Pharmacy acne cream

Inexpensive acne cream can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetics stores. Medicines are prescribed for diseases of the skin, acne that cannot be treated with cosmetics. For minor defects, you can use special, medicinal cosmetics.

Active ingredients of acne cream

Regardless of the composition of the active ingredients, acne medications have the following effects:

  1. cleansing pores;
  2. destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  3. relieving inflammation;
  4. drying;
  5. narrowing of pores;
  6. decreased sebum production.


To obtain the listed effects, the composition of the cream and ointment includes substances of natural, chemical origin. There are no irritating, allergenic components or fragrances.

Inexpensive effective pharmaceutical remedies for acne

You can purchase an anti-acne drug at any pharmacy at an affordable price without presenting a prescription from a doctor.

  1. Zinc ointment

The drug of domestic pharmacology is known to almost everyone. Very often, the first acquaintance with the ointment occurs in adolescence, when rashes, inflamed pimples, and acne appear on the body and face. The active component of the drug is zinc oxide. Has a drying effect and antibacterial. Due to this, inflammation is eliminated, sebum production is reduced, and the condition of the epidermis is improved. A single pimple disappears within a few hours if it is treated with zinc ointment at night. To treat acne, long-term treatment is required, the course is determined by a specialist.

  1. Salicylic-zinc ointment

A thick ointment with a specific medicine smell contains medical petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, and potato starch. Indications for use are various rashes, inflammations, acne, eczema. The ointment is prescribed for extensive damage to the skin, for severe forms of acne. The active ingredients are zinc and salicylic acid. The product has a drying, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. Local antibiotic.


  1. Syntomycin emulsion

The thin consistency paste is available with different concentrations of active substances - 1%, 2%, 5%. A local antibiotic is prescribed for purulent lesions, eczema, and secondary bacterial infection. Syntomycin dries out pimples, stops inflammation, destroys bacteria, and stimulates regenerative processes. A spot treatment for acne treats single diseases at a time; for severe forms of acne, a course of at least 7 days is required.

  1. Vishnevsky ointment

The official name is Balsamic Liminent. Natural antibiotic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory. The composition contains birch tar, castor oil, xeroform. An antiseptic combination drug is applied for any lesions of the skin accompanied by inflammation and suppuration. Vishnevsky ointment pulls out plugs from pores, clears pus, dries, and stimulates tissue regeneration. The product is brown in color and has a specific smell, so not everyone likes it.

  1. Ichthyol ointment

The pharmaceutical preparation contains medical petroleum jelly, ichthyol. It has disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. Has a tonic effect. The international name of the drug is Ichthammol. Used for any skin lesions. Apply directly to pimples or apply a thin layer in case of large-scale lesions of the skin.

  1. Erythromycin ointment

Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Active substance erythromycin. The base is lanolin and Vaseline. Has anti-acne and antibacterial effects. Destroys pathogenic microflora, due to which inflammation stops and the process of restoration of the epidermis begins. Erythromycin ointment is applied pointwise; it is not recommended to use it on large areas. The duration of the course is limited.

  1. Streptocide liniment

An antiseptic and disinfectant is used to treat purulent-inflammatory skin lesions. Prescribed for the treatment of acne, used for healing single pimples. The active substance is streptocide. The composition contains fish oil to soften the skin and remove crusts. The medication is applied pointwise. For single inflamed pimples, it has a therapeutic effect in one application.

  1. Sledocid for acne

An effective, safe acne cream for teenagers. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, silver ions, and oils. The cosmetic product is not a medicine, but has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, restorative effect. Removes pimples, blackheads and marks after them, evens out the relief. The cream can be applied to large areas in a thin layer.

Gel against acne and mild rosacea. There are no contraindications as such. Do not use if you are hypersensitive. The cream is applied locally or to large affected areas. Acts on the basis of zinc and sodium hyaluronate. It is used as an independent remedy for the treatment of acne and as part of complex therapy for severe damage to the skin.

  1. Dimexide gel

Active component is dimethyl sulfoxide. The medicine is prescribed for pain in muscles and joints, and is used to treat inflamed pimples, blackheads, ulcers, and eczema. The active substance has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic effect. It enhances the effect of antibiotics, so it is often included in complex therapy.

Attention! The price of pharmaceutical drugs is within 250 rubles.


Cheap acne cream can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, but specialist consultation is required before actively treating the rash. If medications are used incorrectly, the desired therapeutic result does not occur and the condition worsens.

