How to massage stretch marks

Massage for stretch marks is included in most programs for complex conservative treatment of stretch marks. Both the procedure itself and properly selected massage oils for stretch marks, in combination with peeling and wraps, and the use of special cosmetics, play an important role in activating the regenerative processes of saturating the skin with active substances and increasing blood circulation. Does massage help with stretch marks? Yes, if you understand that massage for stretch marks on the skin must be done regularly, and not from time to time. The procedures can be done both at home and in salons. The latter option is more expensive, but the effect can come faster and be more significant than after fighting stretch marks on your own. This is provided that the person performing the procedures is a professional.

The main problem areas prone to stretch marks are the skin:

  1. belly;
  2. buttocks;
  3. hips;
  4. breasts (in women after childbirth);
  5. on the arms (more often in men with a rapid increase in muscle mass).

For these purposes, the specialist uses one of the following massage methods:

  1. classical;
  2. vacuum (can);
  3. honey;
  4. Gracia technique;
  5. aroma massage.

Choosing stretch mark oil for massage

For aromatherapy procedures, an important role is played by the choice of oil, with which you can enhance the cosmetic effect, because many aromatic oils have a large supply of nutrients and various beneficial properties, such as improving blood circulation, moisturizing the skin, restoring the elasticity of the dermis and the ability to stimulate regenerative processes in the body - exactly that what is needed in the fight against striae. However, they cannot be applied to the skin in their pure form. Only mixtures of base and aromatic oils are used for procedures. For base oils, it is best to take almond, avocado, jojoba, sesame, olive, peach or flaxseed oils, and for aromatic oils, lavender, mountain orange, geranium, cloves, patchouli, rose, mint, rosemary or tangerine.

Or you can take a ready-made mixture, such as Aromatika massage oil against stretch marks. The advantage of this brand is the naturalness of the product, which means it can be used both during pregnancy (for the hips), and after childbirth (for the abdomen) and during breastfeeding (against stretch marks on the chest).

If you have never used any aromatic massage oil against stretch marks before, then in order to avoid an allergic reaction after the first procedure, you need to conduct an allergy test.

Vacuum massage for stretch marks

This category of procedures includes cupping massage for stretch marks and hardware vacuum massage. The principle of operation of both is very similar, but there are certain differences. It is not possible to carry out high-quality hardware type procedures at home, since special devices, such as LPG, cost more than half a million rubles, and in addition to the device, you also need to purchase a special elastic suit (the procedure does not require the use of oils). The advantage of the hardware technique is the ability to accurately differentiate the intensity of the impact using settings. The disadvantage is the price of the LPG device, the need for basic experience in carrying out such a plan of procedures and the lack of the use of oils that would have an additional therapeutic effect on the skin. In addition, given the intensity of such procedures, the first session is done at low power, otherwise, instead of treatment, you can cause harm (new stretch marks may appear on weakened skin after the massage).

Yeah, after giving birth, stretch marks appeared on my stomach and sides. The husband began to “avoid” sex. I had to clean myself up with this inexpensive one.

To carry out the cupping version of vacuum treatment, use plastic jars with a rubber attachment (previously glass jars were used, which had to be heated, which made it difficult to differentiate the effect). In order for the jars to slide well over the body, you need to take a lot of oil, which will ensure proper adhesion to the skin. This massage option is good for stretch marks on the hips and abdomen, but the skin of the chest is too delicate for such procedures. Banking movements are easy at first, then become more and more active. Both the problem area itself and the areas around it are examined. Hand movements are circular clockwise, turning into a figure eight.

The procedure ends with patting the body with hands and a contrast shower. The duration of the session is no more than 20 minutes. After the first procedures, bruises may appear, which will soon go away on their own.

Honey massage for stretch marks

A distinctive feature of these treatments is the use of honey instead of oils. It should be borne in mind that honey is rich in biologically active substances, vitamins and microelements that enrich the skin. This product draws out toxins and impurities, cleansing the skin.

For the procedure, you need to take half a teaspoon of honey in your palm and start slapping it on the problem area. Honey massage of the abdomen for stretch marks is done until a white honey mass appears on the surface of the skin (instead of the initially yellow one). Session duration is from 5 to 10 minutes. The procedure may cause pain, so for the first time you are allowed to lightly lubricate the skin with oil. This method of getting rid of stretch marks is not suitable if the problem has arisen on the inside of the thighs or chest; it also cannot be performed with high blood pressure, an allergy to honey, during pregnancy (especially if the problem area is the stomach), since the pain that occurs during a honey massage from stretch marks during pregnancy can reflexively cause uterine spasms.

