Red pimples with blackheads

Many women are very worried when acne appears on their face.

They especially cause a lot of problems for young girls.

No pimples, even the most inconspicuous ones, add attractiveness to the face, making the skin uneven.

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This causes a decrease in self-esteem in girls and the appearance of complexes.

Therefore, they squeeze out the hated blackheads, which often leads to the spread of acne.

Pimples can be different: black and white dots, purulent, red and subcutaneous.

Their development almost always begins in the same way - with blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Depending on the characteristics of this process, several types of acne are distinguished.

  1. When pores become clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells and dirt, a plug forms. If the mouth of the sebaceous duct is expanded, then the fat oxidizes from contact with air and darkens. A black pimple forms.
  2. If this plug is subcutaneous, then the oxidation reaction does not occur. The pores are greatly narrowed, so the pimple takes on the appearance of a white bump. Such comedones often become inflamed.
  3. As a result of bacteria getting under the skin, an inflamed red pimple is formed. It may be subcutaneous, but sometimes its head comes to the surface.
  4. With the further development of the inflammatory process and the active activity of bacteria, you can notice that an ordinary pimple has become purulent.

Acne severity

In some cases, a lot of acne appears on the face and body.

This is the so-called acne disease, which is more common among teenagers and young adults.

The disease is chronic, and conventional methods of getting rid of acne are often not enough to cure it.

Those who develop acne and black pimples begin to appear all over the body need to monitor their diet, change their lifestyle and learn how to properly care for their skin.

There are several stages of acne:

  1. light – a small number of comedones appear;

Photo: moderate acne on the face

  1. average – in addition to black and white dots, rosacea forms, which sometimes become inflamed;

Photo: severe form of acne

  1. heavy – a large number of different pimples, many purulent inflammations.

Reasons for appearance

Many people believe that blackheads are caused by poor skin cleansing.

They squeeze out these pimples, use scrubs, wash their faces frequently with soap, and use lotions and toners. But more often than not, such actions lead to the appearance of even more blackheads.

After all, such pimples are pores clogged with sebum.

Only because a lot of it is produced and is not removed from the surface of the skin, comedones are formed.

This happens for several reasons:

  1. hormonal imbalances in adolescence, especially excess androgens, lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  2. if the pores are clogged with particles of the epidermis, remnants of decorative cosmetics or dirt, the fat cannot come to the surface, remaining inside;
  3. Excessively frequent cleansing of the skin can provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  4. This is caused by various hereditary and endocrine diseases;
  5. constant stressful situations and mental tension increase the production of hormones;
  6. poor nutrition, consumption of fatty and unhealthy foods also leads to malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Photo: multiple blackheads on the face


Pimples can appear anywhere on the body.

But most often they are localized where there are many sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

After all, a black pimple is a plug of dirt and dead skin particles that clogs the pores.

Therefore, they can most often be found on the nose, back, head, and in men, even on the chest.

On the face

This is the most common location for blackheads.

Photo: black comedones on the forehead

  1. They form on the forehead, nose, chin - these are areas with a large number of sebaceous glands. In addition, a person often touches these places with dirty hands, and most cosmetics are applied here. Therefore, this is where pores most often become clogged.
  2. But black spots can also form on the cheek, lips, eyelids or behind the ear. This occurs due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands, especially if a person’s skin is very sensitive to the substances they secrete.

On the back

Photo: acne on the back

A black pimple on the back appears for the same reasons.

  1. Hormonal imbalances, poor diet, stressful situations or chronic diseases lead to increased work of the sebaceous glands, of which there are also many in this place.
  2. In addition, the appearance of blackheads can be caused by tight synthetic clothing, which leads to excessive sweat and clogged pores.

Atypical places for comedones to appear

Black dots do not appear where there is no hair, since the ducts of the sebaceous glands are located near the hair follicles.

Therefore, comedones cannot appear on the tongue, palm or foot.

The black dots in this place have a different origin.

  1. For example, these could be warts or small hematomas that appear due to compression of the foot by uncomfortable shoes.
  2. Black formations in the mouth may indicate the development of a fungal disease or tumor.

Acne in intimate places in women appears due to physiological characteristics, wearing synthetic underwear or infectious diseases.

  1. But blackheads on the labia, where there are many hair follicles, can appear for the same reasons as on the face. This can happen due to hormonal imbalance, stress or poor hygiene.
  2. Sometimes black pimples appear on the head, neck, legs, shoulders and even on the fingers. This condition is observed with acne and serious disorders of hormonal balance and metabolism.