Pharmaceutical drug for the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea. Can be applied to large areas. If necessary, the product is used for a long time - several months. The active substance is azelaic acid. It has bacteriostatic activity, stops the inflammatory process, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and prevents the formation of comedones and acne. Additionally, the composition contains moisturizing components that prevent peeling and dryness of the epidermis.

A drug for the treatment of acne and rosacea. It operates on the basis of azelaic acid and is an analogue of Skinoren. The properties are identical. Suitable for symptomatic, complex treatment of problem skin. It has a slight medicinal smell, applies well, but is slowly absorbed.

An antimicrobial agent used to treat mild forms of rosacea. Acts on the basis of azelaic acid. The drug is quickly absorbed and begins to have a therapeutic effect, but positive results in clearing the skin of rashes become noticeable after 1-2 weeks.

The medication is prescribed for the treatment of acne and inflamed pimples. The active ingredient is adapalene. Analogue of retinoic acid. Protects the skin from infectious infections, destroys pathogenic microflora, breaks down sebaceous plugs, cleanses pores, and normalizes the functioning of the glands. Adapalene prevents the appearance of a hard film and stimulates the renewal of the epidermis. Differin treats existing rashes and prevents the appearance of new ones. The strength of the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is compared with betamethasone. Other pronounced properties of the cream are emollient, antiseptic, drying, comedolytic, exfoliating. When treating with Differin, you should avoid exposure to sunlight, since adapalene increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, pigment spots and burns may appear.


Pharmaceutical product for the treatment of acne, pimples. It has comedonlytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, keratinolytic, sebostatic properties. Based on adapaden, benzoyl peroxide. It is an analogue of Differin.

It is produced in the form of a gel, has a light consistency and is quickly absorbed. Used to treat inflamed acne, mild forms of acne, rosacea, and eliminate comedones. The basis is glycerin with a moisturizing and softening effect. The active substance is benzoyl peroxide with an antimicrobial, disinfecting, drying effect. Positive results are noticeable after a week of active use, the average course duration is 1 month.

Produced in the form of a solution. The active component of zinc is hyaluronate. It has a drying effect, anti-inflammatory, stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues, and kills pathogenic microflora. It is prescribed as an independent remedy for the treatment of acne, acne, and as part of complex therapy to accelerate the healing of infected wounds.

Cream-gel against acne. Used to treat mild and moderate forms of acne, rosacea, and prevent the recurrence of rashes. In severe cases, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy. Active ingredient: zinc hyaluronate. Properties identical to Kuriosin. Suitable for spot application and treatment of large areas. The duration of therapy can be several months, but if excessive dryness or new acne appears, use is discontinued.

An antimicrobial, antibacterial agent is prescribed for acne, rosacea, dermatitis, skin infections, eczema, fissures, oily seborrhea, poorly healing wounds, vaginitis, balanoposthitis. The cream quickly eliminates inflammation, disinfects, and stimulates cell renewal. The active ingredient is metronidazole. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Contraindications for use are allergic rashes and individual intolerance. Treat targeted areas.

Produced in gel form. Used as an emollient to eliminate scars. Contains sodium heparin, onion extract, allantoin. It is used to eliminate the effects of acne, rosacea to even out skin texture, color, and also to treat rashes. Heparin constricts blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves blood circulation. Apply if there are bags or dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Cream-active Clean Line

Anti-acne “Perfect Skin”. A universal remedy is used to improve the condition of problem skin in the presence of pimples and mild acne. Active ingredients: zinc, aloe vera, herbal tea. It has a moisturizing, drying, anti-inflammatory effect. Softens the skin, nourishes, increases protective properties, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Helps with single pimples and mild acne. It has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave an oily sheen.

The Propeller brand produces many cosmetics in the form of gel, cream, scrub for blackheads, inflamed pimples, and blackheads. In most cases, cosmetics are used for washing. Contains antibacterial, antiseptic, drying, anti-inflammatory substances. Breaks down sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores. Among the active ingredients of the products are lactulose and salicylic acid. Therapeutic cosmetics are used constantly or periodically when there is a threat of exacerbation.

The list of pharmacy cosmetics creams can be continued endlessly. The drugs differ in composition, effectiveness, and price, but the mechanism of action is approximately the same. The right choice depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, personal preferences, degree of disease, and age.

Reviews about the application

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to receive reviews about inexpensive acne cream in the comments, they will be useful to other users!


