How to remove papilloma under the eye: the best ways

Papilloma under the eye

The content of the article:
  1. Types of papillomas under the eyes
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Methods for treating papillomas under the eye
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papillomas
    3. Folk remedies

Papillomas under the eye are neoplasms of a viral nature that have different shapes and may not cause physical discomfort, but are considered a cosmetic defect since they are located in a noticeable place. Most often they must be removed. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a combination treatment.

Types of papillomas under the eyes

What does papilloma look like under the eye?

The photo shows small papillomas under the eye

Any papillomas are a medical problem and require treatment or systematic monitoring. However, neoplasms in the eye area are considered the most “inconvenient”. They can occur on the upper, lower eyelid or both, as well as at the eyelash edge itself. Sometimes they affect the mucous membrane of the eye, causing severe discomfort.

Various types of growths caused by HPV may appear on or near the eyelids. There are these types of papillomas under the eyes:

  1. Keratopapillomas. They look like a group of small papillary growths. The lesion extends only to the upper layer of the epidermis. Such formations have a narrow stem, which is very easy to damage. This is the most common group of neoplasms on the eyelids.
  2. Fibropapillomas. Visually, these growths can look exactly the same as keratopapillomas. Their difference from the latter is that they affect the deeper layers of the epidermis. Also, papillomas under the eye grow with blood vessels and can increase in size. Removing such growths is much more difficult, as there is a risk of bleeding and inflammation.
  3. Flat papillomas. In appearance, these neoplasms resemble a flat nodule that protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin. Such small papillomas under the eyes are quite rare. Read about ways to treat flat papillomas on the face.
Considering the number of varieties of papillomas under the eyes, you should be attentive to any neoplasms in this area and promptly consult a doctor if skin growths are detected.

Papillomas under the eyes

In the photo there are papillomas under the eyes

If papilloma appears on the upper or lower eyelid, then, as a rule, we are talking about a cosmetic defect. If the growth forms on the conjunctiva - on the inner surface of the eyelid, then the disease will be characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Discomfort, feeling of the presence of a speck in the eye, pain;
  2. Inflammatory process in and around the affected eye;
  3. Development of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, irritation of the edge of the eyelid;
  4. Increased tear production, burning sensation;
  5. Difficulty moving the eyeball and closing the eyelids;
  6. Redness of the mucous membrane and white of the eye, swelling of the eyelid.

Papillomas under the eye on the skin can easily become injured and inflamed. They can be touched by clothing or a hand, resulting in partial or complete tearing of the tumor, accompanied by bleeding and inflammation.

  1. Read reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Malavit

Causes of papillomas under the eye

HPV 3d model

Papillomas of any location are caused by HPV, a virus that has many varieties and is highly active (virulent). This pathogen belongs to the group of the most numerous and widespread viruses.

There are several ways to transmit HPV. Among them, the main place is occupied by the sexual tract. Moreover, this can be vaginal, anal or oral contact. Also, quite often the virus is transmitted in everyday life through contact with an infected person or his personal items. It remains active for a particularly long time in humid places. Therefore, locations such as swimming pools, saunas, and shared showers are a “favorite” place for the papillomavirus. Also, in rare cases, HPV can be transmitted from mother to child through the birth canal - the so-called vertical transmission route.

It is worth noting that most often the cause of papillomas under the eyes is transmission of the virus through contact and household contact. For example, rubbing your eye with a dirty hand can introduce a pathogen to this area.

There are also factors that accompany the development of the disease. These include: a general decrease in immunity, hypothermia, stress, taking antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, previous infectious diseases, etc.

  1. Read the instructions for using Clareol gel for papillomas

Methods for treating papillomas under the eye

You cannot experiment with treatment in the case of papillomas under the eye. In this place the skin is especially delicate and thin. You can easily aggravate the aesthetic defect, get a skin burn with subsequent scarring. Also, many self-medication methods are traumatic - you can get an infection. A consultation with a specialist is mandatory; only he will advise what to do for papilloma under the eye.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas under the eyes

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas under the eyes

The photo shows medications for the treatment of papillomas under the eyes

Drugs for the treatment of papillomas under the eyes are divided into two groups: for external use (cauterizing) and for oral administration (immunomodulators, antiviral). Depending on the strain of the virus that caused the skin lesion, the doctor can prescribe the most correct treatment. Most often, this is a combination therapy using external and internal medications.

