How to remove papillomas using black cumin oil?

Black cumin oil

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. Benefits of black cumin oil
  3. Contraindications
  4. How to use black seed oil
  5. Results and reviews of the treatment of papillomas

Black seed oil is a remedy widely used in Eastern medicine. Recently, recipes based on it have gained popularity in our latitudes due to their high effectiveness in the fight against HPV and beneficial effects on skin condition. The use of black cumin oil for papillomas has good reviews and usually does not cause any side effects with a minimum of contraindications.

Description and composition of black cumin oil

Black cumin oil for the treatment of papillomas

In the photo, black cumin oil for papillomas

The plant is an annual and belongs to the Buttercup family. Externally, black cumin is a small shrub, the height of which varies depending on the composition of the soil: on particularly fertile soils it can grow up to 80 cm.

It received the name “Black Cumin” due to its small black seeds; from a scientific point of view, it has nothing to do with caraway or cumin. The plant has several names in botany; in the East it is called “Kalinji” or “Italian coriander”; in Russia it is usually called “nigella sativa” or “wild fennel”.

Black cumin oil for papillomas is produced exclusively from the seeds of the plant; its other parts are not used in folk recipes. The finished product has a characteristic spicy aroma and a specific astringent taste.

All the beneficial properties of nigella sativa are preserved only when the product is produced using the cold-press method, when the seed is put under a press immediately after collection. Under the influence of high temperatures, vitamins, minerals, biologically active and other beneficial substances are destroyed, which help remove papillomas with black cumin oil.

The product is actively used in folk medicine due to its wide range of medicinal properties, which directly depend on the country in which the plant is grown. Black cumin oil from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia is considered the best; in these countries, the raw materials are not subjected to any additional chemical treatment, and the soil in the regions is optimal for this type of flora.

The product produced in Turkey and Syria is considered less valuable; it is less rich in useful components and costs less.

It is possible to remove papillomas with black cumin oil due to the high biological activity of its constituent components:

  1. amino acids and saturated fatty acids;
  2. B vitamins, carotene, vitamin C and D;
  3. useful microelements - calcium, copper, potassium, selenium and others;
  4. glucose and other polysaccharides;
  5. tannins;
  6. various essential oils and other beneficial substances.

Black cumin oil relieves papillomas thanks to high concentration of vitamin E, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has a good effect on the regeneration process of the skin.

The product is sold in pharmacies and specialty stores selling essential oils. The price of black cumin oil for papillomas depends on the country of origin and can vary greatly:

  1. Baraka black cumin oil (Black Seed Oil Baraka), 100 ml - 695 rub.;
  2. Black cumin oil "Royal", Al-Khawaj, 125 ml - 499 rubles;
  3. Amazing Herbs, Black Cumin, 100% pure cold-pressed black cumin oil, 30 ml - 350 rub.
Note! The shelf life of the oil does not exceed 1 year, so it is not recommended to stock up on it for future use.
  1. Find out which doctor to contact for papillomas under the tongue

Benefits of black cumin oil for papillomas

Black cumin oil for papillomas

Papillomas can be removed with black cumin oil if they are small in size and in the absence of old accumulations. With single young formations, removal occurs due to the fact that the plant has the ability to soften the upper coarsened layer. After removing this layer, the biologically active substances contained in the product easily penetrate the structure of the papilloma and cause its rejection from the skin. The epidermis itself does not suffer, and there are no scars or scars left on it.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of papillomas, before using black cumin oil, you can lubricate the surface of the formations with purslane or endive juice, this will help soften the growths and facilitate the penetration of active substances into them.

The activity of the human papillomavirus is often caused by weakened immunity, so the fight against neoplasms should not be reduced only to removing them from the surface of the skin. Black cumin oil for papillomas helps strengthen the body's defenses when taken orally, since its constituent vitamins and microelements have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunostimulating effect.

Despite the fact that the drug has proven itself in the fight against the human papillomavirus, you need to understand that treatment with it should be carried out in combination with other therapeutic measures.

Important! It is not recommended to use black seed oil for papillomas without first consulting your doctor as it may cause unwanted side effects.
  1. Related article: The most effective remedies for papillomas on the body

Contraindications to the use of black cumin oil for papillomas

Pregnant woman

Like any other medicine, black cumin oil has certain contraindications, which must be clarified before starting a course of therapy.

An absolute contraindication to the use of black cumin oil for papillomas is allergic reaction on the components included in its composition.

Before using any herbal preparation, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test and determine the degree of sensitivity to the product. To do this, apply a drop of oil to the skin on the inside of the wrist and observe the reaction. If within an hour there is no redness or irritation at the application site, you can safely try to remove papillomas with black cumin oil.

