Hyaluron cream instructions for use


The main composition of Hyaluron gel: hyaluronic acid, collagen, amaranth oil, complex of vitamins and microelements. In this combination, the components enhance each other’s effects.

Indications for use: the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes, including “crow’s feet”, a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, shallow wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, on the forehead, nasolabial folds, pigmentation that occurs during the aging process, dry facial skin, as well as its peeling.

If you use the drug daily for a week, you will notice how fine wrinkles begin to disappear. After regular use of Hyaluron gel, the skin will look healthy and young. As a result of therapy, it will be possible to achieve: reducing the severity of deep wrinkles; maintaining a sufficient level of moisture in the skin; smooth and toned oval face; uniform color without spots; good skin turgor on the face.

Recommended for use after 30 years.

Mode of application: clean the skin, pat dry with a towel or napkin and apply a cleansing tonic, begin to distribute the product. To do this, squeeze out a small amount of Hyaluron cream-gel from a jar and apply it to those areas of the skin where age-related changes are observed. The gel should be distributed exclusively along the massage lines.

The drug can be applied to the neck or décolleté area if small wrinkles appear.

The course of application is a month. Do not use the drug from both bottles at the same time. It is not prohibited to use a daily nourishing cream afterwards.

Contraindications: aallergic reaction, pregnancy, girls under 25 years of age.

Price. You need to buy two bottles at the same time. The volume of each of them is 30 milliliters. One of them is called “Gel Activator”, and the second is called “Intensive Serum”. The average cost of the drug is about 990 rubles for both jars.

Read more about Hyaluron gel, methods of its use and other features.

Read in this article

Composition of the gel Hyaluron

The appearance of the first wrinkles on the face immediately becomes a cause of concern for many women. Some of them immediately make an appointment with a plastic surgeon, others go to pharmacies and stores for various anti-aging products. Among the most effective drugs aimed at combating aging is Hyaluron gel.

The beneficial effect on facial skin, consisting of a rejuvenating effect, is due to the composition of the product. It contains components that are specifically aimed at quickly and effectively smoothing out wrinkles and increasing turgor. Among the components are the following substances:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. Almost no manufacturer of high-quality cosmetics can do without it. Acid is involved in the synthesis of substances such as elastin and collagen. They are responsible for the youth and firmness of the skin. But there is a point after which the body begins to produce hyaluronic acid in reduced quantities.
  2. Typically, productivity declines after age thirty. With the help of Hyaluron gel, the lack of acid is replenished, as a result of which the face becomes smooth and all wrinkles disappear. In addition, this component is responsible for moisturizing the skin.
  3. Collagen. With age, the amount of this substance in the body begins to decrease, causing the skin to become less elastic and smooth. Therefore, the body needs additional nutrition with collagen. Hyaluron gel helps increase the concentration of the substance, while smoothing out unevenness and restoring firmness and elasticity to the skin.
  4. Amaranth oil. Among the beneficial properties of this component are: improvement of cellular respiration, prevention of aging. The oil contains a useful antioxidant that increases collagen production.
  5. Complex of vitamins and microelements. Without these beneficial substances, the skin, among others, also suffers. If there are enough of them in the body, it will look fresh and healthy.

The composition of the Hyaluron gel is carefully thought out by the manufacturers. After all, all the components of the drug have similar functions, and with this combination they only enhance each other’s effect. By combining, they create an invisible film that can retain moisture inside the skin.

And here is more information about phonophoresis with hyaluronic acid.

Effect of use

By a certain age, the face begins to lose its pleasant contours, and the first irregularities appear on the skin. As the manufacturers note, Hyaluron gel helps restore youth. It is used for the following reasons:

  1. the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes, including “crow’s feet”,
  2. decrease in skin elasticity;
  3. shallow wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, on the forehead, nasolabial folds;
  4. pigmentation that occurs during the aging process;
  5. dryness of the facial skin, as well as its peeling.

Hyaluron facial gel can easily cope with all these problems. Women who have chosen this product for rejuvenation say in their reviews of its use that after the first use the skin becomes lighter and softer. And if you use the drug daily for a week, you can notice how small wrinkles begin to disappear.