It is recommended to wash off the remaining honey from the skin with clean water, without using soap.

Garcia massage for stretch marks

The methods described above are undoubtedly effective, but have one drawback - they are not suitable for women’s breasts, and these are the areas of the skin that most often suffer from stretch marks after pregnancy.

The method of the Spaniard Enrique Garcia does not have this drawback, since it cannot involve sudden movements that cause pain and there is no kneading of the muscles. The whole procedure consists of soft manipulations flowing into one another. It should be noted that, despite all the possible benefits of chiropractic procedures using Garcia’s original method, it is quite difficult to recommend it to women, since although many beauty salons provide this service, in reality the specialists working in them usually do not have the necessary knowledge of this technique in terms of treatment of stretch marks on the skin of the chest, although they may be familiar with the basics of Garcia chiromassage.

Therefore, instead of paying for something unknown, you can self-medicate by taking a mixture of base and aroma oils that suits you and performing gentle movements along the same lines as mammologists do when examining the mammary glands.


Despite the fact that the hardware and manual procedures described above can restore the skin's resistance to external influences, make it firm and elastic again, improve lymph and blood flow, before choosing massage as a means of combating stretch marks, you should know what contraindications there are to these procedures.

If you have at least one of the following points, performing a massage can lead to serious complications for the entire body:

  1. heat;
  2. blood diseases, including bleeding or a tendency to bleeding;
  3. purulent processes (regardless of localization);
  4. skin diseases;
  5. thrombosis or inflammation of lymphatic and blood vessels;
  6. aneurysm of the heart and aorta;
  7. atherosclerosis;
  8. allergic rashes;
  9. diseases of internal organs with a tendency to bleeding;
  10. tumors;
  11. hypertensive and hypotensive crisis;
  12. III degree of circulatory failure;
  13. acute myocardial ischemia;
  14. III degree of pulmonary heart failure.

Coffee grounds massage for stretch marks video

Before pregnancy, I didn’t know what stretch marks were, I only heard about them, but after the birth of the baby, they appeared so cute.

The benefits of massage for improving skin tone can hardly be overestimated, which is especially important for stretch marks. There are several types of it that can solve the problem. But massage should become part of complex therapy.

Read in this article

Causes of stretch marks

Striae occur due to stretching of the skin. Experiencing a large load, its deep layers are damaged. Destruction occurs faster than the production of new cells. The result is bright red or bluish depressed streaks. The following is noted:

  1. during pregnancy and lactation, when the abdomen and mammary glands enlarge, and the skin does not have time to rebuild, stretches, and becomes thinner.
  2. due to hormonal changes that affect the structure of the skin, leading to a decrease in its elasticity.
  3. due to excess weight or sudden weight loss, when the skin is forced to adapt to new volumes.

In addition, some people have a congenital feature - insufficiency of its collagen and elastin layers. They renew themselves too slowly, resulting in stretch marks.

How to avoid or reduce symptoms during pregnancy

Expectant mothers need to take care of the smoothness of their skin at an early stage:

  1. monitor your weight, try not to gain excess weight;
  2. include pears, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, and fatty fish in your diet, which contain components that support skin tone;
  3. apply wheat germ, jojoba, olive oil to the chest and abdomen several times a day, accompanied by a light massage;
  4. use gels with aloe vera, vitamins A and E for problem areas;
  5. do gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming;
  6. use a contrast shower, rubbing with a mitten;
  7. wear well-supporting bras and a belly band.

Gymnastics for pregnant women

Recommendations should be followed throughout pregnancy.

Effective massage for the abdomen and chest

If a problem does arise, massage is one way to get rid of it. Any type of impact is done as a course.


Massage with silicone cups is a fairly intense and sometimes painful manipulation. Therefore, it is better to use it to eliminate stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and forearms.

A gliding gel, vitamins A or E, and massage oil are first applied to the skin.

The banks are moved in different directions, in a circle. Vacuum action provides a rush of blood to the skin and improves its nutrition. This stimulates the development of collagen and elastin layers, filling the voids formed in the connective tissue.


Honey is an auxiliary remedy for stretch marks. It increases the elasticity of the skin, and in addition, enhances the mechanical effect on its deep layers.

After thoroughly cleansing the skin, honey is applied to the problem area. Hands are pressed tightly to the surface and quickly raised up, doing this many times with varying frequency. As a result, blood supply to the skin and oxygen supply to the tissues improves. This stimulates its development, the formation of young cells and the disappearance of stretch marks.

