Zinerit acne cream price

Where can I buy

Zinerit® can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy
or order on online pharmacy websites:


What can Zenerit do?

Eliminates reason
acne occurrence

Removes inflammation
and redness

appearance of blackheads

oily skin shine

How does Zinerit work?

Zinerit contains 2 active components:

  1. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reducing redness and the severity of other symptoms
  2. Inhibits acne-causing bacteria, reducing the likelihood of new breakouts
  1. Reduces sebum production, reducing oily skin
  2. Normalizes the formation of skin cells, reducing clogged pores
  3. Helps the first component stay on the surface of the skin longer, increasing the overall effectiveness profile


Affects the cause: neutralizes acne-causing bacteria

Relieves inflammation: improvement is noticeable the very next day 1

Suitable for many:
in 98% of patients 2

1. Ipsos Connect research report (January, 2017; 300 respondents). 2. I.Ya. Shakhtmeister, A.A. Kubanova, Yu.S. Butov, D.V. Kazei. Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology, N 1-1999, pp. 19-22


Well tolerated
without exacerbation of symptoms at the beginning of use 3

Can be used
during pregnancy and breastfeeding

for use
in children *

3. S.A. Monakhov, Clinical Dermatology and Venereology No. 5, 2017, pp. 46-53 * the use of alcohol lotions is not recommended in young children


Easy to use thanks to the convenient applicator

Easily compatible with makeup, because after drying it becomes invisible

Can be used
all year round,

even during active
solar periods

LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC
125315, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 72, building 2
RU P No. 013569/01

All complaints regarding the content of this promotional material, as well as reports of adverse events, should be sent to LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC at 125315 Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 72, building 2 or by phone +7 (495) 789 1160. Privacy Policy

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What can Zinerit ® do?

Eliminates reason
acne occurrence

Removes inflammation
and redness

appearance of blackheads

oily skin shine

How does Zinerit ® work?

Zinerit contains 2 active components:

  1. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reducing redness and the severity of other symptoms
  2. Inhibits acne-causing bacteria, reducing the likelihood of new breakouts
  1. Reduces sebum production, reducing oily skin
  2. Normalizes the formation of skin cells, reducing clogged pores
  3. Helps the first component stay on the surface of the skin longer, increasing the overall effectiveness profile


Affects the cause: neutralizes acne-causing bacteria

Relieves inflammation: improvement is noticeable the very next day 1

Suitable for many:
in 98% of patients 2


Well tolerated
without exacerbation of symptoms at the beginning of use 3

Can be used
during pregnancy and breastfeeding

for use
in children *


Easy to use thanks to the convenient applicator

Easily compatible with makeup, because after drying it becomes invisible

Can be used
all year round,

even during active
solar periods

1. Ipsos Connect research report (January, 2017; 300 respondents).

2. I.Ya. Shakhtmeister, A.A. Kubanova, Yu.S. Butov, D.V. Kazei. Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology, N 1-1999, pp. 19-22

3. S.A. Monakhov, Clinical Dermatology and Venereology No. 5, 2017, pp. 46-53 * the use of alcohol lotions is not recommended in young children


LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC
125315, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 72, building 2
RU P No. 013569/01

All complaints regarding the content of this promotional material, as well as reports of adverse events, should be sent to LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC at 125315 Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 72, building 2 or by phone +7 (495) 789 1160. Privacy Policy

Acne, which appears in any teenager, often leads to quite serious consequences if not treated in a timely manner. This applies not only to developing scars, scars and fistulas. In some cases, blood poisoning may occur.

To prevent the formation of problems after an inflammatory process on the skin, you need to consult a doctor and think about using a modern drug - Zinerit.

The use of this product helps to cleanse the skin of the face in the shortest possible time, prevent the formation of complications, and also get rid of the infection that caused the inflammatory process.


The product Zinerit combines erythromycin and zinc. The package contains two bottles (A and B).

Bottle A contains a powdery substance, and bottle B contains a liquid to be dissolved. The first bottle has a special applicator with which the product is applied to the skin.

The powdered substance contains ingredients such as: 100% erythromycin, micronized zinc acetate dihydrate. The solvent consists of liquid diisopropyl sebacate and ethanol.

The finished product contains the following components:

  1. 40 mg – 100% erythromycin;
  2. 12 mg – zinc acetate dihydrate;
  3. 0.25 g – diisopropyl sebacate;
  4. 0.55 g – ethanol.

The finished medicine is a liquid, colorless and transparent substance.

Release forms

Zinerit for acne is produced only as a set, which contains two bottles. In one of them, the active substances are in powder form, in the second - a solvent.