Video: “How to get rid of acne - simple and clear”


Black dots, especially on the face, cause a lot of psychological discomfort to a person. Therefore, most women try to get rid of them faster. But they often make mistakes.

If you don't know how to get rid of such acne correctly, you can worsen the problem.

For example, after their mechanical removal, scars often remain, inflammation develops, or new large pimples appear in enlarged pores. Therefore, the treatment of this problem must be comprehensive.

Why does milk cause acne? Find out here.

You need to be patient and, in addition to cleansing the skin, pay attention to nutrition, choose the right cosmetics and treat chronic diseases in a timely manner.

Therefore, it is better to contact a dermatologist to prescribe treatment.

For serious problems, these may be drugs to normalize hormonal balance and metabolism or antibiotics.

Local treatment of black acne can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Apply ichthyol ointment to acne areas. It draws out the contents of the pores well and prevents the development of inflammation;
  2. you can use badyagu, which exfoliates dead cells and activates blood circulation;
  3. salicylic acid in addition to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, it helps dissolve the sebaceous plug;

Photo: pharmaceutical products for acne

  1. Baziron AS cream is considered effective. Its active ingredient benzoyl peroxide not only fights bacteria, but also dissolves sebaceous plugs, freeing pores;
  2. cosmetic products from the Keraknil series They help not only to properly care for your skin, preventing the appearance of acne. Fruit acids in these products dissolve the sebaceous plug and promote the release of pore contents to the surface;
  3. new product Differin cream not only treats problematic skin, but also prevents the appearance of comedones.

Folk remedies

Many women prefer traditional medicine.

Among these recipes there are very effective ones that help get rid of black pimples better than medications.

  1. This mask effectively dries out acne and cleanses the skin: mix baby powder with zinc and white clay, add a little salicylic alcohol and apply to problem areas for a few minutes.
  2. The most popular and simple anti-acne mask is made using egg white. You need to mix the protein with a tablespoon of sugar until it is completely dissolved. Apply half of the mask to problem areas. After it dries, the remains need to be driven in using gentle patting movements with your fingers. When the mask stops sticking to your hands, it should be washed off with water.
  3. As for the protein base, you can make the following mixture: beat one protein with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and aloe juice.
  4. A mixture of crushed rolled oats, kefir, soda and boric acid will help remove blackheads. Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes. After this, you need to remove it using rolling movements, and rinse off the residue with water.

Photo: Hercules mask for blackheads

Is it possible to squeeze out

Doctors do not recommend getting rid of acne mechanically.

Squeezing can provoke even greater activity of the sebaceous glands.

After this, the enlarged pores become clogged again, and a new large black pimple appears.

Steam baths, which are often used before mechanical cleaning, can produce the opposite effect: the pores do not expand, but narrow due to the drying effect of hot air.

In addition, even with good disinfection of hands and squeezing tools, you can get infected and provoke the appearance of purulent acne.

How to remove it correctly

In some cases, it is necessary to resort to mechanical removal of acne.

Although this method only helps for a couple of weeks. If the causes of comedones are not eliminated, then they will appear again.

Photo: you need to squeeze out pimples according to all the rules

But if you still need to squeeze out a black pimple, then you need to do it correctly.

  1. Rinse your skin well, wash and disinfect your hands.
  2. Steam the problem area using a steam bath or a hot cloth.
  3. Gently pierce the head of the pimple with a sterile needle.
  4. Wrap your index fingers in a bandage and apply pressure on both sides of the pimple. Try not to press inwards, but to squeeze out its contents to the surface.
  5. After all the sebum is released, blood will begin to be released.
  6. Then you need to wash your face with cold water to tighten the pores.
  7. The wound must be disinfected with alcohol. To narrow the pores, apply a special mask or cream.

It should be remembered that only non-inflamed pimples that can be easily squeezed out can be removed this way.

How to get rid of acne spots

Very often, after acne removal, spots remain on the skin.

They are a serious cosmetic defect, and for many this is a big problem.

Photo: spots and scars on the face after acne

There are many medications to get rid of such stains: Skinoren cream, Badyaga, salicylic or glycolic acid.

There are also folk remedies for this problem.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of tomato pulp with a teaspoon of starch. This mask is applied for 15 minutes.
  2. Rubbing the skin with cucumber juice is effective. You need to do this within half an hour.
  3. In the morning, you need to wipe your skin with a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.


First of all, to prevent the appearance of black pimples, you need to choose the right cosmetics.

Photo: protein acne on the face

  1. High-quality cosmetics should not contain large amounts of fat, sodium lauryl sulfate, lanolin, or isopropyl.
  2. You need to remember that you should not use decorative cosmetics to disguise acne. This contributes to even greater blockage of pores and can provoke an inflammatory process.