After regular use of Hyaluron gel, the skin will look healthy and young. As a result of therapy, it will be possible to achieve:

  1. reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  2. maintaining a sufficient level of moisture in the skin;
  3. a smoother and tighter oval face;
  4. uniform color without spots;
  5. good skin turgor on the face.

How to use gel, cream, tonic

The drug Hyaluron is very easy to use. Before applying it to your face, you should thoroughly cleanse your skin. There should be no cosmetics left on it after washing. Then you should blot your face with a towel or napkin and apply a cleansing tonic. On top of this daily skin care product, you can begin to distribute the product itself.

A small amount of Hyaluron cream-gel is squeezed out of the jar and applied to those areas of the skin where age-related changes are observed. Most often, the area around the eyes, nasolabial triangle, and forehead is susceptible to the formation of wrinkles.

The gel should be distributed exclusively along the massage lines on the face. The product is easily absorbed into the skin and does not require careful rubbing. Therefore, it is enough to simply “drive” it lightly into the dermis with your fingertips.

In order for Hyaluron gel to show good results in the fight against wrinkles, it should be used in a course. Usually it is a month. It is recommended not to use the drug from both bottles at the same time. For example, in the morning you can apply cream gel to your face, and before bed - serum. It is not forbidden to use a daily nourishing cream afterwards.


The drug Hyaluron, consisting of gel and serum, or as it can also be called - facial tonic, is not suitable for all women who want to rejuvenate their skin. But the list of contraindications is quite short:

  1. Allergic reaction to the components of the product. Like any other drug, Hyaluron gel may not be suitable for people due to individual intolerance to certain substances. Therefore, before use, you should apply it to your wrist and check whether the product will cause any allergies.
  2. Manufacturers also indicate that Hyaluron is not suitable for pregnant women.
  3. Another group of people who should avoid using the product are girls under 25 years of age.

Watch the video about Vitex Hyaluron products:


Hyaluron Gel is a complex product, and therefore you need to buy two bottles at the same time. The volume of each of them is 30 milliliters. One of them is called “Gel Activator”, and the second is called “Intensive Serum”.

The average cost of the drug is about 990 rubles for both jars. At the same time, the price of Hyaluron gel may differ from different sellers.

And here is more information about lip injections, does it hurt.

Hyaluron gel, developed by specialists, has earned recognition from women who used it as a skin rejuvenation product. After regular use for a couple of months, under the influence of the drug, wrinkles were smoothed out, the face became more toned. Gel Hyaluron is one of the ways to restore youth without injections.

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that makes our skin look smooth and even, saturated with moisture. But this is not all the advantages of hyaluronic acid: it also provides joint mobility, as well as eye protection.

The body has a unique ability to independently produce hyaluronic acid, but with age its production becomes less and less, so you have to “extract” it from outside for additional moisturizing of the face and lips. One of the ways to additionally moisturize is to use various ointments, gels and creams.

Let's take a closer look at questions about its effectiveness in general, contraindications for the human body and the cost of such products, and also find out which ointment, even the cheapest, contains hyaluronic acid.

Application area

Hyaluronic ointment is a collective concept that refers to an ointment containing hyaluronic acid as one of the components. As we said above, such products are used for facial rejuvenation, as well as for the treatment of joints.

Indications for use of ointment with hyaluron:

  1. loss of skin moisture;
  2. decreased skin tone;
  3. mimic and deep wrinkles;
  4. dry lips;
  5. even out skin tone;
  6. enlarged pores;
  7. dull complexion.

Review of products with hyaluronic acid

  1. Gel Curiosin. It contains zinc and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to these components, this product has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect: it perfectly moisturizes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles, perfectly relieves skin inflammation, and helps get rid of acne and wrinkles. Its price is 450-500 rubles. Photo of the ointment:
  2. Solcoseryl. This is a wound-healing ointment that also perfectly restores the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it. This ointment gives excellent results for facial rejuvenation in combination with Dimexide solution. To do this, Dimexide must be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. Then wipe a clean face with the resulting solution and spread a thick layer of Solcoseryl. After 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. To prevent such a mask from drying out, you should periodically moisten your face with water, and you can also use a spray bottle with water. Solcoseryl costs about 200 rubles, and dimexide costs 50 rubles. Photo of the ointment:
  3. Blefarogel. According to the instructions, this drug is used to treat eye inflammation. It contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe vera juice. This active composition provides lasting hydration, eliminates wrinkles, and also improves skin tone. The price is about 250 rubles. Photo of the gel:
  4. Gel Pectilift. An excellent anti-wrinkle gel that tightens the shape of the face and tightens pores. This product, containing an aqueous solution of pectin, actively stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Costs about 220 rubles. Photo of the gel:
  5. Gel Lyoton. This drug perfectly relieves swelling and improves blood circulation. Costs about 500 rubles. Photo of the gel:

Attention: if you want to know how much 1 session for a facial mesoprocedure in salons in the context of cities in Russia and Ukraine would cost you, then read the link -

Basic rules for using ointment

In order for the use of the drug to be sufficiently effective, certain rules should be followed:

  1. You must read the instructions carefully and if there are contraindications, do not use the product under any circumstances.
  2. Be sure to check the expiration date.
  3. When purchasing a product, you must ensure that the packaging is sealed and intact.
  4. The ointment (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions) must be applied in a thin layer 2 times a day to well-cleansed and dry skin.
  5. This product must be applied a couple of hours before going outside and at least 1 hour before bedtime.
  6. The drug should be used in courses: use the ointment for 2 weeks, then take a 2-week break. This is necessary so that the skin does not become lazy and continues to independently produce hyaluron and collagen. Indeed, with constant use of these ointments, the skin temporarily loses this ability, as a result of which the skin becomes dry and withering.
  7. Before first use, an allergy test should be performed. To do this, apply a little product to the elbow bend and wait about 30 minutes. If the skin is not red or itchy, then you can safely apply the ointment to your face.
  8. You should not try a new cosmetic product if you have a cold, menstruation, or severe stress. On such days, the risk of allergies increases significantly.

Main contraindications

Where you can buy such a product is now, perhaps, no longer a question. Basically, ointment with hyaluronic acid can be bought at the pharmacy. The advantage of such products is their low price, greater efficiency and natural composition: most ointments consist of vitamins, oils, collagen, hyaluron, and plant extracts.

However, it should be understood that most of these drugs are considered therapeutic and they have a certain list of contraindications.

The use of pharmaceutical ointments is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. age under 18 years;
  2. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  3. oncology;
  4. autoimmune diseases;
  5. allergy to ointment components;
  6. neurological diseases;
  7. mental illness;
  8. injuries, cuts;
  9. hypersensitivity.

Side effects

Sometimes, after using the ointment, unpleasant symptoms may occur, for example, swelling, itching, redness, irritation. This is an abnormal skin reaction, so if such side effects occur, use of the product must be stopped immediately. If an allergic reaction occurs, you can take an allergy medication (Claritin, Suprastin, Cetrin).

Purchasing products with hyaluronic acid

In addition to ointment, hyaluronic acid can be obtained externally through the use of cosmetic products such as a face mask at home. A mask made of hyaluronic acid and seaweed is especially suitable for dry skin types. The package consists of 10 flasks with ready-to-use masks.

You can purchase this product using THIS LINK!

User reviews

Angelina, St. Petersburg: “I used the drug Pectilift. I was struck by its completely natural composition, without synthetic fragrances or harmful substances. Very good product at a low price."

Elena: “I’ve been using blepharogel for almost a year. This is an excellent remedy for getting rid of puffy eyes and erasing signs of fatigue. The composition also contains hyaluronic acid. Wrinkles became less pronounced after use.”

Anastasia: “I use Curiosin gel for wrinkles. I add it to a nourishing cream and use it at night. In the morning, your face becomes fresher.”

Irina: “I used Solcoseryl. I was pleased with the result. The face becomes fresher and younger. The skin is perfectly saturated with oxygen. The product is very inexpensive."

The description is valid on 13.02.2017

  1. Latin name: Hyaluron
  2. ATX code: R01AX09
  3. Active substance: Hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronan), Chondroitin (Chondroitin), Collagen (kollagen)
  4. Manufacturer: Fine Japan Co. Ltd (Japan), West Coast Laboratories Inc. (America)


Part Hyaluron CS (3 ml syringe) includes 60 mg hyaluronate and 90 mg chondroitin sulfate, as well as 10 mg sodium chloride and water for injection. to bring to 3 ml.