After 10-15 minutes, the honey is absorbed, its remains are washed off and vitamin E is applied. This type of massage is indicated for the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arms.

To learn how to perform a honey massage for stretch marks, watch this video:


Massage for stretch marks using special equipment can be of the following types:

  1. Lpg. It has a triple effect on the skin – rollers, vacuum and vibration. This is a good incentive to increase its elasticity, improve blood supply, and renew deep layers. Triple influence is provided by one handpiece, which the specialist moves around the problem area. It grabs areas of the skin using a vacuum, kneads it with rollers, and vibrates. The procedure is done for any areas with stretch marks, except the chest.
  1. Vacuum hardware. The impact is provided by a manipulator in the form of a jar or several vessels. A specialist works with them, setting the vacuum intensity parameters in advance. The procedure increases blood circulation, removes excess fluid, and stimulates cellular metabolism. The skin renews itself more actively, stretch marks disappear. Massage is performed for the abdomen, buttocks, forearms, and thighs.


Water procedures also help the disappearance of stretch marks. The jet is directed to the problem area, and during the manipulation the temperature of the liquid changes. Hydromassage attracts blood to the skin and accelerates tissue regeneration. It can be done in the area of ​​the mammary glands, making the water pressure not too strong. The procedure will also help with stretch marks in other areas.


Manual massage for stretch marks involves kneading, stroking and pinching techniques. It is performed by applying oil to the skin. The strength of the effect varies depending on which area is being massaged. The softest movements should be in the chest area. Make light circular strokes from the nipple to the base. Then they clasp the mammary gland with their palm and make careful movements with it towards the shoulder.

On the abdomen and other areas, skin regeneration is stimulated by pinching techniques. This massage is also allowed for pregnant women. The surface is moistened with oil and parts of it are captured, moving from bottom to top.

Other means of control

Massage should be supplemented with other ways to eliminate stretch marks. Among them there are those available for independent use and salon ones.

At home

You can fight stretch marks on your own with:

  1. scrubs made from salt, sugar, ground coffee;
  2. rubbing in mixtures of essential oils, mumiyo solution, vitamin formulations (for example, “Aevita”);
  3. manual massage.

The main thing in the procedures is caution and regularity.

What cosmetologists will offer

Salon methods for stretch marks are more expensive, but also more effective. Use:

  1. mesotherapy;
  2. peelings with fruit acids;
  3. wraps;
  4. microcurrents;
  5. laser therapy;
  6. abrasive micro-grinding.

Striae can also occur in men, but among women the majority have them. But you shouldn't put up with it. Sometimes just a course of massage is enough, in other cases a set of methods will help, and the stretch marks will disappear.

Useful video

To learn how to remove stretch marks with a laser, watch this video:

You can massage the abdomen for cellulite in the salon or at home. It can be jarred, honey, plucked, water and others. However, there are contraindications for each type.

Stretch marks are a cosmetic problem that causes psychological discomfort. Is it possible to remove abdominal stretch marks with a laser? How does laser resurfacing work?

Laser scar removal procedure is safe. The result will please you afterwards, because now acne marks, scars, and keloids are no longer visible. Fractional laser also promotes skin regeneration.

The abdominal area is very important for women. The mesotherapy procedure for the abdomen and its individual area will relieve fat and stretch marks. What drugs are used? What is the result before and after?

Hello, dear site users! This article will tell you about a variety of massage techniques against stretch marks.

Their appearance terrifies any woman, even the most self-confident.

Getting rid of stretch marks is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. You will need perseverance and patience, as this is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. The main thing is to act using complex therapy, and then you can achieve incredible results.

The main procedures for smoothing stretch marks are: peeling, wraps, skin treatment with medicinal cosmetics and various types of massage procedures. Today we will talk about the types of massage against stretch marks.

Massage technique for stretch marks

The technique of this procedure consists of carefully treating problem areas affected by striae using:

  1. various oils and massage mixtures with them;
  2. folk remedies, such as: honey, mumiyo, clay, essential oils;
  3. creamy cosmetics;
  4. massage tiles;
  5. vacuum apparatus;
  6. vacuum cans;
  7. vacuum roller massage (learn more about the vacuum massager);
  8. cryomassage with ice or nitrogen;
  9. hydromassage

Most of the techniques presented can be done at home, using improvised means. And the rest of the services can be provided to you by any specialized cosmetology center.

After massage procedures, you will not only smooth out skin defects, but also prevent the appearance of new ones, the skin will become smooth, firm and elastic.

Eat three ways to eliminate stretch marks on the body using this procedure. The choice is always yours!

