Camphor oil for papillomas: application and reviews

Camphor oil against papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. The benefits of camphor oil for papillomas
  3. Contraindications for use
  4. Use of pure camphor oil
  5. Recipes for folk remedies
  6. Real reviews about the treatment of papillomas

Camphor oil is a remedy that is actively used to remove papillomas at home. It is the most inexpensive among all oils and is considered one of the most effective, safe and versatile. Camphor oil for papillomas belongs to the group of folk remedies that are commercially available.

Description and composition of camphor oil

Camphor oil for the treatment of papillomas

Pictured is camphor oil for papillomas

Under this name there are two remedies. One of them - semi-synthetic camphor oil, is a solution of camphor from fir trees, prepared by distilling pinene or turpentine with the addition of vegetable oils, most often sunflower.

Another kind - pure essential camphor oil. This product is obtained from camphor cinnamon by steaming its wood. The trees grow primarily in East Asia and the islands of the Indian Ocean. To receive an effective remedy, they must be at least 40 years old. This oil is called white and is most often used in cosmetology and dermatology for external treatment of papillomas. There are medical, aromatic and technical camphor oils.

Camphor contains a large number of useful substances - limonene, camphene, safrole, terpenes, cineole, pinene, bisabolol and phellandrene. For external treatment, oils are used, the packaging of which is marked accordingly.

Camphor oil for papillomas is a clear liquid with a pronounced yellow tint, a pungent smell of camphor and high fat content. The pharmacy sells mainly a diluted product in a concentration of 10% with sunflower oil. The classic ratio here is 1:10, this is enough to give the liquid an oily texture, which is practically absent in the original product.

  1. In Russia, camphor oil for papillomas is produced by the following manufacturers: Tula Pharmaceutical Factory and Iodine Technologies and Marketing. The average cost of the product in Russia is 20 rubles.
  2. In Ukraine, oil is offered from the companies “Viola”, “Fitofarm” and “Aromatika”, the price of the product is about 5 hryvnia.

In most cases, the oil is sold in darkened glass bottles of 25, 30, 50, 100 ml. It is released without restrictions; a doctor's prescription is not required.

Note! Camphor oil for papillomas should be stored in a place protected from sunlight, at a temperature of +5 to +25°C, away from children. Only under such conditions its shelf life is 2 years; if these conditions are not met, it is reduced.

The benefits of camphor oil for papillomas

Camphor oil for papillomas

The product has antibacterial, antiviral, wound-healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the increase in the number of new formations on the body and remove old growths naturally.

Here's how camphor oil helps get rid of papillomas:

  1. Relieves irritation. If the formation is actively growing and if it is exposed to the sun, bad water, or synthetic clothing, this phenomenon can be very disturbing. As a result, it haunts, disrupts sleep, leads to scratching of the skin and the appearance of ulcers, which increases the likelihood of blood poisoning.
  2. Eliminates puffiness. This is very useful if the virus has become active and has infected the tissues, because this creates favorable circumstances for the appearance of inflammation. Camphor oil against papillomas soothes the skin, cleanses it of pathogenic microorganisms and removes irritation, and at the same time fights swelling itself.
  3. Improves tissue trophism. The meaning of this effect is to enhance the processes of cellular nutrition, which are responsible for the regeneration and condition of the skin. When it is affected by papillomas, tissue renewal is precisely what is required, without which it will be quite difficult to safely get rid of the formations.
  4. Stops bleeding. This effect will certainly be appreciated by those whose integrity of education has been compromised as a result of the negative impact of physical or chemical factors. The use of camphor oil for papillomas promotes wound healing, prevents infections from penetrating into them and prevents the formations from becoming inflamed.
  5. Removes skin redness. This occurs simultaneously with the elimination of irritation and is explained by the soothing properties of the product. It reduces the sensitivity of tissues and the papilloma itself, preventing itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations.
Note! Natural, non-synthetic oil provides the most benefit, and in order for it to help, it is not recommended to subject it to heat treatments and store it in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 months in an open form.
  1. Read about Darsonval for papillomas

Contraindications to the use of camphor oil for papillomas

Pregnant woman

Inside This oil should not be used during pregnancy due to the risk of allergies in the baby. It is also not recommended to take it orally in children under 15 years of age, during lactation, as the quality of milk may deteriorate. This is clearly not a suitable option for treating people prone to epilepsy and seizures.

Externally this remedy, according to the recommendations and reviews of doctors about camphor oil for papillomas, should not be used for the following problems:

  1. Eczema. This is an inflammatory dermatological disease, manifested in the form of a severe red rash and accompanied by pronounced itching, burning and irritation of the skin. It is characterized by a high tendency to relapse and low chances of full recovery.
  2. Dermatitis. Unlike eczema, this skin disease is spread between people and is quite contagious. This is an inflammatory lesion of tissues, characterized by redness, swelling, and irritation. The reason for this is the impact on them of harmful factors of biological or physical origin.
  3. Hives. This is one of the types of dermatitis, but in comparison with it, this disease is mainly allergic. It is caused by the body's reaction to low temperatures, cold or hot water, low-quality cosmetics and care products.
  4. Increased skin sensitivity to components as part of. It usually manifests itself in the form of redness, irritation, itching, and swelling of the tissues. In some cases, dryness and flaking of the skin may occur.

