Anti-wrinkle cream after 35 which is better reviews

At the age of twenty you have to make almost no effort to look good, but after thirty-five you need to pay increased attention to your skin. At this time, it's time to start using anti-aging cosmetics to preserve your beauty for as long as possible. Reviews of anti-wrinkle creams (from 35 years old) will help you decide on the choice of a suitable cosmetic product for daily care.

Age-related skin features

Age-related aging processes of the epidermis begin after 25 years. This natural phenomenon is aggravated by unfavorable environmental conditions, aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, decorative cosmetics and skin care products, as well as concomitant diseases.


At thirty, many people allow themselves to leave their makeup on before bed, forget to apply moisturizer and cleanse their skin properly, and eat low-quality foods. Because of this, small wrinkles soon begin to appear around the eyes, nasolabial folds appear, and the skin becomes dry.

With age, the body's production of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for preserving moisture in the deep layers of the skin, decreases, cells stop synthesizing collagen, the epidermis becomes thinner and muscle tone decreases. This means that you need to start taking care of your skin regularly.

Home skin care rules

Reviews of anti-wrinkle creams for people aged 35 years and older are positive, because improvements in the skin are visible immediately. But those women who regularly take care of themselves often do not notice the changes at all. This is normal because the skin itself is in good condition. If there are no visible improvements, this does not mean that you need to abandon proper multi-level care.


It is imperative to use sunscreen, because ultraviolet radiation leads to the appearance of age spots, dries the skin and accelerates the aging process. In summer and spring, you should apply a cream with SPF factor before each time you go outside.

Gradually aging skin still needs scrubs, but exfoliation should be gentle and non-traumatic. Soft peelings are best, but aggressive products with grains of coffee, cane sugar or coarse salt will only injure the skin.

Skin care cosmetics

Don't neglect cosmetic serum. This is a concentrated product that will allow you to properly organize facial skin care after 35 years. The serum is applied to cleansed skin 30 minutes before night moisturizer. This product is not for everyday use, because the high concentration of beneficial substances with constant use can be harmful.

It's time to start paying attention to the décolleté area, which many women forget about. Insufficient care leads to the appearance of wrinkles and decreased elasticity in this area. The same goes for thin eyelid skin, which is prone to wrinkles.

The golden rule remains thorough cleansing of decorative cosmetics before going to bed. You need to remove makeup with special products or hydrophilic oil, which not only cleanses well, but also retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin.


Using anti-aging cream

Judging by the reviews, many women begin to use anti-wrinkle cream after 35 years. At this age, the first noticeable wrinkles appear, the skin becomes vulnerable, and the body stops actively producing collagen. A regular moisturizer no longer copes with existing problems, and the skin needs more serious care.

Anti-wrinkle cream 35+ (reviews confirm this) will not be able to completely remove existing imperfections, but will strengthen the skin and partially restore its elasticity. The main problem of the aging dermis is slow collagen production. This is why it is so important to use the right anti-aging creams. They literally smooth out wrinkles from the inside.

How to choose the right cream

You shouldn’t buy any anti-wrinkle cream you see at 35 years old. Reviews from women who have encountered the first age-related problems confirm that choosing the right facial skin care product should be done consciously and with special care, focusing on the condition and needs of the skin.

The cream must have an age label (“from 35 years”, “35+” or something similar). Conventional nutritional formulations are no longer suitable for dry or oily skin, and it’s still too early for “50+” creams. Too many nutrients can be addictive. Then wrinkles will appear very quickly after stopping a certain cream.


Stimulate skin smoothing and moisturize care products containing collagen and hyaluronic acid; natural oils and plant extracts are useful components. It is very important to take into account your skin type, but it is worth taking into account that this characteristic may change with age. For example, skin that is oily in youth often becomes dry or normal.

It is better to purchase cosmetics as a set. Care should be multi-level, because one cream is unlikely to effectively cope with the task. A complex is needed for individual areas (special products are used for the eyelids) and for different times of the day (day and night cream). In addition, the products have different purposes (cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, restoration, and so on).

How to choose the right cream

Before purchasing, you should study the reviews of other women about a specific cosmetic product. It is better to purchase a sample first, because the same cream can show different effects on different skin types. The composition must really fit. You should not buy fashionable products from famous brands if domestic creams show the best effect, and vice versa. The cost of the product is not the main indicator.