  1. The first and easiest way is to turn to professionals and undergo a course of cosmetological massage treatment in a beauty salon. The disadvantage of salon procedures is that they are not cheap and for a high-quality result you will need to choose a trusted cosmetologist, otherwise do not expect a noticeable effect.
  2. The second and most economical way is to perform massage procedures on your own, without leaving your home. The disadvantage of self-massage is that this process is quite painstaking and the result will not be noticeable immediately. To get rid of stretch marks on your body at home, you need to do the procedure regularly, and not occasionally.
  3. The third, fastest and most effective way is to combine treatment of stretch marks at home and in a beauty salon. The downside of this path is that you will have to spend not only a lot of money, but also a lot of time, which we sometimes lack.

If you decide to use the services of a beauty salon, you will find detailed techniques for performing massage against stretch marks on the website of the center you have chosen or by calling the administrator. But if you still decide to perform the procedure at home, let's take a closer look at the features of its implementation.

How to do a massage correctly

In order to correctly perform the massage procedure and get a good result, familiarize yourself with the step-by-step system of this process:

1 step. Preparation

Initially, you need to decide what kind of procedure you will do and buy the products that you may need in a store or pharmacy.

If you decide to do cupping massage, then purchase vacuum cups and massage oil at the pharmacy.

For manual massage, purchase the products that you will use for the procedure: honey, mumiyo, oils or a ready-made cosmetic product for stretch marks (oil, scrub, cream, gel or lotion). If you decide to use a massage tile, buy it at a specialty store or use the recipe below.

For manual massage with mumiyo, honey or oil, prepare a fresh mixture of oils. It is best to do it in the bathroom, as during the process the product can fly around and stain the furniture.

Vacuum massage is done lying down, so prepare the place where the session will take place. Pre-wash the jars with soapy water and dry them.

Step 2. Cleansing

Before starting the procedure, take a bath or shower, then cleanse the pores of impurities with a sponge or exfoliating scrub.

Step 3. Warming up

After showering, thoroughly dry your skin with a towel. Then gently massage the problem areas using stroking movements for 2-3 minutes. You can do 20-30 squats to warm up your muscles.

Step 4 Massage

After warming up, you can apply a massage product and begin the procedure. The technique for performing any type of massage you like is presented below.

Step 5 Nutrition

If you used a massage mixture that needs to be washed off, be sure to use a moisturizer or nourisher after the shower.

For fat body lotion is more suitable for skin, but for dry butter or cream. Anti-stretch mark cream - good for any skin type.

After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes so that all metabolic processes in the body are completed.

The course of procedures and the frequency of their implementation depends on the massage method that you decide to use.

Contraindications to the procedure

Before performing massage procedures, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for their implementation:

  1. Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  2. Oncological diseases;
  3. Arterial hypertension;
  4. Dermatological diseases;
  5. Varicose veins;
  6. Thrombophlebitis;
  7. Infectious diseases accompanied by high body temperature;
  8. Cuperosis on areas of the body affected by stretch marks.

You should also approach this procedure with caution during pregnancy: I will talk separately about massage techniques and acceptable massage products during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to perform massage procedures for persons under 16 years of age and for elderly people.

Massage products for stretch marks

Today there is a huge selection of cosmetics on sale that can overcome stretch marks. Let's take a closer look at what they are and which product is right for your skin.

Massage cream for stretch marks

Stretch mark cream contains biologically active substances that provide long-lasting hydration, maintaining water balance in the intercellular space of the epidermis to increase skin elasticity.

Regular rubbing of the cream is done for prevention or can help as a component of complex therapy. If you want to smooth out stretch marks, use the purchased cream for manual massage.

Creams come in thick, medium and liquid consistency.

  1. Gel-like creams are quickly absorbed, so they are suitable for oily skin.
  2. Thick creams, on the contrary, are very nourishing and remain on the surface of the skin for a long time; they are perfect for dry, flaky skin.
  3. Lotion-like creams are good for problematic, combination skin or sensitive areas such as the chest or inner thighs.

Before you go buy a cream, study its ingredients. A good remedy for stretch marks should contain:

  1. collagen and elastin, promoting the regeneration of the damaged structure of elastin and collagen fibers, to increase the elasticity of the skin in problem areas;
  2. nutritional components: retinol, fatty acids, vitamin B, which help retain moisture inside the cells, which makes the skin elastic and resistant to internal tears in the form of stretch marks.
  3. if your skin is prone to allergic reactions, choose hypoallergenic products.

Give preference to trusted manufacturers by reading reviews on online forums.