Gel Activator Hyaluron in addition to hyaluronic acid It has amaranth oil, collagen, and vitamins and microelements (100% plant complex - without the use of chemicals or parabens), whereas Hyaluron ZD cream supplemented with active ingredients such as hydroxyethylurea, glycerol, d-panthenol And allantoin.

The composition of a new generation injection drug Hyaluron Stylage antioxidants included (mannitol, sorbitol) And lidocaine, which makes injections almost painless.

In shampoo Russian brand “Golden Silk”, the components of the keraplastic formula are: hyaluronic acid, collagen And keratin.

Release form

Hyaluronic acid is included in many drugs, creams and dietary supplements, including the following:

  1. Liquid, intended for oral administration, is sold in 50 ml bottles.
  2. Tablets Ledis Formula Hyaluron Forte sealed in blisters of 15 tablets. There are 90 tablets in one cardboard package.
  3. Hyaluron CS is a transparent sterile viscoelastic solution, a synovial fluid prosthesis. Sold in glass syringes with a volume of 3 ml, there is a Luer Lock fixation system and a needle with a 3-sided laser sharpening.
  4. Gel Hyaluronconcentratedin a bottle of 30 ml.
  5. Cream Hyaluron in tubes 50 ml.
  6. Wide range injectable fillers (For example, Stylage) is available in glass syringes 0.8-1 ml.
  7. Shampoo Hyaluron + Collagenhair resuscitation bottle 250 ml.

pharmachologic effect

  1. correction metabolism connective and bone tissue;
  2. correction of facial contour.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide - a component of the extracellular matrix of tissues such as connective, nervous and epithelial, and is also found in most biological fluids - synovial, saliva, biological lubricant, etc.; in the vitreous body and cartilage.

Hyaluronan has a wide range of pharmacological effects:

  1. protective, immunomodulatory and antioxidant;
  2. necessary for the occurrence of reparative processes in connective tissue, for example, during the synthesis glycosaminoglycans;
  3. takes part in relieving inflammation and improving circulation blood in tissues;
  4. is able to hold large volumes of water molecules, acting as a moisturizer.

The additional active compounds included in the tablets also have their own therapeutic value:

  1. Type II collagen is interstitial collagen, which is a component of the extracellular structures of connective tissue and the extracellular matrix of cartilage tissue, vitreous body, etc. Thanks to its constituents proteoglycansforms and maintains the structure and shape of the fabric.
  2. Chondroitinstimulates the synthetic processes of formation of hyaluronic acid. Considered good chondroprotector: having an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, retaining water in the water “cushions” of the cartilage, which provides good shock absorption and the ability to “absorb” shocks. Overall, strength is increased and the influence of specific properties is suppressed. enzymes, which is aimed at destroying cartilage tissue.

Hyaluron plus collagen And chondroitin allows you to comprehensively influence the formation and restoration of cartilage tissue, renew skin cells and have a beneficial effect on healing and restructuring at the molecular level.

Information about biodegradation

Hyaluronic acid is exposed to one of 7 known enzymes - hyaluronidase. Decomposes to oligosaccharides and extremely low molecular weight hyaluronateswith proangiogenic properties.

Indications for use

  1. Destruction of the vitreous body;
  2. complex treatment of retinal dystrophy;
  3. ulcers, burns and other damage to the cornea;
  4. degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints or spine;
  5. elimination of such syndrome as dry eye;
  6. complex therapy for daily use contact lenses;
  7. dry, atonic or aging skin;
  8. improvement of relief and natural “tightening” of the skin, prevention and smoothing of fine wrinkles;
  9. restoration of natural tone, elasticity, moisture of the skin;
  10. therapy after peeling, mesotherapy or other dermatocosmetological procedures;
  11. prevention of age-related deformations in the musculoskeletal system;
  12. as a dietary supplement to food and an additional source chondroitinAnd hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluron CS used in surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, rheumatology for the following purposes:

  1. symptomatic treatment of mild, moderate or severe osteoarthritis;
  2. eliminating pain and increasing mobility of the hip, knee and other joints with synovial fluid during degenerative-dystrophic or post-traumatic changes;
  3. pain relief after arthroscopy(use only after 1 week).

Cream And Hyaluron gel can also be used as a base under makeup.


