Men's care cosmetics

Why women's beauty products are not suitable for men and how to choose the right ones

I want to share everything with my loved one: from my impressions to my favorite perfume. Still, some things should be individual, like a toothbrush. ELLE learned from experts why men need special skin care.

How is men's skin different from women's?

There are differences between men's skin and women's skin, there are many of them and they depend on several factors. The main one is hormonal levels. Due to high testosterone levels, men's skin is 20-25% thicker and denser. Therefore, it is better resistant to wind, temperature changes and other aggressive external influences. Because of androgens, the sebaceous glands work more actively, and the number of glands is higher than in women. Therefore, men's skin is more often of the combination or oily type and is prone to inflammation. Acne becomes more severe and leaves noticeable marks. Also, the surface of men's skin is predominantly acidic, making it more prone to irritation as a result of daily shaving. “This, in turn, leads to thinning of the skin and disruption of the integrity of the hydrolipid film. Therefore, in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin and neck, men’s skin becomes more sensitive over the years,” says international expert of the Clarins brand Olga Komrakova.

“Men’s skin has more collagen, which provides high elasticity,” says Shiseido lead training manager Sergey Khachaturyan. Due to this, wrinkles appear in men later than in women. But due to their high density and thickness, they are deeper and more prominent, especially on the forehead and around the eyes. Mature skin suffers from a loss of tone, leading to changes in facial contours. And since men's skin has many more blood vessels, it is prone to rosacea.

Also, men's skin has a lot of melanin, which means it is better protected from ultraviolet radiation. “Therefore, age spots from the sun occur less frequently in men; age-related pigmentation appears later, but it is very difficult to fight the existing ones,” explains Elena Kuznitskaya, leading training manager at Perricone MD. All these features explain the dramatic difference in men’s skin care, creation and selection of beauty products.

What ingredients does men's skin need?

When choosing cosmetics for men, you need to focus on the condition of your skin and age, and not on the time of year. Some people need light hydration in winter, and intensive nutrition in summer, while others do the opposite. Depending on the age of a man's skin, different ingredients are needed. In youth, the skin is predominantly oily and suffers from frequent shaving. The situation will be saved by components that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as anti-inflammatory and sedatives. For example, extract of turmeric, green tea, olive leaf, aloe, barley malt. Lotions and peelings with AHA acids will reduce sebum production and eliminate blackheads. But it is better not to use such products directly after shaving, so as not to cause even more irritation.

Men are lucky: they can start using anti-aging care later than women. Elena Kuznitskaya believes that it is especially important to take care of the skin after 50 years: “Testosterone levels by this time decrease noticeably, the skin retains moisture less well, so gravitational ptosis and other signs of aging become more noticeable.” Look for moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients. These are hyaluronic acid, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin C ester (stable form of this vitamin), peptides.

How to choose the right grooming products for men?

A familiar situation: a man often borrows your cleansing gel or cream? There will be no harm from this, however, there will be no benefit either. Most likely, women's products will not be effective enough. “I’m against advice that “it suits me, it will suit you too,” since we are all very individual,” says the Clarins expert.

Therefore, a man needs his own beauty menu. “The skin care ritual should be clear and precise, and the list of products should not take up several volumes,” Sergei Khachaturyan knows firsthand. “Must-haves are means for washing and shaving. Each man has his own characteristics, and a different type of shaving is suitable for each: foam or gel, machine or electric razor. And another important point is hygiene. You only need to shave a clean face, and change the blades every 5-8 procedures,” recalls the Shiseido training manager.

ClarinsMen Active Face Wash, Shiseido Shaving Cream, ClarinsMen Shave Ease Oil, Perricone MD Blue Plasma, Shiseido Cleansing Foam, Perricone MD CBx for Men Super Clean Face Wash

Every day you need to use a moisturizing or anti-aging product (gel, cream, balm - the texture depends on personal preference and skin condition) and an eye cream against puffiness and dark circles. With careful moisturizing, men's skin will be provided with reliable protection from the negative influences of the environment and will remain young longer. Sergey also recommends adding serum to your care when it is necessary to eliminate a certain deficiency.

PPerricone MD CBX for Men Lightweight Moisturizer, ClarinsMen Anti-Fatigue Eye Serum, ClarinsMen Super Moisture Balm, Shiseido Hydro Master Gel, Shiseido Total Revitalizer Cream , restoring cream for the skin around the eyes Shiseido Total Revitalizer Eye

If there is no irritation, damage to the integrity of the skin, or inflammation, exfoliants can be used once or twice a week. For young or oily skin, peeling with AHA acids is suitable; for aged, dry or sensitive skin, soft enzyme peeling is suitable. The Perricone MD brand specialist advises adding a few more dishes: aftershave, restorative night cream and mask. Men with oily, problematic skin need cleansing masks with an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. If your skin is dry or aged, moisturizing, nourishing masks with an anti-aging effect will help.

