Treatments for the neck and décolleté


Since the skin on the neck has some peculiarities, and age-related degradation occurs approximately according to one very similar mechanism, in therapeutic cosmetology there are procedures that can be called real hits in rejuvenating the most vulnerable area of ​​the body: the neck. We will talk about them below.

Signs that it's time for you to rejuvenate your décolleté and neck

During the aging process, the following age-related changes are formed, which form the “old neck” marker:

- deepened rings of Venus, general atony of the skin, expressed in a variety of multiple wrinkles - “turtle neck”,

- sagging of the expanded subcutaneous muscle - turkey cords (this is the name of the pterodactyl fold that scared me),

- violations of the cervical-mental angle (cosmetologists call this parameter the angle of youth), accumulation of fat on the front surface of the neck and a double chin.

For the purpose of preventive therapy and to eliminate the initial signs of aging, general stimulation manipulations are suitable: courses of light peelings based on fruit acids that stimulate collagen synthesis, mesotherapy using vitamin complexes, hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Modeling massage also demonstrates good results in restoring tone.

At what age does the neck need rejuvenation?

Preventive measures, including superficial care, moisturizing, exercise, muscle exercises, light stimulation methods - mesotherapy, peelings - it is advisable to start early - from about 25 years of age.

In the future, correction should be carried out as manifestations of the age marker appear. Thanks to the fact that it is now possible to perform aesthetic correction of even the most minor signs of aging in fairly easy (in terms of rehabilitation and technical execution) ways, it has become possible to preserve her youth for a long time without surgery.

In other words, by regularly carrying out light cosmetic repairs, you can easily do without major ones. Literally 10 years ago, it was simply impossible to keep your neck young without a surgical lift at the age of 50-60! Now this is reality.

Comprehensive neck rejuvenation procedures


To get rid of the rings of Venus, use:

  1. biorevitalization using skin boosters (Restylane Vital, etc.),
  2. injections of light fillers to fill worsened skin folds (Restylane Juviderm Surgiderm, etc.),
  3. plasmolifting.

To help get rid of turkey strands:

  1. injections of b otox (or other botulinum toxins),
  2. exercises for the neck, back and chest muscles,
  3. mesothreads,
  4. threads with fixation - notches (Alitos, etc.) to secure the skin together with the platysma muscle in a taut state.

In the fight against turtle neck, you should pay attention to:

  1. fractional photothermolysis (Fraxel, etc.),
  2. plasmolifting (the combination of fractional photothermolysis and plasmolifting is especially effective),
  3. radio wave lifting (thermage, etc.),
  4. ultrasonic lifting (Altera, etc.).

To correct a double chin, use:

  1. injections of lipolytic drugs,
  2. radio wave lifting,
  3. ultrasonic lifting,
  4. thread lifting.

The combined approach, a universal principle of beauty medicine, is also indispensable for correcting age-related changes.

Liftings - procedures for neck rejuvenation

Radio wave lifting or RF lifting (Thermage, ReAction technology, etc.)

It is able to restore elasticity, strengthen and tighten tissues that have lost their tone. When a radiofrequency pulse is applied, loose and stretched connective tissue septa of subcutaneous fat and the skin itself contract.

The effect comes from a controlled (the penetration of radio waves is clearly regulated by a given program and the depth of influence is adjusted to the nearest millimeter) thermal effect, simply heating.

Targeted heating of the skin frame is caused by a temperature of 42 to 50 degrees. What’s interesting is that it is during this process that old connective tissue fibers are reduced and the production of new collagen and elastin is stimulated, followed by skin contraction. The effect increases over several months and lasts for about 2-3 years.

This technique, rejuvenation using plasma isolated from a person’s own blood, is indispensable for tissue restoration.

Plasmolifting uses the patient's own plasma, which is injected over the entire surface, including the chin area, the front and back surfaces.

The skin responds very well to this: turgor improves, fine wrinkles disappear, and noticeable lifting occurs.

To carry out plasma lifting, only 20 ml of the patient’s blood is required, from which the drug for injection is prepared using special equipment that allows concentrating in the resulting plasma the maximum amount of useful substances and, first of all, growth factors that promote rejuvenation.

The advantage of plasma lifting or PRP therapy over other methods is its absolute safety for human health, the absence of the risk of allergic reactions, and the complete biocompatibility of the administered drug with the human body.

The use of special high-tech disposable sterile kits guarantees absolute safety for the patient.

For neck rejuvenation, it is especially good to use a combination of fractional thermolysis with plasma lifting. These two procedures in combination greatly enhance the effect of cell renewal.

Ligature lifting for neck rejuvenation


It is worth tightening the neck with threads if there are already existing visual changes in this area in the form of an unclear cervical-mental angle (the angle of youth), developing “turkey bands” and sagging of the submandibular zone.

To achieve the result, threads are introduced over the entire surface, including the back, forming an invisible subcutaneous supporting frame that does not allow the tissue to sag.

Mesothreads, despite the fact that they gradually completely dissolve, have the ability to form their own connective tissue network around themselves, which is a natural rejuvenating and tightening factor.

A slight lifting effect from the strengthening procedure with mesothreads is observed immediately, but it reaches its maximum development within two months after the procedure - this is exactly the time it will take for the formation of your own collagen in response to the implantation of threads.

Reinforcement with mesothreads allows you to maintain the result from 2 to 5 years.

How quickly does ligature lifting begin to work?

When installing threads with clamps, the tightening effect occurs instantly. Although for complete beauty without swelling, bruising and complete redistribution of the tissues of the chin area and the front surface of the neck, it will take about two weeks. The results of the tightening last for up to two years or more.

Lifting with biothreads

Bioreinforcement, or biothreads, have a pronounced lifting effect.

In the process, thanks to the linear injection technique of introducing special stimulating preparations of hyaluronic acid with atraumatic cannula needles, the finest lines-threads are lined up in thin, uniform rows in the inner layers of the skin, forming a tightening frame.

Thanks to the powerful hyaluronic saturation of tissues, instant strengthening and tightening occurs, as well as deep natural hydration of thin and very flexible skin. On average, the lifting and tissue-filling effect lasts 1-2 years.

Laser treatments, Botox and fillers for neck rejuvenation


Fractional laser rejuvenation (fractional photothermolysis or Fraxel) is indispensable in the case of fine-wrinkled aging and severe sagging.

The essence of the rejuvenating effect of a “smart” laser beam is that it passes through the surface layer - the epidermis - and does not affect it at all (and this means that after this you can safely go out “in public” without fear of sidelong glances) , removes old and damaged cells, incompetent collagen that has lost its elasticity in the deep layers of the skin.

With the development of a conventional laser, when all layers are processed without leaving intact islands capable of giving rise to young tissue, it is difficult for the skin to recover naturally and beautifully.

Since only a fifth of the aged skin can be removed in one session, as a rule, five procedures are required to completely rejuvenate the neck.

Neck rejuvenation with Botox

Botox, the true king of therapeutic cosmetology, has also found its application in neck rejuvenation.

By weakening the exaggerated muscle tone of these strands with the help of the relaxing effect of botulinum toxin, we more evenly distribute tension on other muscles and thereby make its surface even and smooth.

Depending on the length of the unaesthetically contouring muscle “vein,” the drug is injected into 1-2-3 points equidistant from each other. As a rule, the administration of botulinum toxin is the final stage in the correction of age-related changes.

To rejuvenate your neck, try skinboosters

The name “skinbooster” itself means dermal filler. This indicates that the drugs of this series - Restylane Vital, Restylane Vital Light, etc. have a special microstructure of hyaluronic acid, which allows them to be administered intradermally.

Skinboosters “work” for about 6 months, like a real filler, unlike biorevitalizants, the purpose of which is not to cosmetically fill defects, but to stimulate it.

How to do neck rejuvenation: video

The neck and décolleté area are often left without proper attention

If most women, one way or another, try to take care of their face, then the neck and décolleté area are often left without due attention due to a constant lack of time, laziness or ignorance of the appropriate means.


The skin in the neck and décolleté area is particularly delicate and vulnerable, and therefore the lack of proper care can ultimately result in many unpleasant phenomena. Of course, there is a great way out - forget about low-necked dresses forever and fall in love with closed blouses and sweaters with all your heart, but if you want to feel confident, it is better to take advantage of the achievements of modern cosmetology.

The main problems of caring for the neck and décolleté

Age-related skin changes in the neck and décolleté area are one of the most common problems faced by almost 70% of women who have crossed the thirty-year mark. First of all, this is reflected in the loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin - from soft and velvety to the touch, it becomes dry and hard. What is the reason? Mainly, in the absence of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is why the skin in this area is too thin and cannot independently cope with the effects of time and the environment. One can only rely on natural protective and regenerative mechanisms in youth. With age, when the production of collagen (the protein that provides skin elasticity) inevitably decreases, the neck and décolleté area necessarily requires additional “nutrition”.

An equally common phenomenon is pigmentation disorders in the chest area, which is responsible for the abuse of sunbathing or a solarium. Too delicate skin quickly burns, age spots and scattering of freckles appear. However, there is another possible cause of hyperpigmentation - hormonal changes during pregnancy. Normally, the skin should recover on its own within six months after childbirth, but if there are malfunctions in the endocrine system, the resulting pigment spots may remain forever.

Home care for the neck and décolleté area

It is necessary to start caring for the neck and décolleté area at a young age, because preventing problems is much easier than eliminating their consequences. At the age of 20-25, it is enough to use regular moisturizing body milk (once a day or once every two days); later, especially after 30, use special creams and lotions with the same frequency that moisturize the skin and stimulate collagen production. Apply the product using gentle circular movements from bottom to top. Under no circumstances should you rub the cream intensively! In this area, the skin is too delicate, so you should limit yourself to light patting or quick tapping of your fingertips.

Caring masks 1-2 times a week will also not be superfluous. To get the maximum effect from cosmetics, choose products that contain retinol, seaweed, vegetable or essential oils (karite, macadamia, jojoba, wheat germ oil). Before applying the mask, be sure to cleanse your skin: soft milk or foam without alcohol components will do.

In addition, it is worth taking note of the recipes known to our grandmothers - quite simple to implement, but, as practice shows, quite effective. So, contrast showers or douses are great for maintaining skin elasticity. If the entire procedure lasts 5-10 minutes, it is recommended to do three contrasts - changing the water temperature from 35-36°C to 15-19°C. You should douse yourself with cold water for no more than 30-40 seconds, and warm water for a few minutes. However, if you have never done this before, start with one contrast at a water temperature of 35 to 25 ° C. A contrast shower should always be completed with a cool rinse.

To increase skin elasticity, you should regularly massage the décolleté and chest area with your hands or a soft body massage brush. You must first apply a rich nourishing cream or oil to the skin, and then move upward with sliding circular movements - from the chest to the earlobes along the side of the neck. Circular movements can be alternated with pats and light pinches. Just be very careful - too much pressure may cause bruising on thin skin.

If you are a fan of “folk cosmetology” and are accustomed to making various masks from products available in the refrigerator, pamper not only your face, but also your body with a nourishing composition. One of the most effective remedies in this case will be an exfoliating and softening oatmeal mask - grind 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, dilute with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to the neck and décolleté for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and Gently pat your skin dry with a towel. It is also recommended to use a nutritious honey-mayonnaise mask (for 150 g of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of honey) and a variety of compresses made from herbal infusions (chamomile, linden, mint, etc.). To increase effectiveness, always place a warm towel or blanket over the mask. During the procedure, lie quietly, listen to your favorite music, and look through a magazine. It has been proven that all cosmetic procedures work better if you are completely relaxed, because all beneficial substances are maximally absorbed when the body is at rest.

To keep your décolleté and neck in good shape, you should regularly do simple gymnastics, which will not take much time, but will certainly save you from a lot of problems in the future. Take into account a set of the following exercises:

  1. Holding a pencil in your teeth, write numbers from 1 to 10 in the air. Each number must be “written” at least 3 times.
  2. Slowly tilt your head either to the left or to the right shoulder 10 times. While performing the exercise, you should feel a slight stretch in your neck muscles. Standing straight, rotate your head in a clockwise direction and then in the opposite direction. The rotations should be complete - the chin almost touches the chest, and the back of the head touches the back. Repeat 7-10 times in one direction and the other.
  3. Stretch your neck and lift your chin up. Make active “chewing movements” with your lower jaw for 2 minutes.
  4. Support your chin with your palm and try to lower it down, while offering resistance with your hand. The exercise is performed for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Turn your head to the right and place the palm of your left hand on your left cheek. When turning your head to the left, resist with your hand. Repeat 6-7 times for each side.


