How to drink lactofiltrum to cleanse the body

Lactofiltrum is a powerful sorbent of plant origin. It is used to normalize intestinal microflora and improve immunity. Lactofiltrum is prescribed for poisoning with drugs, toxic substances and metabolic products.

About the drug Lactofiltrum

The main active components are lactulose (0.120 g) and hydrolytic lignin (0.355 g). Excipients are magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium.

Lignin is a complex organic compound that is extracted from wood. It has the ability to bind bacteria and toxins, breakdown products of alcoholic beverages, heavy metal salts, cholesterol, urea, bilirubin and other harmful substances. Lignin is not absorbed in the intestine and has no toxic effect on the body. It simply absorbs everything unnecessary and removes harmful substances out. The body will be cleansed within a day after taking the drug.

Lactulose is a probiotic. It is used to destroy pathogenic flora in the intestines. Lactulose causes the intestinal microflora to rapidly divide, thereby suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This makes it possible to normalize digestive processes and get rid of constipation.

The growth of beneficial lactic acid and bifidobacteria in the intestines causes the following therapeutic effects:

The intestines absorb nutrients from food better. The body ceases to experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Metabolism returns to normal.

The likelihood of intoxication of the body with waste products of harmful microflora is reduced.

The electrolyte balance in the body is stabilized.

Lactofiltrum is produced in tablet form. It can be used to treat children older than one year.

Release form

There are two commercial names for the drug:

The difference between them is that the drug with the prefix “Eco” does not contain flavorings or flavoring fillers.

Forms of release of the drug:

The drug Lactofiltrum is produced in tablets packaged in 30 and 60 pieces.

The drug Lactofiltrum-Eco is produced in lozenges of 30 pieces per package, in powder for preparing a solution of 10, 30 and 60 sachets per package, as well as in tablets of 30 pieces per package.

Lactofiltrum-Eco is a dietary supplement, since there are no regulations in the code of laws that would allow the registration of the same drug under the same name. Moreover, their therapeutic effect is absolutely identical. In general, the differentiation of drugs is simply a successful advertising move aimed at attracting new customers. After all, the powder with the prefix “Eco” also contains flavoring fillers. There is a preparation on sale with the taste of forest berries, raspberries and peach.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug Lactofiltrum are:

Deterioration of intestinal microflora after taking antibacterial drugs.

Weakened immunity after suffering from infectious diseases affecting the organs of the digestive system.

Complex treatment of liver cirrhosis.

Regulating the functioning of the digestive system after suffering from dysbacteriosis.

Elimination of flatulence phenomena.

Complex treatment of salmonellosis and dysentery.

Restoration of the body after intoxication of various origins.

Complex therapy of viral and bacterial infections.

Directions for use and doses

The drug must be taken 60 minutes before meals, as well as before taking other medications. If necessary, the tablet can be crushed into powder.

Dose of the drug, depending on age:

From one year to 3 years – half a tablet 3 times a day.

From 3 to 7 years – one tablet 3 times a day.

From 7 to 12 years – 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

Adults and children over 12 years old – 2 or 3 tablets 3 times a day.

The course of treatment should not last more than 21 days. If there is a need, it is increased, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Lactofiltrum for cleansing the body

For acne

If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, this will definitely affect the condition of the facial skin. Pimples and acne will appear on it, causing acne. Prem Lactofiltrum allows you to normalize intestinal function, increase immunity, and improve skin health. Therefore, doctors often prescribe it as part of a comprehensive scheme for combating dermatological problems.

Lactofiltrum binds and removes harmful substances from the intestines, so it cannot be said that the drug directly fights acne and pimples. However, there will be much fewer rashes if their appearance is caused by a violation of the intestinal flora. In addition, the general well-being of a person will improve, the metabolism will stabilize, since all pathogenic flora will be removed. Therefore, Lactofiltrum can be used for a comprehensive fight against acne, but at the same time you need to normalize your diet and treat intestinal diseases, including dysbiosis.