I periodically use Rosamet antimicrobial cream. It copes well with inflamed acne, internal and external. The consistency is thick, quite dense. Smells good, the smell dissipates quickly. It is recommended to apply directly to problem areas. In my case, I apply it all over my face in the evening instead of moisturizer. In the morning, pimples disappear, the skin becomes smooth. It also helps against redness, minor abrasions, wounds, and has a whitening effect. The price is not exactly budget-friendly. I gave 200 rubles.


I had external, subcutaneous pimples, mild acne, blackheads, enlarged pores. I started treatment with folk remedies and thought it wasn’t all that complicated. Then I switched to pharmaceutical drugs. I bought Baziron. I struggled for clear skin for 3 months. The cream costs an average of 500 rubles. The consistency is light and absorbs instantly. There is no specific smell, it does not leave a greasy sheen and I did not notice any dryness. It should be applied pointwise or in a thin layer to problem areas. If you overdo it, a noticeable white layer will form. The skin reacts to the cream differently. Sometimes you don’t feel anything, and sometimes it burns, everything turns red, itches. I noticed an improvement in the condition of the skin on my face after the first week. But I had to use the cream for 3 months for lasting results.


I used Differin for acne. Got rid of blackheads, enlarged pores, unpleasant pimples, and evened out the texture and tone. Among the disadvantages - at first there is a deterioration in the condition. You don’t know if it’s a therapeutic effect or a terrible allergy. After approximately 3 days of active use, the condition of the face began to improve. I used it for 10 days. It adequately copes with mild acne and prevents the appearance of new acne. Can be used symptomatically, as a course. It is better to apply in the evening. I am completely satisfied with the effect of the cream.

The main causes of acne on the face are poor environment, dirty air, poor diet, stress, etc. All these and other factors affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this, they begin to work more intensely, and the body cannot cope with the load. The result appears on the face in the form of pimples.

Rashes on the face must be treated with special means, otherwise even bigger problems may appear in the form of scars. In the future, the skin will begin to deplete and it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem.

It is forbidden to squeeze out pimples yourself, as there is a risk of infection, and this contributes to the formation of even more purulent rashes or can lead to the formation of scars. It is very difficult to cure the consequences of squeezing out rashes.

Types of acne on the face

The appearance of imperfections on the skin may be due to genetic predisposition or bacterial infection. All rashes are divided by specialists into different categories and types, so when choosing treatment, you should focus on the nature of the dermal imperfections that have appeared.

There are the following types of acne:

  1. blackheads, or otherwise comedones;
  2. papules;
  3. pustules;
  4. acne.

Let's take a closer look at each type.


Comedones are a type of non-inflammatory acne, which are most often localized on the face. They are formed at the mouth of the hair follicles, which are subsequently clogged with sebum and dead dermal cells. In appearance, comedones look like small elevations above the skin with a white or black center. The growth of such acne can also be triggered by fatty or spicy foods eaten.

Comedones with a black center are also called “blackheads.” They form mainly on the chin, forehead or nose. Their dark color is not due to pollution. Blackheads are actually clogged with colorless sebum and cells, but when light is not reflected correctly from the hair follicles, they appear dark. Also, upon contact with air, gradually accumulations of excess fat begin to darken.

This type of acne does not require special prescription medications for treatment. It is enough to pay increased attention to cleansing the dermis and use cosmetics that do not clog pores.


Papules are formed as a result of inflammation of comedones. This is due to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply in the sebaceous glands, which subsequently contribute to the inflammatory process and the formation of pus inside.

In appearance, papules look like red growths, are sensitive and may be accompanied by itchy skin.. It should be remembered that squeezing such pimples can provoke an inflammatory process and lead to scarring.

Read about creams for scars and scars on the face here.

If a large accumulation of papules appears on the face, then it is necessary to seek treatment from a dermatologist, as this is a sign of a skin disease.

Treatment of this type of inflammation is more difficult than treatment of comedones. Benzoyl peroxide-based drugs are prescribed, as well as oral and local antibacterial therapy.


The formation of pustules is not necessarily due to a bacterial infection. Most often they are formed from comedones, which have white heads. The pustule fills with white or yellow pus and has a red inflammatory rim around the head.

Pustules can merge with each other, forming raised tubercles above the skin with pus inside.

You should avoid squeezing this type of pimple, as there is a risk of intensifying the inflammatory process.

Typically, acne is considered a disease that is caused by inflammation of the hair follicles. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of clogged pores. In other words, acne is called acne.

