How does the papilloma virus affect pregnancy?

The content of the article:
  1. The effect of the papilloma virus on pregnancy
    1. At conception
    2. For fruit
    3. For a woman
  2. What to do if HPV is detected
  3. Prevention of papilloma virus

Pregnancy and preparation for it is a crucial stage in a woman’s life. To quickly conceive and minimize the likelihood of dangerous diseases occurring during pregnancy against the background of a natural decrease in the expectant mother’s immunity, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination when planning a baby. A test for human papillomavirus must be included in the list of tests that a woman needs to undergo, because this infection can affect conception, the fetus, and the pregnant woman.

The effect of the papilloma virus on pregnancy

The papilloma virus affects pregnancy at all stages, from conception to childbirth. Let's talk about the possible consequences of such exposure.

The effect of human papillomavirus on conception

About 90% of the world's population is infected with the human papillomavirus, but in most people it is in a passive stage. Sometimes when HPV is active, its manifestations are invisible to the eye. For women, the growth of papillomas on the genitals, including the internal ones, is typical (read the article, what are papillomas on the labia). In this situation, the human papillomavirus affects the onset of pregnancy, and the woman does not suspect anything.

There are two factors that create obstacles to conception:

  1. Effect on the composition of cervical fluid. Papillomas on the internal genital organs can lead to changes in the composition of the cervical fluid, which is responsible for transporting sperm to the uterus. As a result, the process of proper transportation is disrupted, which either complicates the process of conception or makes it impossible in principle.
  2. Immune suppression. The virus, which is actively active in the body, has a negative effect on the immune system, which significantly reduces the chances of getting pregnant. Since in order for the fetus to attach to the uterus, a woman already has to endure a natural decrease in immunity, the body simply “forbids” her to become pregnant, because it understands that the protective forces at the time of gestation will be zero, which means that the chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child are very low.

However, once you learn that the human papillomavirus affects pregnancy, you don’t need to worry. On the contrary, timely detection is something to rejoice at. It is much easier to defeat HPV or at least drive it into a deeply passive stage, not at the time of gestation, but at the planning stage. Of course, conception will have to be postponed, perhaps for several months, but the long-awaited child and mother will be healthy.

How does HPV affect the fetus?

Unfortunately, pregnancy planning does not always give the desired result. Firstly, infection with the human papillomavirus can occur after testing - it is possible not only through sexual contact, but also through household contact. Secondly, sometimes an HPV test shows a false negative result. This means that the pathogen has not been detected, although, in fact, it exists. In these cases, it is important to understand whether papilloma during pregnancy has an effect on the fetus and what is this effect?

Depending on the HPV strain, the woman’s immunity and a number of other factors, the consequences can be either minor or very serious:

  1. Abortion. This situation can be caused by disruptions in the immune system caused by the virus. Papillomatosis seems to reprogram the immune system, as a result of which it rejects the embryo as a foreign hostile organism, thereby provoking an abortion.
  2. Negative effects on the fetus due to the need for maternal treatment. In most cases, treatment for HPV detected during pregnancy can be delayed. But sometimes the situation takes a dangerous turn and the mother is prescribed therapy. The consequences in this case are unpredictable: whether papilloma affects the fetus during pregnancy, when treatment is prescribed, largely depends on the literacy of the doctor and the type of treatment he prescribes.
  3. Infection of a child at the time of birth. If papillomas affect a woman’s internal genital organs, including the birth canal, the likelihood of the baby becoming infected with HPV as it passes through them is extremely high. Doctors often recommend a cesarean section to avoid infection, but practice shows that infection is possible even with this method of birth. Usually the virus lies dormant in the child’s body for many years, but sometimes the disease develops rapidly, in which case it affects the newborn’s larynx and there is a risk of very serious consequences.
Despite the possibility of complications, it is worth considering that they develop quite rarely. Statistics say that 80% of pregnant women notice new papillomas, and most of them safely give birth to healthy children.

The effect of the papilloma virus on a woman

Now let’s find out whether the human papillomavirus affects the mother herself during pregnancy. First of all, it is worth saying that it rarely affects one’s well-being - mainly HPV conducts “underground” work and tries to remain unnoticed. Minor changes in well-being in the form of drowsiness and increased fatigue are possible, but this condition is, in principle, typical for pregnant women.

