Cream for white stretch marks

Stretch marks appear on the body due to damage to connective tissue due to prolonged stretching of the skin. The reasons for their occurrence may be pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations, and changes in hormonal levels.

Contributing factors are: low elasticity of the skin, slow regeneration of skin fibers, genetic predisposition.

To treat stretch marks, special products are needed; the recovery process is long and expensive. With a lot of effort, you can make them less pronounced, but it is not always possible to get rid of the problem completely.

What it is?


Stretch marks are an external cosmetic defect, which has a scientific name - stretch marks on the skin. They mainly form in places of greatest tension - on the stomach and hips, and can occur on the legs and butt.


Human skin consists of three layers:

  1. The outer layer is the epidermis, it itself is a barrier from the external environment and is responsible for protecting the body.
  2. The middle layer is the dermis, consisting of connective tissue fibers, giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  3. The inner layer is the hypodermis, which is a layer between the dermis and internal organs. It consists of loose connective tissue or fatty tissue.


Striae are formed on average connecting layer. Rapid stretching of the skin is accompanied by rupture of the dermis, and the body often does not have enough of its own resources to fill and restore these microdamages.

At the initial stage lesions are brightly colored and have pink or reddish tint.


Over time, that is, after several months or years, the marks fade and permanent scars form.

ICD-10 code

People of different categories are susceptible to the formation of stretch marks - teenagers, pregnant women, athletes. Negative changes are localized mainly in places of greatest skin tension, but their number and extent vary from person to person.


When widely distributed, they create a significant cosmetic defect; they do not affect the general well-being and health of a person.

Tension lines have a separate code L90.6 in the ICD-10 disease classifier.

The appearance of stretch marks can be caused by a variety of reasons.

The formation of a skin defect is facilitated by endocrine disorders, for example, the need to use hormone replacement therapy.


How to get rid of stretch marks

Treatment of stretch marks is a complex and long-term task. Eliminating old stretch marks is more difficult than recently occurring ones. To get rid of the defect, there are many external remedies - ointments, creams, emulsions, masks.


You can prevent stretch marks or make them less noticeable with the help of wraps, compresses, peelings, polishing, massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization. Used in home care vegetable oils and extracts, bodyaga, honey, wax. The only way to remove them completely is surgical or laser removal.


Oil is usually used to moisturize and soften the skin; together with massage, it can become an effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks, a preventive measure.


The oil is quickly absorbed, penetrates deeply into the skin, and leaves a protective film on the surface that lasts for several hours in a row. The oils necessarily contain fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Oil Weleda can be used to treat and prevent stretch marks.


It has a 100% natural composition (almond, jojoba and wheat germ oil, arnica extract), so dermatologists recommend it for pregnant women.

What organic oils can be used to reduce stretch marks:

  1. Coconut oil;
  2. rosemary oil;
  3. almond oil;
  4. wheat germ oil;
  5. olive oil;
  6. black cumin oil;
  7. orange oil.

Vegetable oils contain moisturizing and nourishing components, minerals, healthy fatty acids, a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin E, and help keep the skin firm and elastic.


Traditionally, women prefer to use various creams for stretch marks. Their price depends on the composition, quality, and reputation of the manufacturer.

The most popular and effective means:

  1. Avent cream . It contains algae, almond oil and lacuta. These components are aimed at maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin and relieve itching, which often accompanies a woman during pregnancy.


  2. Contractubex. The cream contains allantoin, sodium heparin, and Luca Serae extract. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, promote deep nutrition and hydration, and accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes.


  3. Sanosan . It contains only organic components - wheat proteins and olive oil. It is recommended to use for prevention, since the main effect of the cream is aimed at nourishing and eliminating dry skin.


  4. Clearwin . The cream contains essential oils, Aloe Vera juice, extracts of Indian herbs - Lodhra, Majista and Tulsi, Kaifala. The action of the components is aimed at increasing blood flow, activating the production of elastin, restoration and regeneration of all layers of the skin.


  5. Mustela - cream for stretch marks. It can be used to eliminate existing stretch marks, as well as to prevent their appearance. The product gives a visible and quick effect on stretch marks on the chest.


    It contains a complex of natural and synthetic components that complement and increase each other’s effectiveness. The main active ingredient of the cream is an elastoregulator, an innovative ingredient that activates the production of collagen-elastin cells.
  6. 9 months (cream) . Manufacturer - the same Mustela. The product is recommended for use throughout pregnancy, all 9 months.


    It softens the skin, helping it stretch without negative consequences, and helps correct microtraumas.