Acne can appear at any age, but most often appears in adolescence, when the body undergoes restructuring and hormonal imbalance is observed. Acne can appear in the form of comedones, papules, and pustules.

The list of the best acne creams can be found here.

Types of acne remedies

Any type of acne must be treated. For effectiveness, it is better to contact a specialist who will select the necessary drug based on the picture of the disease. There are several types of drugs for the treatment of acne:

Ointments for acne treatment

The most common and effective ointments for treating acne are:

  1. Zenerite. The drug is used to treat pimples, acne or acne. It has established itself as the most effective drug, which contains two active components. First of all, it is the antibiotic erythromycin, which fights germs and bacteria. The second active ingredient in the composition is zinc. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents inflammation from spreading further, and promotes the healing of formed papules.
  1. Salicylic ointment. Used to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. The product contains salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result of using the product, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, sebum production is reduced, inflammation is stopped, and dermal regeneration is stimulated. Salicylic ointment is an excellent budget product that has proven its effectiveness. The price of the drug ranges from 20 to 50 rubles in city pharmacies.
  2. Zinc ointment. The zinc contained in the product disinfects, absorbs, dries rashes, and has an astringent and antimicrobial effect. Dermatologists often prescribe this remedy in the fight against dermal imperfections. The drug is suitable for the treatment of acne, anke, inflammatory acne.

Antibiotic ointment

To treat some types of acne, it is necessary to use products that contain antibiotics. The most effective drugs include:

  1. Levomekol. The product contains chloramphenicol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine a component that helps stimulate dermal regeneration. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The antibiotic included in the composition is active against various microorganisms, including staphylococci. The product is used to treat acne, including the treatment of purulent rashes. Regetsin cream has a similar effect. The product is also used to heal wounds after acne, since dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine penetrates deep into the dermis and promotes skin regeneration. Product price – 150 rubles.
  2. Erythromycin ointment. The product contains the antibiotic erythromycin. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne that is caused by bacterial microorganisms, as well as for the treatment of chronic forms of acne. As a result of application, purulent inflammations resolve, inflammation decreases, redness disappears. After using this drug, new rashes do not appear.

Instructions for using Radevit ointment can be found in this article.

  1. Syntomycin ointment. The main active substance in the product is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of purulent acne, boils, and pustules. The substance is able to penetrate deep into the dermis, thereby achieving the best therapeutic effect. The drug also contains castor oil, which moisturizes the dermis, relieves inflammation, and stimulates the regeneration of dermal cells. The average price is 55 rubles.
  2. Clindamycin. The drug contains the antibiotic clindamycin (it is also the main active ingredient of the Clindovit gel), which is used to treat fungal diseases and to treat acne. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne and boils. Klenzit S is also used for such diseases. The active substance penetrates deep into the dermis, accumulates in the pimple, due to which it promotes a speedy recovery and has a long-lasting effect.

The most effective creams

Let's consider the rating of the most popular and effective creams used in the treatment of acne:

  1. Baziron. The active ingredient of the product is benzoyl peroxide. The substance helps reduce sebum production, has an antimicrobial effect, and promotes healing of the dermis. The product is used to treat comedones, blackheads and acne. Benzoyl peroxide is active against staphylococci and other bacteria that cause inflammation. The price of the product is from 600 to 850 rubles.
  2. Sudocrem. The zinc oxide contained in the composition has an astringent effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has an antiseptic effect. The drug promotes wound healing, disinfects and relieves inflammation.
  1. Akriderm. A remedy is prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases, including acne and acne. The drug contains the glucocorticosteroid hormone betamethasone. It is necessary to use this product with caution, since long-term use may lead to addiction and a decrease in the therapeutic effect. Betamethasone has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect. The approximate price for the product is 400-600 rubles.
  2. Adaklin. It is an effective remedy in the fight against inflammation of the dermis. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active substance adapalene. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces comedones. The price for a tube of cream is 550 rubles.
  3. Bioderma. The pharmacy series of care cosmetics Bioderma Sebium is aimed at treating imperfections of the dermis. The use of products from this line helps reduce sebum production, cleanse pores, and improve skin condition. The cream relieves inflammation, reduces the activity and proliferation of microorganisms that cause rashes on the face. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne.
  1. Differin. A drug that contains adapalene. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the adhesion of epithelial cells, and reduces the formation of comedones. The cream copes well with the treatment of acne of varying severity, and is also active in the treatment of papules, pustules and comedones. The product costs about 900 rubles.
  2. Cynovitis. The drug does not contain hormonal components, but this does not prevent it from coping with inflammation, providing an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. The use of the cream helps eliminate foci of inflammation, soothe irritated dermis, helps get rid of pimples and blackheads, and has a healing effect. Among other things, the cream can be used to treat subcutaneous acne, stopping the source of inflammation, penetrating deep into the dermis.

