Avent cream for stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks become an unpleasant cosmetic defect that plagues many women, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. And to avoid them or make them less noticeable, proper skin care is necessary. Avent cream was created for these purposes.

Composition of the product


Specialized cream of the Avent brand from Philips is a high-quality product created on the basis of natural ingredients. It contains extracts and oils from the following plants:

  1. Sea salad.
  2. Green algae.
  3. Sweet almonds.
  4. Papayas.
  5. Shi.

In addition, the cream contains lactic and ascorbic acids, glycerin. There are other components that are of auxiliary importance. The cosmetic product is available in a 200 ml tube. Externally, the cream has a white color, homogeneous consistency and light texture, and has a pleasant aroma.

The active ingredients of the cream are of natural origin - plant extracts, oils, organic acids and vitamins.

Efficiency and benefits

The cream copes well with its main task - to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and reduce existing stretch marks. This is achieved through the following effects:

Biologically active substances included in plant extracts and oils provide a comprehensive effect on the skin. Sea lettuce and green algae help improve skin tone and elasticity, eliminate irritation, inflammatory and allergic reactions.

Papaya extract moisturizes, cleanses and brightens the epithelium, gives skin elasticity and improves microcirculation in the dermis. Sweet almond and shea oils (karite) effectively soften the epithelium, relieve dryness and restore its structure. They have nutritional properties and normalize the water-lipid barrier.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of the cream, is included in redox processes and stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers in areas damaged by excessive stretching. And lactic acid provides the most physiological keratolytic effect, delicately exfoliating horn cells and smoothing the skin texture.

The cream softens the skin and increases its elasticity, which prevents the formation of stretch marks, and also restores the epithelium after stretching.

What are the benefits for pregnant women?


Avent stretch mark cream is optimal for use during pregnancy, after childbirth and while breastfeeding. Among the advantages of the drug, ensuring its effectiveness and safety during these periods. It is worth noting:

  1. Natural composition.
  2. No harmful components.
  3. Hypoallergenic.
  4. Nice smell.

The cream has a light structure, close to milk, is well absorbed into the skin and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. In addition to reducing the severity of a cosmetic defect, the drug can also eliminate itching that occurs after stretching the skin.

How to use Avent?

It is recommended to apply the cream in a thin layer to areas prone to stretch marks (stomach, thighs, chest), or to smear it on already formed defects. For preventive purposes, it is better to start using Avent from the second trimester of pregnancy, when the stomach begins to rapidly increase in volume. Use continues after childbirth. During lactation, you should avoid getting the drug on your nipples.



Cream for stretch marks is not recommended to be applied to areas with open injuries (wounds, abrasions, burns). To avoid allergic reactions, Avent is not used in case of individual intolerance to any of the ingredients included in the composition. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the use of the drug.

Before using the cream, you must make sure that there is no individual intolerance, for which it is recommended to do a sensitivity test.

Avent for stretch marks is a popular cream that has proven to be highly effective and safe during pregnancy and the postpartum period. It can be successfully used to prevent the formation of stretch marks and as a corrector of existing stretch marks, which is ensured by a specially selected composition with natural ingredients.


During pregnancy, some women develop so-called stretch marks - stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen. They are wavy stripes of approximately the same width, white or reddish-violet.

The appearance of stretch marks is evidence of atrophy (damage) of the skin in places where it was most stretched. This cosmetic defect does not disappear after childbirth, except that the stripes become slightly lighter, but remain noticeable.

Cosmetologists met women's desire to remain beautiful after childbirth and created a series of products to combat this defect. Today you can choose any cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, and we will help you figure out which one is better.

Review of reviews on the effectiveness of application

Let's consider what women say about the products offered by the cosmetology industry: which cream for stretch marks during pregnancy receives the most reviews and recommendations. In the rating below, we select the products that, according to reviews, are most effective.


  1. It’s Your Body cream from the Mothercare cosmetics series (UK) is only rated by 61% of reviews as the best for stretch marks during pregnancy. Women find it effective and smells delicious and recommend it for use. Those who do not recommend it say that it has a too intrusive smell and “a bunch of parabens in the composition.”
  2. The German cream Sanosan Mama, contrary to the quality expected from the manufacturer, did not show the best results in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy. It is recommended by 67% of consumers, and the rest note that it is not only able to remove old stretch marks, but also prevent the appearance of new ones.
  3. Italian cream Venus received 72% recommendations from women and positive ratings for consistency, aroma, absorption speed and effectiveness. The remaining 28% criticized the product without finding a single sign of quality.
  4. Baby Pharmacy stretch mark cream, produced in Belarus, is recommended for use by 77% of women. Those who didn’t like the cream write that its smell is so unpleasant that they don’t even want to try it.
  5. English manufacturers produce Avent cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, reviews of which are mostly positive, 88% of women recommend it for use. But at the same time, they note that the disadvantage of this product is the price (too expensive).
  6. Dailisi is a Chinese cream that has received excellent ratings from customers. It is recommended by 100% of consumers, without hiding their surprise that “not everything that’s Chinese is bad.” However, the editors do not trust Chinese.
  7. Another cream for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks during pregnancy, which has received 100% recommendations and rave reviews from customers is Mustela from French manufacturers. Many women call it the best cream.

