Cryomassage of the scalp

Cryomassage of the head is a massage procedure performed on the scalp using low-temperature liquid nitrogen. This procedure has been used in cosmetology and medicine for quite a long time. The therapeutic effect has been proven not without reason.

Trichology successfully uses this method as a treatment for various pathologies of the scalp, namely skin and hair diseases.

Cryomassage of the scalp is indicated for:

  1. Diffuse baldness.
  2. Seborrhea.
  3. Slow hair growth.
  4. Poor hair condition (lack of shine, split ends).
  5. Dandruff.
  6. Skin itching.

The nitrogen treatment procedure improves blood circulation, nourishes skin cells, has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels, activating many metabolic processes. Hair becomes more elastic, shiny and strong.

Sudden cooling causes vasospasm, followed by dilation. As a result, blood flow increases, nourishing the hair follicles and restoring active hair growth. After about 15 minutes, the patient will begin to feel an active rush of heat to the head.

Cryomassage of the head with liquid nitrogen has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect. The scalp becomes more elastic, the formation of pustules noticeably stops due to the fact that treatment with liquid nitrogen balances the secretion of sebum.

Cryomassage of the head

Cryomassage of the head with liquid nitrogen.

How does the procedure work?

As a rule, the procedure is performed with a special applicator, which is a wooden stick with a cotton swab. The applicator is immersed in a vessel with liquid nitrogen, then the composition is applied with light movements along the massage lines. The patient experiences only a slight tingling sensation.

The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a week. Most often, the course of treatment with liquid nitrogen is 10-15 sessions. The duration of 1 session takes no more than 5-8 minutes.

Before performing cryomassage of the scalp, you need to consult with a specialist who will evaluate your performance and possibly determine some contraindications to the procedure. General contraindications include:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Headache.
  3. Tuberculosis.
  4. Acute infectious diseases.

Cryomassage of the head is a completely safe procedure. All kinds of damage to the scalp are completely excluded.