysis has existed on the cosmetic market since 2004, it differs from laser dermabrasion in that the laser does not act on the entire surface of the skin, but on small areas of it (pointwise), located close to each other. At the same time, tissue heating is significantly reduced, this method is less traumatic for the skin, accordingly, the percentage of complications is lower and the skin recovers faster. Damage to the stratum corneum is minimal; the main changes occur in the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis. In the damaged areas, inflammation begins, as a result, the properties of the dermis and its fibers completely change, and real skin rejuvenation and wrinkle smoothing occurs. After the procedure, there may be swelling of the skin, which usually goes away on the second day; within 3-14 days, uniform peeling of the skin occurs, the skin acquires a bronze-tanned hue due to the release of melanin pigment to the surface of the skin. If the procedure is carried out correctly, there are no side effects.

Mechanical dermabrasion — with this method, the top layer of skin is mechanically removed with a fast flying stream of diamond chips and its subsequent vacuum removal. The method requires a highly qualified specialist, since bleeding and infection of the wound are possible, and pigment spots are very often formed.

Plasma grinding - a new method that uses plasma energy. It is indicated for the presence of fine superficial wrinkles, age spots and for smoothing the skin texture. There will also be exfoliation of the skin and, as a result, a slight lifting caused by compression and renewal of collagen fibers. This method is a gentle damaging procedure, so it can be performed on delicate areas of the skin of the face, neck, around the eyes and mouth. The skin recovers quickly after this procedure.

Methods that do not damage the stratum corneum of the epidermis include exposure of the skin to radiofrequency energy or radio waves. This method appeared in cosmetology about 7 years ago. The method is based on the effect of radio waves on the deep layers of the skin, which also heats the tissue. But this method simultaneously uses a nozzle that cools the skin, so the upper layers of the skin do not experience high temperatures. In the deep layers of the skin, the temperature rises to 60 degrees Celsius, which causes compression and thickening of collagen fibers and thickening of the skin.

Unlike lasers, radio waves are not absorbed and scattered by skin pigments and penetrate much deeper than laser waves. This procedure can be performed on any skin type, the skin recovery period proceeds calmly, and you can immediately go to work. Within six months after the procedure, collagen fibers are compacted and the skin is further strengthened, resulting in long-term lifting - an effect that lasts for several years.

One of the new methods that causes controlled damage to the skin is a method based on the use of focused ultrasound. Thermal damage to tissue occurs at a given depth - where the collagen fibers are located, and other areas of the skin are not damaged. After the procedure, the skin restoration process is minimal, the lifting effect is lasting.

So, we have looked at the main modern procedures that cause controlled damage to the skin. Read the following article about how to restore your skin after these procedures.

The human skin consists of several layers of cells that go through stages of development: from formation to death. Cells originate in the basal layer, from there they rise higher, where constant and continuous renewal of the dying upper layer of the epidermis occurs, turning into horny scales that protect the skin from external influences.

The top layer of skin is constantly renewed

What is facial skin regeneration

All living organisms are capable of renewing themselves and restoring damaged tissues, that is, regenerating. The skin on a person’s face is no exception; their regeneration begins at the moment of damage. If it is successful, not even traces remain on the epidermal layer. The continuity of the epidermal renewal process ensures harmonious development and optimal conditions for the functioning of internal organs, as well as the performance of protective and aesthetic functions by the body. The slow pace of this process contributes to fairly rapid aging of the skin.

Note! To prevent aging of the skin on the face, it is necessary to accelerate regeneration as much as possible.

There is a physiological type of epidermal regeneration and a reparative one. The first is the usual natural process of restoring the number of cells, which depends on the general state of a person’s immunity, his health and eating habits. The second type of regeneration is our body's response to damage to the protective epidermal layer. Its speed determines whether a scar, scar or other similar mark will remain on the skin after healing. Nutrition and immunity influence such regeneration.

Possible causes of bad facial skin

Sometimes the skin loses its ability to heal normally and restore short-lived epithelial cells. The main reason is insufficient or poor nutrition (for example, when trying to lose extreme weight), when the diet lacks the main “building material” for the skin - protein. Other negative factors leading to problem skin are:

  1. reduced immunity and, as a result, high susceptibility to diseases;
  2. increased physical or mental stress;
  3. general long-term fatigue;
  4. psychological factors, especially stress;
  5. chronic diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system;
  6. infectious, bacterial and fungal types of damage to the epidermis, incl. chicken pox and herpes;
  7. oncological diseases (for example, basal cell carcinoma, which quite often appears on the face);
  8. parasitic infections - for example, demodicosis– a skin disease caused by the demodex mite;
  9. non-inflammatory skin diseases associated with impaired keratinization of the skin (keratosis), some of the symptoms are peeling and horny layers;
  10. physical inactivity, bad habits (especially smoking);
  11. hormonal transformation during different periods of life (adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, aging);
  12. use of incorrect skin care products, self-medication;
  13. poor air and drinking water quality.