Perricone MD CBx For Men Soothing Post-Shave Treatment Serum, Perricone MD Chloro Plasma Mask

“If a man is actively involved in sports, after each workout he needs not only shower gel and deodorant, but a shaving line and care products. All of them are produced in travel format. This set is convenient to take with you or store in a fitness club locker: it will not take up much space,” says Olga Komrakova. Nowadays, many beauty brands produce products aimed at men's skin, so choosing a gift will not be difficult.

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If your boyfriend secretly uses your face cream, hint to him that there are plenty of cosmetics for men these days. All that remains is to choose the appropriate tools and learn how to use them. And yes, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one cream.

  1. Features of men's cosmetics
  2. Types of cosmetics
  3. Review of men's facial cosmetics

Features of men's cosmetics

Taking offense at men, we often call them thick-skinned. And for good reason: their facial skin is indeed thicker than women’s, and the collagen of the dermis is denser. Here the male population is lucky - their skin ages more slowly.

Men's facial skin is thicker than women's, and the collagen in the dermis is denser. © iStock

In general, representatives of the stronger sex require special care. A whole range of ingredients is welcome in cosmetics for men.

Plant extracts (chamomile, cornflower, aloe, witch hazel), vitamin E soothe and relieve irritation.

Salicylic or other acids are dried and the stratum corneum of the epidermis is exfoliated.

Antioxidants such as retinol and sesaline (sesame extract) increase protective properties.

Allantoin, shea butter, panthenol restore and soften damaged skin.

Vitamin C and peptides stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Types of cosmetics

What should the minimum arsenal of men's cosmetics include?

Shower gel

The pH level of men's skin is slightly lower than women's, so more alkaline cleansers are required (but not soap, which irritates and dries the skin). The gel is needed specifically from the line for men; they can be recognized by the marking for men, pour homme. In addition to cleansing agents, the composition should contain components that:

It’s good if shaving foam contains softening, moisturizing and disinfecting components. © iStock

Shaving foam

It is good if it contains softening, moisturizing and disinfecting components.

Aftershave gel

Cosmetologists categorically condemn the habit of men after shaving to wipe their faces with cologne or eau de toilette. This is a bad idea, because alcohol only dries and irritates the skin.

Shaving is a traumatic procedure for the skin, after which soothing, softening, moisturizing products with extracts of chamomile, witch hazel and panthenol will be useful.

Facial fluid

It is fluid or gel. Thick cream is less comfortable for men's skin, as it is prone to oiliness. Yes, and a thicker product is absorbed worse.
Choose a fluid based on your skin type and age, preferably one with a moisturizing effect and SPF.

Eye cream (after 35 years)

The texture should be light; hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, and avocado oil are welcome in the composition. It is better to apply in the morning; evening use can cause swelling after sleep.

Review of men's facial cosmetics

From our selection you can choose the products you need for daily care.


Suitable even for sensitive skin. Gently and thoroughly cleanses and prepares for subsequent care. Moisturizing components and microelements protect against adverse environmental factors.

Does not contain soap. Easily washed off with water, leaving a feeling of freshness and smoothness. For all skin types.

Shaving products

Prepares skin for shaving. Mineralizing thermal water at the base of the formula soothes and moisturizes. Glycerin softens the skin and makes the razor glide easier.

Extracts of thermal plankton and chamomile soothe the skin, relieve irritation and redness. Allantoin and glycerin soften, strengthen epidermal protection and give a feeling of comfort.

Skin care products

Birch sap moisturizes and quickly soothes irritated skin, relieving burning sensation. Restores the hydrolipidic and protective barrier.

Triceramides, royal jelly and jojoba oil perfectly take care of dehydrated, irritated and flaking skin, restoring, moisturizing and nourishing it.

Moisturizing fluid, if applied after toner, replaces aftershave gel.

The paraben- and oil-free formula instantly removes shine and leaves skin looking matte. Glycerin softens and moisturizes, menthol refreshes.

Anti-aging products

The extract of self-healing relict blue-green algae from the American Lake Kamath regenerates the skin literally at the cellular level, restoring its elasticity, improving complexion and reducing wrinkles.

The serum corrects facial and age wrinkles, relieves the feeling of tightness, soothes, activates cell regeneration, collagen production, and restores skin elasticity. And all this thanks to the active components: bifidobacteria, lipids, Asian centella extract.