Even an expert cannot say which cream for stretch marks is best for pregnant women, since the response to cosmetic products varies from person to person. You should make a choice by assessing the safety of the product, as well as based on your own observations and preferences.


The risk of stretch marks increases during pregnancy, especially in predisposed women. For prevention, doctors recommend using special products, paying special attention to the areas of greatest skin tension during pregnancy. This is the stomach and chest.


  1. Bepantol The emulsion is intended for the prevention and correction of existing skin defects. To remove stretch marks on the stomach, it is best to start using it in the first months of pregnancy, when the volume is still very small.


    The components of Bepantol help soften and moisturize the skin, gradually preparing it for maximum stretching, which occurs before childbirth.
  2. Mom comfort . The product is natural and inexpensive, can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth. It promotes deep hydration, intensively nourishes the skin, restores damage, and eliminates defects.


    A noticeable result is achieved only with long-term and regular use, in combination with other products from the Mama Comfort line for women.


In one tablespoon of water you need to dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo, add 2 tablespoons of any fatty cream. The prepared composition is rubbed into the area of ​​the body affected by striae twice a day - morning and evening.


The product is useful for prevention; it works best after treating the skin with a scrub.

Laser resurfacing

In beauty salons, women are offered special services aimed at reducing the severity of stretch marks and reducing their depth.


The most effective methods have the highest cost. They usually pass course, performing the procedure once does not provide the desired effect.

  1. A cosmetologist can remove stretch marks laser , the price of the procedure depends on the device and the drugs used. Laser technology has been successfully used on newly appeared and old defects.


    The laser penetrates to a great depth, evening out skin tone, helping to restore its structure, making imperfections less noticeable.
  2. Dermabrasion – This is micro-resurfacing of the skin surface, which leads to the activation of its renewal processes. The method is quite traumatic, requiring a long period of rehabilitation. As a result, the quality and appearance of the skin improves, it becomes smoother and more elastic, and its tone increases.
  3. Radio wave lifting allows you to work out any areas of the body where stretch marks have occurred. The procedure is aimed at deep restoration of the skin structure, strengthening its protective functions, tightening the contour, and eliminating defects.


    To maintain the achieved results for as long as possible, you should properly care for your body and carry out corrective procedures.

How to Avoid Stretch Marks

In order not to worry about how to remove stretch marks, you need to take time to prevent them.

This measure is especially important for those who are at risk, namely: adolescents, athletes, pregnant women, and genetically predisposed people.


Prevention includes:

  1. complete body skin care, paying special attention to areas of greatest stretching;
  2. regular use of moisturizing creams or gels, fortified and nourishing masks, products with collagen complex, hyaluronic acid;
  3. the use of hardening procedures - contrast showers, dousing with cold water;
  4. the use of vacuum massage, mechanical peeling, restorative salon procedures.

How to choose the right product?

Striae always appear when the skin is sharply stretched and are the result of microtears in the tissue. It is very difficult to get rid of them; it is better to prevent their appearance at the initial stage of skin stretching.

There are 2 groups of remedies for stretch marks:

  1. preventing their appearance;
  2. masking the problem.

During pregnancy, you should use the first type of cream for prevention. If stretch marks are already noticeable, then a second one will do.

When choosing an ointment, it is important to pay attention to the composition. To prevent stretching of the epidermis, the product must contain the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid – increases skin elasticity, thereby reducing the likelihood of ruptures;
  2. vitamins A, C and E - accelerate the healing process, produce a rejuvenating effect;
  3. proteins – maintain water balance;
  4. glycerin – has a moisturizing effect;
  5. essential oils (roses, geranium, cocoa, shea, coconut, argan) - moisturize, retain moisture, nourish, prevent micro-tears;
  6. silicon – nourishes, makes the skin healthier and stronger.

Silicon is found only in expensive creams and gels.

Vitamin A should not be present in products for stretch marks during pregnancy; it can harm the fetus.

To treat existing stretch marks, you need a product with an enhanced composition:

  1. panthenol – produces a regenerating effect;
  2. zinc oxide – reduces inflammation, has a vasoconstrictor effect (not suitable for dry and sensitive skin);
  3. aloe – moisturizes and heals damage;
  4. onion extract – produces an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, restores the epidermis (not suitable for sensitive skin);
  5. citrus oil – prevents the increase of stretch marks;
  6. algae extract – nourishes and makes the skin more elastic;
  7. tea tree oil – reduces inflammation, heals damage.

To combat existing stretch marks, you should know that the first components in the list are the most significant.

When choosing a product for stretch marks on the skin, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin. If stretch marks appear on the thighs and abdomen, then you should use drugs with more aggressive components in the composition (zinc oxide or onion extract). For breasts, you need to choose gentle ingredients (panthenol).

