Rinse (Mouthwash)

Mouthwash is one of the most common methods of cleaning the mouth and is used by many people on a daily basis. This aqueous solution has antiseptic, astringent or deodorizing properties and is intended for rinsing the mouth.

One of the main benefits of rinsing is its ability to prevent the development of dental caries. Many rinses contain special ingredients such as chlorhexidine and fluoride, which help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the development of tooth decay.

In addition, gargles can also be used to treat mild symptoms of throat infections. They can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, which can lead to a lower chance of developing infections.

However, it is important to remember that rinses are not a replacement for basic oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing daily. They only complement basic oral care methods.

In addition, some rinses may contain alcohol, which can cause irritation and dryness of the oral mucosa. Therefore, it is necessary to choose alcohol-free rinses if you have sensitive gums or other oral health problems.

Overall, rinsing can be a beneficial addition to your daily oral hygiene routine. However, for best results, you should choose rinses that suit your individual needs and oral health.

The rinse is an aqueous solution that has antiseptic, astringent or deodorizing properties. It is used daily as a mouth rinse. Gargles are used to prevent the development of dental caries (see also Chlorhexidine, Fluoride) and to treat mild manifestations of throat infections.

MoutnWash is a liquid antiseptic used to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and germs that can cause the development of various diseases. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of oral diseases. It eliminates pathogenic microflora and effectively fights tartar.

Also, rinsing not only strengthens tooth enamel, but also makes it smooth, whitens age spots and eliminates stone that appears as a result of frequent smoking or excessive tea and coffee. In addition, Moutwash can be used as part of an overall professional hygiene routine to help reduce plaque and bacteria between brushes. To do this, you should consult your dentist.