
Coughing is one of the movements by which nature drives away harm from any organ; when coughing, such organs are the lungs and the organs that are adjacent to them or participate with them. A cough is to the chest what a sneeze is to the brain; it is carried out due to the expansion and contraction of the chest, as well as the movement of the abdominal barrier. Cough occurs either for a reason inherent in the lungs themselves, or due to the complicity of other organs; the cause that causes cough is either external, connecting or antecedent. The external cause of cough is one of the external causes that causes damage to the nature or shape in the chest organs. Such, for example, is the coldness of inhaled air, drunk cold water or anything else, which affects the lungs, chest muscles or other organs, and the nature comes into motion to expel the harmful principle. A cough can also occur due to some other external cause that affects the lungs and makes them hot, or due to something drying and coarsening, such as smoke, dust, the taste of sour, tart and spicy foods. Or it may be a foreign body caught in a passage that accepts nothing but air; This happens when they cough because a particle of food has fallen into such a passage, or when they drink due to absent-mindedness or being carried away by a conversation.

As for coughs from connecting causes, this is, for example, a cough arising from bodily causes that heat, cool, moisturize or dry the nature without matter or with matter, bloody, yellow gall, mucous, liquid or thick, as well as black gall, which happens in all less often. If the matter pours out from above, as long as it slowly slides down the tube like something that slides along a wall, it does not excite a strong cough; when it quickly pours into the cavity of the tube, a cough arises. The same thing happens when matter burns, or when it stops in the lungs, and nature wants to push it out, or rushes from the stomach, from the liver, or from one organ of the chest to another, or originates in them themselves.

Cough also occurs due to the disintegration of the whole, as well as due to tumors or blockages in the abdominal barrier, in the lungs, in the throat and in all places that receive such juices, due to damage in the lungs, in the dividing barrier and in the partition between the heart and lungs. And the preceding causes are overflow and any bodily causes that precede the connecting causes mentioned above.

A cough that occurs with the involvement of various organs is, for example, a cough that occurs due to the involvement of a tumor in the liver, or as a result of damage to this organ, or with a tumor in the esophagus, in the stomach and in the female breast, as well as a cough that occurs with the involvement of the whole body during fevers, especially during burning or one-day fevers, from exhaustion or the like, as well as during pestilence fevers; There is a cough with the participation of the whole body and without fever.

The cough can be dry or wet. A dry cough is one in which there is no sputum; it occurs either with a disorder of the simple nature, hot, cold or dry, or it occurs at the beginning of the formation of hot tumors in the chest area until they mature. Often with solid tumors a very dry cough appears; sometimes it comes from tumors in the liver and in the area of ​​the suspensory ligaments, and sometimes from tumors in the spleen. Cough also occurs due to matter that fills the chest cavity and cannot be expelled except by coughing.

Know that when you cough, something fossilized, similar in size to a chickpea grain or a hailstone, often comes out; the reason for this phenomenon is the thick juice, which the heat turns into stone. Alexander testifies to this, and Paul also testifies, saying that something similar comes out in phlegm. We saw this too.

A persistent cough often leads to hemoptysis. The cough becomes more frequent in winter and spring, when it is “winter”, but it often becomes more frequent in a balanced spring. There is often a cough when the wind blows. If the summer is “northern”, with little rain, and the autumn is “southern”, rainy, then in winter they cough a lot.

Signs. A sign of a cold cough is that it intensifies with cold and weakens with decreasing cold and with heat, as well as a leaden complexion and slight thirst.

Often with a cold cough there is catarrh and a feeling that something is going down to the chest and spreading in the throat. The cough is relieved by diverting matter to the nose and expelling what goes down to the throat by expectoration. Signs of catarrh are manifested in a tickling sensation in the paths of catarrh and tension in places adjacent to the forehead, in blockage of the nostrils and in other phenomena, as well as in the fact that at the beginning of the disease there is no sputum, and then mucous sputum of a yellow-green color is coughed up. Sometimes there is a fever.

Signs of a hot cough are burning and thirst, which is relieved more quickly by cold air than by water, as well as redness of the face and a high pulse. Signs of a wet cough are moisture in the substance of the lungs, the fact that such a cough occurs in old people and people with a damp nature, and severe wheezing, especially during sleep and after sleep.

A sign of a dry cough is that it worsens from movement and from hunger and becomes easier with rest and satiety, as well as after a bath and drinking moisturizing substances. The sign of a pure cough in all this is that there is absolutely no sputum, while the sign of a cough with matter is sputum; the type of matter is indicated by the type of sputum. A sign of cough occurring from tumors and similar diseases is the presence of signs of pleurisy and pneumonia, hot and cold, as well as other signs that we will mention in its place. A sign of a cough from suppuration is the signs of suppuration, which we will mention later, as well as pain and dryness in the throat, but such a cough is often wet. The signs of a cough arising from ulcers are the signs mentioned in the paragraph on ulcers, that is, ulcers in the lungs, namely the expectoration of scabs, pus or particles of lung matter or tube rings, and also that such a cough occurs after corrosive catarrhs, hemoptysis and tumors. A dry cough most often occurs in the presence of matter due to the inability of the expelling force to clear the lungs, as you will learn in the corresponding paragraph.

