Kalkatar - yellow vitriol

Galen says that he saw a Kalkadis turn into a Kalkatar.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
It burns strongly and acts as an astringent for blood discharge, and also dries; Burnt kalkatar dries more, but burns less. Possessing a strongly astringent property, it is at the same time very hot.

Wounds and ulcers.
If smeared with it mixed with coriander juice, it helps against herpes and carbuncle. They are sprinkled on malignant and creeping ulcers. It burns wild meat and promotes the formation of scabs.

Organs of the head.
Kalkatar is useful for nosebleeds, tumors of the gums and pharynx muscles.

Organs of the eye.
It is included in medications to cleanse and reduce the thickness of the eyelids.

Eruption organs.
It stops the bleeding.