Cream 1 from lefarm natural anti-aging anti-wrinkle cream

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Modern beauty salons and stores offer customers a huge selection of drugs that fight wrinkles on the face, but most of them are not very effective. At the same time, there is another way to help rejuvenate the skin - these are pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles. This product is quite cheap and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

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pharmachologic effect

Release form

Retinoic ointment

Retinoic ointment is a fairly effective anti-wrinkle remedy. It includes components that help restore skin cells, eliminate inflammation and stabilize sebum secretion.

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Solcoseryl ointment

Since Solcoseryl contains natural components that can easily pass through cell membranes, there is a beneficial effect from the effects of this ointment. Even after short-term use of this drug, some external changes can be noticed on the skin:

  1. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  2. restoration of freshness and healthy complexion;
  3. facelift;
  4. elimination of inflammatory processes.

Radevit ointment for wrinkles

The ointment contains a high concentration of vitamins A, E, and D. With constant use of Radevit, the condition of the skin improves significantly - rather deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the color becomes fresher.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment has effective decongestant properties, which allows it to effectively remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes from the face. Although you need to take into account that deep facial wrinkles cannot be smoothed out with its help. But this drug can make small wrinkles almost invisible.

Ointment Relief

Relief ointment is often used for cosmetic procedures - it eliminates bruises that occur under the eyes, as well as facial wrinkles. It contains components that prevent the appearance of edema and help normalize local blood circulation. In addition, it includes omega-3 fatty acids, which effectively nourish the skin and create a healthy and fresh look. But you need to keep in mind that frequent use of this ointment is not allowed, because as a result the skin will be overdried and may wrinkle.

Hydrocortisone ointment

The action of Hydrocortisone ointment is based on the retention of fluid in the skin cells, due to which it can smooth out shallow wrinkles. A small swelling forms at the application site, which helps hide wrinkles. The ointment does not cause allergies.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles

Zinc ointment can effectively fight small wrinkles. The active ingredient of the drug - zinc - is an excellent means of sun protection. It protects the skin from UV radiation, thereby preventing early aging and photoaging of the skin. Zinc ointment can be used by people with oily or normal skin types, but not with dry ones, as it dries out the epidermis. If you have dry skin, you should mix the ointment with a moisturizer before applying.

Curiosin ointment

Curiosin ointment, which contains hyaluronic acid and zinc, is quite effective in treating wrinkles. These substances give the medicine antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and in addition contribute to the restoration of epidermal cells. Since the drug does not interact with other substances, it can be used in combination with various lotions or tonics.

Calendula ointment for wrinkles

The properties of calendula ointment make it possible, among other things, to use it to rejuvenate aging skin. This medicine is able to fight the external signs of aging - its components smooth out wrinkles, reduce their depth, and also prevent the formation of new wrinkles. That is why calendula is often used in the production of various anti-aging preparations.


Panthenol ointment

Panthenol ointment also helps eliminate wrinkles. It is able to have an effective healing effect, and in addition removes inflammation from the skin. The use of this ointment helps improve cellular metabolism and increase the strength of collagen fibers.

Ointment with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is contained in Blefarogel ointment, which effectively eliminates wrinkles. In addition, it contains aloe juice. These components allow the drug to act on the skin of the eyelids, and in addition improve the production of collagen and remove small wrinkles. A thin layer of the medicine should be applied to the upper and lower eyelids in the mornings and evenings.

Apilak ointment

The properties of Apilak ointment promote the renewal of skin cells, as a result of which the skin becomes tightened, wrinkles disappear from it, and the face returns its natural color.


We see the ointment

Videstim ointment contains retinol, which helps accelerate epithelial growth, resulting in the smoothing of wrinkles. The product also contains vitamin A, which supplies the skin with nutrients and moisturizes it - thus eliminating dryness. And this is very important, since age-related changes depend precisely on the loss of moisture by the skin - as a result, wrinkles appear. Thanks to the ointment, the deficiency of essential substances is replenished, which allows you to restore the skin. This is what allows you to smooth out wrinkles.

Ointment with snake venom for wrinkles

Snake venom is often used in cosmetology to get rid of wrinkles. Local exposure to the poison allows you to smooth out facial wrinkles. The manifestations of such age-related changes in some cases are reduced by 40-50% if such ointments are used for a long time.

Ointments for wrinkles under the eyes

Age-related and facial wrinkles under the eyes can be eliminated by Solcoseryl ointment in combination with almond or olive oil.