Let's look at the most popular drugs that will help remove papilloma under the eye:

  1. Antiviral drugs. These are drugs that have a detrimental effect on the virus. They can be in tablet form or in the form of creams for external use. The following products are widely used: Panavir, Lykopid (from 309 rubles), as well as analogues - Isoprinosine (from 640 rubles) and Allokin-alpha.
  2. Immunostimulants. They enhance the functioning of the immune system and the production of interferon to fight the virus. Among the most popular drugs in this group are Viferon (from 200 rubles) and Interferon, as well as their analogues - Immunomax (from 784 rubles) and Gepon.
  3. Cauterizing ointments. These are products for external use for papillomas under the eyes, which act directly on the tumor. Such ointments are based on alkalis and acids. For example, salicylic (from 21 rubles), zinc ointment (from 18 rubles) and their analogue - zinc-salicylic ointment. This group also includes solutions of acids - trichloroacetic and acetic.
  4. Freezing agents. They come in the form of ointments or aerosols. Quite aggressive drugs that destroy tumors through exposure to low temperatures. The product used is Cryopharm (from 804 rubles) and the analogue Wartner Cryo for warts (from 780 rubles).
Any of the above remedies cannot be used as part of self-medication. Before getting rid of papilloma under the eyes, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment. This is especially true for aggressive drugs for topical use, which can lead to severe burns or trauma to the epidermis.
  1. Read the review of Solcoseryl gel, which is used after removing papillomas

Removal of papillomas under the eyes

Removal of papillomas under the eyes

A highly qualified specialist should remove papillomas under the eyes. This is a place with very thin and delicate skin that is easily injured. Therefore, the removal of such tumors should be as gentle as possible in order to prevent the formation of scars in this noticeable place on the face.

Let's look at the main ways to remove papilloma under the eye:

  1. Classic surgery. A scalpel is used to remove the growth under local anesthesia. A traumatic method that requires special skill and precision of a specialist. Rarely used to get rid of papillomas under the eye. The price of removal with a scalpel is 550-1350 rubles in Russia and 180-430 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Laser coagulation. Removal of a tumor using a laser beam. The method is quite accurate and low-traumatic. Rarely leads to the formation of scars. The impact is carried out on the “leg” of the papilloma. The price of laser coagulation is 1200-2500 rubles in Russia and 300-670 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The impact on the growth is carried out by electric current, which destroys the papilloma tissue under the eye. The cost of the procedure is 1200-2450 rubles in Russia and 300-670 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Radio wave removal. The destruction of the “leg” occurs using radio waves. The method is minimally invasive - there is virtually no hand contact with the tumor. Bleeding and inflammation rarely occur. The price of the procedure is 1800-2900 rubles and 540-900 hryvnia in Ukraine. This method is also suitable for removing papilloma on the nose.

Folk remedies for papillomas under the eyes

Castor oil for papillomas under the eyes

Removing tumors in the eye area at home is very risky. Therefore, it is not recommended to use aggressive products without a doctor’s prescription.

If you are thinking about how to remove papilloma under the eye yourself, pay attention to the following recipes:

  1. Aloe vera. The gel-like juice of this plant can be used to treat the affected areas. During the day, you should lubricate the skin and growth with the pulp of the cut leaf. The course of such treatment is at least 10 days. Read more about aloe juice for papillomas.
  2. Potato juice. You can lubricate the neoplasm with raw juice or apply a compress of crushed root vegetable pulp at night. Read about contraindications for treating papillomas with potatoes.
  3. Castor oil. You can lubricate papillomas under the eye or make compresses at night. The course of treatment is about 10 days.
  4. Read also what other oil can remove papilloma.

You can also use it at home immunostrengthening agents, for example, prepare decoctions of rosehip, coltsfoot, and chamomile. Such drinks will help strengthen the body’s defenses and give it the strength to fight the virus.

Celandine and products based on it should not be used to treat papillomas under the eyes. This is a fairly popular traditional medicine against papillomas and warts. However, this plant acts aggressively and can leave behind burns. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it on delicate skin in visible places on the body.

How dangerous are warts on the eyes - watch the video:

Treatment of papillomas under the eyes is not an easy process, since the growths are localized in places where the skin is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, the doctor must select the optimal medication or prescribe removal of the growth in a suitable way.

  1. Related article: What to do if the papilloma turns red