If acne and acne are a consequence of insufficient hygiene, or the result of hormonal imbalances, then Lactofiltrum will not be able to cope with them. The drug will be powerless even if the person’s menu is dominated by exclusively fatty and unhealthy foods.

It is these patients who most often speak negatively about the drug. At the same time, they do not delve into the essence of his work and do not want to change their bad habits and lifestyle. Of course, it’s much easier to blame a “bad” drug than to blame yourself.

For weight loss

Lactofiltrum is not a dietary supplement or a miracle fat burner that will help you cope with excess weight. You can lose weight with its help only if a person fights fat thoroughly, using an integrated approach.

Taking the drug allows you to regulate metabolic processes in the body. When fat breaks down, toxins and lipids enter the bloodstream and are also utilized by internal organs. However, it can be difficult for the body to cope with such a load. Taking Lactofiltrum allows you to reduce the level of lipids in the blood, as well as stabilize the synthesis of protein molecules.

The drug itself has no effect on body fat. You can lose weight by eliminating harmful compounds from the body, which often weigh several kilograms.

Taking Lactofiltrum allows you to compensate for the lack of dietary fiber in the body. The stomach is activated, and the food bolus that enters it allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. At the same time, a person will eat very little. Lactofiltrum also allows you to remove excess water from the body. Along with swelling, several kilograms will come off at once.

Toxins, fats, urea, and rotting products leave the body. Carbohydrate metabolism returns to normal, intestinal motility increases. As a result, a person loses weight faster.

Based on the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: Lactofiltrum will not allow you to lose weight as an independent drug. It does not have the ability to burn fat, but only cleanses the body of all harmful compounds that have accumulated in it. However, when following any diet, this is very important. The more serious the dietary restrictions, the more the body tends to consume, this applies not only to useful, but also harmful substances. Therefore, if you follow a strict diet, Lactofiltrum will help prevent poisoning from your own breakdown products.


Contraindications to taking Lactofiltrum:

Stomach and intestinal ulcers in the acute stage.

Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in the body (galactosemia).

Side effects

Some patients taking Lactofiltrum experience the following side effects:

The following factors can trigger the development of side effects:

The person cleanses too intensively and does not follow the recommended dosage.

A lot of toxins leave the body.

Metabolic processes accelerate.

A person has an intolerance to the components that make up the drug.


The average cost of the drug Lactofiltrum is 306 rubles. Prices can vary from 235 to 650 rubles.

There are no analogues of Lactofiltrum on sale that have an identical composition.

However, there are drugs that have a similar effect:

Polysorb. This adsorbent starts working very quickly. The first effect will be noticeable within 2 minutes after taking it. The drug is produced by the Russian company Polysorb MP. It is in powder form, which is intended for preparing a suspension. Packaging of the drug: 12, 25, 50 g. For a single dose, you can purchase the drug in 3 g sachets. The basis of Polysorb is colloidal silicon dioxide. It absorbs harmful substances in the body and removes them out, thereby eliminating the effects of intoxication. The drug can be used while on a diet to reduce excess weight. It allows you to cleanse the intestines and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The cost of 12 g of the drug is 120 rubles, for a package of 25 g you will need to pay 210 rubles, and for a bag of 50 g you will need to pay 300 rubles. A single dose of the drug costs 49 rubles.

Polyphepan. This drug is produced in Russia. The production is carried out by the company Saytek. The basis of the drug is hydrolytic lignin. Polyphepan is recommended for use in cases of dysbacteriosis and poisoning of various origins. It is used for weight loss, as it cleanses the body and replenishes the lack of dietary fiber in it. Polyphepan is produced in powder form. Dosage: 50, 100, 200 g. The cost of the drug is 85 rubles.