It is not recommended to use essential oil in patients suffering from low blood pressure, since one of the properties of this remedy is its ability to treat hypertension. An excessive decrease in pressure can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Black cumin cannot be used for papillomas at the stage of pregnancy planning and during pregnancy, since essential oils can provoke contraction of the uterine muscles and cause termination of pregnancy at different stages.

In addition, any essential oils, including black cumin oil, are strictly not recommended for use. for removing papillomas on mucous membranes, especially in the genital area. Such localization of neoplasms requires treatment under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Important! Even in the absence of direct contraindications to the use of black cumin oil for papillomas, the recommended dosage should not be exceeded, as this may negatively affect the condition of the skin in the areas where growths are removed.
  1. Read also: contraindications of essential oils for papillomas

How to use black cumin oil for papillomas?

How to use black cumin oil for papillomas

The photo shows how to use black cumin oil for papillomas

If there are no contraindications and there is no allergic reaction, you can remove papillomas with black cumin oil in its pure form. To do this, the product is applied to a tampon, applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and fixed with a bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster overnight. The procedures are carried out for several weeks until the growth falls off.

However, some components of the product may act too aggressively on the skin, so doctors recommend using black cumin oil in combination with other medicinal products to treat human papillomavirus.

Traditional medicine offers several recipes for using black cumin oil for papillomas on the skin:

  1. With apple cider vinegar. You can take the seeds of the plant, crush them well in a mortar until oil appears, then pour the same amount of apple cider vinegar over them and let it brew. Soak a small cotton swab or disk with the resulting tincture and apply it to the affected area of ​​the body, securing it with gauze, bandage or adhesive tape. Repeat the procedure daily until the papillomas fall off. Instead of seeds, you can use black cumin oil purchased at the pharmacy, mixing it with apple cider vinegar, and the mixture must be stirred thoroughly. See recipes for folk remedies for papillomas based on apple cider vinegar.
  2. With apple cider vinegar and pomegranate peel. To enhance the effect and minimize aggressive effects on the skin, traditional medicine suggests using black cumin for papillomas in combination with apple cider vinegar and pomegranate peel. To prepare the product, you need to remove the peel from the ripe pomegranate and dry it slightly. After this, you should crush the pieces of peel in a mortar or grind it in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour half a glass of the resulting powder with apple cider vinegar and heat to 40 degrees, gradually adding black cumin oil while stirring. Apply the resulting product to the affected areas at night in the form of a compress.
  3. With chicory salad. Black cumin oil in combination with chicory (endive) helps remove papillomas well. At the beginning of the procedure, you need to rub the location of the growths well with a fresh lettuce leaf, and then apply a bandage with a cotton swab soaked in oil and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until the tumors disappear.

Treatment with black cumin oil for papillomas has good reviews and shows high effectiveness, however, you should not count on the fact that after a course of treatment, papillomas will disappear forever. Therapy for human papillomavirus is a long and complex process, success in which can only be achieved under the supervision of specialists and in compliance with all medical recommendations.

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Results and reviews of the treatment of papillomas with black cumin oil

Results of treatment of papillomas with black cumin oil

The photo shows the results of treatment of papillomas with black cumin oil

Many patients who have treated papillomas with black cumin oil leave positive reviews about this remedy. Basically, there is a fairly mild effect on the skin and no unpleasant sensations. Compresses with black cumin oil applied to the feet, arms or legs show good results.

It is not recommended to remove papillomas on your own in the face and neck area, since noticeable scars may remain on the skin, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Anastasia, 44 years old, St. Petersburg

I developed skin papillomas several years ago, and this defect caused me significant discomfort. I studied the literature on this issue, read specialized websites, tried various treatment methods, but there was no real result. One day, a friend brought me a bottle of oil from a tourist trip, and I remembered that I had read about how to remove papillomas with black cumin oil. I decided to try it and did not regret it. Firstly, the oil smells very pleasant, secondly, the procedure itself does not cause any unpleasant sensations, thirdly, after 3 weeks all the papillomas disappeared and have not yet appeared again. So I have seen from my own experience the effectiveness of this product.

Svetlana, 24 years old, Novosibirsk

I don’t really trust any folk recipes and try to use only the advice of traditional medicine, but when papillomas appeared on my legs, I was ready to try any treatment methods. Black cumin oil was recommended to me by a friend whose mother successfully got rid of this problem. I started mixing it with apple cider vinegar and making compresses at night. I won’t say that it’s very pleasant, but the result pleased me.

Marat, 31 years old, Serpukhov

I had papillomas on my feet, and it was very unpleasant. I started using black seed oil to remove them after reading an article about it on the Internet. And indeed, after several procedures the growths were gone, I didn’t even notice how they fell off. So I highly recommend it!

Watch the video about black cumin oil:


To summarize, we can say that black seed oil helps get rid of skin papillomas, but in the absence of systemic treatment for the virus, the effect may be short-lived. The disease requires constant monitoring by the attending physician and the use of not only traditional recipes, but also proven medications.

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