Cryopharma - a remedy for papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of the drug
  2. The benefits of Cryopharma for papillomas and warts
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of papillomas removal
  6. Real reviews about Cryopharm

Cryopharma is a medical product consisting of two components: dimethyl ether and propane. The action of the medicine is based on the process of cryotherapy, which neutralizes the human papillomavirus in the treated epithelial area and fights the benign neoplasms caused by it.

Description and composition of the drug "Cryopharma"

Pictured is Cryopharm for papillomas and warts

Cryopharma is a means for external treatment used to remove growths resulting from infection of the body with HPV. It is used both in medical centers and beauty salons, and at home.

Cryopharma fights the following epidermal defects:

  1. Common (vulgar) warts;
  2. Flat warts;
  3. Spikes;
  4. Papillomas (read the difference between a wart and a papilloma).

The drug consists of only two components. However, only one of them has a therapeutic effect. The second is used to displace the first from the cylinder, which is under high pressure.

The composition of the drug "Cryopharma" includes the following components:

  1. Propane. An organic compound related to alkanes. It is a component of natural gas. It is synthesized from the cracking of petroleum products, during the separation of associated petroleum gas, as a by-product of chemical reactions. This gas is odorless, explosive and easily causes fire. It is low-toxic, but can have a harmful effect on the nervous system, as it can cause mild narcotic intoxication. The therapeutic effect of Cryopharm is based on this component.
  2. Dimethyl ether. This is a gas classified as an ether. It is colorless, chemically inert, but has a sharp, specific odor. Synthesized from natural gas, coal, biomass. It is this substance that is used in the preparation as a substance due to which excess pressure is achieved, displacing propane from the aerosol can.

Available in aerosol bottles, equipped with special applicators that facilitate the use of the drug, in the amount of 12 pieces and one reusable applicator holder. The volume of the product is 35 ml.

Cryopharm price — from 804 rubles in Russia (from 798 hryvnia in Ukraine).

There are no analogues of the drug Cryopharma.

The benefits of Cryopharma for papillomas and warts

Cosmetologists and dermatologists during cryotherapy in medical centers and salons use liquid nitrogen as a cryoagent, operating at a temperature of -196°C. To remove papillomas, Cryopharma uses a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane (DMEP), which is considered an alternative cryoagent that freezes papillomas at -57°C.

The drug does this safely, and, according to research, the success rate of the procedure is not inferior to the medical one, but it can be done at home, which cannot be achieved with nitrogen freezing. Also, according to the manufacturer, in addition to effectiveness, the safety of use and tolerability of the application were assessed. They are also as good as nitrogen.

The drug Cryopharma is a product that can have a very strong effect on the skin. That is why it must be used with extreme caution, without neglecting all safety methods. This is the only way it can eliminate several types of warts. Otherwise, it can harm not only the tumor, but also healthy skin.

The beneficial properties of Cryopharma in the treatment of warts are as follows:

  1. Freezing effect. During treatment, the drug freezes the neoplasm to its very base. In this case, the consequence of the active action of the drug is a burning sensation, tingling sensation, and mild pain. At the time of treatment, the skin may change color; after cessation of exposure, the skin color should be restored. And only later will it acquire a red tint.
  2. Necrotizing effect. Leather treated with propane loses its vitality. It no longer receives nutrition and does not respond to interaction with neighboring tissues.
  3. Mummifying effect. In place of the dead epidermis, a scab forms, which must subsequently separate without any mechanical impact.
  4. Regenerating effect. A few days after freezing with Cryopharm, a blister forms under the wart, which is invisible under the top layer of the affected epidermis. Before the wart peels off, new tissue is actively regenerated under the blister.

Instructions for use of Cryopharma for papillomas

Manufacturers consider the advantages of the drug to be high efficiency and ease of use. The product is equipped with applicators (12 pcs.), with the help of which application of the product is greatly simplified. They are disposable, so one bottle can remove 12 warts. You should carefully read the instructions for use of Cryopharma about how to do this correctly.

Algorithm for treating papillomas with Cryopharma (official instructions):

  1. First of all, you need to start by determining the application time. If the diameter of your formation is less than 2.5 mm, then freezing must be done within 10 seconds. For papillomas ranging in size from 2.5 mm to 5 mm, 15 seconds of freezing are required. If the wart is larger than 5 mm, application time is 20 seconds. When treating spines on the soles in places where they are subject to pressure, regardless of the size of the tumor, the freezing procedure lasts 40 seconds.
  2. Take the applicator and insert the blue side into the hole in the holder.
  3. Hold the Cryopharma bottle vertically. Insert the holder with the applicator into the hole in the top of the bottle until it disappears completely. Take the canister and press down on the holder until a hissing sound appears. Hold this for 3 seconds.
  4. Remove the applicator from the bottle. It should be in cold liquid. Press it against the wart and do not let go for the indicated time.
  5. A burning sensation and mild pain may occur. This indicates the progress of the freezing process.
  6. When the freezing of papilloma with Cryopharma is completed, remove the applicator from the holder no earlier than after 2 minutes. Dispose of the applicator as it is designed for one application only. If you need to treat one or more warts, use a new applicator for each one. Different types of HPV can cause different growths. If you use the applicator for several papillomas, infection of healthy areas may occur.
  7. Do not allow the tip of the applicator to touch healthy skin, as it is infected with the human papillomavirus.
Note! After using Cryopharma, a white ischemic ring may appear around the treated area.