Massage oil against stretch marks on the skin

Oil is an ideal tool for any type of massage. It penetrates deeply into the subcutaneous layers and activates tissue metabolic processes at the cellular level, due to which the skin is tightened and stretch marks are smoothed out.

You can buy massage oil at any store, pharmacy, or prepare an oil mixture yourself. The best base oils for fighting stretch marks are: sunflower, olive, jojoba, wheat germ and almond. On my blog you will find a large number of recipes for massage oils.

To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils: citrus, rosemary, lavender, fennel or ginger, at the rate of 3 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of base oil.

Store-bought oils are distinguished by a high concentration of beneficial properties aimed at eliminating stretch marks. They optimize lymphatic drainage, helping to normalize the skin and remove cholesterol.

Oil for stretch marks from “Everything will be fine”

Aromatika - massage oil for stretch marks

This oil perfectly tones the skin and restores blood flow, reducing sagging problem areas. Perfectly tightens the skin and fights stretch marks, making the skin soft and velvety.

The composition of aromatic oil includes vegetable oils: peach and grape seeds, almond, jojoba and essential oils: neroli, mandarin and lime.

These components help treat stretch marks and prevent their reappearance.

Used as an aid for massage or rubbing 1-2 times a day.

The oil has a convenient dispenser and is easily sprayed onto the skin in the right amount. Can be used for rubbing into the skin during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. The cost of massage oil against stretch marks “Aromatica” 100 ml ranges from 100 to 200 rubles.

Almond oil massage for stretch marks

Almond oil penetrates deeply into the skin, saturating it with beneficial vitamins and minerals. It normalizes the subcutaneous fat balance, softening rough skin and increasing its elasticity. Has a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Due to the amazing properties and unsurpassed aroma of almond oil, it is often included in professional cosmetics. It is an excellent basis for therapeutic massage mixtures against stretch marks prepared at home.

Suitable for rubbing during pregnancy and nursing mothers, immediately after childbirth. Can be used for vacuum and manual massage.

Massage tile for stretch marks

Massage tiles perfectly soften oily skin and nourish dry skin. An excellent remedy for the prevention of stretch marks. Tile massage can complement a program to combat stretch marks carried out at home or in a beauty salon.

Rub the tile with light circular movements into problem areas 1-2 times a day. If you have dry skin, it is better to massage the skin moistened with water. And for oily skin, rubbing the tiles into cleansed and dried skin is more suitable.

You can buy massage tiles in a specialized store or make them yourself; here are a couple of simple recipes:

Cocoa bar

  1. 60 g cocoa butter,
  2. 15 g shea butter,
  3. 1.5 g stearic acid

Combine the base oils, heat the mixture in a water bath to 70-80 degrees and add stearic acid. Then stir the ingredients until smooth. Then pour the resulting solution into molds and place in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Clay and beeswax

  1. 5 g wax,
  2. 40 g cocoa butter,
  3. 10 ml shea butters,
  4. 10 ml jojoba oil,
  5. 25 g white clay

Melt the wax in a water bath, add oil, finally add clay into the solution and mix thoroughly. Pour into molds and refrigerate until mixture hardens.

Massage for stretch marks - reviews

Tatyana Medvedeva, 29 years old

I used olive oil with the addition of grapefruit essential oil and vitamin E - all this can be bought at the pharmacy and is not that expensive. And it really helps, the skin has become more even and smooth, stretch marks have become less noticeable. But creams that are bought for a lot of money bring little effect - I tested it on myself))))

Olga Fadeeva, 23 years old

I'm only 23 years old, and after giving birth I was completely covered in stretch marks! They were everywhere: on the chest, on the stomach, on the butt - there was simply no living place on the body. This of course depressed me very much, I lashed out at everyone for no reason. I decided that I had to do something about this, otherwise I would go crazy! Based on the large number of positive reviews, I decided on a massage. I alternate honey and oil with jars. Additionally, I rub the skin with anti-stretch mark cream and wipe it with ice cubes made from coffee or grape juice. After the first 2 weeks, I myself began to notice changes, and after a month of intense struggle, even my loved ones noted that the stretch marks were going away. I continue the procedures, I hope to get rid of stretch marks forever) Now at least my nerves are in order)))

Arev Tatevyan, 26 years old

For postpartum stretch marks, daily moisturizing with almond oil with the addition of lavender essential oil and honey massage helped me a lot, and I also did hydromassage in the pool 2 times a week. It is also necessary to wear a postpartum bandage. These procedures helped me tighten my body and smooth out stretch marks. Although it is better to prevent stretch marks than to deal with them later)))

In the following article you will find detailed information about various massage techniques.