In reviews of camphor oil for papillomas, they write that you need to carefully use it for external treatment in the presence of damage and burns to the skin, as it can cause a burning sensation.

If this drug is abused, itching, hyperemia, and skin irritation may occur. In this case, you should immediately stop the course of treatment and seek advice from a dermatologist.

  1. Find out what are the contraindications of tea for papillomas

Using pure camphor oil for papillomas

Compress with camphor oil for papilloma

The photo shows how to make a compress with camphor oil for papillomas

Camphor oil for papillomas has such a strong effect that it can be used in its pure form, without adding other components. For this purpose, it is best to use it for cooking compresses. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of gauze in it, folded several times, and apply it to the formation. The compress must be kept on all night. To avoid staining the bed linen, secure the bandage on top with a clean bandage and plaster. Such procedures should be carried out every day for 1-3 weeks until the growths go away.

There is another way to treat papillomas with camphor oil - just wipe the growths with it up to 3-4 times a day. To do this, you need to use a cotton pad or bandage, which should be well soaked in oil. They need to treat problem areas for 2-4 weeks. After this, they should be wiped with a clean damp cloth.

  1. Read about the pharmaceutical drug Solcoderm for removing papillomas

Recipes for folk remedies with camphor oil for papillomas

How to use camphor and castor oil for papillomas

The photo shows how to use camphor and castor oil for papillomas

These recipes involve the use of several components, for example, the addition of camphor oil for papillomas with other oils, according to reviews, enhances the effect. It is recommended to prepare the composition immediately before use so that it does not lose its beneficial substances and properties. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3 days.

Here are some good recipes using camphor oil:

  1. You can dilute this component with other oils - castor and sea buckthorn, it will be used as a base, and the rest as auxiliary components. For the mixture to help, you need to adhere to the proportions of 1:2:1. After mixing, the composition should be shaken well. Next, they need to lubricate the formations with a cotton pad. This procedure should be carried out for at least a week. This method helps to get rid of both papillomas and warts.
  2. It is quite effective a mixture of baking soda and camphor oil from papillomas. You will need enough of the first component to make a thick paste. It should be applied to the growths 2-3 times a day and left for about 15 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly rinse off the product and wipe the skin with a clean napkin. This mixture will help dry and remove papillomas without harm to health, and this takes 2-3 weeks. Read in detail about how baking soda works for papillomas.
  3. You can also use camphor oil against various papillomas, adding it to the bath in the amount of 30 ml per 2-3 liters of water and taking it for 20-25 minutes, or until the product cools down. Water procedures should be carried out before bed, every day, for 2-3 weeks. This option is suitable for those who have formations located on the body and not on the face.
    1. Camphor oil creates an effective “duet” with tea tree oil, they enhance each other's effect. They need to be taken in a 1:1 ratio so that the components are used in the same quantities. In the finished product, you need to moisten a cotton pad and keep the compress on the formation for at least 20 minutes every day. It is recommended to perform such actions for at least 10 days. Read in detail about tea tree oil for papillomas.
Note! The effect of using camphor oil for papillomas can be enhanced if several compositions are used within one course. If after completing one stage it does not produce any results, you need to take a break for 2-3 weeks to give the skin a rest.
  1. Read the review of Dermavit gel for papillomas and warts

Real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with camphor oil

Reviews about the treatment of papillomas with camphor oil

Most reviews about camphor oil for papillomas are positive; it is very rare to read something bad about this unique remedy. First of all, they speak positively about it because of its low cost, availability and versatility, as well as because of its complex action. Its popularity is also facilitated by a minimal list of contraindications for use.

Maria, 42 years old

Until I was faced with the need to remove several papillomas on the neck and under the armpit, I had never, oddly enough, heard of camphor oil. To do this, I had to make compresses with this product, which helped me in about 3 weeks. On the negative side, I would like to note that it smells unpleasant and is very greasy; after use, you need to wash it off immediately if you don’t want to ruin your clothes. But still, there are many positive aspects, among which we need to highlight the low cost of the oil, its availability in pharmacies, and the safety of use at home. It does not cause side effects - burning, redness and inflammation.

Alina, 25 years old

After giving birth, my immunity weakened, and, as a result, many papillomas appeared on my body. Over time, some of them began to remind themselves, as they simply got in the way when undressing, and one of them came off one day. I didn’t want this to happen again, so I decided to remove the remaining hanging growths myself. I used camphor oil against these papillomas in the form of compresses, moistened a cotton swab in it and applied it to the formation for 30 minutes. I repeated this every day for a month, and literally a few days before the end of the course, 3 papillomas disappeared on their own.

Elena, 63 years old

I am a pensioner, and about a year ago I developed one large papilloma on my chest. Since my pension is low, I had to use cheap means to remove it. Camphor oil is just that, of course, I didn’t have high hopes for it, after all, it’s a folk remedy. Therefore, I didn’t have to be disappointed when, after a month’s course of compresses, it didn’t help me. Now the doctor says that it is best to remove the tumor surgically, but it is expensive, I don’t know what to do.

Before starting a course to remove such formations with this remedy, you must carefully study the reviews of doctors and patients about the use of camphor oil for papillomas and warts. It is also important to exclude possible contraindications and adhere to existing instructions.

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