Blood Serum (Serum, Blood Serum)

Blood serum (Serum, Blood Serum) is the liquid part of the blood, which is obtained after removing fibrinogen and blood cells from it, which precipitate. Serum is similar in its basis and composition to plasma, but does not contain fibrinogen and some other substances necessary for blood clotting.

Blood serum makes up approximately half of the total blood volume. It is a transparent yellowish liquid that contains water, proteins (albumin, globulins), electrolytes, hormones, nutrients, enzymes, antibodies and other biologically active substances.

Blood serum performs important functions in the body. It is involved in the regulation of osmotic pressure, acid-base balance, and transport of substances. In addition, the serum contains antibodies that provide immunity.

Serum analysis is widely used in medical diagnostics to detect various diseases and monitor the patient's condition. Determination of serum biochemical parameters allows us to assess the functions of the liver, kidneys and other organs. Immunochemical studies of serum are used to diagnose infectious, autoimmune, oncological and other diseases.

Thus, blood serum plays an important role in the body, and its analysis is an integral part of modern laboratory diagnostics.

Blood serum is the liquid part of the blood obtained after removing fibrinogen (the substance responsible for blood clotting) and precipitated cells from it.

The composition of serum is similar to blood plasma, but does not contain fibrin and some other components necessary for blood clotting. It contains a large amount of antibodies, hormones and other biologically active substances that can be used in medicine and science.

Blood serum is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases. For example, it can be used to treat allergies, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and other diseases. Blood serum can also be used as an antidote for poisoning with certain poisons.

In science, blood serum is used to conduct various studies. For example, it can be used to study the interaction of proteins and hormones, as well as to determine the level of various substances in the blood.

In addition, blood serum can be used in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. For example, it can be used to improve skin condition, reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging.

However, despite all the benefits of blood serum, it also has its disadvantages. For example, when using it, an allergic reaction or other side effects may occur. In addition, obtaining blood serum requires a complex procedure, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

Blood serum (Serum or Blood Serum in English) is one of the most common and widely used drugs in medical practice. This liquid substance is obtained by obtaining a purified composition from the blood of a person or animal. The main function of blood serum is to transport proteins and other molecules between the body's tissues and the immune system.

The procedure for obtaining blood serum is quite simple. First, blood is collected from donors, which is then passed through a filter that removes fibrinogen and other large particles. The remaining liquid is blood serum. After removing large particles, the blood serum becomes more transparent and has a pure composition.

The composition and properties of blood serum are varied and unique to each person. It contains many hormones, antibodies, proteins and trace elements that play an important role in the life of the body. Antimicrobial properties allow blood serum to have a therapeutic effect against various bacterial infections. Whey protein coats bacterial cells and leads to their death. Antibodies block viruses and bacteria, preventing subsequent infection.

In the body, blood serum allows you to restore the immune system destroyed during illness or injury. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of infections, anemia, cancer and even diseases of the circulatory system. In addition, blood serum can be used to treat tissue damage due to injuries, burns, and also in cosmetology. During mesotherapy or plasma lifting procedures, it is blood serum that is used. Its rich vitamin structure promotes skin restoration, wrinkle elimination and overall health.