Cream care against wrinkles and signs of fatigue, Vichy Homme

Thermal water soothes the skin, hyaluronic acid moisturizes, and blueberry and tomato extracts provide antioxidant protection and stimulate regeneration. Within a month, the result is noticeable: the depth of wrinkles is smoothed, the skin looks renewed.

Products for the skin around the eyes

A complex of antioxidants (L-ascorbic and ferulic acids, phloretin) protects against the destructive effects of free radicals, evens out skin color, slows down the aging process, and reduces the appearance of crow's feet. Caffeine reduces swelling of the eyelids.

Thanks to its gel texture, the product is easy to apply and absorb. Cucumber extract restores water balance and refreshes the skin, alfalfa extract is known for its antioxidant effect, caffeine has a tonic and draining effect.

After 30 years, in order to avoid early aging and look fresh, young and beautiful, almost all women use skin care products. While most men limit themselves only to products designed for a comfortable shaving process.

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However, recently the situation has changed dramatically. Firstly, the wide scope of the cosmetics industry has allowed brands to tell the world that there are real men's facial cosmetics and create entire lines dedicated to it. Secondly, the representatives of the stronger sex of humanity themselves began to take better care of themselves and more actively use products of this kind. What are their features?

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Men's skin is completely different from women's. On the one hand, it is rougher and thicker. On the other hand, it is more susceptible to irritation and rashes, as it is constantly injured as a result of shaving. All these features were studied by modern laboratories, and based on their research, men's cosmetics for facial skin were born with all its nuances, advantages and disadvantages. What are they?

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  1. Men's cosmetics have a lighter texture than women's, which ensures rapid absorption.
  2. It is more concentrated in terms of active ingredients, because they have to overcome the dense and rough barrier of male skin.
  3. Men's cosmetics are represented by such products as cleansing gels and lotions; moisturizing compounds; anti-aging serums, creams, emulsions; shaving products; concentrates for the area around the eyes.
  4. Recently, much more natural ingredients have begun to be used in men's cosmetics. Salts, parabens, sulfates, alcohols and other harmful substances in their composition are a thing of the past.
  5. Like women's cosmetics, men's cosmetics are marked with age (+30, +35, +40, etc.).
  6. There is a division according to skin type: dry, oily and normal.
  7. Most products have a neutral, unobtrusive aroma. It may be completely absent, because men rarely like strong odors.

Now you see for yourself that men's facial care cosmetics are different from women's, although they require no less attention.

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It’s time for representatives of the stronger half of humanity to think about the fact that age-related changes will someday affect their epidermis, and the frantic pace of modern life and the unfavorable environmental situation only hasten the onset of aging. And if you don’t take care of your skin with cosmetics in advance, then it will be too late to do anything. Therefore, it is worth learning how to use it.

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The envy of women. According to laboratory studies, men's skin ages much more slowly and later than women's.

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Terms of use

The first thing everyone should understand is that men's facial cosmetics are not limited to pre- and post-shave products. Yes, its assortment is much poorer than the diversity of the women's cosmetic world, but this is justified by high interest and demand.

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And if representatives of the stronger half of humanity pay enough attention to these products, manufacturers will certainly expand their product lines for them. But first you need to learn how to use this wealth.

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  1. You should choose cosmetics according to your age.
  2. It is necessary to apply facial care products daily.
  3. Expired products cause allergic reactions and numerous irritations, so you need to monitor their expiration date.
  4. Cosmetics are applied to the skin in small quantities.
  5. Before using it, you must wash your hands. Basic hygiene rules protect the epidermis from pathogenic microbes and inflammation.

As you can see, there is nothing special about using various men's facial cosmetics. Everyone will be able to master and apply these simple rules in practice. Well, our task now is to help men navigate the variety of products presented on the modern market.

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This is interesting. Men's skin has one significant drawback - it has a lot of sebaceous glands. That is why in adolescence, boys suffer from acne and acne much more often than girls. And even at a later age this trend continues.

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Review of the best products

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Over time, men experience exactly the same problems as women: age spots, wrinkles (moreover, deeper and more noticeable), constant irritation, dryness. And you need to fight each of them - men's facial cosmetics allow you to do this quickly and efficiently. A short review of the best creams and tonics “For Men” will clearly show that modern brands are working very intensively in this direction.

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For wrinkles

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First of all, let's look at what products are available in men's anti-wrinkle cosmetics - these are mainly anti-aging compositions.