Smecta. The drug is available in the form of a powder from which a suspension is prepared. It is supplied to Russia from France (Ispen Pharma Biotek company). The basis of the medicine is dioctahedral smectite. The auxiliary components are sodium saccharinate and dextrose monohydrate. Taking the drug allows you to restore damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as well as improve the motility of the digestive system. A distinctive feature of Smecta is its pleasant taste. On sale you can find a drug with the aroma of caramel and cocoa, orange and vanilla. The cost of 10 sachets of the drug is 150 rubles.

Entegnin. The tablets are produced in Russia by the V-MIN+ company. The basis of Entegnin is hydrolytic lignin. The drug has a powerful absorbent effect. It removes urea, bile acid, lipids, poisons and heavy metal salts from the body. It can also be used during a diet as a source of dietary fiber.

Enterosgel. This drug allows you to relieve the symptoms of intoxication from the body and cleanse the intestines. The drug is available in the form of a paste, which has a sweetish taste. It is taken orally. The drug is produced by the Russian company TNK Silma. After entering the intestinal lumen, the paste swells and, like a sponge, absorbs excess cholesterol and toxins. The cost of a 225 g tube is 380 rubles.

Filtrum STI. A drug with an absorbent effect based on calcium stearate and povidone. It is used to treat diarrhea, allergies, and poisoning. The drug should not be taken only by those people who suffer from individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. During administration, side effects rarely develop; they are expressed in the form of allergies and constipation. The cost of 10 tablets of the drug is 90 rubles. For a package of 50 tablets you will have to pay 240 rubles. Filtrum STI can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Comparison of drugs

Lactofiltrum and Polysorb

Both Lactofiltrum and Polysorb perfectly cleanse the intestines.

However, they have a number of differences, including:

Lactofiltrum, unlike Polysorb, is organic in nature.

The main active ingredient in Polysorb is silicon dioxide, and in Lactofiltrum it is lactulose in combination with lignin. Polysorb only cleanses the intestines, and Lactofiltrum allows you to restore the disturbed microflora.

Polysorb is available in powder form, and Lactofiltrum is available in tablet form.

Lactofiltrum is most often prescribed to restore intestinal flora after taking antibacterial drugs. Polysorb is mainly taken to quickly eliminate the symptoms of poisoning, since the effect of taking it develops after 2 minutes.

They try not to prescribe Lactofiltrum to pregnant women, since its effect on the fetus has not been fully studied. Polysorb can be used by pregnant women to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis.

Enterosgel and Laktofiltrum

Differences in composition. Enterosgel contains modern bioorganic silicon, which is an effective sorbent. Its special porous structure allows it to absorb toxins, but the beneficial intestinal microflora will not be affected. Lactofiltrum is based on lactulose and lignin. The different sizes of lignin pores make it possible to cleanse the body not only of toxins. The drug can also capture and remove beneficial vitamins and minerals. Lactulose is aimed at restoring the colony of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Reception features. Enterosgel can be taken as much as a person needs, it does not cause addiction to the body, and has no side effects. It is recommended to take Lactofiltrum for no longer than 3 weeks. Moreover, the course of treatment should be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing vitamin deficiency increases.

Contraindications. Enterosgel should not be taken only in case of intestinal atony and against the background of internal bleeding. Lactofiltrum has a much wider list of contraindications, which is supplemented by constipation and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In addition, Lactofiltrum contains auxiliary components that can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Reception comfort. Lactofiltrum is produced in tablets and powder, and Enterosgel in the form of a paste. Therefore, at this point the drugs are almost equivalent. If it is difficult for a person to swallow pasty jelly, then you can dilute it with juice or water.

Thus, if we compare these two drugs, Enterosgel becomes the leader. It is highly effective and safe for health. It can be taken for a long time. Therefore, this gel must be in every family’s first aid kit. It is used for poisoning and intoxication, it can be used during a hangover, as well as for weight loss. It helps reduce allergy symptoms.

Lactofiltrum and Filtrum STI

Lactofiltrum and Filtrum STI have different active ingredients. Lactofiltrum contains a synthetic disaccharide - lactulose. It allows you to restore the intestinal flora after infections, and also has a slight laxative effect.