Facial skin problems

Renewing facial skin at home and in the salon

You can solve the question of how to improve skin regeneration yourself at home or in a beauty salon with professional cosmetologists.

Now there are many beauty salon procedures that help improve the condition of the skin on the face and renew the epidermis. The most complex manipulation used to get rid of severe defects, such as a burn, scar or deep scar, is cosmetic surgery.

One of the popular procedures that promote skin renewal due to peeling and death of the top layer is peeling, which also helps smooth out the microrelief of the face, fights acne, acne (pimple) and post-acne. The active ingredients of chemical peeling are solutions of salicylic, glycolic, retinoic and lactic acids. Mechanical peeling and diamond facial resurfacing are also used. Typically, 2 to 3 weeks are enough to obtain the effect of accelerated regeneration.

A very effective way to restore good condition to the skin is plasma therapy. It is completely safe and involves injecting the client with his own purified plasma from the blood. The procedure perfectly strengthens the immune system and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The desired course of blood cleansing is from 4 to 8 procedures at weekly intervals, but the result becomes noticeable on the skin of the face the very next day.

The name of the technique that leaves no chance for acne and blackheads on the face is ozone therapy. It promotes skin renewal and significantly reduces inflammation in just 10-15 sessions.

Another way to improve the regeneration of facial skin with the help of drugs is mesotherapy, the essence of which is the introduction of liquid drugs under the skin with microneedles. The results are activation of metabolism, tissue rejuvenation, and prevention of skin aging.

One of the modern salon techniques is massage using dry ice from liquid nitrogen, which effectively eliminates stagnant dark spots (cryotherapy).

Cryotherapy rejuvenates the face well

How to restore facial skin using home remedies? These are numerous masks made from available products and medicinal plants. Their use for skin regeneration may take a longer time (a couple of months) than salon techniques, but they are more affordable economically.

Mask recipes:

  1. A mask with gelatin helps accelerate cellular regeneration; consists of 1 tbsp. spoons of gelatin powder, half a glass of lemon juice; Apply to the face for a quarter of an hour.

Additional Information. You can use grapefruit or tomato juice.

  1. Pumpkin mask prevents dry skin, prepared from 0.1 kg pumpkin, 2 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp starch and half a glass of water; exposure on the face – 20 minutes;
  2. Masks with extracts of St. John's wort, celandine, and string help heal many skin defects on the face;
  3. The sea buckthorn mask is enriched with vitamins that increase the rate of cell regeneration; improves metabolism and provides deep nutrition to epidermal cells. May cause allergic reactions.

Sea buckthorn perfectly regenerates the skin

Healing ointments and creams for regeneration

Restoring the regeneration process is carried out by treating problem areas of the skin with a wide range of healing ointments and creams for facial skin. The most popular among them are “Panthenol”, “D-Panthenol” and “Bepanten”, in which the active substance is dexpanthenol. Once on the skin, it increases the elasticity of collagen, and the renewal of the cellular layer occurs faster.

Solcoseryl ointment, which is made from the blood of calves, has an excellent wound-healing effect, therefore it minimizes allergic reactions and enriches the skin with oxygen. The drug can cure even very severe burns on the face, trophic ulcers, and mechanical damage.

“Actovegin” in the form of an ointment or gel stimulates metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin and can even be used in the treatment of venous and oncological diseases.

One of the best antiseptic drugs is Levomekol ointment; it is applicable in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and eczema.

The “Rescuer” gel helps children and adults fight bacterial lesions on the skin of the face; it is a kind of first aid for any troubles on the face: from incomprehensible redness to the consequences of fungal infection.

One of the most popular wound healing agents is the well-known “Badyaga”. In addition, this restorative cream is ideal for regenerating the skin of the hands and face; it gets rid of acne, bruises, has a regenerating effect and helps to resolve compactions and scars on the face.

Badyagi-based ointment helps restore facial skin

Advice from experienced doctors and cosmetologists

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend using an integrated approach to facial skin restoration, which includes both serious cosmetic procedures (botulinum therapy, hyaluronic fillers) and home care using bio-creams and peeling masks, allowing rejuvenated skin to look fresh and natural.

Peeling mask from Vichy

To maintain skin elasticity and its constant regeneration, doctors recommend enriching your diet with vitamins (especially A and E) by eating fish, dairy products, nuts, pomegranates, and carrots.