You can also take a ripe avocado and mash it until creamy. Mix with any of the above oils and apply to wrinkles. This ointment can be kept under the eyes for quite a long time - up to 40 minutes, but it should not be allowed to dry out.

Another option is to mix Blefarogel ointment with avocado, and also add vitamins A and E to this mixture. The result is a mask for smoothing out wrinkles on the skin around the eyes, which in addition also nourishes and moisturizes it.


The properties of anti-wrinkle ointments are considered using the example of the drugs Solcoseryl and Panthenol.

Solcoseryl is an activator of tissue metabolism; it is a deproteinized extract of calf blood. The medicine helps improve the movement and absorption of oxygen with glucose in case of hypoxia. The ointment stabilizes the balance of cellular energy exchange, supporting the functioning of tissues during lack of nutrition and hypoxia. Promotes rapid restoration of injured tissues, accelerates the utilization and movement of oxygen and glucose. Under the influence of the ointment, new vessels are formed and blood circulation in ischemic tissues is restored. It also accelerates the process of restoration of the surface layer of the skin or mucous membranes, as well as wound healing. In addition, it prevents the formation of large scars, and therefore it is used after the appearance of fresh connective tissue on the wound until complete healing.

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When Panthenol is used topically, it is quickly absorbed, converted into pantothenic acid. Next, it binds to plasma proteins (mainly albumin, as well as β-globulin).

[17], [18], [19]

Using anti-wrinkle ointments during pregnancy

Ointments such as Radevit, as well as heparin and retinoic ointments are strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. In some cases, if the required indications are available, it is allowed to use Panthenol ointment.


It is forbidden to use Panthenol if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Relief cannot be used for agranulocytosis and thromboembolism. Heparin ointment is contraindicated if the patient has ulcerative-necrotic processes, thrombopenia or poor blood clotting. Radevit is prohibited in case of hypervitaminosis (groups A, E or D). Retinoic ointment is prohibited if the patient has chronic liver/kidney diseases or cardiovascular pathologies.

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Side effects of anti-wrinkle ointments

Adverse reactions after using anti-wrinkle ointments include a feeling of skin tightness or burning, which may appear at the beginning of therapy (they often disappear on their own). If there is hypersensitivity to the drug, skin allergies may occur. It is also possible for acne, peeling of the skin, hyperemia, as well as redness and itching.

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Directions for use and doses

Retinoic ointment should be applied in a thin layer to a face that has been previously cleansed of dirt and cosmetics. At the initial stage of treatment, it is not recommended to use the medicine more than 3 times per week. If after performing several procedures no adverse reactions were identified, it is allowed to use the ointment instead of the night cream, but it is necessary to ensure that the total duration of the treatment course does not exceed 12 weeks.

Hydrocortisone ointment can be used twice a day. Before performing the procedure, you need to remove all impurities from your facial skin. The drug must be applied in a thin layer.

Relief is applied to washed and cleansed facial skin in a thin layer. Since this ointment is quickly absorbed, it can be used both in the morning and before bed.

Radevit is applied to the face with massaging movements. The ointment has no restrictions on use, so it can be applied at any time of the day.

Heparin ointment should be used to treat the skin twice a day.

To obtain the desired effect, Curiosin must be applied evenly in a thin layer. It is better to start treatment from areas near the folds of the nose and lips, as well as around the eyes, and then lubricate the entire face. The ointment should be used daily, twice a day, but it is not designed for constant use - after positive changes appear, you need to reduce the frequency of use of the drug.

A thin layer of Panthenol is applied to the previously cleansed face. The ointment can be used at any time, because it is absorbed very well, leaving no traces behind.

Preparing anti-wrinkle ointments at home

You can also make anti-wrinkle ointments using traditional methods.

Chamomile ointment that helps eliminate deep wrinkles. You need to take chamomile flowers (1 spoon) and mix with water (2 cups), then boil for 10 minutes. Next, soak a towel in the warm infusion and apply this compress to your face. Upon completion of the procedure, wash and treat your face with nourishing cream.

Lemon works well against deep wrinkles. Prepare a tincture of lemon and vodka - 1 lemon and vodka (1 cup). This mixture should be infused for 10 days, and then a cotton pad should be soaked in the tincture and applied to the wrinkles for 10 minutes. This method allows you to narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles.