Acne treatment gels

The most common acne-fighting gels are:

  1. Metrogil. The gel contains the antibiotic metronidazole, thanks to which it has gained such popularity. The product can be used to treat various skin diseases, as it has an antibacterial effect. The cost of the gel is about 200 rubles.
  2. Effezel. The gel contains two of the most popular components that help fight acne. This is adapalene and benzoyl peroxide, due to which the remedy is used to treat comedones, acne, papules and pustules.
  1. Skinoren. The drug is intended for the treatment of acne, since the active substance is azelaic acid. It has an antimicrobial effect, reduces sebum production, and relieves inflammation. The cost of the gel is 1650 rubles.
  2. Ugrisept 911. It is an inexpensive pharmaceutical product that contains zinc oxide, allatoin, as well as natural plant extracts of chamomile, milk thistle, tea tree oil, etc. The drug has a healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc oxide dries out acne, fights inflammation, and prevents further growth.

For post-acne and blackheads

Let's consider products that help cope with post-acne and blackheads:

  1. Clotrimazole. This is an antifungal drug that fights various fungi, staphylococci and pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, clotrimazole is an excellent remedy in the fight against age spots and acne marks. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use the gel for at least one month. The cost of the medicine is from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
  2. Mirror. The active substance is an antibiotic, which is able to penetrate into inflammation and accumulate there, thereby promoting rapid healing and treatment of small and large inflammations. The substance penetrates the comedones and can remain there for a long time. A remedy is prescribed for the treatment of acne and post-acne.
  1. Korean Starting Treatment Cream from SECRET KEY. A healing cream that moisturizes and soothes the dermis. The composition includes natural extracts that help in the treatment of acne, relieve inflammation and redness, and reduce age spots. The drug removes acne marks and promotes skin regeneration. Cost 1300 rub.
  2. Faberlic Ultra Clean Green Facial Cream Active 6 in 1. A caring cream that helps moisturize the dermis, relieves redness and inflammation, is used to even out skin tone, removes scars, and soothes the dermis. Suitable for oily and problematic dermis.
  3. Face cream BioAQUA PURESKIN Anti Acne-light Print & Cream. Cream for spot application to affected areas of the skin. The product helps narrow pores, relieves inflammation, dries out acne, and reduces sebum production. Regular use of the product helps in the fight against post-acne.

Read this material on how to use Cetaphil lotion.

  1. Bodyaga from acne and blemishes on the face. As a result of using bodyaga, inflammation is reduced, dermal regeneration processes are launched, and due to the fact that bodyaga has bactericidal properties, comedones and blackheads are removed.
  2. Chinese acne cream ROLANJONA DOCACNE. A product containing bitter cucumber extract, known for its pronounced immediate effect in the fight against rashes. After applying the cream, an immediate effect is observed - acne inflammation is reduced, skin tone is evened out, and sebum production is reduced.
  1. Thai cream Isme Acne Spots Cream with tea tree oil and aloe vera. A product containing natural plant extracts. A spot-action cream, after application of which inflammation decreases, pimples dry out, skin structure is evened out, blackheads and comedones are eliminated, and purulent formations are treated. The price of the product is 300 rubles.
  2. Faberlic anti-acne cream for problem skin with Novaftem-O2. A new caring series of cosmetics that are aimed at combating skin imperfections. The products contain zinc oxide, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dries out rashes, and narrows enlarged pores. Thanks to the patented formula, the active components are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis.

The best facial acne creams for teenagers are described here.

Which cream is better and which one to choose?

To treat acne, it is best to contact a specialist who will help you choose the appropriate remedy based on the clinical picture of the disease.

When choosing from cheap ointments, the best effect is provided by products with antibacterial active substances. These products include Levomekol ointment, Synthomycin ointment or erythromycin ointment. These remedies should be chosen if the cause of acne is associated with bacteria or bacterial infections.

Of the expensive cosmetics, pharmaceutical products are the best for treating acne. Such drugs include cosmetics from Avene, Bioderma, Skinoren gel.

