Nystatin (Nystatin)

Nystatin is an antifungal drug; used mainly to treat fungal infections, especially candidiasis. It is usually found in a number of dosage forms in combination with other drugs (for example, with tetracycline in Mysteclin and Trimovate) and is used as creams for skin infections, tablets for intestinal and oral infections, in the form of suppositories and suppositories for anal and vaginal infections and in the form of eye drops for eye infections. Possible side effects include minor disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Trade name: Nystan.

Nystatin: Effective against fungal infections

Nystatin is an antifungal drug that is widely used to treat fungal infections, especially candidiasis. It has the property of destroying fungi that cause various infectious diseases.

One of the features of nystatin is its availability in various dosage forms, allowing its use depending on the site of infection. For example, nystatin can be included in creams used for skin infections, in tablet form to treat intestinal and oral infections, and in suppositories and suppositories for anal and vaginal infections. In addition, eye drops with nystatin are used for eye infections.

One of the common combinations of the drug is its combination with other medicinal substances, for example, with tetracycline in Mysteclin and Trimovate. Such combination drugs may have a wider spectrum of action and enhanced effect in the fight against fungal infections.

Nystatin is generally well tolerated by patients and side effects are minor in most cases. Possible adverse reactions are mainly related to disorders of the digestive system, such as diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. If serious side effects occur, consult your doctor.

The trade name of nystatin may vary from country to country. For example, in some regions it may be sold under the name "Nystan". It is important to check the trade name information in your country when purchasing the drug.

In conclusion, Nystatin is an effective and widely used antifungal drug that has proven effective in treating fungal infections. However, before starting to use it, consultation with a medical specialist is necessary to determine the most appropriate form and dosage of the drug in each specific case.

Nystatin is an antifungal drug that is used to treat various fungal infections. It is especially effective against candidiasis, which is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

Nystatin comes in a variety of forms, including creams, tablets, suppositories, and eye drops. It is commonly used to treat skin infections, intestinal infections, oral infections, and anal or vaginal infections.

One possible side effect of nystatin is disruption of the digestive system, but this usually only occurs with an overdose or long-term use.

To treat fungal infections, nystatin can be used either alone or in combination with other drugs. It is important to remember that nystatin should not be used without a doctor's prescription and only on his recommendation.