Another homemade ointment consists of chicken yolk, lemon and olive oil. The yolk contains nutrients such as cholesterol and lecithin - they have the ability to smooth the skin. The yolk is mixed with lemon juice (0.5 lemon) and its grated peel, as well as 1 tsp. olive oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and kept for at least 20 minutes. Next, rinse off using a cotton swab previously soaked in milk (it should be at room temperature). This mask helps remove wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.

Egg white ointment with lemon. This mask gives noticeable results after the first procedure. You need to beat the lemon with the egg white, apply it to the skin, and hold it until a feeling of tightness appears - after which the mask should be washed off.

Raspberry anti-wrinkle remedy - wet a layer of cotton wool with raspberry juice, apply to areas of the skin where wrinkles are observed, and hold for about 15-20 minutes. Drying cotton wool needs to be moistened. After removing the mask from your face, you need to wipe it with a dry cotton swab. If you have dry skin, before the procedure you should wipe your face with sour cream, cream, or rich cream. This mask allows you to whiten and soften the skin, cleanse, nourish and refresh it, and improve turgor.

Grapefruit is considered a very effective remedy for eliminating deep wrinkles. To prepare the ointment, you need to mix the pulp or juice of this fruit with 1 teaspoon. sour cream, and add 1 tbsp to this mixture. rice flour with 1 tsp. carrot juice. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin for half an hour, then remove it, rinse with water and lubricate the skin with grapefruit juice, which should be left to dry. To get the desired effect, it is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a week for 1 month.

Tomato has effective lifting properties, so it is often used to get rid of wrinkles. To make an ointment, you need to remove the pulp from it, mix it with sour cream, and apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the wrinkle area and hold for 15 minutes. After this, wash off the mask with warm water.

Corn flour removes wrinkles well. To make a mask, you need to combine it with honey in equal proportions and apply it to the skin. You may feel some tightness while it dries. A completely dry mask should be washed off with warm water.

Ointment with a solution of strong tea. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. rich fresh sour cream, mayonnaise, and sunflower oil. Mix these ingredients, gradually adding 1 tsp. tea. It should be remembered that before carrying out the application procedure, you should wash your face using warm milk diluted half with boiled water. The first layer of the resulting mixture is applied in a circular motion using a cotton swab. After 2-3 minutes, the 2nd layer is applied (only to the wrinkle area). After 15 minutes, the ointment is removed using milk diluted with water.

Honey works well against wrinkles, 1 tbsp. which needs to be mixed with 1 tbsp. flour and egg white. The mixture is applied to the skin and kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. This procedure will help smooth out wrinkles and also give the skin freshness and youth.

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Interactions with other drugs

Panthenol helps to activate the process of acetylcholine connection, as a result of which the effect of antidepolarizing muscle relaxants is reduced, and the effect of depolarizing ones, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, if you use this drug, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of combining it with other drugs.

Relief should not be used by patients who use MAOIs, antidepressants, or antihypertensive medications without constant medical supervision.

Radevit cannot be used in combination with other drugs that contain vitamins A, E and D or retinoids (to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis), and in addition with tetracyclines. The effectiveness of the ointment decreases when combined with glucocorticosteroids.

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Storage conditions

Radevit should not be frozen; store at 4–10°C. Other ointments should be kept in a dry place, away from the sun, at temperatures up to 25-30°C.

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Best before date

Pharmacy anti-wrinkle ointments can be used for 2-4 years from the date of manufacture.

After thirty years, women begin to experience the first wrinkles. The skin loses its firmness and elasticity, it lacks vitamins and minerals, hydration, and intensive care. As a rule, wrinkles appear small and barely noticeable, but they significantly change the overall situation. These appearances are caused by hormonal changes with age, but this is not the only reason. With improper care, poor-quality cosmetics and poor nutrition, this process accelerates and aging manifests itself faster.

This is especially important for dry skin, since its vulnerability and sagging greatly affects its elasticity and appearance. Wrinkles appear much faster than at 25-30 years old. Oily skin suffers less from this, since an excessive amount of sebum, which serves as protection, helps slow down the aging process.

Features of aging skin:

  1. sensitive;
  2. requires constant care;
  3. inelastic;
  4. burns more;
  5. prone to allergic reactions;
  6. pores clog faster.

Such skin requires intensive, but at the same time gentle care. First, you need to maintain water balance and rejuvenate cells. Then, you need to cleanse and protect the skin, as well as intensively nourish it with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Soften and restore the epidermis, treat acne, rosacea, acne. Use sunscreen. Remove any microwrinkles that appear.

