How to cure papillomas in the mouth with folk remedies?

The content of the article:
  1. How to identify papillomas in the mouth
  2. Methods of treatment with folk remedies
    1. External
    2. Immunomodulatory

Folk remedies for oral papillomas are a set of recipes using medicinal herbs and a variety of natural raw materials that help get rid of benign formations on the oral mucosa. Traditional medicine is an alternative to surgical removal and drug treatment of papillomatosis.

How to identify papillomas in the mouth?

The photo shows papillomas in the mouth

The human papillomavirus can manifest itself in the form of epithelial neoplasms on various areas of the body, including the oral mucosa. Papillomas are benign formations on the gums, tongue, throat, inside the surface of the cheeks, lips of a pinkish tint, sometimes with a whitish coating. The size of such tumor-like papillae is up to 10 mm. A distinctive feature is the presence of a narrower base (leg) and a rough upper part.

As a rule, papillomas in the mouth are painless, but they can cause discomfort when chewing food or talking.

The degree of discomfort depends on the location of the growth. Multiple growths of neoplasms are also considered more problematic. Some may be soft and mobile to the touch, others may be keratinized and more rigid.

After HPV enters the body, it can remain in a “dormant” state for a long time. And only under favorable conditions for it does it become active. The oral mucosa is often injured as a result of friction with food, biting tissue, and the use of dentures. Papillomas may appear in these places of chronic injury.

Papilloma in the mouth can often become injured and bleed, opening the way for bacteria and fungi to enter the body. Thus, there is always a source of infection and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In addition, chronic trauma to papillomas can lead to their malignancy. Therefore, such neoplasms cannot be ignored.

Methods for treating oral papillomas with folk remedies

If you notice single small growths in your mouth, you can try to cure them at home. Treatment of papillomas in the mouth with folk remedies comes down to immunomodulatory therapy and the elimination of tumors. Thus, the impact may be local or general.

External treatment of papillomas on the oral mucosa with folk remedies

It is most effective to act on viral epithelial neoplasms locally, using time-tested traditional medicine recipes.

Let's consider the most popular folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas in the mouth:

  1. Castor oil. The castor bean seed is used to make this substance. It contains active natural components that suppress viral activity and also accelerate tissue regeneration. For papillomas on the open epidermis, castor oil is usually applied through compresses and left for some time. However, this method is not suitable for the mucous membrane of the mouth, so you should carefully rub castor oil into the mucous membrane for some time. This procedure must be repeated 3 times within one day until the tumor disappears. If you have free time, you can apply a mini-compress to the formations for a few minutes. To do this, soak a cotton swab in oil and apply to the affected area. Usually, it takes from a week to a month to eliminate papillomas in the mouth using a folk remedy, depending on the size and number of growths. Read reviews of castor oil for papillomas.
  2. Raw chicken egg. This recipe is most effective at the initial stage of papillomatosis, when the neoplasms are small and few in number. For treatment, the so-called “parietal” protein of a chicken egg is used. This is a mass with a special composition that remains inside the shell after the main part of the egg has leaked out. This protein has a drying and immunomodulatory effect. In conditions of high humidity in the oral cavity, it is difficult to achieve drying, so this substance should be applied as often as possible. For processing, use cotton wool or gauze to avoid saliva.
  3. Celandine juice. This plant has been actively used by healers for many centuries as an effective folk remedy for papillomas in the mouth and other parts of the body. For treatment, freshly squeezed juice or self-made alcohol or oil infusion is used. You can also buy the tincture at the pharmacy. This substance should be applied to the mucous membrane with extreme caution so as not to burn adjacent unaffected areas of the epithelium. Previously, healthy mucous membranes should be treated with vegetable oil. It is recommended to apply celandine to the spot several times a day until the growth is removed. You can prepare an oil solution of celandine for the future. To do this, finely chop the stems and leaves and fill them with olive oil at a ratio of 1 to 1. After 30 days, the mixture can be used for compresses. Try also the drug Superchistotel for removing papillomas.
  4. Walnut. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to use green fruits. They must first be crushed into pulp. You can use a meat grinder. The resulting raw material should be filled with purified kerosene and left for 3 weeks in a dark place to infuse. Next, the mixture is filtered and the growths in the mouth are treated with it 3 times during the day until completely eliminated. This should be done with extreme caution, avoiding swallowing the liquid, as it is toxic.
  5. Dandelion. The juice of this flower is another effective folk remedy for the treatment of papillomas on the oral mucosa. An infusion based on the plant is used for therapeutic purposes. To prepare it, flower heads are taken during the flowering period and crushed. They are poured into a glass jar and filled with strong cologne (usually “triple”). This mixture should be infused in a dark place for 14 days. After this, it is filtered and the infusion is used to periodically treat growths in the mouth. It is recommended to carry out this manipulation at least 4 times a day. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  6. Garlic. This root vegetable has a pronounced antiviral effect, so it copes well with HPV. Garlic can not only have a detrimental effect on tumors, but also eliminate the cause of their occurrence, suppressing the activity of the pathogen in the body. To eliminate growths in the mouth, freshly squeezed raw garlic juice, as well as cloves of the plant, are used. You can moisten gauze mini-compresses with the juice and apply them to the affected areas. You can also rub the growths with cut garlic cloves. Such manipulations should be carried out several times a day until the papillomas fall off.
  7. Aloe. It is a powerful immunomodulator and bactericidal agent. Participates in the rapid regeneration of tissues affected by HPV. For treatment, a fleshy leaf is taken from a plant at least 5 years old. It needs to be cut lengthwise to expose the gel-like flesh. It should be applied to the affected areas in the form of a compress. The exposure time of the folk remedy for papillomas in the mouth is the maximum possible. It is recommended to repeat this procedure for at least 10 days in a row.
  8. Essential oils. To influence papillomas, a mixture of the following oils is used: tea tree, licorice and lemon. They are mixed in equal proportions and applied dropwise to the growths 2-4 times a day. These manipulations should be carried out over a couple of weeks.
  9. Rowan and wormwood. These plants also exhibit antiviral activity. For treatment, you should use their freshly squeezed juice. First, the grass and fruits can be passed through a meat grinder and the resulting porridge squeezed through cheesecloth. Mix the juices in equal parts and lubricate the resulting mixture with the new growths 5-10 times during the day.
  10. Bay leaf. This simple seasoning, which is in the kitchen of any housewife, can get rid of growths in the mouth within a month. To do this, you should regularly rinse the cavity and lubricate the growths with a decoction of bay leaves. You can prepare an effective folk remedy for papillomas on the oral mucosa by pouring hot water over several leaves of the plant and leaving it on low heat for 10-15 minutes. The cooled broth can be used 4-5 times a day.
  11. Hot spice mix. To eliminate papillomas, you will need the following ingredients: dry cayenne pepper, turmeric, chalked cloves, elm bark. The raw materials are taken in equal proportions and 1/4 teaspoon is brewed with 50 g of hot water. After settling for 10 minutes, the composition can be used for rinsing. The procedure must be carried out twice a day. The liquid should not be swallowed; it may be hazardous to human health.

The above folk remedies for papillomas in the mouth can be used either independently or in combination with other methods of therapy.

  1. Read about other topical remedies for papillomas

Immunomodulatory treatment of papillomas in the mouth with folk remedies

Pictured is potato juice to boost immunity and fight HPV

The main goal of such treatment is to suppress the activity of the pathogen in the body. Most often, this effect helps in combination with external treatment. In folk medicine, there are many ways to increase your own immunity.

Let's consider the main folk remedies against papillomas in the mouth:

  1. Herbal infusion. The following plants help strengthen the immune system: nettle, lemon balm, horsetail, plantain, dandelion (roots). All dried raw materials need to be finely chopped and taken in a ratio of 1 to 1. Next, take 3 tablespoons of the components and fill them with 1 liter of clean water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, the composition is infused for 3 hours and filtered. The drink should be consumed three times a day before meals, 2-4 tablespoons.
  2. Raw potato juice. This is another herbal immunostimulant that activates the body’s defenses and “provokes” them to fight the pathogen. The red potato variety is most effective in this sense. Root vegetables should be thoroughly washed in plenty of water and, without peeling, grated on a coarse grater. The porridge must be squeezed through cheesecloth, separating the juice. You need to take a glass of raw potato juice before meals twice a day. It is recommended to continue this treatment of papillomas in the mouth with a folk remedy for 2 months. This recipe should not be used by people with low stomach acidity or with severe forms of diabetes. Read in detail about the treatment of papillomas with potatoes.
  3. Coconut oil. Has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. For maximum effectiveness, it should be taken orally, 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also lubricate the affected areas of the oral cavity with this product. Coconut oil soothes the mucous membrane, has a regenerating effect, and accelerates the healing of ulcers and cracks.

How to get rid of papillomas using folk remedies - watch the video:

To help the body cope with papillomavirus, you also need to reconsider your lifestyle, introduce more vitamins into your diet, rest more and more fully and be less nervous. In this case, treatment of papillomas in the mouth with folk remedies will be as effective as possible and will give quick results.

Related article: Drugs for papillomas - Collomac and Verrukacid