Strictly observe the application time. Freezing should last no less than 10 and no more than 40 seconds. Too much cold penetration into the tissue can damage the epidermis and cause scarring or damage to nerve endings. That is why you need to use Cryopharm for warts with extreme caution.

Contraindications to the use of Cryopharma for papillomas

Cryopharma is a drug with a pronounced external effect. It is not classified as aggressive, but is considered to have a profound effect on the epidermis, and its components are able to penetrate the bloodstream. Therefore, there are restrictions on the use of this tool.

The drug is contraindicated for the following categories:

  1. Children under 4 years old;
  2. Pregnant and lactation women;
  3. Patients with diabetes mellitus;
  4. Having skin diseases at the treatment site;
  5. Persons with circulatory disorders.
In addition, the use of Cryopharma in areas of increased sensitivity is not recommended: on the face, neck, armpits, chest, buttocks, and genital area.

You should not use the product if the skin in or near the treatment area is subject to irritation, dermatological defects, inflammation, accompanied by itching and swelling.

Cryopharm should not be used on nevi and adjacent areas, on dark moles, pigmented areas of the skin, as well as where there is hair growth and formations of irregular shape and unknown origin.

Results of removal of papillomas using the drug "Cryopharma"

Manufacturers call the effect of using this drug guaranteed and stable. According to the instructions, Cryopharma will remove papilloma in 10-14 days. In most cases, one manipulation is enough.

However, it is noted that this scheme applies to fresh, shallow tumors. Large, old growths may require multiple treatments.

If the tumor has not gone away 2 weeks after the first treatment, do it again. A total of no more than 3 applications are allowed.

If there is no result, consult a doctor. But these cases are considered isolated and most likely relate to improper use of Cryopharma, treatment of warts after the expiration date of the drug, or other violations of the treatment algorithm.

Real reviews of Cryopharm for papillomas and warts

This product is quite well-known, which is why Cryopharm has collected a lot of reviews during its existence.

Nadezhda, 29 years old

Using cryotherapy, we removed a wart from my 5-year-old son. After he had chickenpox, a small lump appeared on his leg. At first I thought maybe these were the consequences of the disease. Then they decided that he had chafed his foot and even changed his sandals. But the dry callus grew larger, thickened and changed color. The Sadikovsky nurse took a look and advised me to go to the clinic. The dermatologist said it was a plantar wart, not a corn or callus. She prescribed us several funds. We read reviews on the Internet and decided to focus on this drug as the most effective, according to reviews. Although the price was steep, we didn’t want to torture the child, so we hoped to get it out quickly. We read the Cryopharma instructions and acted strictly according to them. The description says that no more than 3 freezes can be carried out with an interval of 2 weeks between them. After the first treatment, we noticed an effect, but the wart did not go away completely. Therefore, we used the product again. They saw that the process was more active and did not carry out the third treatment. On the 20th day after the second treatment, it practically disappeared. We helped her a little so that she wouldn’t cling and damage her healthy skin. I was pleased because I was worried about the baby. The treatment did not cause him any discomfort, there were no painful sensations, he was not afraid, so I can confidently recommend this remedy.

Marina, 45 years old

I always thought warts were a really nasty thing, so when one appeared on my arm, I was very upset. Also in a place that attracts attention. At first I decided to have it removed in a beauty salon, but the prices were very high, and the reviews were different: some were happy, some were not, some had very painful procedures. We decided to buy Cryopharma at the pharmacy. Its cost, of course, is high, but I am one of those people who believe that good things cannot be cheap. In the package I found a refrigerant bottle, a reusable holder and 12 disposable applicators that can remove 12 warts. I carried out the manipulations strictly according to the instructions and began to wait. At first the wart turned white, then turned red, then a bubble formed. And gradually the entire wart disappeared, like keratinized skin. My treatment took 12 days. In less than 2 weeks I lost such an unpleasant cosmetic problem. My sister and friend also used my bottle. I definitely recommend this product, but I also highly recommend reading the instructions carefully and strictly following them, then you will succeed.

Katerina, 32 years old

I got a wart after a trip to the sea. I think I got infected in the hotel bathroom. At first it was a small dot on the foot, which gradually grew larger, resembling a corn or callus. Gradually I started to get sick. It was especially uncomfortable to run. And since I pay great attention to sports, this became a real problem for me. I went for a consultation with a dermatologist. He looked and said it was a thorn. Its specificity is that it grows not outward, but inward, and because of this, when pressure is applied, it causes pain. He suggested removing it surgically. But 2 weeks in the hospital, getting stitches, to be honest, was not very enjoyable. I asked if there was an alternative way. He said that in my case, ointments and drops with acids are unlikely to help, and if there is any hope, then only by freezing. In pharmacies, Kriofarma, a cryotherapy drug, is sold without a prescription. I decided to try it. I did two freezes. The wart shrunk and fell off. My joy knew no bounds. I was treated in 2013, and since then I have not had recurrent warts in 5 years. I gave the product to my boyfriend, but it didn’t help him. I don’t rule out that I might not have acted according to the instructions or was too lazy to process it several times. However, I can still recommend this product as highly effective.

How to use Cryopharma for papillomas - watch the video:

If you decide to remove tumors with Cryopharma, first visit a doctor to be sure that your type of growth is benign and has low oncogenicity. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation and cause the cells to degenerate into cancerous ones.

Read also about other drugs for papillomas and warts:

  1. Solcoderm
  2. Collomak
  3. Dufilm
  4. Verrucacid
  5. Papilleque