A detailed study of reviews allows us to conclude that creams for stretch marks do not always get rid of this problem during pregnancy. Women share their knowledge gained in courses for pregnant women and are inclined to think that everything depends on the initial state of the dermis (skin) and its elasticity. This is confirmed by reviews of very young customers (16-17 years old), who encountered the problem of stretch marks without being pregnant.

How to choose the best product?


By what criteria should you choose a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy if any of the rated drugs did not suit you or could not be purchased? Medical experts advise paying attention to the following parameters:

  1. Composition - it is desirable that natural ingredients predominate in it and a minimum amount of preservatives.
  2. Aroma - even if the smell is pleasant, it can become boring to a pregnant woman over the period of use (if the cream is used for a long time, for prevention) and cause nausea.
  3. The goal is that by purchasing a cream for prevention, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to find out whether you would have developed stretch marks or not (after all, many women do not develop them even after giving birth again).
  4. Duration of use - if the cream is intended to prevent stretch marks, it is usually used from the 1st trimester, which doctors recommend to be wary of. Therefore, choose one that does not need to be used throughout gestation.
  5. Price - beware of too cheap pregnancy creams from little-known brands or counterfeits, they can only mask stretch marks or not affect them at all, but cause allergies, consult your gynecologist which one is better to choose.
  6. Hypoallergenic - this characteristic is usually indicated on the packaging of the cream if it does not contain potentially allergenic components in the composition.

Regarding the hypothesis about the influence of parabens (a type of preservative) on the development of tumors, I would like to note that this issue still remains controversial - there are no studies that can prove or completely reject this opinion. To reassure customers, let us remind you that these substances are used in cosmetic products in small quantities.

Before you start using, do an allergen test for the cream - apply it to the inside of your elbow and leave for 24 hours; If redness, itching and other allergy symptoms do not occur, you can use it.

Rating of creams for the prevention of stretch marks

Girls who are prone to obesity from their youth often suffer from the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach, sides, and thighs. With the onset of pregnancy, in almost 100% of cases, new stretch marks appear not only on the stomach, but also on the legs and chest. To prevent such skin defects, you need to carefully care for your skin - eat right, get timely treatment (especially treat diseases of the digestive system and those associated with hormonal imbalance).

It is difficult to recommend something universal among cosmetic products, since they need to be selected depending on your skin type. What you definitely shouldn’t do is use cosmetics for other purposes. If it is for dry skin, it cannot be applied to oily and normal skin and vice versa. If the cream is intended for prevention, you should not expect it to have the effect of getting rid of old stretch marks.


You can use nourishing and moisturizing products

To maintain skin tone and prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, you can choose creams from the following list - a rating of special and universal products that nourish and moisturize the skin:

  1. Mustela (France) – one of the best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy and for preventing their appearance;
  2. Sanosan mama (Germany) – recommended for use from the first weeks of gestation;
  3. Dailisi (China) is a Chinese cream that has proven itself well for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy (we repeat that, with all due respect to the author, the editors do not agree with this thesis);
  4. Mommy Care (Israel) – not only effective in prevention, but also “charmingly fragrant”;
  5. Maternea (Bulgaria) – effective and at the same time inexpensive;
  6. Mom and baby (Belarus) - excellent value for money, although not everyone likes it;
  7. Bepantol cream and emulsions (Germany) - expensive, but helps many;
  8. Clearvin (Russia) is an inexpensive Ayurvedic remedy sold in pharmacies;
  9. Baby cream is a real godsend for expectant mothers.

Many people use this simple and cheap remedy to maintain elasticity and nourish the skin.


Despite the leading position of Mustela cream in the ranking of remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy, some women, having used it, report that there are better ones. This indicates the subjectivity of consumer opinions and the fact that they depend on the individual characteristics of different organisms. Whether this product is right for you can tell you its composition and main properties declared by the manufacturer.