Salon treatments for the neck and décolleté area

Salon care for the neck and décolleté area is especially relevant for women over thirty years of age, when the skin no longer needs the prevention of possible age-related changes and disorders, but their correction. Corresponding procedures can sometimes be included in comprehensive body care (massage, peeling). There are also separate programs aimed at restoring and regenerating the epidermis.

An excellent care product is a variety of masks and wraps based on professional cosmetic lines. Unlike cosmetics for home use, they are much more saturated with active substances, and therefore have a more pronounced effect. Components such as collagen, elastin, brown seaweed, vitamins, and minerals are considered especially useful. The mask is applied to the neck and décolleté and washed off after 20-25 minutes. It is also worth paying attention to lifting (tightening) express masks, which allow you to refresh the skin in one procedure, give it radiance and visually make it more toned. Due to the content of caffeine, aminophylline and plant extracts, such preparations activate blood circulation through the smallest vessels and saturate the skin with essential nutrients. Of course, to obtain a lasting effect, the procedure will have to be repeated more than once. However, if you need quick results for one evening, such a mask will cope with the task.

Another current way to care for the neck and décolleté area is a salon fruit wrap. For the procedure, as a rule, pureed fresh fruits mixed with milk, honey or extracts of exotic plants are used. The vitamin-rich mixture is applied to the neck and décolleté, after which the body is wrapped in a special plastic film or thermal blanket to enhance the effect. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes; to obtain maximum results, peeling is often done before the wrap, and then a gentle massage. In addition, to care for the décolleté area, you can undergo a course of mesotherapy - injection of homeopathic, vitamin or anti-aging drugs under the skin. Currently, there are many mesotherapy cocktails - the cosmetologist selects the right one based on the condition of the epidermis and the assigned tasks. One of the most popular products is deeply moisturizing hyaluronic acid combined with vitamins and collagen. An alternative is a cocktail consisting of plant extracts and minerals.

If you are wary of such procedures, you can use non-injection mesotherapy, which uses oils and serums saturated with special elements. The procedure takes place in two stages: first, oil (serum) is applied to the skin, and then a special device with a nozzle is used, through which oxygen is supplied, ensuring deep penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. After 2-3 days, when metabolic processes in cells are activated, the skin will take on a noticeably brighter and younger appearance, and fine wrinkles will smooth out. The effect of one procedure lasts about two weeks. In the future, it is recommended to repeat mesotherapy approximately once a month.

For those who seriously intend to fight for the preservation of youth in the neck and décolleté, the best remedy, perhaps, can be considered a “radical measure” - photorejuvenation. The meaning of the procedure is to influence the skin with light waves of a certain frequency, which, penetrating deep into the skin, activate the processes of collagen production, and at the same time remove spider veins and age spots. The procedure is recognized as completely safe - new generation lasers, with all their effectiveness, act carefully and do not affect nearby tissues. During the session, the patient may experience a slight burning and tingling sensation, but there is no talk of painful sensations.

Photorejuvenation today can be considered the optimal way to preserve youthful skin without exposing yourself to risk, as is the case with plastic surgery. When carried out correctly, the procedure has virtually no side effects (slight redness of the skin for 3-4 days does not count) and does not require a long recovery in the hospital. For the best effect, it is recommended to carry out a course of 3-4 procedures once a month, and then repeat photorejuvenation once every year and a half. However, this procedure, like any serious cosmetic effect, has its contraindications. The main ones are:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. skin diseases (for example, psoriasis);
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. epilepsy;
  5. severe cardiovascular diseases.

Also, for two weeks before and two weeks after the procedure, staying in the open sun and visiting a solarium is highly discouraged.

Remember, regular care, even the most minimal, will allow you to delight yourself and others with the beauty of your skin.

Every new day brings us closer to summer - a special time when all women blossom. They wear short, low-cut dresses that expose not only their legs, but also their neck and upper chest. It's great if these areas look flawless, but if not, follow our beauty program!