Signs of cough with the involvement of various organs. As for the complicity of the stomach, this is recognized by the signs of diseases and by the fact that the cough intensifies with the strengthening of the condition of the stomach that causes it, be it fullness or emptiness, and also depending on what you eat. Most often, the cough arises from overflow and when digesting food.

A cough that occurs with liver involvement is recognized by the signs of a tumor in the liver; when the tumor is hot, there is inevitably a fever, and if it is not hot, then there is inevitably a feeling of heaviness. Then see if there are other indications that you know.

Know that hot substances liquefy matter "and it does not expectorate, and cold ones, such as drinking from the sleeping pills poppy and harir, collect matter for expectoration; however, these substances, if consumed in too much of them, cause the matter to harden. Drinking from hyssop is only suitable in the event that they want to clear the lungs of thick matter that causes a cough, then such a drink is an excellent cleanser, but if the matter is liquid, then no. But if there is no phlegm, neither liquid nor thick, then the cause of the cough is the hardness of the chest, and remedy  medicines for licking Sometimes it happens that a patient with fever begins to cough, and if the cough does not calm down, the fever returns again.

Astringents also narrow the path of sputum flow. Barley water perfectly collects phlegm; if the sputum lingers and the person has a fever, it means that the matter has rotted and driven the patient into a putrefactive fever or tabes.

Treatment. As for the treatment of a cold nature, if the degree of coldness is insignificant and it comes from some obvious, external reason, holding the breath corrects the matter. It warms the lungs easily and immediately. If a stronger remedy is required against the cooling of the nature from a similar cause or from other causes, then one of such remedies is to hold a nut from myrrh or maya under the tongue, cooked with honey, or take a spoonful of kitran grounds or turpentine tree resin with honey. Or they drink balsam oil with sagapen up to one misqal, and sulfur with eggs scrambled, and also use medicines for licking from hot mucus, lenticular vetch with honey or condensed juice of sweet pomegranate, in which they put honey or fanise. For rubbing into the chest, use, for example, iris oil or narcissus oil with red wax or tragacanth; Also useful are honey julanjubin with fig juice and raisins, licorice root, lady's hair and almond oil in which one mithqal of kufi is dissolved. A decoction of hyssopa, coffin with figs and other medicines are beneficial. The food of such patients should be wheat stew with fenugreek and cow butter, figs, dates, Syrian leek roots, and from vegetable oils, pistachio oil. Pine nuts and noodles with faiz are useful for such patients. For meat, they are given the meat of chickens and roosters in isfidbaj, as well as the meat of one-year-old lambs, and for a snack, pistachios, pine nuts, raisins with fenugreek, sugar cane, figs, apricots, cow butter, bananas. Eating dry figs with nuts and almonds relieves chronic cough. The drink in this case is liquid old fragrant wine and water sweetened with honey.

As for the treatment of hot cough, it is treated with well-known extinguishing agents: squeezed juices and oils in the form of ointments and rubs; julab is also useful for such patients. They are given pure diyakuza to drink in the morning and evening, according to the recipe, which we give below. The licking medicine made from sleeping pills is also useful; Here is his recipe: take fifteen poppy pods, not very fresh, and soak water from a stream or rainwater in a cyst (rainwater is better) for one day and one night. Then the grains are boiled, the broth is filtered, half a part of honey or sugar is added to each part of the strained broth and it is thickened into a medicine for licking. Take a spoonful in the morning and a spoonful in the evening.

Such patients are helped by barley water with cordia, violet drink, violets in the form of jam, a cold decoction of hyssop, especially when the disease is ripe or at the end of the disease, and soc pomegranate, in which candy sugar or cane sugar is placed. Medicine for licking is prepared from the mucus of flea plantain seeds and quince seeds, from starch and plum gum, but they say that Arabian gum is better for them. They are also treated with pills and the core of the seeds, which we will talk about when we talk about cough pills. These pills often contain numbing agents.

The food for such patients is vegetables with their cores that are cold in nature, for example, cassa, pumpkin and cucumber with almond oil, crushed and boiled beans with almond oil and pumpkin oil, as well as barley water and stews prepared from barley, beans , various starch vegetables, and bran juice. If the nature is inclined to softness, then they give barley oatmeal with sugar and noodles, and if the weakness is very strong, they give them barley water and feed them with crayfish, removing their limbs and washing the crayfish in salt water with ash.

Recipe for cold diyakuza. Fresh sleeping pills are pounded together with the peel of the box, boiled in water, the broth is filtered, sugar is added and thickened to the consistency of julab. If there is no fresh poppy, then crushed dry poppy seeds are soaked in water for one day and one night and then boiled in the same water. When a stronger remedy is needed, poppy peels are added to poppy seeds, especially black poppy peels, and if the disease intensifies, a small amount of henbane seeds is added or a little opium is dissolved in the decoction.

When treating damp nature and humidity in the lungs themselves, drying and absorbent agents are used, mixing them with cleansing agents. This includes a combination of this kind: take Armenian clay, tragacanth, gum arabic, one part each, mint, hyssop, thyme, Chinese cinnamon and Venus hair, half part each, knead it into a porridge and consume.