The manufacturer positions this cream as the No. 1 stretch mark treatment in Europe with proven clinical effectiveness. The instructions list the following main ingredients:

  1. arabinogalactan, lupeol, elastoregulator – help improve skin firmness and elasticity;
  2. Avocado peptides – reduce skin reactivity (irritability);
  3. shea butter and beeswax – nourish and moisturize the skin;
  4. Sophora japonica and oligo-elements promote regeneration at the cellular level.

The content of parabens, phthalates, alcohols, caffeine and bisphenol is 0%. The product is called safe for pregnant and lactating women.


Cosmetics for pregnant women Mustela

Baby cream

An incredibly cheap solution to the problem - this is what women call a baby cream that can be used during pregnancy for stretch marks. At the same time, they note that it must be oily, and Avanta baby cream, produced in Russia, is called one of the best. It contains:

  1. chamomile extract – refreshes, rejuvenates the skin, stimulates its regeneration, whitens;
  2. vitamin A – fat-soluble vitamin, antioxidant, regenerates the skin;
  3. vitamin F – rejuvenates, heals;
  4. Vaseline oil - also known as “liquid paraffin”, which has the ability to retain moisture in the deep layers of the dermis;
  5. confectionery fats – edible fats of plant and animal origin, useful for nourishing the skin;
  6. ceresin – mineral wax;
  7. sorbitan oleate – emulsifier;
  8. lanolin is a wax of animal origin (obtained from sheep wool);
  9. menthol is a component of mint essential oil, exhibits mild local anesthetic and antiseptic effects;
  10. benzyl alcohol – antiseptic and preservative, light aromatic substance;
  11. benzyl acetate – ester of plant origin;
  12. eucalyptus oil – essential oil that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, whitens and restores the skin;
  13. water.

Women who used baby cream for stretch marks during pregnancy urge everyone to give up expensive specialized creams and get the same effect at minimal cost. However, the wisdom of this call is debatable.


Avanta baby cream


According to the information provided by the manufacturer, the composition of Avent cream for stretch marks during pregnancy includes:

  1. seaweed extract, it improves skin elasticity;
  2. almond oil moisturizes and nourishes, restores water-fat metabolism and reduces irritation;
  3. papaya oil improves lymph exchange, reduces swelling;
  4. Shea butter nourishes, softens, eliminates sagging, flaking and dry skin;
  5. Citrus extracts (lemon and grapefruit) give the cream an unobtrusive aroma and help reduce nausea.

The manufacturer assures that the rather high price of Avent cream is compensated by the fact that a 200 ml tube lasts a long time, so the expense is justified.


Ointments and oils

Cosmetic creams are distinguished by their softness, delicate consistency, and rapid absorption into the skin. But the texture of some stretch mark creams is so thick that many women call them ointments. This does not change the essence of the cosmetic product, so if you are advised to purchase some kind of ointment for the appearance of stretch marks, you should most likely look for a cream with that name. Oils contain a large number of different nutrients, which, acting on the skin, fill, moisturize, nourish and thereby increase elasticity.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy is better. Everything is individual, so it is recommended to try several to understand which one is best suited in a particular case.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Restoring initially thin and non-elastic skin is not an easy task, especially if this problem is caused by a genetic predisposition. Experts call other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. significant fluctuations in body weight;
  2. puberty;
  3. specific sports loads.

Striae are often the result of long-term use of steroid hormones, replacement therapy for endocrine diseases, and Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. Stretch marks themselves are a consequence of scarring of microtraumas of elastin and collagen fibers resulting from excessive stretching of the skin.

How to remove stretch marks


Experts point out that it is not always possible to get rid of stretch marks, even if during pregnancy a woman uses the best cream to prevent their formation. It is even more difficult, if not impossible, to remove old stretch marks that have healed in the deep layers of the dermis.

When starting to treat stretch marks, a woman should prepare herself for long-term therapy, which requires patience and discipline. In most cases, creams alone are not enough. With the timely use of complex measures - chemical and laser peeling, body wraps and plastic surgery (if necessary) - the desired result can be achieved.

How to remove a flabby belly after childbirth

To prevent your stomach from becoming flabby after childbirth, you should take care of this even before pregnancy. A woman who leads a physically active lifestyle, receives the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, maintains skin hygiene, does not smoke or drink alcohol, usually does not face stretch marks (with rare exceptions).

If they appear or the stomach simply looks flabby, immediately use a set of well-known methods - the use of creams and oils for stretch marks after pregnancy, physical exercise (especially for the abdominal muscles), and cosmetic procedures.

Avent brand stretch mark cream is a specialized, highly effective product designed to combat stretch marks. Unlike most other drugs, this cream was not developed to tighten or strengthen the skin, but specifically to tighten stretch marks. Like any product, it has its own strengths and weaknesses, which are worth considering before purchasing. Read on to learn how the Avent anti-stretch mark cream works and what results you can expect from using it.