Not available in other forms. The drug is a lotion consisting of two components, which is intended for external use.

Instructions for use of Zinerit for acne

Since the product involves two components that are in different bottles, it must first be prepared.

The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. pour the solvent into a bottle with a powdery substance;
  2. Shake the resulting composition thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved;
  3. We put a cap with an applicator on the bottle with the prepared solution.

The finished solution is good for 5 weeks.

Before you start using Zinerit, read the instructions. Application to the skin of the face is carried out over the entire surface or only on affected areas.

The area to be treated is completely covered; for this you will need at least 0.5 ml of the drug Zinerit.

To apply the product to the skin, the bottle should be tilted so that the applicator is opposite the skin.

When applying the product to the skin, you need to lightly press the applicator. When you press firmly on the applicator, a larger volume of the drug is released.

You need to use Zenerit twice a day for 2.5-3 months. The product is applied to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer.

Skin condition improves after 2-3 months of constant use. If there is no desired effect or the skin condition worsens, you should consult a specialist.

The doctor, in turn, conducts an examination for resistance to pathogenic bacteria. In such a situation, it is recommended to stop using the product for up to two months.

Hormonal acne. More details here.

How it works

Zinerit is distinguished by its effective fight against a variety of purulent rashes that are a consequence of impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The product copes with serious problems on the facial skin, prevents the increase and expansion of pathogenic microorganisms, and also stops the formation of deep inflammatory processes.

In addition, Zinerit prevents complications from acne and acne.

Zenerite is characterized by the following properties:

  1. antimicrobial;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. comedolytic (acne dissolves and removes).

After 14 days of regular treatment with the product, you can notice an improvement in your facial skin.


  1. the upper layer of the epidermis is leveled;
  2. small-focal inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  3. Large rashes become smaller and dry out.

How long the positive effect will last after treatment with Zinerit depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. It is better to use the drug under the supervision of a specialist. Moreover, it is necessary to undergo tests periodically to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

How to use during pregnancy

It is allowed to use Zenerit during the lactation period and while bearing a child, provided that the dose indicated in the annotation is observed (no more than 0.5 ml per 1 application).

Due to the fact that erythromycin is not absorbed into the bloodstream, the medicine is safe. Laboratory studies revealed no negative effects on the baby's development.

Video: Details

Indications for use

The use of the product is indicated for the presence of pimples and acne. In addition, Zinerit actively fights various types of skin rashes that are caused by pathogens.

The product makes it possible to get rid of acne filled with pus, and also gives oily skin a well-groomed appearance. In addition, Zinerit is recommended when using other means, both medicinal and cosmetic, to no avail.

Contraindications and side effects

The only limitation for the use of the drug is personal intolerance to any of the components. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of some side effects.

The drug can be addictive and reduce skin immunity. Due to the presence of ethane in the drug, it can dry out the skin.

In addition, the following side effects are possible:

  1. itching and irritation;
  2. burning;
  3. redness of the skin.

Make sure that the medicine does not get into your nose, eyes or mouth, otherwise irritation and burns may occur.

If you take other antibiotics at the same time as Zinerit, pathogenic microorganisms may become immune to the effects of antibiotic drugs.

An overdose of the drug is unlikely, since Zinerit is used only for external use.

How much does it cost at the pharmacy

The price of Zinerit in a pharmacy varies from 550 to 650 rubles. for one package. Before you begin treating your skin with this drug, you should take into account that a course of treatment most often requires two packages. Moreover, in order to consolidate the effect obtained, the dermatologist may prescribe a repeat course.

Precautionary measures

Although the product fights acne, in some cases you may experience burning or irritation in the areas being treated.

In addition, drying out of the skin is possible. The occurrence of such manifestations is quite rare and often minor, so it is not necessary to stop treatment.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes, especially eyes. If this does happen, the affected area should be quickly rinsed with running water.

Zenerite is the most popular modern medical remedy for acne.

Despite the high cost, the drug continues to confidently occupy a leading position among antibacterial agents used in the treatment of acne.


It requires special preparation before use and proper application; only in this case can a positive result of therapy be expected.


The anti-acne product is available in the form recruitment , containing 2 bottles - with powder and liquid solvent. The kit also includes an applicator.


The composition of the drug in powder form is based on erythromycin And zinc. The solvent is based on diisopropyl and ethanol.


The medicine, produced in the Netherlands, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, and allows you to cleanse the skin of dead cells.


  1. The main component of the powder is an antibiotic erythromycin , has a bacteriostatic effect.
  2. Zinc helps stabilize cell membranes, has an astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It also allows you to control the production of sebaceous glands.