There are other rules that, if followed, will help reduce the number of blackheads.

  1. Avoid soap and cleansing gels. Wash your face only with cool water; you can use lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or herbal infusions for this.
  2. Use cleansing and nourishing masks suitable for your skin type 2-3 times a week.
  3. Switch to a balanced diet. Avoid fatty, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, and confectionery products.
  4. Try to avoid stressful situations.

Does Garnier cream help with acne? Find out here.

What to do if acne on your face does not go away? Read on.

Left untreated, they can lead to inflamed pimples. But getting rid of comedones needs to be approached correctly.

Not all remedies are suitable for every person.

Therefore, to choose the right treatment, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Video: “Causes of acne”

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Acne strikes most teenagers at the beginning or in the midst of adolescence. Young people up to adulthood are plagued by black pimples and spots; they also appear in people over 20 years of age. Should you come to terms with these skin imperfections or fight for a clear face? The obvious answer is: prevent the appearance and remove existing acne.

Black pimples and spots in teenagers and adults

The short foreign word “acne” in dermatology and cosmetology refers to various types of acne that occur when the sebaceous hair follicles in the skin become clogged. First, open and closed comedones appear - blackheads and white pimples.

The source of inflammation in their place reveals itself as red, with a yellow head filled with pus, soreness and itching.

If black pimples and spots occur:

— the causes of the appearance are associated with a violation of the evacuation of sebum from the glands to the surface of the epidermal layer of cells;

- the secretion of the sebaceous glands in an open comedone oxidizes and mixes with dirt and dust;

- increased proliferation of bacteria begins, which attracts blood leukocytes;

- papulopustule (painful element of acne) is formed.

Advice! Do you call acne at all stages of development “pimples”? No problem! The main thing is to keep in mind that special processes take place in the elements of acne that require a different approach.

What to do if open comedones appear?

At first, black pimples in a teenager or adult remain barely noticeable spots. Their usual localization is the nose, cheeks, chin. With hormonal changes, decreased immunity, chronic or acute diseases of internal organs, inflammation begins and capsules with pus form. These phenomena are provoked by improper squeezing, combing, and mechanical damage to comedones.

It is important! Acne looks different as it evolves. If you do not differentiate them, you can cause harm by using the wrong procedures and means.

Interestingly, the word “pimple” is borrowed from the popular vocabulary. Cosmetologists and doctors of various specialties prefer to use scientific terms - comedones, prosyanki, papulopustules, nodules, cysts. In search of adequate treatment for blackheads, you should pay close attention to recipes that relate to the removal of open comedones.

Treatment and prevention of black acne

Some researchers assure that the influence of nutrition and lack of hygiene on acne should not be overestimated or underestimated. The conclusions of specialists in the field of dermatology sound approximately the same: black acne in an adult is not necessarily associated with neglect of skin care. It does not require too persistent cleansing; it disrupts the natural processes in the sebaceous glands and keratinocytes.

Nutrition in the presence of black pimples should be of high quality. Abuse of fast food, chocolate bars and carbonated drinks harms internal organs and appearance. It is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively, and the question of where to start treatment should be discussed with a dermatologist. In a cosmetology salon you can undergo a procedure for cleansing the skin of comedones.

Black pimples and spots - how to prevent the appearance and remove comedones:

Use a 2.5–5% solution of benzoyl peroxide to care for acne-affected skin.

Use masks with cosmetic grades of clay, pharmaceutical badyagi powder.

Go through peeling in the salon with concentrated BHA and AHA preparations.

Make sea salt scrubs at home.

The price at the pharmacy for salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide will seem surprisingly low compared to branded lotions and gels based on the same active ingredients. Those who have such an opportunity can spend from 400 to 2000 rubles on pharmacy cosmetics with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and aloe. You can simply add pharmaceutical preparations to a decoction of medicinal herbs or a regular lotion for your skin type.

For exfoliation at home, not only sea salt, but also regular kitchen salt, as well as baking soda are used. Olive, almond or sea buckthorn oils, aromatic essences (tea tree oil, basil, lemon) are added to this base.

At the stage when black pimples are not yet inflamed, they are much easier to deal with. Decoctions of sage, oak bark, wormwood, aloe juice, and diluted pharmacy tincture of calendula will help dry the skin, narrow pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. All of them have disinfectant and antibacterial properties.

For black acne, it is good to use film masks - ready-made or homemade based on egg whites. When the composition hardens, a fairly strong film is formed; by removing it, we remove the layer of dead epidermal cells and the contents of black pimples.

Amina Pirmanova / article author