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  1. Anti-Wrinkle Energizing Cream - tonic anti-wrinkle cream. Declare (Switzerland). $51.3.
  2. Brutia is a men's anti-wrinkle cream. Frais Monde (Italy). $36.8.
  3. Homme Liftactiv Soin Actif Anti-Rides is an active anti-wrinkle facial cream. Vichy (France). $35.4.
  4. After Shave Antirughe is a men's anti-wrinkle aftershave cream with liposomes. Intesa (Italy). $6.9.
  5. Bear Power is a men's anti-wrinkle cream with super-intensive action. A product from Russian manufacturers - the Natura Siberica company constantly pampers men with new products. $4.2.

For the skin around the eyes

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A stern male gaze often provokes the appearance of crow's feet as early as 30 years of age. That’s why men’s cosmetics for wrinkles under the eyes are becoming so important.

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  1. Men - restoration of the eye contour. Shiseido (Japan). $53.2.
  2. Homme Dermo System is a firming eye serum. Dior (France). $44.9.
  3. Homme Age Fight is a men's cream against swelling, dark circles, and wrinkles under the eyes. Lancôme (France). $41.8.
  4. Intensive Anti-Fatique Eye Lift - lifting gel with marine collagen for wrinkles around the eyes. Givenchy (France). $38.1.
  5. Men - men's anti-wrinkle balm around the eyes. Clarins (France). $24.7.


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  1. Moisturizing Cream - moisturizing cream. Dr. Temt (Austria). $56.2.
  2. Men's Hydrating Cream - moisturizing for the face. BIOselect (Greece). $35.5.
  3. Reparing Moisturizing Cream - moisturizing and restoring cream. Frais Monde (Italy). $27.5.
  4. Energizing Hydro-Gel is an energizing moisturizing cream. Janssen Cosmeceutical (Germany). $15.5.
  5. Men Expert Hydra Sensitiv - moisturizing cream for sensitive skin. L'Oréal (France). $10.5.


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  1. Anti-Riders Fermete Line-Control Creme is a men's anti-acne control cream. Clarins (France). $31.8.
  2. Aqua Mineral is a soothing face cream. Ahava (Israel). $28.6.
  3. Defatigant Visage Fatique Fighter is a soothing anti-stress cream against fatigue. Clarins (France). $23.
  4. Borage anti-shine moisturizer for men’s skin is a mattifying wound-healing cream. Korres (Greece). $21.
  5. Energy active with coenzyme Q10 is a cooling facial product. Nivea (Germany). $4.5.


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  1. Boss Skin is a refreshing facial gel. Hugo Boss (Germany). $20.4.
  2. Oil Free Facial Lotion is an anti-greasy lotion for men. Anthony (Germany). $17.7.
  3. Facial Scrub is a delicate scrub for sensitive skin. Art Shaving (USA). $17.5.
  4. Wash is a gentle facial cleanser. Zirh (Germany). $13.9.
  5. Arctic freeze - men's aqua gel “Icy freshness”. Nivea (Germany). $3.

Here are the best men's facial cosmetics in different price ranges, so you can choose something for yourself. Premium products are sometimes overpriced due to brands and expensive components in their composition. Mass market products are sometimes not inferior in quality. Men should keep this factor in mind when searching for a cosmetic line that is ideal for their skin.

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Interesting fact. With age, networks of fine wrinkles first form on women's skin. Whereas in men they immediately appear deep and very obvious.

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Funds lines

Men's cosmetics from Switzerland “Cellmen” from the company “Cellcosmet”

Modern beauty salons have begun to attract an increasing number of representatives of the stronger half of humanity as clients. And for this they need high-quality professional men's facial cosmetics, of which a lot has already appeared on the market. These lines are actively used by cosmetologists and can be purchased for home use.

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  1. Ahava (Israel). Time to Energize.
  2. Belita (Belarus). For Men.
  3. Cellcosmet (Switzerland). Cellmen.
  4. Christian Dior (France). Dermo Homme System.
  5. Clinique (France). Happy for Men.
  6. Collistar (Italy). Uomo.
  7. Temt (Austria). Mens.
  8. Eveline (Poland). Men X-Trem.
  9. Janssen (Germany). Men.
  10. L'Oréal Paris, L'Oréal (France). Men Expert is premium men's cosmetics, known all over the world for its wide range, high prices and amazing quality.
  11. Natura Siberica (Russia). Line for men.
  12. Nivea, Nivea (Germany) For Men.
  13. Pevonia Botanica (USA). For Him.
  14. Renew (Israel). Be First.
  15. Sesderma (Spain). Men Line.

Men's facial cosmetics are not represented in such a wide range as products for women. However, manufacturers are doing everything to expand this niche and develop new unique formulas.

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A stylish image of a modern man cannot be created without perfectly smooth skin, without a hint of irritation. And for this you need to take care of it regularly. Discard the prejudice that jars of creams and bottles of tonics are for girls. Guys need them just as much.

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