Another important difference between the drugs is that Lactofiltrum improves immunity, as it stimulates the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

The filter is largely aimed at removing intoxication from the body, as well as eliminating intestinal infections. Lactofiltrum allows you to fight not only the disease, but also eliminate its consequences. Therefore, a doctor who knows his medical history should decide which drug to choose for a particular patient.

It has been proven that Filtrum helps fight allergy symptoms. It binds allergens and removes them from the body. This primarily concerns food allergies.


Doctors' opinion

Litvinova A. S.: “I often prescribe Lactofiltrum to my patients with allergic dermatoses in a complex therapeutic regimen. Since the drug is produced in Russia, it has an affordable price. Another advantage is the ability to restore disturbed intestinal microflora. I don’t know of a single case of allergy to this drug.”

Zimnikov P.S.: “Lactofiltrum restores damaged intestinal microflora well. It can be used to treat children older than one year. I recommend taking the drug during and after antibiotic treatment. The price is slightly high, but is fully justified by the therapeutic effects of the drug.”

Boginin V.D.: “This drug not only cleanses the body, but also heals the intestinal microflora. It can be taken for poisoning, during a hangover. Within a day you will feel great. I recommend using it for preventive cleansing of the intestines. Now the price of the drug has been slightly increased, but when it first went on sale, it was just right.”


Faina: “My nutritionist prescribed Lactofiltrum to me as a drug that will prepare the body for a diet. It really helped flush out all the toxins, all the excess water and feces from my body. It’s good that I went through a cleanse before the diet, because otherwise all this poison would have entered my blood and poisoned my body. I cleaned for 14 days. I don’t even want to describe what came out of me. It was disgusting. I had bowel movements 3 times a day, but this did not affect my weight.

I drank it according to the scheme: 14 days Lactofiltrum, after which 14 days B vitamins, then a week of rest. After the break, the course had to be repeated. The diet was not strict, I gave up sweets and carbohydrates, but during this time I lost 4 kg. You must follow the rules for taking the drug - drink it an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The intestines began to work like clockwork, but it seemed to me that while taking Lactofiltrum, food was practically not digested.”

Olga: “I have been using this drug for a long time. Moreover, my goal was to cleanse the intestines, not lose weight. However, in 3 weeks of taking it, I managed to lose 3 kg. Bowel movements became regular, the skin cleared up, and all rashes disappeared. When the course was completed, I felt a pleasant lightness in my body. I drink Lactofiltrum in courses, with an interval of 2-3 months. My weight never changes, it stays at the same level, but I don’t follow a diet either.”

Ekaterina: “I decided to take Lactofiltrum for weight loss and did not know that it could cause harm to the body. I took the drug for 2 months, without breaks. The weight is gone, but my nails, hair and skin are very deteriorated. I had to go to the doctor. The doctor forbade me to take the drug and prescribed vitamins. Now I’ve put myself in order, but I won’t experiment with my health anymore without consulting a doctor. Any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor, period.”

Video: personal experience in using lactofiltrum:

Author of the article: Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich | Doctor of Medical Sciences general practitioner

Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

9 Medicinal Foods for Stomach Ulcers - Scientific Facts!

What is good about Laktofiltrum? It is a drug in a combined form, which includes both a prebiotic and a sorbent. The first promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and the second absorbs all the toxic substances that were produced by the body in the process of life and came from the outside. Both substances are active in the lumen of the colon. Removes toxins from the body and creates normal microflora, helps strengthen the body's defense system.

Reviews of Laktofiltrum for cleansing the body are presented below.

Composition and action

The main active ingredients of the drug are lactulose (120 mg) and hydrolytic lignin (355 mg). Excipients: magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium. "Lactofiltrum" is available in the form of black tablets with white inclusions.

The drug creates a sorbent, prebiotic and detoxification effect in the patient’s intestines. Hydrolyzed lignin is a potent sorbent, and lactulose acts as a prebiotic. In addition to the above effects, lignin also removes cholesterol and its derivatives, stops diarrhea and has an antioxidant effect.

That is why Laktofiltrum is ideal for cleansing the body.

Lignin binds all toxic substances in the intestines, prevents them from being absorbed and removes them from the body with feces. The substance is active against the following toxins:

  1. Toxins produced by viruses, fungi and bacteria.
  2. Medications.
  3. Harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  4. Salts of heavy metals.
  5. Poisons.

Thus, the drug removes toxic substances from the body, thereby stopping their harmful effects on human health.

According to the instructions, Laktofiltrum helps well against acne.

The body is cleansed and the patient’s general condition is normalized. Thanks to its sorbing effect, the drug cleanses the food bolus, which stops diarrhea resulting from poisoning. Intoxication stops, as the intestines stop absorbing harmful substances. Lignin is approximately seven times more effective at binding toxins than the well-known activated carbon. Lignin itself is not toxic and is excreted from the intestines a day after ingestion. Among other things, this substance does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and does not cause dysbacteriosis. Reviews of Laktofiltrum for cleansing the body confirm this.

The prebiotic lactulose enters the intestines, feeds beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, thereby promoting their reproduction and normalization of microflora. This effect allows you to eliminate dysbiosis and the symptoms associated with its appearance. As a result, intestinal motility improves.


"Lactofiltrum" is prescribed for the following ailments:

  1. Dysbacteriosis of any origin, including those provoked by taking antibiotic drugs.
  2. Normalization of intestinal microflora.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea as part of complex therapy.
  4. Functional gastrointestinal tract disorders.
  5. Intestinal dyspepsia, accompanied by flatulence, nausea, irregular bowel movements, etc.
  6. Colitis.
  7. Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver in combination with other drugs.
  8. Dermatitis, urticaria and other allergic diseases in combination with other medications.
  9. Allergic enteropathies. The use of "Lactofiltrum" for acne is quite common.

It should not be used in the following conditions:

  1. Intestinal obstruction.
  2. Hemorrhagic syndrome in the organs of the digestive system.
  3. Galactosemia.
  4. Individual intolerance to substances included in the drug.

The above pathologies are considered absolute contraindications to the use of Lactofiltrum. There are, however, relative contraindications for which the drug should be used with extreme caution. In this case we are talking about the following conditions:

  1. Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the acute stage.
  2. Intestinal atony.

According to reviews, “Lactofiltrum” for cleansing the body has virtually no side effects. In rare cases, the following adverse reactions may occur while taking it:

  1. Bloating and flatulence.
  2. Strong intestinal peristalsis.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Individual intolerance.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Failures in the body's absorption of calcium and vitamins (with prolonged use).


A pack of Laktofiltrum contains 60 tablets. The product is taken orally with a sufficient amount of clean water. It is not recommended to drink it with mineral water. The tablet can be crushed or chewed. The drug is taken 2-3 times a day according to the standard regimen. The intake must take place at least an hour before meals. This is due to the fact that taking the drug with food can reduce the amount of absorbed nutrients, as well as stop the effect of medications. Thus, you cannot take other drugs at the same time as Laktofiltrum, as this will significantly reduce their effectiveness.

If it is not possible to take the drug according to the regimen described above, then you can postpone its use to the period after meals. The standard course of treatment involves 2-3 weeks. Longer use of the drug is also possible, but this should be prescribed by the attending physician. The break between two courses should not be less than 5 weeks, but a gap of three months is considered optimal, as this is guaranteed to help avoid vitamin deficiency.

This indicates instructions for use for “Lactofiltrum”. We'll look at analogues at the end of the article.

Adults can take 2-3 tablets three times a day for three weeks. Repeated courses should be carried out in consultation with the attending physician, as this will avoid negative effects on the body. Irregular use of the drug can lead to vitamin deficiency, as well as a lack of nutrients and microelements.

As for use in children, the dosage regimen of Laktofiltrum is determined by the treating pediatrician. For young children, the tablet is crushed to a powder and given with water.

The dosage of the drug and the frequency of its use is determined by the age of the baby:

  1. one to three years - half a tablet is prescribed three times a day;
  2. three to seven years - prescribe one tablet three times a day;
  3. from 8 to 12 years - two tablets are prescribed three times a day;
  4. from 12 to 18 years old - two or three tablets are prescribed three times a day.

The duration of therapy in children is up to three weeks. The scheme is the same as for adults. If there is an improvement in the clinical picture earlier than 14 days from the start of taking the drug, then discontinuation of its use is required, even if the course is incomplete. Repeated therapy is started after a minimum interval of three to five weeks.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to take it up to 4 times a day and even more often. To relieve an exacerbation of poisoning, you can take up to 50 tablets in 4-5 doses per day. It may take up to 5 days for signs of poisoning to subside. Indications for Lactofiltrum are detailed in the annotation.

As a remedy for acne

As mentioned above, the drug has a binding and enterosorbing effect. Naturally, this is not directly related to the treatment of acne. But if acne appears as a result of intestinal problems, the drug can have a positive effect on the skin by removing toxins and waste from the body. This will reduce the number of skin rashes.

It should be emphasized that this is not the main effect of the drug, but only an additional effect created by cleansing and detoxifying the body. Therefore, “Lactofiltrum” for the skin can be safely included in complex therapy if acne on the face is directly related to the condition of the intestines. If their appearance is due, for example, to hormonal changes, the drug will not have any effect. That is, you should not perceive it as a miracle cure for getting rid of acne. And in the case of intestinal problems, one drug is unlikely to help get rid of rashes once and for all. You should organize a balanced diet, regimen and use local skin care products, and not just Laktofiltrum to cleanse the body.


The official instructions for use of the drug do not recommend taking it during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that clinical experiments have not been conducted to study the effect of the active ingredients of the drug on the fetus. Thus, there is no confirmed data on the safety of this drug during pregnancy.

Experiments were carried out only on pregnant animals and showed the absolute safety of Laktofiltrum. Based on these data and due to the complete elimination of the drug substances from the body, experts still classify the drug as safe during pregnancy.

This is the opinion of the majority of doctors who have been prescribing Lactofiltrum to pregnant women for many years. There were no cases of negative effects on the woman or fetus. In case of intestinal poisoning, infections or intoxication, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug according to an individual dosage regimen. It is also used to relieve symptoms typical of a pregnant woman, such as toxicosis, gestosis and nausea. A common problem for women during gestation is constipation, which Laktofiltrum also successfully copes with.

To summarize the above, the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women under the following conditions:

  1. Intoxication, accompanied by weakness, headache, fever, etc.
  2. Poisoning.
  3. Infectious bowel diseases.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Gestosis and toxicosis.

Do not forget that the amount of nutrients absorbed may decrease while taking it. For this reason, therapy should be supplemented with vitamin complexes. The duration of use of the drug by a pregnant woman should not exceed one week. It is not recommended to use the product for preventive purposes. This is described in the instructions. Analogues of "Lactofiltrum" are of interest to many.

For weight loss

The drug will help you lose weight by several kilograms, but will not give a miraculous effect in this matter. The lost kilograms will become nothing more than toxins and wastes removed from the body, as well as accumulated undigested food. Fat deposits will remain in the same places and will not go anywhere, the drug does not affect them in any way.

However, in combination with a balanced diet, Laktofiltrum will definitely have a positive effect. Physical activity should be reduced during the period of taking the drug, as discomfort in the intestines may occur. Thanks to the drug, it is possible to normalize stool, improve peristalsis and improve the digestive process.

All this relieves the symptoms of dysbiosis and has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. If the goal of taking it is weight loss, then you should adhere to the following regimen: 3 tablets 3 times a day, course duration is two weeks. If the patient has diabetes, regular constipation or antacid gastritis, then it should not be used. There are also reviews about this.