The cream is intended specifically to combat stretch marks - highly specialized products are much more effective than conventional formulas. For example, if you are concerned about scarring on the skin, you should not take a regular nutritional formula - it will not help with them.

Avent stretch mark cream contains papaya oil, kelp oil, and shea seed extract. These components are highly effective in combating scar changes in the epidermis and activate regeneration processes. As a result of constant use of the product, the elasticity of the skin increases, it is moisturized, saturated with valuable substances, and quickly restored. The main ingredients of the cream are natural - they effectively help against stretch marks and at the same time are safe for health. The product has passed all dermatological tests and is 100% safe. You can use it during pregnancy without fear.

Everything you need to know about stretch marks

Nobody needs stretch marks - unesthetic stripes spoil the aesthetics of the body, stand out against the background of healthy skin, and can disrupt the relief (the surface of the epidermis becomes wrinkled and flabby). The best treatment for stretch marks is, of course, a laser, but the resurfacing procedure is expensive and traumatic and must be carried out in courses. Therefore, girls and women who want to restore their body to its former beauty rely on creams and lotions. Specialized cosmetics do not guarantee the disappearance of stretch marks 100%, but they effectively smooth them out and make them less pronounced.

Stretch marks appear for various reasons - for some after childbirth, for others as a result of weight loss or sudden weight gain. They are scar changes in the skin that occur as a result of abnormal tissue stretching. Elastin and collagen structures cannot withstand excessive loads and rupture, and the connective tissue is replaced by scar tissue. That is, in essence, stretch marks are ordinary scars formed at the site of internal wounds. It’s difficult to fight them, but it’s possible – if you can’t remove them completely, you can at least smooth out the severity of the manifestations.

If you find yourself with unsightly stretch marks, do not be upset, because almost half of men, more than half of women and 90% of expectant mothers have them. There is no racial or age predisposition - everyone automatically falls into the risk group. You can slightly delay the onset of unwanted changes through proper nutrition and regular moisturizing of the skin.

Composition and principle of action of cream for stretch marks "Avent"

The effectiveness of the cream for stretch marks "Avent" is determined by its special composition:

  1. Laminaria – seaweed strengthens the skin and accelerates tissue regeneration processes. In terms of effectiveness and concentration of vitamin substances, kelp is several times superior to most medicinal plants. Algae are suitable for all skin types, including damaged and sensitive skin.
  2. Papaya is an exotic tree that has a visual resemblance to a palm tree. The fruit can be eaten; extracts from it are actively used in medicine and cosmetology for the treatment of skin diseases. Papaya oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  3. Shea butter is another exotic tree that grows in Africa. It is an effective cosmetic product that has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Fatty acids moisturize and nourish the skin. The oil also helps in healing wounds and treating allergies.

How to use

To prevent and eliminate stretch marks, it is not enough to choose a quality product – you still need to use it correctly. Avent cream works best if:

  1. Apply it after shower. Give a light massage with a washcloth - the effect will be maximum.
  2. Use in the required quantities – you don’t need too much or too little cream. Over time, you will understand how much product you need for one use.
  3. Focusing on problem areas is especially important for prevention, since it is already clear how to treat existing stretch marks.
  4. Apply the product with massage movements and leave until it is completely absorbed (do not get dressed).
  5. Repeat the application procedure daily, morning and evening.

Action and efficiency

Avent stretch mark cream has many advantages:

  1. Moisturizes, nourishes the skin, strengthens it;
  2. Saturates cells with valuable substances;
  3. Soothes irritation, relieves itching;
  4. Makes skin soft and soft;
  5. Restores elasticity, increases firmness;
  6. Protects against overextension and, accordingly, tissue ruptures;
  7. Maintains youth and beauty;
  8. Reduces the severity of old stretch marks.

The hypoallergenic composition is not harmful to mother and baby. The cream contains high-quality ingredients that meet strict standards. There are no dyes, petrochemical products, or parabens in this product. The consistency is pleasant, the cream is distributed evenly, absorbs quickly, and does not leave a sticky film. The pleasant smell usually does not irritate pregnant women. To avoid getting caught by a counterfeit product, shop at pharmacies.

Women say that the cream is really pleasant, neutral, and has practically no smell. It does not help everyone prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but it significantly improves the condition of the skin. Eat right during pregnancy, take in valuable oils to increase tissue elasticity. After childbirth, you can also use the product to smooth out existing stretch marks and prevent the formation of new ones.

Individual intolerance cannot be completely ruled out, so do a preliminary test or carefully monitor the reaction while using the product.


Any review is subjective, because the product suits some and not others. Still, independent assessments are the best option to assess the quality of a product.