The complex of active substances ensures rapid and deep penetration of the medicinal product into the skin.

Indications for use

The main focus of the drug is the treatment of acne, which manifests itself both in the form of pustules and papules.


Also prescribed in the treatment of acne, effective for dermatitis and hyperpigmentation.

Restrictions on use

Among the contraindications, only individual immunity of the body to one or more components of the composition was identified.

It is not recommended to use the drug for patients under twelve years of age.

Possible negative effects

In most patients, the lotion does not cause any negative reactions.


Only in rare cases, side symptoms such as:

  1. dryness, peeling of the skin;
  2. slight redness;
  3. irritation;
  4. tingling, burning sensation in the area where the medication was applied.

Use by pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is permitted if the maximum permissible dosage is observed (no more than 0.5 ml of lotion per use).


It is important to note that the antibiotic substance in the blood is practically not absorbed . According to clinical studies, a small dose of the substance entering the bloodstream does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, so the drug is safe during pregnancy.

Also, the active components are not transferred to the baby through mother's breast milk, therefore, the drug can be used during lactation.

Instructions for use

Before using Zenerit, it must be properly prepared.

Detailed recommendations for preparing the drug:


  1. Remove the caps from two bottles.
  2. Pour the solvent bottle completely into the bottle containing the powder.
  3. Tightly close the bottle containing the mixture – solvent + powder.
  4. Shake well until the powder is completely dissolved.
  5. Remove the cap from the bottle and attach the included applicator in its place.
  6. The applicator contains a cap that must be pushed into the bottle.
  7. Open the cap and make sure the applicator is firmly fixed.

Applying the product is quite simple. The bottle with the solution is tilted, and the product is dosed onto the skin through the applicator. The medicine is colorless, so after drying it will not be noticeable on the skin.


It is unacceptable for Zenerite to get inside! The medicine is intended for external use only.

Used twice a day , in the morning and evening. Girls with problem skin should definitely use the remedy before applying makeup, as well as after removing makeup in the evening.

The optimal duration of treatment is up to 2 months. However, according to reviews from patients and dermatologists, a positive result is noticeable after just a couple of weeks of constant use of the lotion. But experts assure that in order to strengthen the effect obtained for a long time, it is recommended to carry out a full course of therapy.

If after 2 weeks of using Zinerit no positive therapeutic effect is observed, the dermatologist decides to replace the drug with a similar product.

How much does Zinerit cost?


How much does Zinerit for acne cost in a pharmacy (for a 30 ml lotion):

  1. 628 rubles (average for St. Petersburg);
  2. 657 rubles (average cost in Moscow).

The product is sold without a prescription from a doctor.


To understand whether Zinerit helps with acne, we recommend reading the reviews:

Alena, 24 years old, St. Petersburg:

The first changes became noticeable after a couple of weeks. A month later, my brother’s skin condition improved significantly, and after 1.5 months the acne disappeared completely. My skin became clear after exactly 3 weeks. Excellent result, the drug deserves the money spent on its purchase.


Kristina, 29 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

In the end, I still had to spend money on expensive lotion. I was very pleased with the effect. I have been using Zenerite for only 2 weeks, and my skin has already become almost perfect.


Photos before and after treatment with Zinerit

According to reviews, the product actually has a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of acne.

Despite all the benefits of Zinerit, before buying it, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


Video review


The best similar drugs include:

  1. Baziron. Ointment/wash (gel)/lotion for skin cleansing made in France based on benzoyl peroxide. Suitable for treating any skin type, effectively eliminates acne and acne. Requires step-by-step treatment: first, the skin is cleansed with lotion, then direct treatment is carried out by using a cleansing gel. The final stage is applying ointment to moisturize and protect the skin.


  1. lotion – 530 rubles (200 ml);
  2. gel – 610 rubles (120 ml);
  3. ointment – ​​860 rubles (40 g).

If we compare which is better - Baziron or Zenerit, you should pay attention to the treatment regimen. The original requires the purchase of one set, the approximate cost of which is 650 rubles. An analogue is a complex treatment, the full course of which will cost approximately 2000 rubles .

  1. Skinoren. German analogue based on azelaic acid. Available in gel form, it is used to treat acne, acne, dermatitis and eliminate hyperpigmentation. Treatment is carried out by applying a thick layer of gel to the problem area, the procedure is repeated twice a day. Requires long-term use, at least 3 months.


The approximate price in Moscow pharmacies is within 1400 rubles per tube 30 g.

Compared to the original, the analogue has a higher cost, and therapy lasts longer. Also, according to experts, Zinerit has a more powerful composition that most effectively combats skin problems.