Hyaluron is contraindicated in patients:

  1. with individual intolerance to any of the components;
  2. having increased blood clotting.

Side effects

Were not identified.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

Pills should be taken orally during meals. For adults, the daily dose is 6 tablets, which should be divided into 3 doses.

Hyaluron CS should be administered intra-articularly under aseptic conditions in a medical facility by a qualified specialist. Additional uses possible anesthetics before the procedure.

Gel activator should be applied 2 times a day - in the evening (all night) and in the morning after cleansing procedures. The minimum course is 30 days.

Lip augmentation with hyaluron

Injection biorevitalization - the simplest and most popular method of administration hyaluronic acid under the skin using a thin needle. Hyaluron should be injected into the lips after preliminary anesthesia anesthetic cream. Depending on the amount of the drug used, the administration procedure can last up to half an hour. Then a thorough massage is required to ensure even distribution of the gel. Enter Hyaluron at home is not recommended; the procedure should be performed by a qualified specialist under sterile conditions in a cosmetology office.


There have been no reported cases of taking hyaluronic-containing drugs in excess of doses.


Does not cause clinically significant drug interaction reactions.

Terms of sale

Hyaluron can be purchased in pharmacy chains, specialized stores and departments of retail chains.

Storage conditions

  1. Dry, protected from direct rays;
  2. temperature within +25 °C.

For safety reasons, drugs and dietary supplements should be inaccessible to children.

Best before date

For tablets - 3 years, while syringes with solution can be stored for no more than 2 years.


Innovative preparations of various forms and methods of administration based on hyaluronic acid:

  1. sterile solution Instilanin polymer bags 50 ml;
  2. Lordein polymer containers 2-4 ml;
  3. anti-adhesive solution Defensalpack. 50-250 ml;
  4. Gialual-Artro - syringes 1-2 ml.

Reviews about Hyaluron

Reviews about Hyaluron are as numerous and varied as its applications in medicine and cosmetology. Bad comments usually boil down to complaints that the drug “didn’t help,” because hyaluron is a molecule of the human extracellular matrix of cartilage, synovial fluid, epithelium, vitreous body, etc. There is no “overdose” or adverse reactions; all undesirable consequences are only the result of exposure to additional components or impurities.

Positive experience of taking the dietary supplement Hyaluron Forte

Patients leave mostly positive reviews for Lady's Formula Hyaluron Forte. This dietary supplement in tablet form allows you to fill the deficiency hyaluron, chondroitin And collagen in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and joints, rejuvenates and tones, and increases the body’s resistance to stress. The result is visible after a month of regular use, but many complain that the drug is expensive for long-term systemic use.

Reviews for gel activator Hyaluron

Reviews about the cream or gel activator are different. Most often, bad reviews of the gel activator are left by people who purchased this product via the Internet. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to purchase any medications and even dietary supplements only from a pharmacy chain or in branded stores.

Many girls who have used hyaluronic acid gel or concentrate like the results after the first procedure. They claim that the improvement is noticeable immediately - the skin becomes tightened, healthier and fresher.

Results of using the gel Green oak "Hyalurol ZD"

All reviews of Hyaluron ZD green oak gel come down to several aspects:

  1. there is a “small effect”;
  2. moisturizes the skin and does not give an oily sheen;
  3. pleasant, no stickiness;
  4. ideal price-benefit ratio.

Reviews of shampoo Golden Silk Hyaluron + Collagen

  1. “An ordinary shampoo, nothing special.”;
  2. “It rinses off well and makes hair curly.”;
  3. “Doesn’t sting the eyes, pleasant smell, doesn’t dry out the scalp.”;
  4. “The shampoo was disappointing: it doesn’t foam, and then the hair is difficult to comb.”;
  5. "Democratic price, lack of allergies.».

Hyaluron price, where to buy

Packaging of Hyaluron Forte tablets No. 30 costs approximately 2300 rubles.

Complex Hyaluron — the price at the pharmacy for the activator gel and serum ranges from 990 rubles. In Ukraine, you can buy activator gel in a pharmacy for 350-380 UAH.

Price of Hyaluron injections for joints

Injections for joints Hyaluron (1 syringe 2 ml) cost approximately 5600 rubles, Adant – 3000 rub., Sinokrom – 4400 rub.