How to drive away the reptiles

They are driven away, by the way, by smoke from deer antlers, goat hooves, iris root, salivary, and sulfur. Whoever smears his body with arum, its squeezed juice or decoction, will not be stung by a viper. Spraying the area with water in which ammonia has been diluted is one of the means to drive snakes away from it. Mustard kills snakes; if you put mustard in the path of a snake, it will evade it. If a fasting person spits on a snake’s horn, especially while holding ammonia in his mouth, this is one of the ways to kill it.

Scorpios are killed by spitting on them from a fasting person with a hot nature, as well as cut radishes, their squeezed juice and leaves if they touch the scorpio, as well as mountain basil.

They take maya, arsenic, sheep feces and fat from the sheep's omentum, melt the fat, mix it with the mentioned medicines and smoke it near the scorpion's hole. If you put a cut radish in a scorpion's hole, it won't dare come out. One of the smokes from a scorpion is the same scorpion, if smoked with it, as well as arsenic.

If you spray an infusion of coloquinta in the house, the fleas die or scatter; a decoction of horns or a decoction of blackberries also works. They say that if you pour the blood of a kid into a hole somewhere in the house, the fleas will gather near it, and then let them be killed. They also gather near a stick greased with hedgehog fat.

Fleas run away from the smell of sulfur and oleander leaves. There is one herb called kaikuana, that is, flea grass, if you put it in the bed, it intoxicates the fleas and makes them stupefied, and they do not live.

They blow smoke from sawdust of a pine tree or from kalkadis or from nigella, and it is best to combine all this. They also smoke dry myrtle, bdelium, stinking thorn called kunura, cow feces, harmala, which they fumigate with or put it in the bed and on the windows with cypress leaves and cones. If you sprinkle a decoction of lupine root, a decoction of nigella, a decoction of harmala, a decoction of wormwood or a decoction of rue around the house, it helps.

They say that the smell of rue drives her away.

The mouse is killed by arsenic with harbak, as well as harbak with henbane seeds, cabbage root, mouse onion, shakk, iron scale and its rust. It is the male mouse that drives it away; if you skin him and leave the skin in the house, or castrate him, or cut off his tail, the skin has the most powerful effect. They say that if you tie a mouse with its legs tied in a room on a strong woolen thread, the rest of the mice will run away, but this issue is controversial.

If you put kitran on an anthill, they will run away from there. Magnetite, a little ox bile, a little zift or asafoetida also work. They also escape from being fumigated by the smoke of the ants themselves.

Arsenic kills them if you put a little arsenic in milk and give the milk to the flies. Arsenic smoke, incense decoction and black hellebore decoction also kill them.

They run away from sulfur fumes and garlic and do not approach someone who has smeared themselves with marshmallow or squeezed mallow juice with olive oil.

As they say, they are driven away by the smoke of the plane tree and especially the smoke of its leaves.

The termite does not take root in a house where there is a hoopoe. If you burn the limbs and feathers of a hoopoe and fumigate them, this is said to kill the termite.

Wormwood protects clothes from moths, as do mint and citron peels.