Analogues of "Lactofiltrum"

There is no absolute analogue that would contain exactly the same active substances on the Russian market. For this reason, various sorbents or lignin-based drugs are used as generics of the drug. The latter are considered the closest analogues to the original, since the composition is similar, which means the effect is identical. All other sorbents, although they have a different chemical composition, have similar actions to Laktofiltrum.

The most popular lignin-based preparations include:

  1. Paste, granules and powder “Lignosorb”.
  2. Powder "Polifan".
  3. Paste, powder and granules "Polyphepan".
  4. Lozenges and tablets "Filtrum-Sti".
  5. Powder "Entegnin".

According to reviews, analogues of Laktofiltrum work no worse.

If we talk about sorbents, then the following can be considered analogues:


According to reviews, “Lactofiltrum” for cleansing the body is suitable for almost everyone.

The vast majority of comments are positive. There is an excellent therapeutic effect from taking the drug, and the overall health of a person improves. The drug’s ability to cleanse the intestines is especially notable, as a result of which, after a course of administration, there is lightness in the body, weight loss, and digestion and stool return to normal. Some reviews contain information about improving skin condition.

For some patients, the medication helped in the fight against allergies, but only as an auxiliary drug. It really removes toxins and allergens.

To cleanse the body, analogues of “Lactofiltrum” should be selected by a doctor.

Significant disadvantages include the high cost of the drug. However, this is offset by its effectiveness and efficiency.

Negative comments

There are also negative reviews. They are usually associated with a lack of positive dynamics during therapy. Some patients experienced side effects such as bloating, diarrhea and severe peristalsis. You can also find reviews that say that an allergy appeared while taking the drug, but this is an individual intolerance, which is reported in the instructions for use. The most often negative reviews about Laktofiltrum for cleansing the body are written by women who took the drug to get rid of acne, but did not get the desired effect. It should be borne in mind that in this case, most likely, skin problems are not related to the intestines, which is why the drug is ineffective.

Parents who have given the product to their children most often leave positive reviews about it. The drug can be used even for infants, which inspires confidence in parents. The drug relieved many children from allergic manifestations, diathesis, eczema, etc. The neutral taste of Laktofiltrum is also one of the positive aspects of the drug.

It can really help you lose several kilograms in a short period of time. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews. The drug creates a feeling of lightness and smoothness of movement after the course of treatment. For women on a strict diet, Laktofiltrum also helps them feel good. In addition to weight loss, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. Negative reviews about the drug as a means of losing weight are left by those who did not experience the miraculous effect. Many people expect that after taking the drug, their figures will become ideal and slender in a couple of weeks. He definitely won’t be able to cope with this task, so you shouldn’t place too much hope on him. The instructions for Laktofiltrum for cleansing the body are very detailed.

As for treating acne with this product, the reviews are not clear here either. Some are delighted because after cleansing the intestines, their skin becomes clean and smooth. Others experience great disappointment because the drug has zero effect. You should not hope that the product will magically solve all your skin problems in a couple of weeks. More time and effort may be required, including in terms of skin care, dietary changes, etc.

Many people use Laktofiltrum periodically, taking several courses a year. This method of administration allows you to maintain good skin condition and avoid relapses. And if skin problems are directly related to the intestines, such measures really give an undoubted result.


Thus, using the drug in the right situations, when it is really necessary, can actually solve a fairly wide range of problems. The main thing is not to forget that the drug can reduce the level of nutrients in the body. For this reason, it should be taken in combination with a vitamin complex to avoid vitamin deficiency and other undesirable consequences. In general, Lactofiltrum has established itself as a highly effective drug that is very popular among patients and invariably receives a lot of positive feedback.

The drug Lactofiltrum is a combined product that simultaneously performs the functions of a prebiotic and a sorbent. It is prescribed to adults and children to restore the natural intestinal microflora and get rid of the effects of toxic substances.