Cream for stretch marks on the chest that contains zinc oxide, onion extract or essential oils should not be used during lactation.

Stretch marks on the bust and abdomen during pregnancy appear especially actively in the last trimester, so you cannot do without ointments. A pregnant woman should carefully choose a remedy. The composition should not contain artificial components, such as dyes, fragrances, silicone or parabens. You also need to look at expiration dates.

An allergy test should be performed before applying to the skin. Apply a small portion of the cream to your wrist and wait 30 minutes. If there is no reaction, then the drug is safe.

A preparation for stretch marks for pregnant women must be hypoallergenic.

For scars and old stretch marks that are more than 1 year old, you need products based on potent components, for example, silicone, sodium heparin, collagenase or urea. The best scar cream is Contractubex.


An anti-stretch mark product should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the skin and the age of the stretch marks. Here are some popular drugs.


This is a cream based on D-panthenol, salicylic acid, urea, almond oil, Japanese Sophora extract and naphthalene. It is suitable for dry skin, moisturizes, eliminates itching, flaking, inflammation, and has a regenerating and antibacterial effect.


This is an effective remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks. The cream has a natural composition, increases the elasticity of the skin, improves blood circulation, moisturizes, nourishes, and promotes the healing of microdamages.

Clearwin contains aloe vera, beeswax, sesame oil, calamus, madder, basil, petroleum jelly, glycerin and other components.

Before use in pregnant women, an allergy test should be performed. Biologically active components may be allergens.


This is one of the best remedies for stretch marks in pregnant and nursing mothers. It is worth noting that the cream is effective if stretch marks are already present, but it can also be used for preventive purposes. The product is suitable for stretch marks on the chest because it is safe for the baby and hypoallergenic.


  1. algae extract;
  2. Shea Butter;
  3. papaya oil

Green mama

This is an algae-based moisturizer. Suitable for regular skin care during pregnancy. It strengthens the skin, making it stronger, thereby reducing the likelihood of stretch marks. Used for preventive purposes.


Panthenol is not a specialized remedy for stretch marks, but it can be used for prevention, as well as in cases where there have been several small stretch marks. D-panthenol in the composition promotes skin regeneration, restores metabolic processes, reduces inflammation and increases skin strength.

Beta carotene

Cream with beta-carotene has an antioxidant effect, improves metabolic processes, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The skin becomes elastic and elastic, the likelihood of stretch marks decreases.


This is a remedy against stretch marks after childbirth in the form of a gel. Contains elastin, collagen and natural oils. The gel increases the elasticity of the skin and moisturizes it. Suitable for combating existing deep stretch marks. With regular use, they will become less noticeable, and small stretch marks will disappear altogether.

It can be used by pregnant women starting from the 3rd month, applied to the chest, abdomen and thighs.


It is a specialized effective remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Does not contain parabens, phthalates, alcohols or other harmful additives. Is 100% hypoallergenic. Active ingredients of the cream of natural origin:

  1. Sophora japonica;
  2. elastoregulator;
  3. lupeol;
  4. arabinogalactin;
  5. beeswax;
  6. Shea Butter;
  7. avocado oil

These components have a double effect on stretch marks. They make the skin more elastic and elastic, enhance regeneration, moisturize, nourish, and also reduce inflammation and strengthen capillaries.

The elastoregulator in the composition is a derivative of soy peptides. It regulates the production of collagen and elastin.


This is a cream based on mangosteen extract. This fruit has a rich biologically active composition. Contains:

Mangosteen nourishes, moisturizes, softens, evens out color, removes small stretch marks and makes the skin smoother. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it prevents stretch marks from turning into a scar. Use as a regular skin care product.


The gel is used to improve the appearance of scars and scars. It eliminates redness and itching, retains moisture, and smoothes stretch marks. To obtain a noticeable effect, it should be used for at least 2 months, applied 2 times a day.

As for pregnant and nursing mothers, there is no confirmed information that would prove or disprove the safety of the gel.


This is a remedy against stretch marks and scars, stimulating regeneration processes. The cream improves the color of the skin and removes pigmented areas. It doesn’t just mask the problem, but affects it from the inside.

Mederma restores cellular structure and moisturizes well. The active ingredients are allantoin and cepalin. They have restorative properties, normalize metabolic processes, and stimulate collagen production. Allantoin reduces inflammation and also stimulates the growth of new cells, which promotes skin renewal.

The gel is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but may cause allergic reactions. It must be applied taking precautions.