Bepanten has good healing properties, the instructions for use of which are described in this article.


This video presents the best ways to combat post-acne.

Acne is a problem that was previously considered exclusively a teenage problem. Today, it is increasingly affecting older people as well. There are many reasons for its appearance: these include an unfavorable environmental situation, poor nutrition, hormonal problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and allergic reactions. What kind of remedies are used when fighting acne on the face: masks, gels, lotions, various folk recipes. The effect of drugs from pharmacies and cosmetics is often short-lived or absent altogether, and in some cases, uncontrolled self-medication can even aggravate the problem.

Features of pharmaceutical cosmetics for the face

Any cosmetics can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Mass market - these are creams, masks, scrubs and lotions that we can buy in any supermarket and even in the market.
  2. Professional - care products for professional use (in cosmetology clinics, beauty salons, dermatological offices). Sold in specialized stores or from distributors.
  3. Pharmacy (medicinal).Medicines for acne on the face are cosmetics sold through pharmacy chains.

Is there a difference between them, and what is it? First of all, the cost of products. If you can choose a product for any budget among mass-market skincare cosmetics, then the prices for professional cosmetics are unpleasant. Does it make sense to spend more? This question is very individual - one woman is perfectly suited to regular popular creams, while another has sensitive skin prone to allergic rashes and cannot afford cheap products.

Pharmacy products, like store-bought ones, have a wide range of prices and at first glance consist of the same components. But it should be taken into account that all ingredients in this segment of the cosmetic market undergo additional purification and testing. Their main advantage is a deep impact on the problem from the inside and its elimination for a long time.

Here are the causes of internal acne on the chin.

Hormonal treatments

Advantages. Therapeutic cosmetics with hormonal components are a quick and reliable way to improve the condition of the skin. The effect will be visible within a few hours after the first use - inflammation will become less pronounced, the skin will gradually begin to cleanse. Prescribed in special cases, for example, when rashes on the face are allergic in nature.

Disadvantages Long-term use of hormone-containing cosmetics is addictive and negatively affects the functioning of internal organs. It can only be used in strict accordance with the prescription of a dermatologist.

  1. Ointment "Sinaflan" has a wide spectrum of action: inflammation, neurodermatitis. Price: from 23 to 59 rub.
  1. Fluorocort ointment with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Price: from 205 to 320 rub.

Antibacterial for inflammation


Cosmetics with antibiotics, like hormonal ones, have a fast-acting effect. Such creams kill pathogenic microbes that live on the skin of the face and contribute to the appearance of acne. They are prescribed for profuse, painful rashes, in which more gentle cosmetic products are powerless.


Antibacterial creams can be used for a very short time as prescribed by a doctor. With long-term use, there is a risk of a decrease in local immunity, allergic reactions and the appearance of bacteria resistant to the components of the cream. Contraindications include periods of pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual allergic reactions.

  1. Cream for blackheads on the face “Dalacin” - a drug with a bactericidal effect, active, including against staphylococci and streptococci. Acne cream is applied to the inflammation in a targeted manner, the duration of application is determined by the doctor. Price: from 512 to 836 rub. Among its positive properties, buyers also noted fast absorption and economical consumption.
  1. Cream and gel "Skinoren" affects a whole range of bacteria. The cream is more suitable for treating acne, and the gel is more suitable for severe inflammatory processes. Price: from 510 to 1188 rub. Read what is better than Zinerit or Skinoren at the link.
  1. Gel "Metrogil" based on metronidazole, a substance with a bactericidal effect. It is applied pointwise. Price: from 145 to 210 rub.
  2. Cream "Clindamycin" - broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. It is used locally on areas of inflammation. Price: from 515 to 836 rub.
  3. Cream "Fucidin" contains fusidic acid, an antibiotic with a narrow spectrum of action. Prescribed for the treatment of acne. Price: from 377 to 596 rubles. Helps improve the activity of the sebaceous glands, get rid of inflammation and acne, and mattifies the skin.
  4. Ointment "Zinerit" - a product containing a solution of erythromycin. The package contains two bottles, in one of which you will find powder, and in the second - a special emulsion. When mixed, they form an ointment that can be stored for no longer than five weeks. The composition also includes zinc. The ointment is applied locally to the affected areas of the skin. Price: from 542 to 1260 rub. Consumers speak of “Zinerit” as a drug that quickly dries out acne and helps get rid of subcutaneous inflammation. You can watch a video with instructions for using Zinerit in this material.
  5. Cream "Rozamet" with chemotherapeutic, antibacterial and antioxidant effects, it is prescribed by a doctor for acne and rosacea. Price: from 181 to 245 rubles.
  6. Gel "Azelik" ‑ an antibacterial drug created to solve the most common skin problems. It actively fights pimples and acne, evens out skin texture, eliminates oily shine, opens and cleanses clogged pores. Price: from 323 to 753 rub.
  7. Cream "Baziron" promotes oxygen saturation of the skin and has an antimicrobial effect. Good reviews left by those who have already tried the product on themselves confirm its high effectiveness.