To prevent problems with facial skin, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. use warm, not hot water for washing;
  2. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed;
  3. In the morning, wash your face with fruit gel and use moisturizers;
  4. To narrow the pores, use a tonic.

Over the years, the skin on the face withers and loses its freshness. To prevent this, it is necessary to restore it in a timely manner using salon procedures and home methods.


The structure of human skin

1. Skin – largest organ in the human body

2. If you stretch the skin of an average person, it will cover an area of ​​2 square meters

3. Leather is approx. 15 percent of your body weight.

4. There are two types of skin: hairy and hairless

5. Your skin has three layers:

-epidermis - water-repellent and dead layer

-dermis – hair and sweat glands

-subcutaneous fat - fat and large blood vessels

6. Every inch of your skin has a certain elasticity and strength, depending on its location. So the skin on your knuckles is different from the skin on your stomach.

7. Scar tissue lacks hair and sweat glands

8. The thinnest skin on your eyelids - about 0.2 mm

9. The thickest skin on your feet - about 1.4 mm

Human hair

10. In humans an average of 100,000 hairs per head. People with blond hair have about 140,000 hairs, dark-haired people have 110,000, and red-haired people have about 90,000.

11. Each hair has a small muscle that lifts the hair in cold and various emotional states

12. Body hair grow 2 to 6 years

13. We we lose from 20 to 100 hairs per day

Dead skin

14. Keratin forms the outer dead layer of skin and nails

15. More 50 percent of house dust is dead skin

16. Every 28 days your skin renews itself.

17. Lipids are natural fats that keep the outer layer of skin hydrated and healthy. Detergents and alcohol destroy lipids.

18. Skin loses more than 30,000 dead cells every minute

19. As we age, we begin to shed skin less often. In children, old cells are shed faster. This is why babies have such a pink, fresh complexion

Bacteria on the skin

20. The skin produces about 500 ml of sweat per day.

21. Sweat itself has no odor, and it is thanks to bacteria that body odor appears.

22. Your skin is a microcosm in which more than 1000 species of bacteria live and about 1 billion individual bacteria.

23. The glands that produce earwax are special sweat glands.

24. On average, you have about 14 types of fungi.

Melanin pigment and human skin color

25. Skin color is the result of the action of a protein called melanin. Huge tentacle-shaped skin cells, melanocytes, produce and distribute the pigment melanin.

26. People have the same number of melanin cells. Different skin colors are a result of their activity, not quantity.

27. Human skin varies greatly in different parts of the world. According to the well-known classification - the Lushan scale, there is 36 main types of human skin color.

28. 1 in 110,000 people are albino, that is, he does not have melanin cells.

29. Melanin is also responsible for eye color, and the skin covering the eye is transparent and very sensitive.

30. A child’s permanent skin color is formed within about 6 months.

Acne and skin treatment

31. The cause of acne or pimples is the excessive production of cells lining the sweat glands.

32. Even kids suffer from acne. Some newborn babies develop acne in the first few weeks of life. The cause of newborn acne is not fully known, but it does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

33. About 80 percent or 4 out of 5 teenagers experience acne.

34. But this is not only a problem of adolescence. One in 20 women and one in 100 men suffer from acne in adulthood

35. The appearance of a boil is associated with staphylococcal bacteria. It penetrates tiny cuts in the skin and enters the hair follicles.

Appearance of human skin

36. Skin appearance and texture talks about your health. When you are sick, your skin turns pale, and when you are tired, bags appear under your eyes.

37. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the skin, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients, slowing blood flow, and also contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.

38.Leather heals very quickly. Since the top layer of skin is living tissue, the body begins to heal the wound immediately. The blood from the cut forms a scab and seals the wound.

Moles and freckles

39. Most moles are genetically predetermined even before we are born.

40. People with more moles on their body live longer and look younger those who have fewer moles.

41. Almost every person has at least one mole.

42. Moles can appear anywhere, including the genitals, scalp and tongue.

43. Freckles most often appear in people with light skin color.

44. Freckles fade in winter, since melanin is not produced in large quantities during the winter months.

45. Freckles can be red, yellow, light brown and dark brown.

46. ​​Unlike moles, Freckles do not appear at birth, they appear after a person has been exposed to sunlight.

What vitamins are needed for the skin?

47. Vitamin A treats skin damaged by sun exposure and cellulite

48. Vitamin D – reduces rashes and neoplasms

49. Vitamin C – antioxidant, restores vitamin E and protects from the sun

50. Vitamin E – Antioxidant, protects against sun damage and aging.