As for the treatment of dry nature, it is inevitable that either there will be a fever or there will not be a fever. If there is no fever, then the most suitable thing is to consume the milk of a donkey, goat or other animals along with other measures, and if there is a fever, one should use various moisturizing medicines in the form of drinks and use known cooling wax ointments. You should also drink barley water, constantly moisturize your feet with oils and eat moisturizing almond soup. If the nature is complex, then various measures are combined.

When there is liquid matter, then bring it to maturity with pure diyacus and mucous licking medicines from poppy seeds, some of which we mention in the Pharmacopoeia, and if the matter is thick, dissolve it and remove it, observing the conditions mentioned in the previous one, that is, so that the matter became only moderately hot; strive, on the contrary, for it to soften, rupture and slip out of the lungs. Also use the cleansing medicines mentioned above.

Among the special medicines for this place are Nabataean resin with honey, or safflower with honey, or syt with an equal amount of honey, or thickly brewed licorice juice with tragacanth, or galbanum and sweet almonds, taken in equal quantities. Sometimes they hold sabur in the mouth along with honey, and this helps a lot. Or take three whole eggs, double the weight of honey, half the cow's butter and forty grains of pepper; they are crushed, mixed with this composition, thickened without boiling, and taken by licking in the morning and evening. And one more thing: they take seven heads of Syrian leek and boil them in three liters of water until one third remains. Then the broth is mixed with what remains after straining, that is, with leek husks, as well as with honey, and boiled again.

Great medicine. Take five river mint, pine nuts and nettle seeds, one ukiy each, flaxseed and pepper, three ukiy each, mix with honey and consume. Or they take five parts of fleshy dates, eight parts of licorice, two parts of saffron and pepper each, twenty parts of lentil vetch and mix it with honey, from which the foam has been skimmed. Or they take saffron, aromatic sumbul and pepper, one part each, horehound and hyssop, three parts each, myrrh and iris, two parts each. All this is mixed with purified honey.

For chronic cough, give kitran with honey as a medicine for licking or Indian bush with dill juice, boiled in the amount of one uskurraj with a spoon of vinegar and oil. Or they give flaxseed roasted with honey, alone or with pepper, for every ten parts they put one part of pepper or with mint, or they use a medicine for licking from honey and liquid styrax with bee honey or with opopanax, or mustard with bitter almonds, and also mithridate. For children, habak is enough, boiled with human milk until it becomes thick like honey, or with the juice of fresh fennel.

When the cause of cough is catarrh, catarrh is treated. If it is necessary, in order to prevent catarrh, to apply a medicinal bandage with figs, then it is placed on the head and forced to constantly hold starch pills under the tongue, especially at night, and gargle with astringents that do not have a sour or astringent taste, as well as pure diyacus, if the catarrh is hot, or with diyakuza with myrrh, saffron and other substances if the catarrh is cold. If the cough occurs from tumors and ulcers in the lungs and chest, then in treating it one should refer to what we say in the paragraphs about pleurisy, pneumonia, tumors in the liver and consumption.

Sometimes cough pills are used that are kept in the mouth. These include hot cough pills, which include lime cough pills, as well as pills made from myrrh, thickly brewed licorice juice, gum, tragacanth, starch, plantain mucus, quince seeds, seed pith, that is, kissa seeds, pumpkin, cucumber, round-leaved mallow, from bamboo concretions, as well as from poppy seeds and the like. Sometimes pills are made as follows: starch, tragacanth and thickly brewed licorice juice are turned into pills by adding squeezed lettuce juice. This also includes pills against cold coughs, which are prepared from thickly brewed licorice juice, peeled khairun dates, cores of wheat grains, saffron, tragacanth, pine nuts, cotton seeds, myrtle seeds and soporific poppy seeds with peel, as well as from anise, dill, myrrh and faniza.

Among the pills for cold coughs are pills that also cause numbness and put you to sleep. They are based on substances that cause numbness, to which hot medicines that have the properties of badzakhpa are mixed. Tested pills against this disease, which soothe an old painful cough, are the well-known pills from maya: take maya, beaver stream, hoofed grass and opium in equal parts, make pills and keep them in the mouth. Or they take six henbane seeds, three pine nuts, they say three qirats, but they also say three dirhams, one saffron, mix it with maybukhtaj and turn it into pills. And one more thing: they take maya, myrrh, opium, half a quart each, basalm oil, saffron, two darachmi each, and turn them into pills the size of a grain of vetch.

Sometimes, for an old wet cough, smoke fumigation, mentioned in the paragraph on asthma, is used. If the moisture reaches a decent amount, fumigation is used with realgar with hare feces, barley flour and pistachio husks; all this is kneaded with egg yolks and made into flat cakes for a dirham each; they are dried in the sun and fumigated with them three times. They also take aristolochia, myrrh, maya, galbanum in equal parts, arsenic in the same amount as everything else, knead it in cow butter, turn it into nuts and fumigate it with one nut. As for cough during fevers, measures for its treatment are discussed separately, when mentioning the manifestations of fever.