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We usually pay increased attention to the prevention of age-related changes on the face, and completely forget about the skin of the neck and chest. At best, these tender and delicate areas of the female body receive a thin layer of the product that we usually pamper our faces with. In principle, this is not bad, but such care cannot be called sufficient either.

According to the observations of dermatologists, Russian women’s facial skin is most often normal, combination, and sometimes oily, but rarely dry and sensitive. This means that even the highest quality and most expensive face creams will not be able to satisfy the needs of always dry skin on the neck and thin and sensitive skin in the chest area. To prevent the imprints of time from making themselves known too early, spoiling the flawless canvas of your body, tune in to comprehensive care.

Cleanse and tone

During your morning hygiene procedures, rinse your neck and chest area with cool water. Don't forget to give access to the back of your neck, it also needs cleansing. Then wipe these areas with a cotton pad with cosmetic milk, cream or high-quality vegetable oil. Then proceed to the next step - toning. Freshness, vigor and radiance to the skin will be given by an alcohol-free lotion for normal or dry skin types. But that is not all!

A peeling procedure should be mandatory 2-3 times a week. It can be combined with body scrubbing in the shower. Focus on gommage or soft peeling with fruit acids. These beauty products delicately remove dead skin cells, improve blood circulation and ensure subsequent hydration access to the deeper layers of the skin.

Sleeping against wrinkles: 10 simple rules

Moisturize and protect

The cream is applied to still damp skin immediately after cleansing and toning. In the morning, use a moisturizer with an ultraviolet filter of at least 30 SPF. Sun protection is one of the most important stages of skin care, because UV rays destroy collagen and elastin, negatively affect the body’s ability to create new healthy cells, and accelerate photoaging. In the list of moisturizer ingredients, look for retinol, vitamins A and E, silicon derivatives and vegetable oils.

In the evening, use a nourishing cream, ideally if it is presented in the form of a liquid emulsion or gel cream. Apply the product to the skin in a circular motion from bottom to top, from the collarbone to the chin.

Nourish and pamper

At least once a week, pamper the skin of your neck and décolleté with masks - nourishing, vitamin, tightening, rejuvenating. For this purpose, the compositions that you usually use for the face are suitable (except for mattifying ones and those intended for oily skin), but special products designed directly for the neck and chest area are more effective.

Among the procedures, massage of the neck and décolleté with oils has proven itself to be highly effective. It can be done at home. Pour a small amount of oil into your palm and spread it over the skin of your neck and décolleté. Using light stroking movements, without stretching the skin, go over the entire “front of work”, moving from the center of the chest to the shoulders and then from the base of the neck up to the chin. At the end of the procedure, remove excess oil with a napkin. Contraindications for massage are any skin diseases.

Don't collect rings

Horizontal circular wrinkles on the neck, which have received the poetic name “rings of Venus,” can hardly be called a beautiful decoration. They arise as a result of the natural process of skin aging and early muscle decrepitude. And if you already support the skin of your neck with cosmetics and effective procedures, then you only have to tighten your neck muscles, which are almost devoid of physical activity.

To do this, on the advice of Brigitte Bardot, look at the stars more often, and also regularly do the following exercises:

  1. Tilt your head forward and slowly, slowly, make several turns of your head left and right. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Move your chin forward, freeze for 5-10 seconds, then return it to its original position. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Take a pencil between your teeth and write a few lines of your favorite poem in the air or “count” from 1 to 30.

Say no to wrinkles

Wrinkles are easier to prevent than to treat - this is a truism. An excellent means of prevention against these unpleasant skin creases and unaesthetic folds are contrast compresses. By practicing them just once a week, you can significantly improve skin tone, increase its elasticity and firmness, and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Prepare two containers: pour cold water into one and add a few ice cubes, and tolerably hot water into the other. Soak a small towel in cold water for a few seconds, wring it out and cover your neck and décolleté. Wait half a minute and do the same procedure, but with hot water. Alternate cold and hot compresses 10 times. Complete your treatment with a cold compress and a moisturizer with a lifting effect.

But if wrinkles have already appeared, make an appointment with a specialist. To rejuvenate the skin of the neck and décolleté, a dermatologist may advise you to undergo sessions of chemical peeling, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, laser rejuvenation or cryotherapy. The choice of procedure will depend on the condition of your skin.