General principles of application

Even the most effective anti-stretch mark cream will not give the desired result if you do not use it correctly. Basic principles:

  1. Regularity of use.It is necessary to apply the product daily; if you miss at least one day, the effect will be lost.
  2. Preliminary cleaning of the skin.The skin needs to be cleaned, preferably steamed.
  3. Compliance with dosage and application technology.The cream should be applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the stretch marks, as well as to the area around it. Afterwards you need to wait for the product to be absorbed.
  4. Compliance with safety measures.If the drug is used during pregnancy or lactation, it should be safe. Breastfeeding women should apply the gel to their breasts between feedings. You need to calculate the time so that the product has time to be absorbed. Before feeding, the breasts must be washed.

Of course, there are many effective creams for stretch marks, but treating them is still problematic. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, preventive measures should be followed. It is necessary to increase the elasticity of the skin and prevent sudden weight gain.

Simultaneously with ointments, you should resort to physical activity. Stretching gives a good effect. This is a type of aerobics. Its action is aimed at losing weight and stretching.

Author: Oksana Belokur, doctor,
especially for

Useful video about stretch mark creams

White stretch marks on the body are a common phenomenon, especially among women. Most often, stretch marks (this is what stretch marks are called in medicine) occur in the lower abdomen and mammary glands. Typically, fresh stretch marks are red or purple in color. But over time, they begin to fade and white scars appear in their place, which become less noticeable to the eye.

But their presence is painful for every woman, and therefore many representatives of the fair sex are looking for a variety of ways to eliminate white stretch marks on the body. But the various myths that surround this problem do not allow them to see the real picture of what is happening, and therefore the process of eliminating stretch marks drags on for a long time and, as a rule, does not bring any results.

Treatment of stretch marks

People try to hide white stretch marks on the hips and other parts of the body from others with the help of clothing or decorative cosmetics. But this approach does not suit many, and therefore they begin to declare real war on the striae. And this greatly inspires companies that produce body cosmetics. They are putting more and more oils, creams and lotions on the market that claim to help eliminate white stretch marks.

Modern medicine also does not stand still, and it offers many women the use of laser therapy. Unlike various cosmetics, it does give results, but not always. Many people simply miss the opportunity to get rid of stretch marks on the body because they do not know the structure of the skin and the true nature of the origin of these scars on the skin.

Stretch marks become white after some time - 10-12 months. They are connective tissue that is formed as a result of microtrauma of the skin. The idea is that when the skin is injured, it repairs itself without leaving any traces. But connective tissue cannot transform into skin. And the reason for this is hormonal imbalances in the body.

When hormones are imbalanced, changes occur in the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in scarring where the skin has healed. They become saturated with capillaries, which is why they turn red. But after some time, these capillaries begin to die, and therefore the stretch marks acquire a white tint.

There is an opinion that white stretch marks on the butt or other parts of the body heal and disappear on their own. Actually this is not true. Connective tissue doesn't go away. Once it appears, it is impossible to get rid of it. The only thing we can really agree with is that over time, stretch marks actually fade and decrease in volume, and therefore become less noticeable. But they cannot disappear.

On various forums it is often discussed: “how to get rid of white stretch marks?” And among the answers, many claim that only laser therapy helps in this difficult matter. However, it should be noted that the importance of hardware cosmetology is greatly exaggerated.

Hardware cosmetology is not omnipotent, and besides, it has many contraindications. And, as practice shows, there are cases when the use of laser or microdermabrasion only aggravates the skin defect. Therefore, you should not hope for any miracle.

Knowing the cause of stretch marks is the basis for successful treatment

We have already said above that white stretch marks on the buttocks and other parts of the body occur due to hormonal imbalances in the body. Therefore, many people are confident that with a strong desire they can easily prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, delusion.

But this does not mean that no methods will help get rid of these white stripes on the body. It’s just that in solving this issue it is necessary to approach it comprehensively, taking into account the individual characteristics of the whole organism.

The main thing here is to start taking any measures in time. You can make stretch marks less noticeable using the same hardware cosmetology, but you need to do this carefully, having first discussed all the risks with your doctor. In addition, you should constantly use various body creams and lotions that increase skin elasticity. In this case, homemade scrubs also help a lot.

Moreover, all these measures will help not only make stretch marks invisible, but also prevent their further appearance. An important point in this matter is weight control and timely treatment of diseases. If you have diseases of the endocrine system, then you should monitor your health more carefully, since such diseases cause serious hormonal disorders that affect the condition of the skin.

Remember that white stretch marks on the body are already dead connective tissue, which are very difficult to eliminate. But in the modern world nothing is impossible. However, you should not act alone in this case. The only correct solution here is to see a doctor. Only he can really help you solve your problem.

Video about removing stretch marks on the body