Zinc antiseptic

Advantages. The active ingredient of the products is zinc oxide, a drug widely used in the cosmetology field for the treatment of problem skin. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves redness and swelling, normalizes sebum production, evens out skin texture, and treats post-acne.

Flaws. Creams with zinc cannot be used as a base for makeup; they are best used at night. Zinc has a drying property, which has a very positive effect in the local treatment of acne, but has a negative effect on the overall condition of the skin. Long-term use is contraindicated.

  1. Cream-gel “Cinovit”, which contains bioactive zinc, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the proliferation and spread of bacteria and eliminates skin inflammation. In addition to zinc, the drug contains vitamins A and E, which rejuvenate the skin. To consolidate the effect, Cynovit should be used for another one to two weeks after the appearance of a stable result. Price: from 241 to 360 rub. According to most consumers, the cream really helps solve problems with oily skin and localizes inflammation. Also use Cynovit cleansing gel. The price and description of Cynovit washing gel can be found here.
  1. Cream “Propeller SOS” local action with cincidon, containing the cincidon complex, instantly dries out inflammation without the risk of scar formation, prevents their subsequent appearance, and prevents the proliferation of bacteria. Applied precisely. Numerous positive reviews confirm that the SOS Propeller cream actually acts quickly, localizing and drying out inflammation. Price: from 120 to 160 rub. It is worth noting the high consumer ratings given to this product: in their opinion, the cream fully lives up to the manufacturer’s promises.
  1. Cream "Curiosin" with zinc and hyaluronic acid is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of acne and inflammation. Has the ability to restore damaged skin. Price: from 380 rub.
  1. Salicylic-zinc paste or Lassara paste - “old-fashioned”, but trouble-free ointment intended for spot treatment of acne. Price: from 21 to 120 rub.



Sulfur is an element that has antiparasitic and antimicrobial effects. Preparations containing sulfur have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, promote regeneration and healing of minor damage, and even out skin texture.


Sulfur ointment is not suitable for daily use. Do not apply it in a thick layer - the skin may feel tight and dry.

  1. "Simple sulfur ointment" dries out inflammation, improves skin blood circulation and promotes skin renewal. Price: from 37 to 43 rubles.
  1. Cream “Yeast with sulfur” - a cosmetic product with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Reduces sebum production, strengthens capillaries, and has an exfoliating effect. According to user reviews, it quickly removes pimples, reduces inflammation and prevents the appearance of new ones.

The best retinol creams

Advantages. Retinol (the medical name for vitamin A) is a truly miraculous antioxidant that can not only improve the health of acne-stricken skin, but also have a rejuvenating effect. It is included in many pharmacy and professional creams, as well as mass-market cosmetics. Creams with retinol can be used at night and in the morning, including as a base for makeup. A doctor's appointment is not required.

Flaws. Retinol can cause an individual allergic reaction - it is recommended to conduct a test before use. Apply a small amount of vitamin A cream to the elbow and wait a day - if redness, burning, or peeling does not appear, the cream can be used.

  1. Demax Retinol Active renews skin affected by pimples and blackheads, while rejuvenating it. Price: from 1500 rub.

Creams and ointments with retinoids


Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A. There are three types of retinoids: tretinoin, isotretinoin and adapten, but the last two are used in the fight against acne on the face. A retinoid-containing drug gradually frees the skin from the upper rough layer, making it soft and tender.


Retinoids are potent substances and should be used with caution. People with sensitive skin may experience a burning and tingling sensation - in this case, use of the cream should be stopped immediately. Preparations with retinoids have contraindications - they cannot be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or for eczema.

