What women look like at 30 years old photo

Age characteristics of a person

If we talk about external signs, the easiest way to determine a woman’s age is by her neck and décolleté. Since the skin in these areas is delicate and thin, it is highly sensitive to negative external influences, and age leaves quite noticeable marks on it.

Wrinkles on the face are the result of the actions of facial muscles, while the neck muscle weakens from the lack of any movement. This is why the skin on the neck fades relatively early. So if you see imperfect, slightly sagging skin on the neck, this may indicate that its owner has celebrated her thirtieth birthday or is close to it.

The eyes also make it possible to roughly determine a woman's age. There are no important sebaceous glands in the eye area, which makes the skin in this area vulnerable to negative environmental influences. Wrinkles, swelling, circles under the eyes - all this indicates that this is no longer a twenty-year-old girl.

Of course, it is always possible to find out a woman’s age through social networks, but usually only very young girls honestly indicate their age.

How else can you find out a girl's age?

If we talk about other features of appearance, it is necessary to mention the differences in the use of cosmetics. So girls seventeen to twenty years old usually prefer bright, elaborate makeup. After twenty years, girls try to emphasize the features of their face with makeup, and not hide it behind decorative cosmetics. By the age of thirty, women sometimes return to brighter makeup, which allows them to hide the appearance of wrinkles and attract the necessary attention of men.

You can also guess a woman's age based on her clothes. Young girls try to express themselves through bright clothes with complex or strange cuts, and they often choose complex, unusual hairstyles. Girls of twenty try to look mature and respectable, so their wardrobe and hairstyles become classic and natural. Women of thirty, as a rule, perfectly shape their image and look more sophisticated. In addition, in the appearance of a thirty-year-old woman you can often see something unique, inherent only to her.

The list of interests on social networks also allows you to make a fairly accurate guess about the girl’s age. The older she is, the more logical and orderly such lists are.

Of course, you can and should meet women of different ages in different places. For example, very young girls prefer loud discos where they can dance to their heart's content. Twenty-year-old girls choose interesting and prestigious clubs where they can make useful contacts. And thirty-year-olds prefer cozy, unusual establishments.

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Coco Chanel once remarked: “If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is simply stupid.” Indeed, few of us can look at our photos taken at the age of 18 without an indulgent smile. And although a young age has its undoubted advantages, it is after 30 that we acquire something more valuable and much more attractive than childish spontaneity and carefreeness.

We are in Bright Side decided to find out why there are so many 30-year-old beauties around who now look much cooler than when they came of age.

1. Proper nutrition

The decision to replace endless fast food with healthy products is probably the best thing that many 30-year-olds have done for their beauty. A large amount of fruits, vegetables and clean water help cleanse the skin of rashes, get rid of excess weight, swelling and circles under the eyes.

2. Sleep

Dancing on the bar until 5 am? It is quite possible, but as an exception. The haggard look after several sleepless nights and endless parties gave some romance to 18-year-old Kate Moss fans, but 10 years later, “heroin chic” no longer seems like the ideal look. Sleeping until midnight without a single trace of makeup is the secret to the radiant look of 30-year-old beauties.

3. Sports

30-year-olds know for sure that sport is practically synonymous with beauty and success. And if during the years of studying at the university physical education was a painful task, now a toned stomach and beautiful body contour are an integral part of the image of an attractive woman. And goodbye, chubby “baby” cheeks!

I am 30 years old. Let's start with this, perhaps. Moreover, the age from 27 to 30 inclusive was an absolute failure, because I was just waiting: when will it be? When filling out the documents, when I had to remember how old I was, I shuddered every time with the thought: three, two, one more last year - and that’s it. I will never be twenty something again.

It must be said that our generation is pathologically afraid of growing up. Because growing up is perceived as nothing other than aging. And period. And old age is no longer life. It's her absence. A warm sheepskin coat in the summer heat, memory lapses, a series on TV as an action movie.

Recently, in some meaningless dialogue, the topic of age came up. “What are you, your husband is 3 years younger than her?!” Yes, younger. And we are talking about 28 and 25 years. Abyss, right? After all, he should also like 18-year-old perky little girls in floral dresses and biker jackets from the mass market, and, apparently, it’s high time for her to take the child to the kindergarten and discuss the recipe for cabbage soup on the playground.

And this is another tragedy - a man still remains young and daring until at least 50 years old, and a girl at 28 is already a “grown woman”. Are you seriously? Yes, the conditional “they” is fine.

I think the period up to 30 years is the most terrible for young women in our country. In Europe, you are still young at 36, but here, just 3-4 years decide everything. During this time you must “shoot” and get everything done. Here you are 23, and you are still a student and everything is fine. But now you are already 27, and where, one wonders, are the children, husband and career?

Probably, the fear of aging for me now is not that I see something old in the mirror, but that something is about to be “demanded” from me.

And global fear is, of course, imagining that you are 70, and you look like a broom, everything is decay, and most of all you would like to sing and dance, and you don’t understand why these little creatures call you grandmother.

In a male company, no one will be surprised by the fatherly: “Before you’re thirty, don’t get married, that’s my advice.” Can you imagine something like this, broadcast by a woman and for a woman?

And this, of course, makes me very uncomfortable.

It’s clear where this fear of growing up and maturity comes from. We have no examples before our eyes that there is life after 50, or even after 60 years. The generation of our parents is still “institution - family - children - and your own life is over.” We know, heard, read and saw, as a rule, when we travel somewhere outside the post-Soviet cultural paradigm, that it can be different. That you can do what you really like, you can go to school at 32, you can meet true love at 50, Anything is possible; who came up with the idea that normal life is determined by the year of birth? Yes, but no.

The fear of aging is not that the species is not young. And it’s not that you can’t boast about stretching. You are turning 40 or older. The children have grown up. And then the feeling of old age sets in, which is often associated with a feeling of uselessness. While the child was in school, you waited for him to finish it as soon as possible, you were nervous about his studies and behavior. And then the child became an adult and independent. Everything is fine, but now you are past his life. I worked for authority for many years, and now authority works for you. And there seems to be nothing more to strive for.

And the jokes are funny: “45 is the baba berry again. Well, yes, some people also like dried fruits.”

For me, the fear of aging is the fear of becoming weak, sick, and a burden to loved ones. This is real fear.

30 is still a milestone. For which you are seriously interested in reviews of injection cosmetology, and not because you want to “pin up your cheekbones,” but because a longitudinal wrinkle on the forehead no longer appears only after three sleepless nights - it simply does not disappear anywhere. And you are somehow not ready for such a turn of events. And when they say, you need to accept your age with dignity and, in general, you can grow old gracefully, I just show these kinds of photographs.

Brigitte Bardot

I can’t imagine how aged movie beauties live in a world where at any moment you can turn on the TV and stumble upon a film where you are 25 years old.

There are, of course, examples of luxurious-looking adult women: Meryl Streep, for example. But these are exceptions. But youth and beauty, which leave a woman so tragically, as in the case of Brigitte Bardot, happen much more often, let’s not deceive ourselves.

Men, as luck would have it, only get better with age. Like cognac or whatever they like to compare themselves to.

Here, for example, is Christoph Waltz in his youth and now.

Or Charles Dance, widely known for playing the role of Tywin Lannister in the Game of Thrones series.

The fear of growing up, the fear of aging is also the fear of changing something. Tomorrow may be worse than yesterday, so please let's keep things the same as today. Even if today it is an indistinct, semi-suspended state.

I'm 25 and I'm afraid of old age. Sometimes it seems to me that it will never be better than I was at 20. For 2 years now I haven’t danced until the morning in a nightclub, I haven’t fallen in love with grown men, I haven’t taken money from my parents for bad habits, I haven’t kept track of new music, I haven’t gone on dates, I haven’t done meaningless things, etc.

Why am I afraid of old age?

It's quite scary to see your breasts hanging sadly below your withered elbows.

I am frightened by the upcoming purchases of flesh-colored underwear without wires in the state department store; they also have special dressing gowns that no one can live without, they also evoke disturbing thoughts.

I won't be able to kiss with my tongue without shame. I won't care about the language at all.

I won't be able to love.

If I go to Paris, I will walk with a crowd of gray-haired old women in factory boots to museums and correctly joke about Greek sculpture.

The only entertainment for me will be the arrival of children and grandchildren for a Sunday dinner party.

I won't take any jokes.

I will be tormented by sadness.

I will have to see my parents die.

And I can continue this list endlessly.

For modern girls, one of the last strongholds of the world mind on the stage of mass culture is probably Lena Dunham - the one from the TV series “Girls”. She is not shy about showing off her bare bottom, which is far from glossy standards, in the series based on her own script and admitting that almost everything there is about her and about people like her, about us - imperfect people.

But, damn it, she will only turn 28 in May. And no one knows whether Lina will cut off a couple of centimeters of her skin at 35, afraid of what all the other women in the world are afraid of. Freedom is freedom, but how to stay young regardless of age is not yet very clear.

I'm not afraid of old age.

Second, people experience anxiety when thinking about long distances—like, for example, about growing old in the distant future. With “I now” everything is clear and predictable, but with “I later” everything is uncertain and scary. Therefore, I clearly understand that in old age I will have a different starting point, and everything will go smoothly.

Thirdly, I have hopes for downshifting, finally. Perhaps in a deep village. I do not exclude that with my friends - those who will remain alive and will be able to hold a glass and gnaw on seeds.