You can read about the cream for rosacea on the face at the link.

Anti-aging creams in this case should at least provide moisturizing, rejuvenating, nourishing, and removing microwrinkles. Their components penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis, rejuvenate and maintain water balance. Thanks to this, wrinkles become smaller and the aging process slows down significantly.

Wrinkles are the number one enemy of female beauty and youth; they deprive the features of freshness and attractiveness, making the face sad and tired. It is not surprising that women wage a tireless battle against these age markers. The most modern anti-wrinkle creams help you win back several years, or even decades, from old age; their unique components and revolutionary formulas help slow down the passage of time and restore lost freshness and radiance to the skin. We will help you understand the variety of cosmetics and choose the most effective cream to combat signs of age in any price category.


Which brand of anti-wrinkle cosmetic to choose?

Every self-respecting cosmetic company has products to combat signs of age. However, among the many brands, there are generally recognized leaders whose products are in constant demand due to their effectiveness and high quality. Many years of experience, scientific research in their own laboratories and a careful approach to the selection of components allows them to create the best creams to combat wrinkles.

Estee Lauder


An American company with more than half a century of history in the production of decorative cosmetics, luxury care products and perfumes. The company produces products not only under the brand of the same name: the “family” of companies includes such brands as Clinique, Darphin, Aveda, MAC, American Beauty.

L'oreal Paris


A French brand that, until the mid-nineties of the last century, specialized specifically in anti-aging products. The group of trademarks of the concern includes the pharmaceutical cosmetics brands Vichy and La Roche-Posay, as well as the companies Garnier, Maybelline NY, Lancome and others.


Another brand from France with more than 30 years of history. The Clarens company relies primarily on natural ingredients: their products include plant extracts and valuable oils.

Skin Doctors


Australian brand Skin Doctors Cosmeceuticals has been producing professional skin care products for over 15 years. The effectiveness of the brand's products is due to the high concentration of active ingredients.

Rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams

With age, collagen production in the epidermis decreases, the skin becomes less elastic and does not retain moisture well. Today, the most effective components that slow down the aging process of the skin are:

  1. Retinoids (derivatives of retinol - vitamin A). Retinoids stimulate skin cells to produce their own collagen, which means they help maintain its elasticity;
  2. Collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen (namely, this type has the ability to penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis) helps maintain skin tone and density;
  3. Fruit acids. Glycolic, lactic, tartaric, malic and citric alpha hydroxy acids (or AHA acids) have a peeling effect on the skin, exfoliating dead epidermal cells and stimulating the skin to renew itself;
  4. Peptides. Penetrating deep into the epidermis, peptides improve skin nutrition;
  5. Muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants are similar in their effect to Botox injections, but their action is not so aggressive: they do not paralyze the facial muscles, but only relax them. Myorelaxing components of anti-wrinkle creams include NP ceramides, argireline, centella asiatica and boswellia extracts.

When compiling the rating of the most effective anti-wrinkle creams, the following aspects were taken into account:

  1. the presence of effective anti-age components in the product;
  2. compliance with the functions declared by the manufacturer: nutrition, moisturizing, smoothing skin microrelief, reducing the depth of wrinkles, eliminating swelling, protection from exposure to sunlight;
  3. balance of price and quality;
  4. the presence or absence of allergic reactions to the product among buyers.

The rating includes creams aimed at reducing signs of aging and suitable for all skin types.

The best anti-wrinkle creams from drugstore brands

The brands presented in this category are sold only in pharmacies.

Vichy lift active Supreme


The cream is designed to restore elasticity and reduce the depth of wrinkles. It contains neohesperedin and rhamnose - components responsible for correcting age-related skin changes, adenosine and caffeine, which relieve puffiness, and shea butter, which provides deep nutrition.

According to customer reviews, the cream has a number of undeniable advantages.

After several weeks of use, consumers note that it:

  1. reduces the depth of pronounced wrinkles;
  2. brightens and evens out skin tone;
  3. increases skin elasticity and turgor;
  4. reduces facial swelling;
  5. does not form a sticky film on the surface of the skin,
  6. has a light and pleasant texture.

The disadvantages of this cream include:

  1. relatively high cost;
  2. packaging without dispenser.

The vast majority of reviews about the Liftactive Supreme cream from Vichy are positive, but it is worth noting that it is most effective against expression lines and shallow wrinkles.