What substances are included in creams?

Judging by the reviews, creams for facial wrinkles 35+ have a similar composition. Among the ingredients you can find substances that provide nutrition and protection to the epidermis, smooth out fine wrinkles, moisturize and even out skin color. Components can be:

  1. retinol and its derivatives (these are forms of vitamin A that are used in cosmetology to reduce signs of photoaging, maintain healthy skin and treat acne);
  2. hyaluronic acid (well moisturizes and activates cell restoration process);
  3. salicylic or glycolic acids (stimulate regeneration processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, dry out oily skin and have a noticeable exfoliating effect);
  4. peptides (these are amino acid molecules that easily penetrate the epidermis, restore deep damage, rejuvenate and provide transport of other useful substances);
  5. liquid collagen (replenishes the lack of own collagen);
  6. UV filters (provide protection from exposure to sunlight);
  7. extracts of plant origin (protect the skin from penetration of oxidants, moisturize and nourish);
  8. extract of centella and boswellia (these expensive components are of natural origin, but are very effective on the skin).

It is important to consider that the components that are most abundant are listed first in the composition.


Rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams (35+)

Reviews confirm that the best cream is the one that meets all parameters and gives lasting results. You can focus on the rating and subjective impressions of use, but to find your product, you will most likely have to try several of the best:

  1. Avene Ysthal. The active ingredient in the cream is retinol, which helps smooth out wrinkles. Does not cause allergies, so is suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate. An expensive product that helps quickly eliminate fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Reviews of this anti-wrinkle cream from women over 35 years old leave only positive reviews.
  3. Acqlicolic Classic Forte Sesderma. The composition is used by professional cosmetologists. This is a very effective glycolic acid-based product that acts on the deep layers of the skin.
  4. Vichy Neovadiol GF. It is recommended to use constantly, but at an older age (closer to 40 years). In this case, the effect is really pronounced.
  5. "Ultra-lifting" from Garnier Skin Naturals. A complex of products for the care of aging skin quickly tightens the skin and eliminates fine wrinkles. It has a relatively low cost and high quality.
  6. Olay Anti-wrinkle from 35. The anti-wrinkle cream (reviews note this as a special advantage) includes natural seaweed extract. In one course, the skin is noticeably tightened and the number of wrinkles is reduced.
  7. Bio Performance Shiseido. This is a Japanese cream that is developed using the latest biotechnology. The composition begins to act actively just a few minutes after application.
  8. Instantly Ageless. Judging by the reviews, anti-wrinkle cream for people over 35 years old can replace Botox injections. The product gives a quick effect.

Line of cosmetics “35+” from L’Oreal

Separately, it is worth noting the series for skin care of any age from L'Oreal. Creams have proven themselves well, but are often not included in the best ratings because they are most effective in combination with other products of the same brand. The anti-wrinkle cream from L'Oreal (35+) has good reviews: “Luxury Nutrition”, “Absolute Tenderness”, “Restoration”, “Age Expert”. Revitalift is suitable for the contour of the face and neck, and if you need comprehensive rejuvenation, then you should choose the “Revitalift Laser × 3” series.


The composition of the products includes glycerin, which helps retain moisture, retinol, which reduces deep wrinkles and eliminates fine ones, Stimulite, which renews the skin from the inside, collagen, ceramides, which make the skin elastic, isohexadecane, which gives velvety, vitamins that nourish, heal and restore, adenosine , stimulating the production of your own elastin and collagen. Ingredients may vary depending on the specific series.

French anti-aging cosmetics "Vichy"

After 35 years, it is advisable to use Liftactive products from Vichy. Day and night creams contain a monosaccharide of natural origin, which activates skin regeneration processes and provides active nutrition.

The cream for daily use has a slight tightening effect, suitable for normal and combination skin. Night fights the aging process while resting. Five days of using the product is enough for a visible effect to appear. Good reviews about the anti-wrinkle cream “Vichy” (35+) “Liftactive Supreme” for dry skin. The composition includes shea butter, apricot butter, thermal water, vitamin C and rhamnose. The rejuvenating effect is noticeable in one course of using the product.

"Ultra-lifting" from Garnier Skin Naturals


Judging by the reviews, the Garnier 35+ anti-wrinkle cream evens out the facial contour, makes the skin visually healthier and quickly eliminates fine wrinkles. Women often choose this product because the cream effectively copes with all its stated tasks at a modest price (a jar costs 150-200 rubles). The consistency of the product is pleasant, the cream is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, and can be used as a base for makeup. The only drawback is zero sun protection factor.

A good anti-wrinkle cream after 35 years will help you maintain youth and attractiveness. The rating of the best cosmetic products, according to users, and advice on choosing will help you choose a cream that can delay the appearance of the first wrinkles.

How to choose the right cream after 35 years?

Upon reaching 35 years of age, natural aging processes begin to occur in the body. This period usually marks the first appearance of wrinkles, and expression lines are a common occurrence for most women. In this regard, the choice of cream and other cosmetics must be approached with special care. The question of which cream is best for wrinkles after 35 is difficult to answer, but advice from cosmetologists will help you choose a product that will be effective and beneficial for your skin.

When choosing a cream, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose a product that is appropriate for your age. The packaging must be marked “35+” or “from 35 years old”. Even if you notice the first wrinkles on your face, you should not purchase anti-aging products for women over 50 years old. The fact is that they contain a large amount of active substances that will slow down the natural processes of cell restoration, and therefore in the future you will not be able to do without potent creams.
  2. Choose creams that contain hyaluronic acid and collagen. They moisturize the dermis and smooth its surface.
  3. Choose a cream based on your skin type, but keep in mind that after 35, hormonal changes occur, which can cause dryness or oiliness.
  4. Choose a comprehensive selection of cosmetics. One cream cannot solve all problems. One product is intended for day care, another for night care, a third will help prevent the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes, and so on.
  5. Choose a product with SPF protection, since sun rays significantly accelerate the aging process.
  6. Before purchasing, carefully study the composition. Give preference to cosmetics with a high content of natural ingredients, as well as vitamins A, E and C. Coenzyme Q-10 also helps to effectively fight the appearance of wrinkles, as it acts in the deep layers of the dermis.
  7. Read customer reviews before purchasing. Advice from friends and colleagues will also help you choose a reliable manufacturer of quality cosmetics. If possible, contact a professional cosmetologist who will help you choose a product taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.
  8. Buy a sample first to make sure the cream is right for you, as each body reacts differently to the same product.

Rating of the best creams after 35 years

Almost every cosmetics manufacturer produces anti-aging creams. Often, products for women over 35 years old include several creams: day, night, against expression wrinkles, and so on. The rating includes products from well-known manufacturers.

Vichy Idealia

The product has long earned the trust of consumers due to its high efficiency. The main feature of Vichy products is that you can purchase them not only in stores, but also in pharmacies. The composition is based on tea tree extract, which has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, tightens the skin and smoothes out the first small wrinkles. It also contains thermal water, which refreshes the dermis. The cream rejuvenates the deep layers of the dermis, so the results of use are visible after a short period of time, but it is not suitable for everyone, since each organism has its own characteristics.

Olay Regenerist

If you are wondering which cream to choose after 35, pay attention to anti-aging products from Olay. The action is based on pentapeptides - natural amino acids that stimulate collagen production. It also contains other useful components:

  1. hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture;
  2. glycerin moisturizes the dermis;
  3. vitamins E and B5 improve the elasticity of the epidermis;
  4. Aluminum extract adds silkiness and smoothness.

The cream is not suitable for women who suffer from age spots.

L'Oreal Age Expert

A cream from a French manufacturer helps to effectively fight the first signs of skin aging and aging processes. The basis of the product is collagen and retinol, which smooth out wrinkles and restore elasticity to the dermis. The composition also includes other components that have the same effect:

  1. moisturize the skin;
  2. nourish cells with vitamins and essential minerals;
  3. stimulate the production of natural collagen and elastin;
  4. tighten the facial contour and so on.

Belita Botox like system

An anti-aging cream from a Belarusian manufacturer with a Botox effect is used by women over 35 years of age. It has a light structure, perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores smoothness to the epidermis and effectively smoothes out wrinkles. Customer reviews indicate that results from using the cream are visible within a week. It has an SPF filter, so it prevents premature aging from sun rays. Low cost is one of the advantages of the product.

Garnier Skin Naturals "Ultra-Lifting"

Garnier anti-wrinkle cream is based on pro-retinol. Produced vitamin A helps moisturize the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Women note that the effect of using the product lasts a long time, but it is only suitable for combating superficial wrinkles. He is unable to cope with deep wrinkles. Among the main advantages are the absence of allergic reactions and an affordable price.

Among Russian cosmetics, the Black Pearl cream is the most effective. Despite its affordable price, in the early stages of epidermal withering, it effectively helps get rid of expression lines and regular first wrinkles.

When choosing a good anti-wrinkle cream after 35 years, pay attention to products from well-known brands. And although their cost is higher, their efficiency is much higher. In addition, well-known companies conduct tests before releasing a product, which means that the risk of allergic reactions or other unpleasant consequences is low. It’s not difficult to find customer reviews of products from global companies on the Internet or among friends.

Features of skin care after 35 years

Using a good cream for the first wrinkles from the age of 35 is not enough to maintain youth for a long time. The dermis during this period needs special care. To achieve maximum results from using anti-aging cream, take a comprehensive approach to facial skin care.

Follow simple recommendations:

  1. Choose the cream carefully, focusing on your own sensations and the body’s reaction.
  2. Buy products for comprehensive care - day, night, against expression wrinkles. If you have specific problems, such as blackheads, also buy a product to combat them.
  3. Combine the cream with homemade masks, special gymnastics, ice toning and other procedures.
  4. Exfoliate gently twice a week to remove dead skin cells. Do not use scrubs based on coffee or other solid particles after 35 years. Give preference to scrubs with oatmeal, as they are gentler on the skin.
  5. Store-bought cream can be replaced by homemade cosmetic ointment prepared from oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs, honey and other natural products.
  6. Use special cosmetics to care for the area around the eyes.

The variety of anti-wrinkle cosmetic products for women over 35 years old is simply amazing. This makes it difficult to choose a good cream. Be guided by recommendations and reviews, as well as your own feelings. Remember that only an integrated approach will help maintain youthful and fresh skin for a long time.

Today we will look at which face cream is better after 35 and advice from a cosmetologist that will help you make the right choice of the right product, and reviews from “countrywomen” will honestly tell you what to expect from this or that product.

And so, a rating of the best face creams after 35 with nuances and recommendations.

Why should you use creams after 35 years?

You are 35 years old. Agree, this is a very significant date that makes you think about many things. But this is a wonderful time when a woman already has life experience, wisdom, and authority. She is a mother, a wife, an excellent employee, a wonderful friend and lover.

She determines her age only by the incomprehensible numbers in her passport (where did they come from?!), and not at all by her state of mind. After all, there, inside, lives a young girl (sometimes even a little girl) who wants to frolic, have fun and feel the admiring glances of men.

What can be done to ensure that the inner feeling coincides with the appearance? Firstly, review all the cosmetics that are in your arsenal. If until now you were content with a moisturizer, several serums and scrubs, then from now on your reserves should be replenished.

If your cosmetologist advised you on a good face cream after 35 and said that there should be more than one, he was absolutely right. Anti-aging cosmetics “35+” need to be chosen especially carefully.

What begins to happen to the skin at this time:

  1. the production of a special collagen protein, which is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, deteriorates;
  2. small facial wrinkles appear;
  3. under the influence of gravity, tissues begin to sag;
  4. the skin becomes drier, peeling appears;
  5. sebaceous glands slow down;
  6. blood circulation processes deteriorate;
  7. pigment spots appear.

Simply nutrition and hydration will not work in this case. It is necessary to choose the best face cream for 35 years, which will help cope with the beginning signs of aging, stop unwanted processes and activate the body’s own powers.

If at the age of 35 you do not use all possible means to maintain your skin in normal condition, then in the future it will be much more difficult and longer to fight the signs of aging, wrinkles, sagging and dryness.

How to choose the right cream - advice from cosmetologists

Face creams after 35 years have certain features that need to be taken into account when choosing the best product. Moreover, there should be more than one. When choosing anti-aging cosmetics 35+, pay attention to the following products:

  1. skin cleansing products. They are needed to remove dead epidermal cells, which are already poorly rejected by the body on their own;
  2. gels, creams, serums or foams for skin care around the eyes. These products contain special ingredients because the skin in this area is especially sensitive;
  3. creams after thirty-five, day and night, selected for a specific skin type;
  4. anti-wrinkle products (according to reviews, Vichy cream has a very good effect);
  5. an individual cosmetic product designed to solve specific problems of the epidermis marked “from 35” (blackheads, acne, oily shine, pigmentation, rosacea and others).

Now let's talk about what nuances you need to pay attention to in order to choose a good face cream for yourself after 35. Such knowledge will help you choose the right product and successfully fight the influence of time on your appearance.

  1. All products, without exception, must be marked “35+”, since they contain all the components necessary for such skin.
  2. The brand of cream is an important factor. There is no need to jump at an attractive price if it is significantly lower than traditional products in this segment.
  3. Give preference to products containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, coenzyme Q10, and SPF filters.
  4. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the time of use of the selected product (day, night, eyelids, etc.).
  5. Consider your skin type and the presence of additional problems on an individual basis.
  6. Exfoliate twice a week with products intended for this age.
  7. Pay attention to the naturalness of the ingredients, the absence or small amount of parabens, synthetic fragrances, preservatives.

Note! Cosmetologists recommend not using scrubs with aggressive compounds or coarse abrasives. After 35, skin becomes very sensitive and vulnerable. The use of such drugs may worsen her condition.

To make the choice easier, we present a rating of face creams after 35, where both budget options and luxury cosmetics are presented.

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Rating of the best drugs

Among the best face creams after 35, the rating includes products from well-known brands that have proven themselves over many decades.

Vichy cream for face after 35 years is positioned as “pharmacy” or “professional” cosmetics that can solve not only age-related, but also deeper problems associated with skin health. Anti-aging series are presented with products for different skin types. Contains:

  1. Kombucha extract, which helps fight fine and medium wrinkles;
  2. thermal water tones and moisturizes the epidermis;
  3. argenine promotes restoration of the dermis at the cellular level;
  4. rhamnose rejuvenates the deep layers of the skin;
  5. Kombucha evens out tone and improves complexion.

Regular use of the entire line of anti-aging face creams after 35 (day, night, for the skin around the eyes) gives visible results within a week.

Belita face cream – a good moisturizer that can not only absorb moisture, but also retain it in the epidermis. Manufacturers position the product as an analogue to laser salon procedures.

The composition includes a UV filter, which perfectly protects against the effects of ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is recognized as one of the best day creams. It is easy to apply to the skin thanks to its soft texture. However, it is absorbed slowly, which is considered a disadvantage by some consumers.

With regular use, it very effectively restores skin turgor, tightens the oval of the face, evens out color and fights wrinkles.

Cream Olay Regenerist - a daily moisturizing product, which, along with natural ingredients, includes synthetic ones, which should be taken into account by ladies prone to allergic reactions. Also present in the cream:

  1. hyaluronic acid – a natural moisturizer;
  2. vitamins E and B5;
  3. pentapeptides.

The product copes well with minor pigmentation, evens out complexion, stimulates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles, and makes the skin velvety and soft.

Cream Lancome - representative of the premium class. Some women believe that this is the best face cream, as it actively fights age-related changes. Cosmetologists advise combining its use with peelings and soft scrubs to achieve maximum results.

The product contains vitamin complexes that have a beneficial effect on tissue regeneration processes at the cellular level. The skin is tightened, complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Cream Garnier – a budget product preferred by many women. It fights wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, and tightens the oval of the face. However, experts note that spikenard contains natural ingredients and synthetic ones, which are non-toxic and safe for health.

It should be noted that the effect of use occurs after a certain time of regular use. However, with pronounced aging processes and the presence of deep wrinkles, it is better to choose another remedy.

L'Oreal Revitalift – an effective, effective anti-aging cream. This is the latest development, which, according to manufacturers, perfectly fights even deep wrinkles, improves turgor, tightens the oval of the face, gives the skin an even tone and a natural fresh tint.

Contains hyaluronic acid and plant fibroxyl. The components guarantee deep hydration and fight against pigmentation.

Nitrogena – rejuvenating and anti-aging cream containing:

  1. retinol, which gives the skin freshness and elasticity;
  2. antioxidants – protection from environmental factors;
  3. green tea extract – freshness and moisture;
  4. vitamin E in two modifications - youth and elasticity.

Nivea – German high-quality cosmetics. Day and night creams are produced, which are identical in composition, but have some differences. The day cream is enriched with a higher concentration of moisturizing components, while the night cream is enriched with nutrients. Effectively fights photo and chrono-aging problems, improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Estee Lauder Revitalift – representative of anti-aging premium cosmetics. It is included in the world's TOP face creams after 35. It contains unique components that not only fight visible age-related changes, but also prevent the aging process at the cellular level. Regular use of the product stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin, thereby providing skin elasticity and firmness.

Based on the advice of cosmetologists and reviews from clients, choosing the best face creams after 35 is not so difficult. You just need to set a goal, spare no time and money to preserve your youth and beauty for a long time.

You will learn even more about the necessary facial care products from the video:


Having considered the rating “The best face cream after 35 years”, the reviews will complement the overall picture.


Marina, 35 years old, Moscow

“This year I tried Vichy anti-wrinkle cream - the time has come. I'm happy with the result, I use it regularly and have no intention of changing the product. At least for now"

Irina, 37 years old, Saratov

“I was pleased with the cream, since its use brought results, although not as immediately as the manufacturer promises. But the effect on the face has lasted for more than a year. Compared to other means - just excellent"


Tatyana, 36 years old, Omsk

“It moisturizes very well, but is poorly absorbed. So it’s better to use it at night, then you don’t have to wait long before applying makeup.”

Lyudmila, 38 years old, Ufa

“I was more dissatisfied with the cream than with any other. It's kind of heavy and stays on the skin for a very long time. The face becomes sticky and shiny"


Inga, 35 years old, St. Petersburg

“I heard a lot about this cream and decided to try it myself. Everything is as the manufacturer promises. With regular use of the code, it becomes youthful, with good color and a minimum number of wrinkles."

Oksana, 36 years old, Krasnoyarsk

“I am very pleased with the cream - it moisturizes well, does not leave greasy streaks, and is absorbed almost instantly. The face seems to glow from the inside, when it is clean, soft and fresh.”


Valentina, 37 years old, Ramenskoye

“Although it’s expensive, I’m more expensive. Very good cream - the smell is wonderful, subtle and delicate. Moisturizes, relieves tension, smooths out wrinkles and makes the face radiant."

Snezhena, 35 years old, Murmansk

“My sister gave me the cream. At first I was surprised that such a light cream would help make my very dry skin perfect. But time has shown that it really works as the manufacturers promise."


Alla, 36 years old, Okhansk

“I have been using these creams for a long time. The time has come and I switched to the 35+ series. I’m not going to change the products, as I’m happy with the results.”

Olga, 38 years old, Moscow

“I’m not very happy with the cream, as I was expecting a faster response to my problems. But over time it did work, but only partially - the wrinkles remained."


Anna, 38 years old, Samara

“France is France - what else can I say. Works as promised"

Larisa, 35 years old, Kemerovo

“I trust French manufacturers in everything. Therefore, without any hesitation, I bought this cream for myself. Not disappointed"


Natalya, 36 years old, Irkutsk

“People, don’t believe everything they write on the packaging. This cream is many times more effective than what they tell you about it. I'm very glad I found it. I recommend to everyone"

Angelina, 35 years old, Tver

“I started using this cream relatively recently, but I don’t see any age-related changes, even though there were minor changes before. Try it, you won't regret it"


Tamila, 38 years old, Ryazan

“A budget-friendly solution that solves your problems in the same way. Moisturizes, protects from the sun - but that’s all.”

Victoria, 35 years old, Kazan

“I just started using 35+ creams and Nevea is my first experience. I like it so far"

Estee Lauder

Marina, 37 years old, Moscow

“Expensive, high quality, effective - for young skin and a great mood”

Lyudmila, 38 years old, Syzran

“My husband’s expensive gift became a discovery for me - it turns out that I can be young and very beautiful without operations and beauty injections. Just cream - and I'm a queen"