A special situation is the excessive growth of papillomas. In this case, the likelihood of their damage due to careless movements increases significantly; the affected areas can become inflamed and cause infection.

It is also important to understand how human papilloma affects the mother during pregnancy, when oncogenic HPV is detected, which can provoke the development of cancer. In this case, the woman's health is at risk. Against the background of reduced immunity of a pregnant woman, the risk of rapid growth of malignant tumors increases many times.

What to do if HPV is detected in a pregnant woman?

Women who are diagnosed with HPV during pregnancy must be specially registered - therapy must be as adequate as possible in order to preserve the life of the fetus and prevent the fatal development of infection for the expectant mother.

If a non-dangerous strain of the virus is diagnosed, papilloma during pregnancy most often does not have an effect on the fetus and mother, and therefore it is recommended not to take any therapeutic measures before the birth of the child. However, the pregnant woman is under special supervision throughout the entire gestation period.

If papillomas begin to grow along the mucous membranes of the birth canal, it is recommended to remove growths by cryodestruction, laser treatment, electrocoagulation, etc. in order to ensure smooth passage and minimize the risk of infection of the child.

If strains with oncogenic activity are detected, drug treatment is prescribed. In cases where the period is less than 28 weeks, therapeutic drugs are prescribed strictly on an individual basis. When the gestation period is more than 28 weeks, which means that the placenta is fully formed and the baby is protected from potentially dangerous elements coming from the mother’s blood, general, but still gentle, treatment is prescribed.

HPV therapy during pregnancy is carried out using:

  1. External ointment with antiviral effect. Oxolinic ointment is most often prescribed. The active ingredient is oxolin. The action of the drug is based on blocking the areas where viruses bind to cell membranes; as a result, they cannot penetrate into cells. Oxolinic ointment has no direct analogues in action, but it is often replaced with other antiviral drugs - Viferon, Acyclovir, etc., depending on the type of infection strain.
  2. Drugs that stimulate the immune system. The already mentioned Viferon is often prescribed here, but in tablets - it has not only an antiviral, but also an immunomodulatory effect, or its analogues - Anaferon, Kipferon, etc.

For faster healing, safe folk remedies can be prescribed:

  1. Raw potato compresses — the tuber is thoroughly washed and rubbed together with the peel, and lotions are applied to problem areas.
  2. Banana lotions — banana is cut into slices and soaked in vinegar for 2 days, after which they are secured to the growths with a plaster.
  3. Viburnum juice — fresh juice from the berries is used to wipe papillomas during pregnancy several times during the day. It can also be taken orally to stimulate the immune system and enhance the fight against the virus.
Please note that folk recipes will not give quick results, but they will slow down the growth of papillomas and have a positive effect on the body's defenses. However, before using these products, especially when the growths are located in sensitive areas, consultation with a specialist is required.
  1. Read about ways to use honey to treat papillomas

Prevention of papilloma virus during conception and pregnancy

Finally, we emphasize that prevention of human papillomavirus has a serious impact on pregnancy. It should be carried out both before conception and during pregnancy.

It is imperative to get tested for the virus before planning to conceive. Even if you are confident in your sexual partner, remember that you could have contracted the infection through personal contact. If the test gives a positive result, you should postpone conception until recovery.

Prevention during pregnancy consists of actively supporting the immune system and maintaining careful personal hygiene. If the body's defenses do not reach a critical point, the virus will not enter the active phase.

To maintain immune strength, you need to monitor your diet, take vitamin supplements prescribed by your obstetrician-gynecologist, sleep a lot, walk, and be less nervous.

  1. Read how to treat papilloma under the arm during pregnancy

How the papilloma virus affects pregnancy - watch the video:

The human papillomavirus has a serious impact on pregnancy; it can affect the success of the attempt to conceive, the development of the fetus, and the health of the mother herself. That is why it is so important to get tested for HPV at the stage of planning a child and to actively stimulate the immune system at the time of pregnancy.

  1. Article on the topic - the consequences and danger of papillomas during pregnancy