  1. Tretinoin cream treats comedones, open and closed acne, acne, seborrhea, reduces swelling of the face, has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens local immunity, evens out skin texture and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Reviews about the drug are mixed: some consumers note its effectiveness, others complain about inaction. Many people recommend using Tretinoin in combination with the drug Baziron (with the approval of the attending physician). Price: from 1200 rub.
  1. Cream and gel "Differin" contains adapalene, a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid. Both products are prescribed for the treatment of comedones and acne and have a very mild effect. The cream is suitable for those with dry skin, and the gel for oily skin. Price of both drugs: from 812 to 1200 rubles. Buyers praise the product, noting that it evens out the color and texture of the face, eliminates acne and blackheads. Among the side effects are peeling that occurs due to long-term use. You can read in the article which is better Baziron AS or Differin.

Cheap skin healing

This type of acne remedy is aimed at healing the consequences of unsuccessful home cosmetic procedures - squeezing, tearing, combing. When the integrity of the skin is damaged, bacteria enter it, causing suppuration - such wounds take a long time to heal, itch, hurt, cause inflammation of the skin in the immediate vicinity, and after healing leave noticeable scars. Healing creams help to quickly heal the source of infection, preventing it from spreading, and even out the surface of the skin.

  1. Gel "Badyaga Forte" based on the action of the freshwater sponge badyagi, which has long been famous for its bactericidal and absorbable properties. Badyaga promotes the healing of acne, the resorption of scars, scars, and post-acne. Before using the gel, it is recommended to conduct a test on the elbow.
  1. Cream "Boro-plus".Boro Plus cream for acne is a unique product that contains natural ingredients: sandalwood, turmeric, vetiver, ginger lily, neem. Can be used to treat acne, comedones, blackheads, boils, seborrhea. It is available in two versions: pink and green packaging; according to user reviews, “pink” is richer and therefore, in addition to its above-mentioned medicinal properties, it also adds skin protection during the winter period. “Green” cream is more suitable for oily skin and for use in the warm season. Price: from 66 to 90 rub.
  2. Cream and ointment "Panthenol" quickly heals minor skin damage, suitable for sensitive skin. The price of panthenol-containing drugs varies depending on the manufacturer (approximately from 69 to 1210 rubles). Users note the high effectiveness of creams with panthenol and their hypoallergenicity.
  1. Cream "Eplan", the active ingredient of which is lanthanum salt, has a bactericidal, regenerating, softening effect. Indicated in the treatment of acne. Has no contraindications. Price: from 165 to 239 rub.
  2. Cream and ointment "Bepanten" another healing product based on provitamin B5 with a mild effect that quickly and effectively disinfects and tightens wounds. Does not leave acne marks. Long-term use is contraindicated. Price: from 343 to 861 rub.
  3. Balm “Rescuer” stops inflammatory processes and promotes skin regeneration. It contains natural ingredients: vitamin E, beeswax, propolis, sea buckthorn oil, essential oils of rosemary, lavender and tea tree. It is applied pointwise. Price: from 101 to 195 rub.
  4. "ClearasilUltra" fast-acting, based on salicylic acid and lavender extract, applied pointwise to problem areas. Price: approximately 309 rub.
  5. "Clearwin" an Ayurvedic remedy that helps fight skin unevenness, acne and inflammation. The composition of the drug includes Indian plants, including very exotic ones: aloe vera, neem, vacha, kafal, manjishta, lodhra. The drug is applied twice a day to problem areas with massaging movements. It is recommended to use for up to 6 weeks.

Anti-inflammatory cosmetics against acne

This is a type of cosmetic product suitable for daily use. The scope of their influence is wide: from small pinpoint rashes to the blackheads that bother many of us.

  1. Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot (VichyNormadermHyaluspot) based on hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid is suitable even for people with sensitive skin. Helps with rashes and acne, has no contraindications. Price: from 690 to 1020 rub.
  1. Cream-active against acne "Biocon" regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-acne effect, reduces inflammatory processes. Contains panthenol. Price: from 120 to 175 rub.
  2. Balea products. The complex for the treatment of acne, presented by the German brand Balea, includes antibacterial gel, anti-acne fluid, and anti-acne patches. All of them have a powerful antibacterial effect and are used exclusively targeted. The drugs are not tested on animals. Prices: from 360 rub.

What is the best pharmaceutical acne remedy? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question: it is best if the drug is selected together with a doctor. In addition to drug treatment, the dermatologist will definitely prescribe an appropriate diet and may advise you to reconsider your lifestyle: spend more time in the fresh air, give up alcohol and cigarettes, and go in for sports.

Video review - Top acne creams: