Cavitation reviews before and after photos forum

Katya, I personally didn’t feel any stress on my liver. As, in fact, the result itself. Think about whether you need it :/ If you don’t mind the money, then of course it’s not torture to try.

The best thing is a manual massage from a specialist and a healthy lifestyle

Good afternoon I started doing cavitation, I’ve already done it 2 times, the volume has gone from 2-3 cm. The result is still pleasing. They said that the fat would burst like balls and would never appear in these places again. But now I’m worried about whether there will be health problems in the future? Will fat come out in other places where cavitation was not done? But they assured that the procedure was completely safe. Girls, give me some advice.

Alina, I want to buy such a device where I can see it, please contact me by email [email protected], I’ve been looking for such a person for a long time, I have a lot of questions, I have Skype, in general I’m waiting for an answer

Alina, I want to buy such a device where I can see it, please contact me by email [email protected], I’ve been looking for such a person for a long time, I have a lot of questions, I have Skype, in general I’m waiting for an answer

Girls, what are you really doing?
In a qualified salon, you are immediately warned about the side effects and who should not have cavitation and lpigi. You sign an agreement on risks and everything is fine, you are responsible for yourself.
Cavitation itself is harmless, it can only give impetus to those diseases THAT ALREADY LIVED IN YOU. What kind of ovarian ruptures, what are you talking about? Excuse me, the p*ss*d* doesn’t rip apart the pelvic organs during an ultrasound. No! what kind of ovarian ruptures? What are you talking about? The maximum that awaits you is severe thirst and, as a result, swelling, because the liver is being cleansed! this is normal!
To be afraid of wolves, don't bother in the forest.
I go to cavitation and LPJ, play sports and maintain a diet. The weight is stable, but the volume is decreasing.
What to whom? If you have a very cellulite ass - sorry, nothing will help you with such a problem except diet and exercise. A difficult and exhausting sport. Because it’s easy to eat the sides, but removing them is hellish work.
I know what I’m talking about, I lost 17 kg.

Good afternoon I did cavitation 5 procedures. The volumes have gone very badly, about 5 cm. I stopped doing it, but now I see cellulite has become more noticeable. Tell me what to do 😢My weight is 70 kg, height 165, is it really as they say, fat will come out in different places. It turns out I only harmed myself. Give valid advice please. Very worried.

Related topics

My cavitation + RF lifting + chromotherapy device cost only 8000 + 1000 conductive gel.
There is no tinnitus or headache, but there is a small effect.
The stomach tightens well, the inner thighs go away.
Naturally, I won’t advertise anything; those who are interested can find it themselves on the Internet. High-frequency cavitation devices for the home have long been invented. They cost less, are safer and work better. And for them, you yourself choose the highest quality and effective conductive gel.

Alina, good afternoon! Are you still learning how to operate a cavitation machine? Write me please! [email protected]

My cavitation + RF lifting + chromotherapy device cost only 8000 + 1000 conductive gel.
There is no tinnitus or headache, but there is a small effect.
The stomach tightens well, the inner thighs go away.
Naturally, I won’t advertise anything; those who are interested can find it themselves on the Internet. High-frequency cavitation devices for the home have long been invented. They cost less, are safer and work better. And for them, you yourself choose the highest quality and effective conductive gel.

My cavitation + RF lifting + chromotherapy device cost only 8000 + 1000 conductive gel.
There is no tinnitus or headache, but there is a small effect.
The stomach tightens well, the inner thighs go away.
Naturally, I won’t advertise anything; those who are interested can find it themselves on the Internet. High-frequency cavitation devices for the home have long been invented. They cost less, are safer and work better. And for them, you yourself choose the highest quality and effective conductive gel.

I went once for cavitation + massage + myostimulation, came home, smeared myself with anti-cellulite cream, wrapped myself in film and spent an hour actively cleaning the house! I drank 3 liters of water in a day! In the morning, your stomach and legs look noticeably more toned! Visually it seems that I have lost 3 kg, when I step on the scale it is minus 900 grams.
I’ll say right away that you won’t lose a lot of kilos, but you will look better visually! Here you need to understand what you need. For example, I’m going on vacation to the sea in 2 weeks, my belly is big, it’s embarrassing to undress on the beach, everything will hang out like jellied meat. Weight 68 kg, I lost weight for a week and a half, lost only 2 kg, and my stomach visually did not change ANYTHING, but after 1 cavitation procedure it changed. Yes, the effect is temporary, six months to a year, but for me it’s not that important, my goal is to be able to undress on the beach.
I think that the main thing is to have an effect:
1) do not eat for 2 hours after the procedure
2 drink up to 3 liters of water per day! THE MAIN THING HERE IS TO TAKE SMALL SIPS ALL DAY! and NOT THAT ALL 3 LITERS AT ONE TIME!
3) Be on the move, sports, exercise, cleaning, etc.!
4) don’t eat anything in the evening!

Firstly, the weight was lost NOT ONLY DUE TO CAVITATION, but with its help. It goes away only if you work comprehensively. That is, massage, wraps, diet, colon cleansing, a lot of water, this is all mandatory, nothing can be ruled out.
Those who only do cavitation and nothing else, it’s like wanting a watch to work, having only a battery in your hands, and not a clock mechanism.
Every screw is needed. Only the fat will begin to melt.
In general, the main thing is to understand how it melts:
1) If your intestines are full of shit (sorry for the details), then a hungry body will take its energy supply from there, and not from fat!
2) After cavitation, the crushed fat is in the body, and in order for it to come out and not freeze, it needs to be helped in every possible way: water is the main thing (it comes out through the kidneys, liver). You can drink kidney tea, and the main thing is to understand that this is a load - to remove fat, and not to burden yourself with anything else these days!! The massage helps a lot, I used ground coffee on my hand and massaged everything I needed, then I left it on my body for 10 minutes and washed it off. Wraps also work well.
— For those who wondered why go to cavitation at all, when you can do everything else at home and that’s it, I’ll answer
THIS HELPED ME PERSONALLY TO LOSE WEIGHT IN PROBLEM AREAS, and not in the boobs, as is usually the case when losing weight.
Oh, yes, the main thing is that oriented cavitation helped me, not the usual one

. and one more thing... I did vacuum drainage 1.5-2 hours every other day 3 times, the vacuum was also adjusted to make the suction stronger
after cavitation 35 min. and also if it’s a little warm during cavitation... then. power must be added almost to the brink of the threshold, otherwise there cannot be cavitation\strong heating of the medium as a result of the collapse of bubbles\
in salons they can do it pleasantly without pain... but the result is in question
Drinking water is required.

Inna, what muscle stimulators do you use? Russia esma?

My name is Alina. I am the same one that Inna from Astana was talking about, I teach how to work with cavitation and any equipment and am engaged in supplying equipment throughout Kazakhstan and Russia and the CIS for salons and individuals, from any manufacturer. I can teach work to both a private person and a special center. I’m not here for advertising, but because I accidentally saw that my private consultations are posted on the Internet. Girls, my dear, I ask you to save consultations only for your own work, and not to post the information received on the Internet. Thank you for your understanding, the information is very serious, I’m not very pleased from a purely human perspective that my knowledge is now being replicated. The device, the construction of the program and the salon were opened by me on a special order, so thank you for the advertisement, but the information is not for the forum.
Hello, how can I contact you? We also work on cavitation and would like to know about training

Ultrasonic cavitation gives good results and is completely painless. I would never have decided on liposuction, but I agreed to cavitation right away. They did it on Suprun, 9. After it, lymphatic drainage is also carried out so that fat is better removed from the destroyed cells. Just 6 procedures and I got rid of my belly.

Or maybe it’s better to listen to the technician who repairs all this garbage?![/quote
Hello! What specific devices can you recommend?

I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one in the tank, but I found out about the “Trio I Shape” device just the other day. This is some kind of new thermolifting for figure correction. I liked the mechanism of its operation, so I’ll try it on myself. Just in “Balance” there is a promotion for it.

There is one danger in cavitation: you need to very carefully choose the place of influence, since you can easily get a disproportionate figure. And one more thing: it is necessary to distinguish between a device for ultrasonic cavitation (they are of no use and they are cheaper), I suspect that it was precisely such devices that those for whom cavitation did not help and a cavitation generator (it is this that gives the real effect) came across. Find the right device in your city and you won’t regret it!))) you can endlessly spend money on poultices, but not eliminate the main problem, or you can do 1-3 cavitations for the same money and solve the problem forever. I sincerely wish everyone good luck and beauty!)))

How to distinguish these devices? I asked the cosmetologist, she herself doesn’t know the answer, what kind of device she has

I bought the device 2.5 years ago on eBay. I bought it from the factory that produces all these devices. After two procedures I lost 7 cm in my waist. I do it for a maximum time of 30 minutes, almost at maximum power. I once did 10 procedures in the salon, then it took about 12 cm. Then I lost it again. Now I’m going to do it until I get rid of my entire belly.
You need to help your body at this time. Drink plenty of water, clean water, not all sorts of crap. A little massage or light exercises after the procedure and everything will go away.
When you come to the salon, control both the power and duration yourself. Not a damn thing will go away in 15 minutes.

I bought the device 2.5 years ago on eBay. I bought it from the factory that produces all these devices. After two procedures I lost 7 cm in my waist. I do it for a maximum time of 30 minutes, almost at maximum power. I once did 10 procedures in the salon, then it took about 12 cm. Then I lost it again. Now I’m going to do it until I get rid of my entire belly. You need to help your body at this time. Drink plenty of water, clean water, not all sorts of crap. A little massage or light exercises after the procedure and everything will go away. When you come to the salon, control both the power and duration yourself. Not a damn thing will go away in 15 minutes.

My cavitation + RF lifting + chromotherapy device cost only 8000 + 1000 conductive gel. There is no tinnitus or headache, but there is a small effect. The stomach tightens well, the inner thighs go away. Naturally, I won’t advertise anything; those who are interested can find it themselves on the Internet. High-frequency cavitation devices for the home have long been invented. They cost less, are safer and work better. And for them, you yourself choose the highest quality and effective conductive gel.

After giving birth, my weight came off very slowly, no matter how much I worked with my diet and exercise. The endosphere saved us. It is more harmless than other methods of body correction and, as it turns out, more effective. Endosphere copes with fat, edema, and cellulite. It all gives just an insanely cool result.

I’ve already gone 4 times, everything is as it should be - once a week for an hour with lymphatic drainage, I did it in the riding breeches area. Prices on average range from 5 to 12 thousand rubles, I went for 7 to the “magic of beauty” on Dmitrovsky highway, took 5 procedures at once - with a discount it turned out to be 5000 procedures. There is no effect yet, but I hope at least something will change. although probably not anymore. In general, this is all some kind of scam, it’s written so beautifully about cavitation, but there is no result. I think you shouldn’t waste that kind of money, it’s better to inject ozone or do myostimulation. By the way, my weight is not very high - 58, the cosmetologist says that because of this it won't take much...

Well, here it is again, confirmation - the stomach and sides are gone, but the legs are gone. And I told you about this. If you don’t believe me, believe your Guests - clients repeat the same thing for the hundredth time. Hips don't lose weight! And don’t dream, bum, if you don’t have excess weight, nothing will go away. And nothing or very little will go away, millimeters, and then if you’re lucky.
The breeches of thin and slender people cannot be removed by cavitation.

Tatyana, thank you for your comments, do you think cavitation will affect the internal organs if only the legs are done?

Hello, girls! I decided to join your discussions. I was looking for advertisements for cavitation (by the way, they write everywhere about a cavitation generator, which is used in the ultrasonic cavitation procedure). After the first cavitation procedure (abdomen + buttocks + thighs = 40 minutes in total) + 40 minutes of pressotherapy, the result is zero. I decided to continue, but after 6 cavitation procedures, 5 pressotherapy, 3 LPG procedures and so far one radiolifting procedure I have the following result: stomach + 2 cm, hips + 4.

Olga, good afternoon. Can you tell me where in Anapa they do this procedure? I’m from Novorossiysk myself, and your price is more acceptable than in our city) thanks in advance)

Has anyone done cavitation without any coupons or promotions? After all, there are medical centers where 1 procedure costs 8,000-10,000 rubles for 60 minutes, the OMNICA device. If anyone has done it, tell me, does it make sense to pay that much?

Of course, if you have a massage, then only with a specialist! Otherwise it will either be ineffective or dangerous. I go to a combined one, there are both devices and hands, the effect is of course superb, no expense is spared. Although, considering that these are courses and quite rare, the prices are quite reasonable)) I go to seline to see Vladimir Grigorievich Konanevich, the doctor is very tactful, pleasant, and the clinic is good, it’s always a pleasure to come there! My main problem area is my riding breeches - the contrast is huge before and after, and the sides of my stomach too! The centimeters are gone and the skin is unreal afterwards! Now the next course is spring)

Good afternoon I did cavitation 5 procedures. The volumes have gone very badly, about 5 cm. I stopped doing it, but now I see cellulite has become more noticeable. Tell me what to do 😢My weight is 70 kg, height 165, is it really as they say, fat will come out in different places. It turns out I only harmed myself. Give valid advice please. Very worried.

Maybe some of you have done ozone therapy? Tell me, what was the effect? And right away?

The same thing, I did it 1 time + ozone. I’m currently on sick leave, my kidneys are all burning. I went to the doctor and they said that the tests regarding my kidneys back in February were bad. So girls, I’m thinking what to do. Will he heal and finish it or give up? In general, this is a dangerous topic if your health is initially weak.

The possibilities of aesthetic cosmetology are expanding every year and can compete with some surgical methods of combating excess weight. Surely, you have heard about such a method of aesthetic cosmetology as cavitation. In this issue we will look not only at the essence of this procedure, but also talk about the reviews and results of those women who have already tried the cavitation course on themselves, and show their photos before and after the sessions.

Ultrasonic cavitation - what is it?

Cavitation (from the Latin cavitas - emptiness, bubbles) is the physical process of the formation of a large number of bubbles filled with steam and gas, which begin to evaporate as they increase. This principle is widely used in various fields of medicine: nephrology, dentistry, in the treatment of purulent wounds, in the creation of various solutions and inhalation mixtures, etc.

In aesthetic cosmetology, the cavitation method is used to get rid of excess fat and cellulite. A special device creates low-frequency waves that affect excess subcutaneous fat, literally breaking it down. Ultrasound destroys fat cells that contain large amounts of fluid and prevents their further deposition. “Melted” fats leave the body naturally. Thus, the ultrasonic cavitation procedure is quite simple and extremely safe.

Using the device, a specialist treats those areas of the body that contain excess fat deposits. In general, the procedure lasts no more than 1 hour, the rate is 5-10 sessions, which must be carried out on average Once every 7-10 days. It is also possible to carry out 2-3 maintenance procedures every six months.

Noticeable changes appear after 1-2 sessions, subsequently the effect continues to intensify: the volume in problem areas goes away (from 2 to 6 centimeters), the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and sagging disappears. Following a non-strict diet 2-3 days before the procedure will help enhance the effect: it is advisable to avoid eating spicy, salty and fried foods. Immediately before the procedure, several hours before, it is advisable to drink at least a liter of water. Drinking plenty of water (up to 3 liters of water) is advisable throughout the day.

In addition, the procedure does not leave wounds on the skin or injure organs. Thanks to ultrasonic cavitation you:

  1. reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat deposits;
  2. get rid of wen if you have them;
  3. minimize external defects from surgical liposuction;
  4. get rid of cellulite and increase skin elasticity.

Contraindications to the ultrasonic cavitation procedure are:

  1. Oncology;
  2. Diabetes
  3. Inflamed skin in the affected area;
  4. ARVI;
  5. Pregnancy and lactation;
  1. Presence of a pacemaker
  2. Presence of implants in the affected area;
  3. Chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  4. Some liver and kidney diseases.

Be sure to inform the specialist about the presence of diseases before starting the procedure!

Ultrasonic cavitation (Latin cavitas - emptiness, bubbles) is a modern method that helps get rid of problems such as fat deposits and cellulite. The essence of the method is that under the influence of the energy of an ultrasonic wave, which freely passes through the skin and penetrates the subcutaneous fat tissue, excess fat reserves are destroyed and excreted through the kidneys, lymphatic and circulatory systems. What is cavitation, reviews of which are often very contradictory?

Ultrasound cavitation – a “storm” in fat cells

The ultrasonic cavitation procedure is carried out using a special device that produces low-frequency sound pulses. The acoustic wave caused by these impulses leads to the appearance of microcavities (bubbles) in the liquid, which is contained in adipose tissue. Ultrasound causes these bubbles to increase in size and liquefy the fat. Some of the bubbles burst, which leads to the appearance of a shock wave and the release of energy. Such micro explosions destroy the fat cell. No other tissues of the body are subject to the destructive effects of ultrasonic cavitation - they have a different structure, which has greater elasticity and strength. The body removes products resulting from the destruction of fat cells through lymph, blood and kidneys. To help the body quickly remove the remaining fat cells after cavitation, lymphatic drainage procedures are prescribed.

The main advantage of ultrasonic cavitation, when compared with other methods of getting rid of excess fat, is the stability of the result. Fat removed by this method is very difficult to accumulate again.

  1. inflammatory processes in the acute period;
  2. injured skin at the site of exposure;
  3. severe diseases of the vascular system, kidneys and liver;
  4. oncology.

Reviews about the procedure

Maria: “When I went to see a doctor with a problem of excess weight, and they offered me cavitation, saying that in one procedure you can remove 3-5 cm from the waist, I didn’t believe it. I thought it was a publicity stunt to attract patients. I decided to first learn more about what ultrasonic cavitation is – reviews, prices, consequences. I found little information on the Internet, and it was very different, but something inclined me towards this procedure - I really didn’t want to have surgery. Therefore, when I came to the clinic for the second time, I was already ready. How surprised I was when literally 20 minutes later my waist lost exactly 2 cm. It was a real shock, but a very pleasant shock. Now a month has passed since the first session, and I have become much slimmer - so much so that others have begun to notice it.”

How much does breast enlargement cost and what will ultimately determine the price of the operation?

Breast augmentation: reviews can be found here.

Alla: “I did cavitation three times - all three times using coupons and in different salons. The first time I was very lucky, I ended up with a competent doctor. She talked about what a fat cell is, that the number of such cells is genetically inherent in the body, and it remains the same throughout life. Only liposuction or cavitation can change them, and when losing weight, such cells are not destroyed, but simply change in size. After the procedure, the doctor advised me to do lymphatic drainage and drink a choleretic preparation. She explained that these procedures need to be done with a long break, and for those who have minor problems with excess fat, it is not advisable to do more than 3 sessions in their entire life! I did cavitation on my thighs - they became a little smaller, and the skin became smoother, but cellulite did not go away after the treatment. To get rid of it, you need additional lymphatic drainage procedures and, of course, proper nutrition and physical activity. The second and third time I did it on my stomach and arms, and already in other salons. I didn’t notice any effect on my stomach; the volume on my arms decreased slightly. I was surprised that no one in these salons told me what to do before and after the procedure, they didn’t even ask about contraindications. And the price here was also surprising - without coupons, 1–1.5 thousand rubles. Maybe it wasn’t cavitation, but some kind of fake? What conclusion did I draw: you can go once, but having first studied the information and contraindications, but in general it’s better to go for wraps and massage - although it’s more painful, it’s much more effective.

Ekaterina: “Before the vacation I wanted to get in shape, so I took a coupon and went for the procedure. Then I didn’t know anything about what kind of ultrasonic cavitation this was - I didn’t see any reviews or photos, so I didn’t want to pay a lot of money for unknown reasons. I almost fell asleep in the office - a pleasant warmth spread throughout my body and reached right to my bones. They “treated” two areas for me – my legs and buttocks. Afterwards I drank about 2 liters of water with lemon juice. And the next day a miracle happened - I easily put on summer jeans that had not fit on me for two years. The skin has become even, the bumps have disappeared. So I’m quite happy with the result, perhaps I was lucky with the salon. I'm going to go for two more sessions. My husband also had to register - he looked at me and immediately wanted to remove his tummy.”

Albina: “A year ago I took a course of cavitation - the sensations were not the most pleasant. I saw the effect almost immediately, but it turned out to be completely unstable - just like an ordinary massage. I don’t want to dissuade anyone, but I myself decided that I won’t do it anymore. Better than self-massage, Charcot shower and diet - cheaper and more effective.”

Zhanna: “I don’t recommend it to anyone! This is a real money grab. I did eight (!) cavitations - the result was zero. I did it on the back of the thighs and stomach. When I was indignant about the lack of changes, the doctor told me that I needed to do cavitation along with a massage, and even go on a diet, but there would be no result. As if you couldn’t have warned me about this at the first session! I knew that if he had told me everything in advance, I would have refused, but I got my money - and I don’t care about anything else! But there was nothing left to do, the money was spent and could not be returned. After cavitation, I started going for massages, doing cupping at home, and went on a low-carbohydrate diet (by the way, such a diet is needed for at least three days after each procedure). I went through 6 more cavitations, already observing everything that was needed. Finally, things worked out: the cellulite leveled out, the stomach tightened. Let me summarize: 58 thousand rubles were spent on the cavitation itself plus massage, 3 cm was spent on the waist, minus 1 cm on the hips. Well, I had to go on a diet, which was not part of my plans. I think if I had managed with just a diet, the effect would have been the same, but if I had bought a fitness or pool membership with this considerable amount, it would have been even better.”

Yulia: “When choosing any cosmetic procedure, you must first choose a good clinic where experienced doctors work who can choose the right type of wave (this is important in cavitation). Otherwise, there may be no result at all. In addition, the doctor must warn for which diseases the procedure cannot be done, and explain how to eat, how much water to drink, and tell about massages and lymphatic drainage. If the doctor doesn’t talk about all this, go to another clinic. I underwent 5 procedures, as a result of which the cellulite on the buttocks and thighs became much smoother, and the volume also decreased by 2 cm (although this was not my goal). Cavitation, despite the rather high cost (I spent 26 thousand rubles on everything, and 3 more sessions ahead), the procedure is good, much more effective than regular massages, weight loss creams and other nonsense for weight loss, which, by the way, also cost quite a lot."